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Fandom After the Avengers


If I cannot reach heaven I will raise Hell.
Read the Overview for RP information and Rules.
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-Ravens P.O.V-

Raven stepped off the jet and walked up to Director Fury. She never thought that she would see him in person, he looked just like they said he would.

"Agent Barnes, never thought i'd be saying that name again." He said, shaking her hand. Raven glanced around, looking for danger, there didn't seem to be anything off, except obviously the several snipers surrounding her on the rooftops, ready to shoot if Fury gave the order.

"Director Fury, you are supposed to be dead." She said, smirking and waiting for an explanation.

"Never mind that Barnes, come meet the team." He said, secretly, walking to the building. Raven stood still for a moment, until she realized she was supposed to follow him.
Maison stood in Director Fury's office awaiting his arrival with the other members of her team. She stood with her hands crossed in front of her chest, glancing around the room she had been in so many times before. Her parents had been in this room. Her parents had had meetings just like she had. She missed them, she knew that and Fury knew that, but no one else knew what went on inside her head. She was just as good at lying as her mother, if not better.
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Alex had arrived back from a recon mission in eastern europe, it had taken him along the Ukranian/Russian border.

The mission had been a resounding success as always. Alex was not one to be prideful but he always got the job done.

He had just finished cleaning himself up when he had been called up to fury's office on the helicarrier.

Making his way up in his Shield uniform, he walked in to see Maison.

Saying nothing he just leaned against a wall waiting in silence for fury to arrive.

@Maison Romanoff
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((Finally back on after like forever.))

Raven was confused, why did Fury want her to team with others. She worked perfectly fine on her own.

"So you might be wondering why I put you on this team." He said, it was a statement that sounded like a question. Raven nodded, watching her surroundings.

"You must be familiar with the Avengers Initiative, well we have decided to revive it." He said seriously, stopping and looking at her.

"I know, i've hacked into all the S.H.E.I.L.D files. Genetic Amalgamation. Really? You guys have stooped so low the past two decades." She said non nonchalantly. Fury looked at her, a waver of shock flashed on his face.

"How did you-"

"When I had free time in between physical and mental training I took up hacking." She said, stepping into the room with the others.

"I'll forget you said that." He murmured, she could see his brain ticking, trying to figure out what she knew.

As she walked into the room she took another look around and only saw two people. "No you wont. Are the rest coming later?" She asked, taking a seat and looking at her teammates.

"Yes. Now sit, lets talk about the Avengers Revival."
Maison looked up as two of her teammates walked in, followed by director Fury. She stood up straighter and looked back and forth between two of her teammates. "Romanoff and Banner. Same mother as I, different father. And you... Rogers and Barnes. I will honestly say that Stucky is like my OTP." She said looking at the girl. She directed her attention back to Fury. "There's obviously a reason that you wanted us here. You know me and you know my motives. You must be desperate." She said to him.

@TheRebelAngel @Haus Of Alaska
Yawning Gemini followed the large form of Fury into the room where he figured the rest of his new teammates were in. He nodded to them in greeting as he recognized their different parentage. Taking a seat against the wall Gemini decided to keep himself entertained be forming small dragons made of fire and making them dance around him.

Chanel’s training included six hours of vigorous training, she practiced hand-to-hand combat and her marksman skills everyday on repeat. It was a constant loop of repetition that she memorized by heart; every single time a muscle flexed or contorted, it was engrained into her head. Chanel knew where to hit certain points before the offender could get a chance to set up his fighting stance. It was so easy to wipe out multiple enemies in a matter of moments. She loved the rush, but after a while it becomes quite taxing.

Fury had been sending her out on solo missions practically back to back for months, so the feelings of exhaustion were really creeping up on her now. He gave her a few days off to recuperate her strength, mumbling something that she stopped listening to when he told her she could have a mini vacation. It was a bad habit she was starting to form lately; she often wonders if Fury even notices that she doesn’t listen to him after a certain point. Now, she really wished she paid attention to Fury’s speech because as she walked down the long corridors to the S.H.I.E.L.D elevator after being paged, she found herself wondering what it was all about. Another terrorist? Weird mutant spider thingy?

Oh, please not another mutant spider. Chanel scrunched her nose at that thought.

As the elevator began its descend and stopped on the floor Fury told her to be on, she stepped off and headed towards the giant door leading into the briefing room. They were a few seats in the room, about four of them were already occupied. One guy was practically having a magic show with a bunch small fiery dragons.

“Okay, who are these weirdos and why am I here?” Chanel announced as she grabbed a chair. She gave the chair a spin and began straddling it; her torso leaning slightly on the back.

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"These weirdos are your new teammates. Might do you some good to not disrespect them." Maison said. "Then again I don't take "weirdo" as an insult, but some might." She added, as she ran her finger along the blade of her katana. "I'm Maison Romanoff. Daughter of Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff. Aka Hawkeye and Black Widow." Maison introduced herself to the others.

Alex stood and looked almost bored at his surroundings. He knew from the others files what their parentages were.

He was completely un-interested, he only cared about getting the job done.

He knew the purpose behind his own "birth". The smarts of Doctor banner and the deadly skills of Natasha Romanov.

This had been the plan after their deaths.

He did not feel like he missed out on anything by not knowing them...most of the time.

Looking up, his face still a neutral mask

So your reviving the Avengers initiative?, who else is to be on this team?"

Vargr, in the form of a hawk sat perched on a near by building directly across from where the Director and the new recruits were. He watched them half amused "So..Fury has decided to revive my old man's group. Tsk. I wonder if this group will get along...I doubt it. History tends to repeat herself."

He watched as the group slowly grew
"Midgardians are a odd bunch...can't believe I'm half." He thought with an annoyed expression on his face.
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@Maison Romanoff[/URL]

A petite red headed girl answered Chanel's question before Fury did. Teammates? What in the world was Fury doing? Chanel could tell before she even uttered the words that she had to related to Natasha, especially so with that red hair. Chanel's eyes watched as Maison's finger slid up one of her blades for a moment before responding, "Ah, I'm Chanel Rogers- Stark which you can clearly already tell who my parents are."

Chanel extended her arm towards Maison signaling a handshake. "Now, what is up with the whole team mate thing?" she asked; confusion coursing deep within her. Another voice piped up asking a question direct to Fury,"So your reviving the Avengers initiative?, who else is to be on this team?" @Haus Of Alaska

"You have got to be kidding me!" Chanel mumbled under her breath. She turned to see who asked that very question and saw that it was a boy possibly around her age with black hair and brown eyes. Chanel could not recall a time where she had seen him around the headquarters; to be honest, she barely paid attention to those who were here most of the time. Majority of the time she was out on assignment, and pretty much saw a mass of new faces every time. She could not be expected to keep track of everyone.

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Alex was pissed by chanel's insult, despite keeping a neutral expression except for one eyebrow raising.

Speaking again in the same tone but the insult clear

"Ok so theres us and the amateur"

he nodded in Chanel's direction

The big question is what happened to cause Shield to re-instate the Avengers initiative?"

He asked, knowing fury did not act without a reason, especially considering none of them worked in a team, they all worked alone

Oh this was hilarious, they were already not getting along. "Fools, and the Director thinks that this could work..." He struggled not to laugh at the situation, when a thought pops into his head
"Loki had practically brought them together, their parents that is, so who is better than the kid of the trickster and Barton to bring them together?"

But it was going to have to wait, he wanted to keep watching the scene unfold before him. They sure are amusing, according to his parents the old Avengers were the same way.
Raven snickered at the group, leaning back on the wall, looking at Fury and shaking her head. He didn't really think that this was gonna work did he? If the real Avengers imploded what did he think was gonna happen with them. On one side, she had a half sister which was pretty cool. Fury finally stepped in.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled, slamming his hand down, silencing the room.

"S.H.I.E.L.D is in danger and hell, they may even be compromised as far as we know. There is a rouge hybrid on the loose, like you all he is the genetic combination of two powerful people. Clint Barton and everyones favorite Asgaurdian Loki. All we know is that Hydra is involved, and with Hydra there is no one thing." He said, rising and pressing a button on his watch. A hologram flickered to show a repeating video of a teenager, killing some Hydra agents and then fleeing the building.

Oh hell no. He is not thinking-

"If it is possible. I would like to send you six in to get him. There is a special container that two well known Agents, Fitz and Simmons have developed specially for them. You are not to kill him unless it it is absolutely necessary is that clear?" He asked, his voice getting more intense at the end. Raven nodded slyly. Its no way this is gonna work.
Letting his dragon's vanish into smoke Gemini leaned back against the wall and shifted slightly to get more comfortable as he watched the other's began to fight. Snorting he shook his head arching a brow at the display. Not even ten minutes in and they are already fighting. Well might as well introduce myself. "I'm Gemini. The kid of Black Widow and Thor. I would say it's a pleasure to meet you all but..."

When Fury stood he smirked and watched the video for any clues. I don't do team's but this could be interesting. Especially considering the dude is basically my cousin.
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"So do we start now or what?" She asked, looking at Gemini and frowning. She could see the features that he had taken from his parents. Widows cheekbones, Thors jaw. Pretty good work if she did say so herself. She looked back at everyone else exasperated. She couldn't waste time with these goons. All they did was argue, they would never get anything done. Not to mention their arguing on the field could get everyone killed. She looked up when Fury began to speak. He is smarter than this, he has to be planning something.

"You will begin the mission when your ready to work together. And right now, I wouldn't hold your breath." He said, turning off the hologram and walking out.
@Haus Of Alaska

Chanel scoffed at the black haired and brown eyed dude’s comment. “Amateur? Excuse me, what crawl up your butt and died? Have you ever battled a mutant spider? Stab a guy with a spoon… in the neck? No… so shut up. Amateur, puh-leeze.”

@Crimson smile

Just as Chanel was turning back to her position to face Fury, she caught sight of an amused look. It was the guy who had been playing “ring a round the dragons” for the past few minutes she had been in the room.

“Hey, it’s not funny.” she said as he snorted. He introduced himself as Gemini and after mentioning who his parents were, it was not hard to actually visualize Thor and Natasha off spring. He fit the description perfectly. Chanel could still hear some laughter in the room, but she rolled her eyes at that. “Well, hello Gemini. As you know, I am Chanel. Daughter of Steve and Tony, of course.” She gave a mock tip of a cowboy hat.


Apparently Fury was tired of watching them because he began yelling with his fists thrusting upon the table. A loud clang echoed through the room which really set her ears ringing.

“Really?” Chanel mumbled. Fury began informing them straight away about how Loki’s and Clint’s kid was wrecking havoc. Like father, like son, she thought. A hologram showed a short video clip of this Loki/ Clint love child killing agents and then taking off.

“I’m sorry what is the point in bringing in someone that dangerous. I say we pop a few bullets into his skull and call it a day.” Chanel said; her hands forming the shape of gun going off. She knew this was beyond a bad idea, no one in this room wanted to work with each other. She didn’t even want to work with any of them.

Fury was obviously losing brain cells if he thought this rag tag team of loners would work; he ended the call with parting words that sounded awfully snarky to Chanel.

Begin the mission when I was ready to work with this group? Cold day in July.
Maison sat there messing with her katana as the others started to argue, saying that they should just kill the kid. "As much as I would like to just get rid of the kid, he's my brother, half, but non the less relative. He's one of the only family I have left, whether he knows it or not. I'm not going to just walk up and slit his throat. Save that for the other HYDRA agents." Maison said.
"He wants us to bring him in. Thats how S.H.I.E.L.D works. Take someone dangerous, try to make them good. If they turn to our side, we keep them. If not, we kill them." She said in a deadpan voice, blowing a bubble in her gum that she hadn't realized she put in her mouth.

There was always an ulterior motive with Fury and she admired that about him, he got shit done.

"Fury wants a team,S.H.E.I.L.D wants a weapon. So, why don't we give them both?" She asked, popping the bubble with a loud snap.

"Oh, and Raven Colbalt Barnes. Assassin, Spy, Soldier and asshole."
Haven't seen you in a while Raven, how is everything?" Maison said with a slight smirk, remembering when the two ran into each other on a couple previous missions.
Raven looked over at the voice and raised her eyebrows. "Fine, hows the Red Room Maison?" She said sarcastically.

Okay this is why no one likes me.
@Maison Romanoff

Chanel rolled her eyes, “Well, somehow you got the saner genes as far as I know. I want Hydra, this kid, and whoever else that could throw a monkey wrench into my schedule eliminated. I don’t take chances; I get results.”


Chanel turned towards Raven, “ I am not about to sit around and wait for someone with Loki’s crazy genes, no offense Maison, to kill me when I had the chance to do so early on. Besides, teams plus me are a no go. I don’t trust any of you especially Mr. Rude guy (
@Haus Of Alaska ).
"I vouch that we keep him alive until he tries to kill us. Then we kill him." Gemini shrugged as he put in his own vote. "After all let's try not to destroy the peace if we can help it. I like getting rid of target's as much as the next guy but killing family isn't big on my to do list currently."
Raven scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Please, you may think you hate working with other people but you have no idea how much I do. If I have to deal with this, so do you and so does everyone else on this goddamn team. You don't like it, you get get the hell out and fend for yourself because it is no way in hell we can bring in a half Asguardian acting like this. Suck it up and play friendly or get killed, its your fuckin' choice. " She said, irritated. She heard Gemini speak and pointed at him. "At least someone on this team isn't a complete egotistic dumbass." @BlueLikeATardis @Crimson smile

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