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/monthly_2016_09/imageproxy.jpg.f2efe95e3c55efabfbf94dc07c4146b0.jpgDr. James Cameron






March 28






Female, she/her


James is a small girl, with fiery red hair down to her waist and brown eyes. She's got a thin face with high cheekbones, a button nose, and a rosy set of full lips that compliment her pale skin.
        Height: 5'1                                        Weight: 115 lbs



 James is a bit shy, and doesn't talk a lot, but when she does, what comes out of her mouth is brilliant. She's funny, intelligent, and attentive, and not good around new people. 


-The Dark 

-New People




James grew up on a farm, miles out from Highland, miles out even from the closet town. She grew up with animals, and even from a young age, her father butchered the animals in front of her. To toughen her up, he said. If she was going to carry on the family business, she would need to be able to handle the blood. Well, she didn't want to run a farm. For a long time, she didn't know what she wanted to do. When she was about 12, she was playing out in the fields with the son of one of her father's employees, playing hide and seek in the huge bales of hay. There was an accident involving a tractor, and long story short, the boy died and James was helpless to save him. That's when she decided she wanted to help people. Her shyness wasn't a problem until college, as she'd been homeschooled all through high school, from which she graduated two years early. She never made any friends in college, and because of her lack of social interaction, she had high grades and graduated with honors as valedictorian. During Med School, she learned that surgeons were the best of the best, and as she supposed she was the best, James went for Surgery.


Why You Became a Surgeon:

She wanted to help people, and surgery was where the best of the best did that.







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/monthly_2016_09/57e1cf1265cf6_imageproxy(1).jpg.26c89847a152b5648b913703d9c8cbfb.jpgDr. Mark Logan

Age: 38Birthday: December 1Sexuality: HeterosexualGender: Male, he/him

Logan is tall and muscular, but slender. He's got chin length black wavy hair, that's usually quite messy from running his hands through it. His eyes are a light grey-green, with long dark lashes. His skin is a carmel color that's complemented by the contrasting dark and light of his hair and eyes.Height: 6'1Weight: 194 lbs

Personality: Inside the hospital and outside the hospital lead to two very different Logan's. At the hospital, he's calm, demanding, intimidating, and powerful. He's the head of Neurosurgery, and he is a rockstar. No one questions his judgement, and he always gets what he wants. Outside the hospital, the guy's a partier, and a player. His friends and family keep bugging him to settle down, but instead he sleeps with a continuously rotating cast of players. Flirtatious, and slightly erratic, Logan is oft found in a bar or club. Likes/Dislikes:+Rain-Patients Dying+Flirting-Being Told No+Operating on the Inoperable-Being Asked About His FamilyVices/Virtues:+Intelligent-Arrogant+Talented-Easily Angered+Confident-CockyBiography: Logan comes from a long line of Cardiothoracic, Neuro, and Pediatric Surgeons. His father was a Cardio Rockstar, his mother one of the best Pediatric Surgeons in the country. He didn't get a lot of time with his parents, and he and his brothers were raised by a Nanny. His resulting childhood was okay, practically being raised by a really rich single mom. His playboy habits started in highschool, and never went away, even now at 38. Those habits were the thing that got him through the stress of med school, and then the stress of residency. Though he comes off as a bit of an arrogant prick, he's a god in the eyes of his patients, as his specialty is operating on things that are considered inoperable, giving terminal patients the best chance they have. Simply another way of bringing the thrill he craves into the profession he didn't really want.Why You Became a Surgeon: If he hadn't become a surgeon, he likely would have been disowned.Position: Neuro Attending


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Kiaria Reeh


Birthday: Dec 5

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female, She, Her

Brief Description: South Korean with shoulder length black hair and brown eyes.

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 94 lbs.

Personality: Easy going, quick to laugh, and seems to have trouble taking things seriously. However, she's also quick witted and focused, and acts professional during serious or life-threatening situations.

Likes: Shopping, video games, people in general, adrenaline

Dislikes: Cats, people who can't take jokes, uneducated people telling her how to do her job.

Vices: Handheld gaming, jokes, sarcasm

Virtues: Emergency response training, quick/practical thinking, wanting to learn

Biography: Kiaria was born while her parents were moving from South Korea to America. Luckily, the airplane was in U.S. airspace, making Kiaria a U.S. citizen. Her Japanese father and South Korean mother named their daughter Kiaria, meaning fortune, because of this miraculous luck.

Kiaria was soon the oldest of five children, with three brothers and one sister, while living in Montana. Her mother was constantly overwhelmed with the excessive children, so Kiaria helped out where she could. Kiaria's father worked as a computer repairman, and often brought his work home with him. Between changing diapers and cooking dinner, Kiaria would watch him work on delicate motherboards. One day, one of Kiaria's brothers was attacked by a rabid cat. After fending off the cat, Kiaria's father rushed her brother to the hospital, with Kiaria in tow. When the finally arrived at the hospital, Kiaria asked her father what the doctors were going to do to her brother. Her father said they were going to fix her brother, much like how he fixed computers. It was then Kiaria knew what she wanted to do with her life.

Kiaria studied intensely throughout high school, learning of the strict requirements to become a surgeon. Her parents encouraged her to follow her dreams, but one major problem would be the cost. Without a scholarship, Kiaria wouldn't be able to finish medical school. Soon after, a desperate Kiaria talked to a Coast Guard recruiter, learning about the G.I. bill and other schooling benefits. Before the end of her sophomore year, and with her parent's permission, Kiaria enlisted in the Coast Guard as a Health Service technician. Physical training mixed with Kiaria's normal study routine worked to prepare her for military life. In the Coast Guard, Kiaria spent much of her free time for studying for college. However, due to the lifestyle of the military, she had to serve an extra two years to receive her Bachelor's Degree.

After declining reenlistment, Kiaria had to wait several months before she could submit applications. She filled this time with video games, something she never had time to play before. This new hobby soon became an addiction, and it was only after realizing it was time to submit applications did Kiaria start practicing moderation. After getting accepted into medical school, Kiara balanced school, exercise, and gaming, costing her a social life outside of a couple of workout buddies. This lasted for the duration of med school, where Kiaria graduated in the top 15% of her class.

Why She Became a Surgeon: Kiaria wanted to fix people like her dad fixed computers. While she can't just fix a couple of wires to make people work again, as she once pictured it, Kiaria never wanted to do anything else.

Position: Intern.

Any Additional Information: Speaks fluent English and Korean, and can translate Japanese well enough in conversation.
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Dr. Julian Pryce


Age: 40

Birthday: February 18

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Male

Brief description: Tall, reasonably muscular with short brown hair and hazel eyes.

Height: 6'4

Weight: 190 lbs

Personality: Julian is polite and polished at nearly all times- "Keep Calm and Carry On" seems to be his personal mantra. He is also very dedicated to his job and deeply respects his team (nurses, perfusionist, etc.). He is also a surgeon who's only lost 22% of patients. However, he has little tolerance for those that fail to meet his standards.


+ People who meet his standards

-People who don't meet his standards

+Saving lives

-Close calls

-Patient deaths

+His Tesla (car)

+Thai food


-Misplacing things

-People who disrespect nurses (especially nurses that work with him)

+Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres)



+Cares deeply about his colleagues




-A perfectionist

-Will completely disregard the other person's feelings if he feels that they have messed up or don't meet his standards (can be incredibly caustic)

-Somewhat overworked

-Hides his emotions

History: Julian was born to a middle-class family- his dad was an IT worker, while his mom was a homemaker. Then, one fateful day, when Julian was eight, his mother's heart condition began to act up. She was rushed to the hospital, where it was determined that she needed surgery. Unfortunately, the surgeon in charge left a scalpel inside of her. This scalpel stabbed her in the heart, killing her, and it was ruled as an accident. Since then, Julian resolved to become a better surgeon than the one who killed his mother, leading to his 22% record (and his perfectionism and high standards).

Julian also did several stints with Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) since he was in his early thirties, traveling to places such as India and Thailand. Even when he left at thirty-seven, he still donates a sizable amount to the organization.

Why he became a surgeon: So that he could save lives and make sure (in his mind) that fewer people died due to negligence like his mom.

Position: Cardiothoracic Attending

Misc: Speaks fluent English and Hindi, decent Thai, and understands French.
Character Sheet

Name: Megan Forest  



Age: 28

Birthday: April 2nd

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Female


Brief Description: Blonde hair that comes to the shoulder and soft hazel eyes, hidden behind thick framed glasses. Megan considers herself average in every way. Fit from years of pep rallies and running, Megan keeps her figure hidden beneath knit clothing and layers of clothing.


Weight: 150 pounds





- Children

+ Solitude

+ Intellectual stimulation

- Social obligations

- Being micro managed


- Occasional smoking

- Aggressive driving

- OCD cleaning when overwhelmed or upset

+ Objective

+ Abstract thinker

+ Honest and Straightforward




Megan had an interesting childhood. By age eight her parents had divorced and like in most cases, Megan's mother took custody of her and her younger brother. After a few years, their mother had a new love interest and quickly married. Unfortunately the two children were caught in the middle of a less than ideal situation. Their mother had an undiagnosed narcissistic disorder. While their new step father had borderline personality disorder. They made horrid pair.

 To complicate matters, Megan had the misfortune of looking more like her father than her mother. This caused her mother to direct most of her anger and distain on the poor girl. Her mother also had a dire need for attention, thanks to her narcissistic tendencies. With her mother also suffering from type one diabetes, it was often used as another way for her mother to get attention. Manipulating her sugars, to go dangerously low or high whenever she was desiring attention.

With her home life so rocky, Megan focused on school. Taking advantage of every after school project she could. Finding her best friend on the pep team, Sara and Megan were inseparable. The day Megan turned 18, she moved in with Sara and her family until they could afford their own apartment and never looked back.

Only after a great deal of counseling and therapy was Megan able to come to terms with the sad reality of her childhood. What she was able to take away from it was, a fascination with the medical field. Despite having such a negative experience as a child with her Mother's mile long medical records, she always had been curious about the medicine. Part of her wondered if her mother's issues had been caught and cured at a younger age, if she could have turned out differently.

Megan had been pursuing a career as a veterinarian until a car crash at the age of 20. Megan was left, more or less, unharmed. Her best friend from high school, was badly injured. While, Sara lost her left leg, she survived. A few months after Sara's recovery, Megan became an intern.

Why You Became A Surgeon: To change people's fates. Give people a quality of life no matter the prognosis.


Position: General intern

Any Additional Information: Nail biter. 


Jaylene LaVexen









November 11th









Brief Description:

Currently going through a drastic trauma, Jay's naturally, just below shoulder length. culry hair is a dark purple color. When she straightens her curls, they reach almost to her waist. Her hazel eyes contrast with her mocha colored skin. Despite her long legs, she stands at about 5'4.





About 133 lbs.




Jay is described as having many different ways she acts towards different groups. Around kids, she this caring person who also tries to put the kids she operates on on the same level as she. Around others, she's caring but to a certain extent. She kind has a negative personaltiy, due to her history with people. Her sarcasm and blunt ways makes it slightly difficult to get close to her and that's the way she likes it. She finds that keeping people at arms length will help her later on in the future. If you're able to get past her defenses, she'll eventually start to open up to you and become the best person you'll ever meet. She's fun and knows how to have a good time and will genuinely make your life better. Her loyalty is beyond compare but if you cross her, betray her, hurt her in any way, she will destroy you and everything you stand for. Eventually, she will forgive you but she will never forget when you wronged her. When it comes to relationships, she doesn't like them. Everytime she gets into one, she gets her heart broken. And if one does manage to capture her heart, well. Good luck.













+Kind (Towards kids)

-Too much emotion into cases






Jaylene had a fairly normal life, parents that loved each other, sibling rivalries, the whole normal family thing. Until her father died. For whatever reason, she was closer to her father than she was to her mother and out of their family of 6 it hit her the hardest. Perhaps it was because she was the youngest or maybe it was how close she was to him but it hurt more than ever. Her father was a lawyer and in the beginning, she tried to follow in his footsteps after she had graduated from high school. Ironically, it wasn't until her ex-boyfriend, who was a pre-med student basically introduced her to the world of medicine. It was immediately then she decided to dedicate her life to try and save the lives of others since she couldn't save her fathers.


Why You Became A Surgeon:

A deep, dark secret but she uses her father's death as the reason.





Pediatric Attending


Any Additional Information:

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Name:Dr. Jace Grayson
Image: (realistic or drawing, no anime pls)
Sexuality: Straight
Brief Description:Tatted, Spikey hair, and medium height, with Crystal blue eyes. Babyfaced often questioned on his actual age, Physically fit, and chiseled features and a scar above his left eye. 
Personality:Jace is an arrogant, hotshot, whose ambition and incessant need to prove people wrong drives most of what he does. He is compassionate but that takes back seat to his need to be correct. He is strong willed and often times 

challenges his superiors. He is fearless but tends to be a bit irrational. Jace is insecure and feels that if he isn't believed in it is because he isn't good enough. He is slightly a control freak who is obsessed with succeeding. The family is of utmost importance to him and more importantly loyalty is one of his defining traits.
Likes/Dislikes:Jace likes dogs, proving people right, all things star wars and piano. He absolutely hates, not being believed in. Sunny days. Vegetarians. and cigarettes.
Vices/Virtues:Vices:Arrogant, Addict, Headstrong,condescending/ Virtues:Compassionate, Loyal, intelligent, and driven.  
Biography:Jace was born and raised as an army brat, he had a mother who did everything in her power to please his father and a father who didn't believe in him. He moved from state to state growing up and found that making friends was never easy for him. Jace was an anti-social person who refused to be anything anyone wanted him to be, or what they thought he would be. His mother died in a car accident when he was 13 leaving him with his father. His father routinely made it known that his son would never be anything more than his living breathing suitcase and nothing more. Jace hated his father but more than that he hated himself because he felt that he had to be more like him and would kill for his respect. Jace did amazing in high school, and despite what his father thought proved himself to be a lot more capable than most people thought. Upon graduating he told his father that he believed he could have saved his mother, to this his father assured him he couldn't save anyone. So the great challenge began, Jace decided he would prove his father wrong and do what he didn't think he could do. He earned a scholarship to a 4 year anniversary and spent his savings on med school. Jace has proven to himself that he can literally do anything he sets his mind to. Now just to prove it to his father.

Why You Became A Surgeon:Jace became a surgeon because he wanted to prove he could do it. The deeper level is his desire to prove to his father he is more than just baggage.
Position: (add specialty if attending):Intern

Jennifer Ryans.


Age: 28

Birthday: 11/11/1988

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female


Brief Description:

Jennifer is a fair skinned female with golden blonde locks that hang just over her chest and mid-back with her eyes having a chocolate brown color. The female has quite a decent fit figure yet decently curved in the correct areas - due to her being physically active. Jennifer bares no scars however she has a small tattoo of flying birds from her heel flying up to the side of her leg. The only piercing she has are those of her ears which are usually accessorized by simple button earrings.

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 120 lbs




Jennifer in a nutshell can be described as very blunt, impulsive, ambitious and laid back - pretty much sums her up. A social butterfly and a flirt also might add on to those - hook-ups are mainly what she rolls on however it ain't the first time she got declined but that high ego of hers never quite bugged her when she got shut down. In fact she has quite a boost of confidence seeing as her self-esteem bursts up all over - she plays more of a hard to get type. That information apart Jenn is the type of person that when seriousness is struck in a situation she can be the mature person needed and that is most of the case as she had been a motherly figure to her little brothers and if she didn't possess a strict nature in her life she would've fallen into utter chaos in life. Often described as the 'friend with no filter', you always know where you are with her even though you are utter strangers, she lets you know how she feels about you or any situation for that matter, she ain't scared to voice out her opinion and by all means she will fight in what she believes in. It's like the best of both worlds. Coming of first impression she might come of as an annoying bossy blonde bimbo who doesn't give a crap about anything but quite the contrary she is quite a neat-freak and likes order and with her charisma she tries to make as many alliances as possible to be on the right spot.


Aiding people(mainly children) - Long walks - Staying active - Neatness - Parties/Flirting


Disorganization - Scheming - her father - pink


Over-protective - Emotionally barricaded - Impatient - Impulsive


Steady hands - Easily focused - Fast learner - Compassionate



Jenn is the first born out of four sibling them being three younger brothers. Losing her mother at the age of 14 was the hardest thing she had ever experienced and that was a turmoil for the whole family. Her mother died when she was in labor with her last birth and from that point on is when her father started going down hill. He started spending way to many nights out and drinking or whatever else had he been doing that Jenn doesn't know, what she did know that the grief didn't effect him right. Till the age of 18 she took care off her brothers as if they were her own, trying her best to be a motherly figure as well as a sisterly figure and their bond strengthened ever since. Upon hearing the state of how they were, Aunt Gina which was her mother's sister took them in and sent help to their father. Aiding Jenn with financial situations such as college helped a lot as she started achieving her goals in sciences and enough to start earning certificates to the point she got to where she is now. Till this very day her brothers are still under Auntie's custody and Jenn has drifted apart from them to start her own life paying occasional visits to them as time passed. Nowadays she still awaiting a response in hopes of getting a position as an intern at Highland General Hospital. Will she make it?

Why You Became A Surgeon: To aid and help however she can like she did to her brothers in hope of seeing a patient recover to the better.


Position: General Intern

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