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Futuristic Academy of Secrecy

((Alright everyone, do your thing.))

Room changes began today and the dorms were in an uproar. Roxy was already settled into her room, her abundance of clothes all put away in the closet and her things set out on one of the desks. She was currently sprawled out on the bed she'd immediately claimed upon entering the room, flinging a rubber band at a target she put on the ceiling above. Snap. The rubber band hit the center once more, already chipping away at the dry paint. Her wavy ombre hair, piled atop her head in it's usual bun, was now sprinkled with a dusting of the white stuff. The elastic shot back down and landed on the girl's face, sliding onto the pillow underneath her head. Sighing, Roxy moved from her laying position on the bed and made way towards the door, which was propped open by a wooden chair.

She was supposed to be getting a roommate this year. This wouldn't have bothered her if not for the fact that the girl in question was apparently three years older. Roxy didn't want to have to deal with the upperclassman hazing and harassing her. She tried not to think much of this, though, so in order to keep the mood light she was distracting herself with the commotion in the hall. Slipping out of the room, she unconsciously hid herself in the chaos. People were shouting and clamoring about, most trying to adjust to their new roommates and failing. It wouldn't be for a few more weeks that any of the students really settled in, but here in the girls' doubles, it took even longer. The doubles were only comprised of returning students, however, whereas the singles were mostly reserved for new students. Vaguely, Roxy wondered what sort of interesting people were rounded up this year, but dismissed it for tonight's dinner in the mess hall.

As was in her nature, Roxy made her escape by hurrying into the emergency stairwell and continuing upward until she found the roof. She pushed the heavy door open and perched herself in one corner of the open space so that she could look down at the campus. There wasn't much to it, just a few student dorms, staff housing, the main school building, the athletics building, and the headmaster's house. A tall brick wall surrounded the campus, and a thick forest surround that. There was only one road that entered and left the school, which was usually closed off by reinforced metal gates. The only time they were open for a long period of time is when new students are brought in, like last week, for example. Long trains of sleek black cars transport the kids to the mess hall, where there is a brief orientation. Then the students are settled into the singles' housing. They make it a week earlier than the rest of the students so that the new ones have more time to adjust to life here, but it never really helps.

At some point, Roxy knew she should probably go down and make nice with whoever would be her roommate for the next year, but she couldn't bring herself to move from her spot. instead, the girl pulled out her favorite homemade toy: a wooden slingshot. There really wasn't anything around on the roof to shoot, so she resorted to using the jelly beans she'd stored for later in the breast pocket of her jacket. Propping her arms up on the edge, the sharpshooter took aim. Her target: a fit boy with scruffy black hair. Both wide brown eyes honed in on the top of the boy's head. Breath in, pull back. Breath out, release. A single red jelly bean propelled forth from the slingshot's cradle and flung through the air in a perfect arch to hit the boy directly on top of the head, smack-dab in the center. She laughed to herself and hid, ducking her head as she imagined him looking around in confusion. Let the fun begin.

Bam. Wow. First day. He put a hand up on his choppy hair, and rubbed the sore spot where something had just came and bashed into him out of nowhere.

Jayce was in the campus grounds, just looking around, getting the lay out of the land when this peculiar incident happened. He looked around, to see if the projectile was still there, and right there, contrasting the green ground was an orange jelly bean. He picked it up, and analysed it's shape, weight, and the momentum it would have carried. He did the calculations- all including the humidity, the wind, and the height that it would take for the bean to hit him on top of his head. He looked over to the roof of the main building, and shook his head. "I know you're up there!" He yelled, chuckling to himself. I'll get back at her later, He thought, and proceeded to go inside and claim a dorm for himself. He was quite late anyways, and he didn't want to be put in one of those dirty dorms that were never cleaned properly. If all the rooms were already claimed, he might have to force his way in and kick one of the newbies out. As much as he hated using force, his compassion and empathy didn't stretch so far out that he was willing to go in one of the loser dorms, in place for making the newbies feel home. He kept on thinking, his thought train all over the place.The train vanished when he was crossing through the girl's dorms to get to his wing. When right in the middle of passing through, he saw a gaggle of good looking girls chatting. Woah.

Let the fun begin.

@Lunar Eclipse
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Tasia was trying to get through the group of girls, but they kept on chatting, not letting her through. She had one of her new creations in her hand, fiddling with it, shyly asking the girls to move, with no success.

"Can I please...you know...excuse me...do you mind?.."

Realizing she wouldn't be able to get through that way, she quickly threw her device in the air, tightly closing her eyes. The light shot through the corridor, momentarily blinding the girls. Tasia picked up her device, and shoved through the girls finally breaking free.

Deciding she didn't want to be there when they dazed out of it, she ran down the hall, as fast as she could. It's not that I can't take them or anything...its just...I want to eat. She kept telling herself.

She momentarily looked back at the group to find some very angry faces, she turned back to face where she was going, to see a girl, maybe two years older than her, in her path. Without being able to slow down, she crashed into her. Quickly getting to her feet, she picked up her device, and cast a worried glance over her shoulder, she had about one minute till they would be on her.

"Uh..do you need any help? I am so sorry."

She reached out her empty hand, to help her up.

@Arabella Rosewood
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Jamie shook her head, regaining herself. She had just been walking when she found herself on her butt. 'What the...?' She thought. She looked up at the girl she'd bumped into. She then looked down at the girl's hand. Jamie stood up on her own. "I'm fine. Thank you," she shrunk back a bit. "I should be getting back to my room now. Sorry," Jamie walked around Tasia towards her room. As she walked, she passed a girl who was very new to the school. She reminded Jamie of a little girl she use to know.

(Okay just checking @Arabella Rosewood )

Lorena finger combed her hair as she walked down the hall. She smiled and pulled out the folder she had been issued for the starting semester. When the girl walked by Lorena looked over and tried to figure out the girls power.
When the girl got up on her own, Tasia shrugged, and bolted down the hall, not bothering looking over shoulder, knowing that they were after her. Tasia ran to the cafeteria, hoping for some refuge, even it was small.

Reaching the cafeteria, she saw a blond boy. Good enough. She ducked behind him, crouching on her toes.

"If you would kindly pretend I'm not here, that would be wonderful."

She then focused on being completely still, and quiet. Hoping the new kid wouldn't rat her out. After the girls had passed, looking for her in the kitchen, Tasia nodded her thanks to the kid, and ran back into the hall.

"There she is!"

Tasia let out a string of curses, desperate to get away.
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Mika weaved his way through the groups of people effortlessly taking in the gaming systems eagerly. He loved playing games and he was going to beat everyone of these games that was his goal. Taking his eyes from them he went to search for his room finding it oddly quick and peaked in. He was glad to find he had no roommate and a room to himself if the single bed was anything to go by. Humming he dumped his bags by the door and flopped on the bed. He was glad to find it was soft and could hardly wait to fall asleep on it. Deciding he should get up and began unpacking he reluctantly crawled off the bed and began to do so. Soon he was finished and drawn by the several voices of others decided to go explore the lay of the land and maybe make a few friends.
Jayce was in his room. He was sprawled across his bed, wondering why he was even here. He knew that he had been taking away from his parents because the authorities believed that they couldn’t take care of him, but why put in this far away, peculiar school? Something wasn’t right. Another bummer was that it felt isolated here, with no communication to the outside world. Anyways, this was his first year here, yet somehow the Academy had managed to mess up his paperwork, and had him written as a returner- Meaning that he would be getting a roommate. Oh well. As long as his roommate didn’t have B.O, he would be happy. After all, he’d be with him for the rest of the year, and could do without having to gag every time he stepped into his own dorm.

The girls here were pretty hot. No question. Most of them were cute- at the very least. Jayce wished that he would have classes with most of them, so he could get closer to them. That thought instantly made him feel guilty. Jayce wasn’t the kind of person who would be cheating on others. He liked to think of himself as a kind, thoughtful person who liked having people around him feel happy. He decided to blame it on his hormones. Stupid hormones. He got up, stretched and shook all the sleepiness out of him, and decided to go and at least make some friends, rather than wait for his new roommate and introduce himself.
[QUOTE="Lunar Eclipse]When the girl got up on her own, Tasia shrugged, and bolted down the hall, not bothering looking over shoulder, knowing that they were after her. Tasia ran to the cafeteria, hoping for some refuge, even it was small.
Reaching the cafeteria, she saw a blond boy. Good enough. She ducked behind him, crouching on her toes.

"If you would kindly pretend I'm not here, that would be wonderful."

She then focused on being completely still, and quiet. Hoping the new kid wouldn't rat her out. After the girls had passed, looking for her in the kitchen, Tasia nodded her thanks to the kid, and ran back into the hall.

"There she is!"

Tasia let out a string of curses, desperate to get away.

Dodging through the students, Tasia looked for someone familiar to help her, she didn't recognize anyone. Looking down at her device, she started to fiddle with it again, resetting the device. She got ready to throw it, when she saw it. A way out!

People were crowding in the hallway, creating a barrier of sorts, if she could just make it through...
After some more candy target practice, Roxy slunk back downstairs, stashing her slingshot back into her jacket pocket with content. She popped whatever remained of the jelly beans into her hand and discarded the wrapper into her pocket as well. They jumped in her hand as she merrily wove her way through the crowded hallway, blending in as perfectly as ever. It was strange that more people didn't notice her, because it wan't like her appearance was something to be considered "forgetful" or "plain". From her dyed hair down to her battered, sharpie-covered high tops, the conniving girl was a sight to behold. She wore a large, jean vest over her favorite bright green hoodie that had an intricate but faded triangle design on the front and was a size to big. Her leggings were galaxy print down one leg and zebra-stripes down the other. Knit leg warmers hung loosely around Roxy's calves, matching the gloves she wore on her hands. Rather than cut off the fingers of the gloves, it was as though whoever made them simply gave up after the first knuckle. To top it all off, the school had given her the signature advanced student's tattoo: swirling black lines that extended from the corners of her eyes and swooped down either side of her face.

Nevertheless, she somehow managed to stay hidden for the most part. Unless you very actively sought her out, you'd probably miss her. When she first came to this school, Rocy absolutely hated this weird ability of hers. Of course, she was coming from a very doting home, so this was to be expected. Now she has become more accustomed to it. She has also learned how to make herself stand out a little more when she needs to, like her odd clothing, for example.

"Outta my way, people!" She shouted as she came across a large gathering of students blocking the hallway. They looked back at her for a moment and shifted only slightly.

Roxy rolled her eyes. With a sly smile, she flicked a leftover jellybean at another girl's neck. The girl cried out and glared at her offender, who merely shrugged. This was more fun than Roxy had anticipated. She began to empty her hand of the leftover candy by pelting the crowd with them, and then proceeded shove past them, creating a small but effective path for herself and whoever else needed to pass through. She bolted down the hall laughing, brushing past a weary looking girl messing with something in her hands before continuing on her way to the dorm's main lobby.

@Lunar Eclipse
After the girl passed by her, Tasia got scared. Then realized it wasn't one of the girls. Tasia slowed down to a walk, so that she could not draw attention, and that the girl in the crowd, was the one running. Grinning, she watched as the attackers, couldn't find her, and saw the running girl, and rushed after her, thinking it was Tasia. Tasia granted herself a small laugh. Looking around, she made her way out of the group of people, and made her way to her new dorm.

She apparently was going to have a room mate, so she wanted to get there first to claim the best bed, plus, she wanted to sort things out with her roommate, make sure she knew the rules. NO one touches her gadgets, unless of course with permission. That was basically the major rule, with some others.

After entering the room, she looked around. It wasn't too shabby, she personally liked her old room better, but with time came liking. She sat on the bed she wanted, and unfolded the blankets saying it was hers.

After sitting for awhile, she realized her roommate might be awhile. So she put a note on the other bed. It went something like this.

Hey roommate! Glad to have you. This bed is yours, and the other one is mine. Got it? Oh good, we should get along just fine then. One more thing, I don't appreciate my stuff getting touched, and if I find you doing so...Well, it won't be a very pretty scene. Get the picture? Well, again glad to have you!


"Eh, good enough." With that, she headed back out the door, and checked both ways making sure no one was looking for her.

((@jacunliffe , @Nutter ))
Mika flinched in surprise as something hit the back of his neck. Reaching back to touch the slightly stinging flesh he looked around for the culprit and discovered a colorful girl pelting people with...jellybeans? Shaking his head at the bizarreness of it all he caught a stray jelly bean bedore it could hit someone else and popped it in his mouth as he watched her push herway through the crowd laughing. Shrugging he took the chance to get through and followed before walking off in a random direction feeling his usual desire to explore. He hummed looking around and didn't notice who was in front of him until he ran into them and was sent flying back.

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