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Fantasy Acries, The Kingdom of Prophecy


President of Loserville
All across the magical realm of Acries, there is a tense feeling of unease. It spreads like wildfire, and now that the once mighty faerie King Armagon, the son of Oberon, is on his death bed, even the nobility has begun to feel restless. The palace searches for a cure to his illness, yet even the most powerful sage can not seem to diagnose him. Among all of these, is said to be a prophecy, instilled with an ancient legacy that tells of wonderful powers. Of the powers to destroy whole nations, of powers to raise even the dead. The prophecy is this.

'They will leave as quickly as they arrive,

Rapidly onward, their power shall rise

Their coming shall mark the dawn of the endless night.

Still, their arrival shall show us the light,

They shall walk among us, but be not of us,

To us, they shall look down with disgust,

Twilight shall be their world,

Be they boy or girl,

And although all lands shall be their domain,

Tucked away in small corners, they will remain,

They shall be the immortal champion,

The power to heal or destroy, they shall know of Rampion,

Their mind shall suffer eternal pain,

Until they are no more and yet are again.'

Knights everywhere are searching for the one they call 'The Chosen One', along with many poorer people, searching instead for the bounty issued for them. There are also magical creatures, many of them. The wise, the enchanted. Dragons too, look for them. Elves search in their woodland homes. None can find them. Perhaps it is because they are looking for the wrong thing. Perhaps, instead of looking among the strong, they should search among the weak. Perhaps instead of looking for one being, they should look for many.

(Join as one of 'The Chosen' or as someone searching. Any race allowed, although all characters must have a viable reason for searching- for example loyalty to the King, or want of reward money. Chosen ones must have one main theme to powers- for example a dreamer, who then may be able to see things in dreams, or control other's dreams. Above all, have fun!

Character Sheet


Alias (If applicable):

Title (If applicable):






Hair Colour:

Hair Length:


Eye Colour:

Typical clothing style:

Birthmarks (If applicable):

Tattoos(If applicable):

Scars(If applicable):

Criminal Status (If applicable):



Languages & Dialects Spoken:


Character History:


Significant Other(s):





(If searching for Chosen ones)

Reasons for Searching:

Skills that may help:



Anything Especially Unique?:

(If Chosen One)



Reason for Hiding:

Have you met any other 'Chosen Ones'?:

Have you heard about the 'Chosen One'?:
Character Sheet

Name: Chance Mallory

Alias (If applicable): 'Friend of the Imps' 'Little Guardian'

Title (If applicable): N/A

Age: 2, 476

Gender: Male

Race/Ethnicity/Species: Cursed Human

Height: 5"2

Weight: 90 lb

Hair Colour: Sandy Blonde

Hair Length: Short

Hairstyle: Chance's hair isn't styled a particular way, often being messy and unkempt.

Eye Colour: A vivid green, with flecks of yellow.

Typical clothing style: He usually wears peasants clothes, and utterly refuses to remove a ring tied around his neck using dirty string.

Birthmarks (If applicable): N/A

Tattoos(If applicable): N/A

Scars(If applicable): He has a large scar across his back, and a smaller one across his palm.

Criminal Status (If applicable): Wanted

Occupation: Pick-Pocket

Hobbies: Playing, Flying, Talking to Imps and other trouble-making Faeries

Languages & Dialects Spoken: Latin, English

Talents/Skills: Chance is an excellent thief, liar and all-round trickster, as well as playing the flute, and being strangely good at baking.

Character History: Chance was cursed by a dragon (after pulling one too many pranks) to eternal youth and immortality. It may sound fun, but after a couple of centuries of making a new life for yourself, when you see everyone die around you...It's not fun anymore. He intensely dislikes dragons, and has slayed more than one in his lifetime. He was taken in by a group of Piskies, and (as they live for a long damn time) they have become like family to him. He was granted the use of flight, even though he has no wings.

Family: Mother (Deceased), Father (Deceased), Brother (Deceased), Cousin (Deceased)

Significant Other(s): N/A

Personality: He is incredibly childish, and very competitive. He is constantly joking around, and as far as anyone knows, he's never once seemed even remotely angry. However, he carries a deep burden, and although he'd never let it show (He doesn't want to make anyone upset) he often feels sad or angry. He deeply cares for the forest, as well as the many creatures who live there, and has a tenderness towards pranksters, as he often sees past their tricks.

Habits: He loves salt, and carries it with him everywhere, using it as a replacement to sugar.

Likes: Salt, Imps, Pranks, Jokes, Laughter, The Forest, Smiling

Dislikes: Jerks, Dragons, Knights, Losing, Boredom, The Curse, Idiots

Reasons for Searching: He was bet by an Imp that he couldn't find the chosen one. Given his intensely competitive nature, there was no way he was going to lose.

Skills that may help: His 'job' as a pick-pocket helped him to pick up on peoples emotions, as well as their reactions.

Dreams: To make the whole world smile.

Fears: Being caught by a Knight and having to rot in a cell forever. What? He has a short attention span.

Anything Especially Unique?: He is able to fly, allowing him to see things from above, and cover distances more easily.

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