Story Ægon The Foresworn


King of Transformers
Name: Aegon of Avon
Alias: The First Champion, The Forsaken
Age: 38
Stature: 5’ 6”, 165 lbs.
Race: Prium
Sexuality: Does not feel (but straight)
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Aegon is a good man, but is the strong silent type. When his words are said, they well thought and carefully crafted. He wasn’t always this way. Once upon a. Time, he was kind and outgoing, joyful even. Time made him strong tough. Nowadays, he doesn’t feel much. His emotions are barely visible in his face or in his actions. If he let himself feel, the world around him would crumble. He would remember the loss of his people, his arm, his lover. . .
- Isotopic belt:
Increases his own power and allows him to increase the power of those around him.
- Phantom limb creation: as the name states, Aegon can create an artificial limb from hard light. It is stronger than his normal. It can also be shaped by his thoughts. Needs to concentrate.
- Hard light constructs: allows Aegon to create hard light constructs around him, but only if he is holding/touching it. Shields, spears, swords, anything he can dream.
- Can release blasts of cosmic energy from his belt & phantom arm.

Alien Physiology:
Comparable to Super soldiers, the species of Prium are a strong alien race. His Increased traits:
- Super strength - 2 tons. Durability
- Enhanced Speed
- Night Vision
- adaptable: the people of Prium can adapt their physiology to match the attack. This can come in harder skin, reflective surfaces, or a small deflection field.
- Trained in Martial arts, sword play, melee weapons, & ranged weapons.

- Belt charge: the belt will naturally deplete as Aegon uses it. It will recharge over time when not in use, but may take over a day to fully charge. If he conjures solely his arm, it will run out in 5 hours.

- Blind Rage: even though he is a good man, Aegon is prone to going on a rampage attacking anyone in his path. His abilities turn red and he becomes greatly stronger, but the belt drains swiftly. At his strongest, this will last only 15 minutes.

- Take the belt away, and he’s just another alien, able to be killed by many means.

- If attacked in multiple ways, the adaptation skill will fail as it can’t adapt to everything. It also tires the user out the greater the adaptation. It also cannot adapt to everything. High energy bursts, intense radiation to name a few.

Backstory: Long before people were flying in sky’s on earth, the people of Prium were conquering the stars. With their unique adaptive ability, no one stood in their way. Every civilization came to a faulter at their hands. The mighty Asgardians were the only people able to keep them at bay.

It was at this point they discovered the helm of truth. It allowed the user to be at one with the world around them. To be a part of life and guides it’s energies to do good. Those who used it for wrong, took life on a grand scale. No one could have this for it was too great. The helm showed them that a bigger person to not battle than to wage galactic war. With helm in their possession, they moved back to their own planet, becoming pascifists.

Years later, the Grandmaster chose their world for conquering. The people would make great slaves due to their unique physiology. They wouldn’t tire easily and could live under harsh environments. They could also be a good addition to his games, a pre show to his main events.

Aegon was born during this era of slavery. He was always told to follow the rules even though their superiors were weaker than them. How could they sit by, be forced to do such horrid tasks, and be ok with it? From then on, he began to teach himself martial arts and other old ways of war. Some veterans who survived the old age assisted him in secret. It was around this time he fell in love. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

With months of training, and recapture of the helm of truth. With it, Aegon made his move; first, he freed the miners. Then he moved upwards rank after rank until he faced the grandmaster himself. The Dictator offered a chance to free his people for good; a tournament to prove his worth. Aegon reluctantly agreed. Soon it was underway with Aegon sweeping the floor with all the champions. The only one which stood in his way was the final champion, the beast full of rage and pure aggression.
It got stronger the more you hit it. The battle was scarce. His lover had come to his assistance, but he shooed her away. Caught in the crossfire, the only thing he could do was watch as He, the beast, & his lover were caught in explosion from the mighty helm. His eyes were dazed, life felt far away. Where was he? Looking around, only a crater remained of the person he loved & the beast. His own arm had been blown off in the explosion. He had won, but at what cost?

The grandmaster applauded his efforts, even giving him an isobelt to commemorate his victory. Aegon sat on the concrete below trying to gain his breath, to not break down into tears.

His people were grateful to be liberated, but they scolded Aegon for his ways. They could have found a better way. Doing what they thought best, the Prium people took the helm back & exiled Aegon to never return home.

Aegon seeks to prove his worth to his people & reclaim the helm. Not for lust of power, but to help those on other worlds unable to help themselves.



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