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Fandom (Adventure Time)- GumLee RP



(Character: Played by)

Marshall Lee:

P. Gumball: LinkLove93



Ice Queen:


(Others will be added if posted)


No god modding, be civil OOC, No more than 2 characters, give people ample time for responses, people have lives outside of roleplay and we need to remember that.
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Gumball dinked around with a new recipe he'd been coming up with for days. He loved to experiment. His current creation was a vanilla, almond, strawberry custard filled, chocolate, chocolate chip exterior cream puff with lavender cream frosting. It was fairly late in the afternoon, already having been dark for at least a couple hours. Suddenly a ground shuttering crack of thunder bellowed across the sky, startling Gumball into dropping his mixing bowl and spoon with a 'clang' to the candy castle's floor. He whimpered quietly a moment and bent down to pick up the utensils, though half of his mixture had spilled onto the floor. Gumball sighed,
"What the flip, why does a storm have to start right when I was getting to the best part of making these?" He grumbled to himself. Little known to most, Gumball was, for whatever reason, afraid of storms. Wind and rain whipped through the open kitchen window and Gumball sauntered over to close it before the rain soaked the floor.

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