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Colosseum ADVENT DAWN (XCOM 2 Campaign Roleplay)

XCOM RP, I tagged the people I though might be interested. Check the IC RP, the overview, then head over to character sign-up
I appreciate the invite, but I've got XCOM 2 sitting in my Steam library and if I'm going to play an XCOM-inspired RP I'd rather see something original attempted with the concept.

Good luck and have fun, though.
Also note that as soon as we get enough squad units we can begin Gatecrasher (the opening mission of XCOM2). That's around four troops, and you can create as many as you want. I will announce as soon as we're ready.
gogojojo331 said:
Hey…I'm new to dice rp…
There really isn't much to this thread's Dice RP. All soldiers have HP, Aim, and Will, at rookie starting values of 5, 65, and 25. Use a 100 sided online dice to roll with three steps:

Example: "Examplio" is taking a shot at an ADVENT trooper behind a park bench (low cover).

Examplio's Aim is 65. The ADVENT trooper's low cover provides a -20 modifier.

Examplio must roll 45 or below to hit; anything higher will result in a miss.

He rolls a 62; he misses the trooper. Had the trooper been out of cover, he would have had to roll for 65, and as such would have hit.

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