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Fandom After the Avengers (Main characters closed, SHIELD Agents still open)

TheRebelAngel said:
Thanks, I would have watched it otherwise
You honestly just dodge a giant bullet right now.

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TheRebelAngel said:
xD Was it that bad?
Probably not as bad as I making it, but you will instantly become irritated by the story switch around. Events that happened towards the middle of the book are towards the beginning, some plots are completely forgotten, and tons of other junk. Can you imagine young!me furiously critiquing the plot inconsistencies? My mother had to keep telling me to take a chill pill.
TheRebelAngel said:
You write English better than a lot of Americans so don't be too hard on yourself. And thanks for lurking, I know that sounds weird but its cool to have people following the story.
Thank you! I like reading stories as much as writing them, and I cannot bring enough books to the office. At least I'm allowed to bring my personal laptop and using it when it's quiet... so I'll definitely lurk around here, too! *Gollam*
BlueLikeATardis said:
Probably not as bad as I making it, but you will instantly become irritated by the story switch around. Events that happened towards the middle of the book are towards the beginning, some plots are completely forgotten, and tons of other junk. Can you imagine young!me furiously critiquing the plot inconsistencies? My mother had to keep telling me to take a chill pill.
I can imagine it and its hilarious xD

LadyStanhope said:
Thank you! I like reading stories as much as writing them, and I cannot bring enough books to the office. At least I'm allowed to bring my personal laptop and using it when it's quiet... so I'll definitely lurk around here, too! *Gollam*
I know that feel, ive run out of books and I don't have the time to go buy more so I just read fanfiction and roleplays.
[QUOTE="Haus Of Alaska]so who starts us off :P

Im heading to school. So my wifis gonna be out for about 5-6 minuets. I can start us up when im back online.
I feel like we should each choose a font and a color for the rp so we know who is who easily.

I will do Courier New with this purple. (if we do)
TheRebelAngel said:
Im heading to school. So my wifis gonna be out for about 5-6 minuets. I can start us up when im back online.
In the overview, when you say "some develop their abilities naturally through genetics, and some were more...Forced."

Are the ones that are forced made in like a genetic bowl or something? I assume this mostly applies towards the male pairings.

[QUOTE="Maison Romanoff]I feel like we should each choose a font and a color for the rp so we know who is who easily.
I will do Courier New with this purple. (if we do)

I will be font Special Elite and I will be the color green.
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im guesing cuz i dont think stark and banner would be able t have a kid so most of us are test tube babies lol
BlueLikeATardis said:
In the overview, when you say "some develop their abilities naturally through genetics, and some were more...Forced."
Are the ones that are forced made in like a genetic bowl or something? I assume this mostly applies towards the male pairings.

I will be font Special Elite and I will be the color green.
It means that they were put in special situations that forced them to use certain abilities. Like in example, if Maison was a bookworm that would rather be in charge of reading files about people they would put her on set up missions where she would get ambushed until she was as excellent in fighting as their parents. Stuff like that.
Talon said:
im guesing cuz i dont think stark and banner would be able t have a kid so most of us are test tube babies lol
That's what I had meant to say. Test tube babies. Lol, I said genetic bowl.

TheRebelAngel said:
It means that they were put in special situations that forced them to use certain abilities. Like in example, if Maison was a bookworm that would rather be in charge of reading files about people they would put her on set up missions where she would get ambushed until she was as excellent in fighting as their parents. Stuff like that.
Oh ok, my post will be up shortly.
Talon said:
im guesing cuz i dont think stark and banner would be able t have a kid so most of us are test tube babies lol
Yea, all of them are genetic combinations, they took the chromosomes from each person and made babies out of them.

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