Adonis and Carissa

A Mysterious Figure

French Horns Are Better Than Trombones

"Love is fine and dandy, but nobody could survive without some good old fashioned lust. Bloodlust, sexual lust, it's all the same to us."

Name: Adonis and Carissa

Nickname: The Lusters/The Lovers

Biological Age: Both have been alive for 18 years.

Appears To Be Age: Adonis looks to be around 23, while Carissa looks to be 17/18.

Gender: Adonis is male and Carissa is female.

Species: Demon

Power: Adonis is pyrokinetic while Carissa is cryokinetic.

Secondary Abilities: 


- Pyroportation

- Self Detonation

- Geothermokinesis


- Frigokinesis

- Ice Mimicry

- Cryokinetic Constructs


Adonis and Carissa are the one and only known couple in the Abyss to have never ended up killing each other... so far. Their passion and lust for one another is unrivalled by anything, and the chemistry they stir up makes it difficult to even be close by. They are very flirty, flirting with both each other and anyone else around them, and often toy with other peoples emotions, leading them astray before pouncing and shattering their hearts. They don't believe in love, considering lust to be the true key to ones heart, and they use this to manipulate and destroy whomever they choose.


Adonis and Carissa have been together since, well, since forever. They seem to have always been in lust also, and have an undeniable tension between them that is obvious to everyone in the room. They are quite powerful, nearing the end of their training, and have even made it to the Portals on their own, working together with their contrasting powers. On Earth, they create people known as 'players', those who like to toy with people hearts, use them for sex or power, and then drop them. They enjoy it, calling it 'bonding time'. They often seek out relationships of their own, and are not in a monogamous relationship, as that would spoil the 'fun'. Despite this, they are clearly devoted to each other and will show no mercy if something happened to their other half.



Strength: 6

Speed: 3

Endurance: 4 +2

Agility: +2

Luck: +2

Intelligence: 4 +2

Cunning: 12

Charisma: 14 +4

Intimidation: 8

Final Stats:

Strength: 6

Speed: 3

Endurance: 6

Agility: 6

Luck: 7

Intelligence: 6

Cunning: 12

Charisma: 18

Intimidation: 8


Strength: 3

Speed: 3

Endurance: +2

Agility: +2

Luck: +2

Intelligence: 10 +2

Cunning: 13

Charisma: 16 +4

Intimidation: 1

Final Stats:

Strength: 3

Speed: 3

Endurance: 4

Agility: 8

Luck: 8

Intelligence: 12

Cunning: 13

Charisma: 20

Intimidation: 1

Additional Abilities: Both have Dancer and Joker.

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