

Six Thousand Club
Character Sheet



Age: 23

"Don't let the looks fool you, I'm an old man at heart. 



(He has no right eye.)


(His old gang Mask)

Height: 6 Feet

Build: Medium build, weighing in at about 170lbs 


At a young age, Ace had always been fascinated with the idea of magic and card tricks.  However, his mother and father were A) anti-magic supporters and B) poor as dirt. This did not stop him, however, and as soon as he hit 18, he left to find a school in New Atlantis that would take him in. Having no money, he resorted to black market gangs and was taken under the wings of the world famous gang syndicate known as The Reapers. He was given a small position as a trainee and soon worked his way up to being a leader.  however, the leaders of the Reaper remained anonymous to even each other, so as to have complete denial in being part of the gang.

Ace loved it. Being a gang lord, having power, having freedom. Even Ace will admit it got him a swelled head. On one mission, at the age of 22, he decided to do one thing that no one in the Reapers would dare do.  Disobey direct orders. He was told to steal a certain amount of money from a local bank, but he got cocky. Turns out the patrons and workers at the bank were bribed by the Reapers to be bumbling idiots for only a certain amount of time, and he could only take a certain amount. He squandered that time by being greedy.  He got a bullet in the face for that by one of the cops. It miraculously only grazed his eye. He could stand losing an eye. Restoration mages on the black market would get him a new one once the money was clean. 

However, losing his girlfriend was never part of the plan. 

The gang burned down his house, her house, and the houses of some of his friends to just send a message. Problem is, they never checked the houses to see if they were still inside.  After attending(and paying for) her funeral, he went to work on his plan for revenge. His first plan of action, Find another gang. Then make the gang stronger, establish a network so he can know who he needs to kill and where to take them down. Finally, Burn The Reapers to the ground. To remind him of his newfound purpose, he will never get his eye back until his girlfriend is avenged. 

Outlook: He is a very cynical man, who is willing to work for hire on pay in information and/or money. 

Temperament: After learning that you don't tick off certain people the hard way, he's never really tried to get people riled up too much.   

Notable Possessions:  "My Deck, of course." 

Combat Style: He was taught in the style of Manipulation, but since his methods are a bit tricky, he likes to fight on his terms, and as such tends to not fight at all unless he's paid. He also stays cautious of his  

Equipment: His deck is imbued with magical properties that can manifest in any way, such as summons, magic, or weapons. He can also combine the cards for more powerful spells. The catch is that he can never choose wich card comes up...or at least, he's never tried. Keep in mind, that all the cards start out as small attacks, but multiple versions fo the cards, or combining the cards can make bigger spells, such as 1 fire card= a small blaze, 2 fire cards= a fire ball. and so on. after he uses 60 cards, he has to take 1 minute to 'reload' the deck. 

Misc: (Any extra details you would like to include about your character that doesn't really fit anywhere else. Optional, delete if not used.)

Theme Song: (A piece of music that feels like your character or resonates with them in some way. Optional, delete if not used.)
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Hey man good to see you again. I like the app so far, I just have a few issues that it'd be good to get out in front of. 

1. It's important to note that magical crime is pretty much limited to New Atlantis, there aren't really world famous syndicates as such, within the city there are more famous and less famous gangs but the outside world tends to lump them together as one so if Ace is from outside the city he would have to go there to fall in with a gang, they aren't international deals yet. 

2. What you're describing in terms of robbing a bank and bribing an officer, (New Atlantis is run by a group called the silencers who have a very antagonistic relationship with the mages they ostensibly administrate) is pretty rare, most gangs hate Silencers and would refuse to work with them in that way, most Silencers probably feel the same way, they are basically holed up in a big fortress in the middle of the city. That's fine, I'm just letting you know that that would make the Reapers and this incident in particular unusual and notable, NPCS and other characters might comment on it. 

3. I'm a bit concerned that this deck of cards sounds a bit too powerful if it can accomplish such varied effects, such an item would be extremely difficult to acquire especially if it's not something Ace or someone from his school could make for him. I'm also curious to see you expand on his actual magic and how that ties into his deck of cards, though that's probably just a part of it being a WiP.
Hey man good to see you again. I like the app so far, I just have a few issues that it'd be good to get out in front of. 

1. It's important to note that magical crime is pretty much limited to New Atlantis, there aren't really world famous syndicates as such, within the city there are more famous and less famous gangs but the outside world tends to lump them together as one so if Ace is from outside the city he would have to go there to fall in with a gang, they aren't international deals yet. 

2. What you're describing in terms of robbing a bank and bribing an officer, (New Atlantis is run by a group called the silencers who have a very antagonistic relationship with the mages they ostensibly administrate) is pretty rare, most gangs hate Silencers and would refuse to work with them in that way, most Silencers probably feel the same way, they are basically holed up in a big fortress in the middle of the city. That's fine, I'm just letting you know that that would make the Reapers and this incident in particular unusual and notable, NPCS and other characters might comment on it. 

3. I'm a bit concerned that this deck of cards sounds a bit too powerful if it can accomplish such varied effects, such an item would be extremely difficult to acquire especially if it's not something Ace or someone from his school could make for him. I'm also curious to see you expand on his actual magic and how that ties into his deck of cards, though that's probably just a part of it being a WiP.

Thanks for the advice! I wrote this at 12 in the morning, so... Forgive me for my wrongs lol
yeah no worries, all of the background information is a bit disorganised at the moment so I sort of expected this stuff. I need to go through it and organise a Cliff's notes version.
yeah that's much more likely, civilians would be more likely to go along with something like that, especially if their own safety was on the line.
looks good, It would also be great if you expanded on your combat style by making a lesser school of magic.

The template is here so just post that as a new thread in the codex section, there's an example school in their as well so refer to that if you aren't sure. 
6 hours ago, AtlannianSpy said:

looks good, It would also be great if you expanded on your combat style by making a lesser school of magic.

The template is here so just post that as a new thread in the codex section, there's an example school in their as well so refer to that if you aren't sure. 


If you need someone to make your character new cards, that's kind of what Serena does for a living. Creates and enchants magical weapons for people.

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