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Fantasy Academy For The Unknown Ones

Very silently, a flock of ravens gathered at the academy gates, they pecked and cawed now and again until a un-natural gale suddenly picked up, the ravens began to form a bird vortex until finally, a young male stepped through, the gale slowly halted and the ravens calmed, some even landed on his shoulders.

"..." The male observed his surroundings for a few seconds before walking foward, ignoring any and all around him, the flock of ravens flew above him, creating a constant shadow over him.
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Inside the Academy, Wuqing sits and takes a moment to settle down along one of the nearby walls. "Perhaps my scroll knows the answer?" He snatches the 3 foot wide scroll from his back and unfurls it along the ground, it reaches almost near to the opposite side of the room. Sadly seeming anti climatic the pages on the scroll are blank " 哦,来吧..." Rolling the scroll back up he sighs in disappointment  " I guess I really need to ask for help.. from...someone...else..." He actually wanted to pull off a 'cool person act' and let people flock to him, but it seems that whole plan flew down the drain. Who to ask though, a question that stayed in the dragon's mind for a quite some time. He started to awkwardly stare down people who walked passed him.


Misaki Miyazono

Currently Interacting with: @Mister Lucifer

Location: Academy Gates

Mood: Overwhelmed

Misaki had had a fairly chaotic morning. She had woken up late, still unused to waking up early in order to get ready for school. Despite her lateness, she still managed to make it to school minutes before the bell rang. The violin case she held in one hand made it a lot harder to run to school. Panting in exhaustion, she stopped at the front gates to the huge academy, clasping her hands together. She bowed her head; passersby would definitely have an odd sight to see. "Kami-sama! Please make my first day at school a good one!" she exclaimed. With that, she lifted herself up and practically launched herself through the gates of the school, just in time to collide with someone who'd also arrived, seemingly moments before her. It seemed that luck wasn't on her side, in spite of having taken a moment to pray. "Ow ow ow ow..." She rubbed her head as she picked herself and the violin case up. "Sorry!" She bowed her head to the person before her, a strange sort of guy who had... birds surrounding him. How odd! Well, this was a good chance to make an acquaintance. Misaki held out her hand for him to shake. "I'm Misaki Miyazono."
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Onyx grunted and stumbled at the collision, he slowly turned to the person whom had walked into him and grinned"It's alright, Accidents happen" a raven on his shoulder began to caw and glare at Misaki"Quiet down bird" he hissed before doing a formal bow"I have no...true name...I've taken up the name Onyx so people can actually call me something, Misaki was it? Well, Let me say Misaki" He toke out a small whiskey flask and drank some of it"You're looking be-u-ti-ful today, catch ya later" He winked at her before turning and walking into the academy, the ravens on his shoulders toke flight and most of the flock landed on some nearby trees, some stayed airborne, they caw ed at anyone who passed.
Katsu shrugged, grinning once Tsuyoshi had joined in on his laughter. "That's subjective, sweetheart." Thinking the pet name would be a nice addition to the somewhat suggestive statement. Katsu had lifted his head up slightly to make eye contact with Tsuyoshi, "Do you happen to know where I could find the cafeteria. Seems that agreed to go there without knowing where it is." Katsu laughed awkwardly, realizing how dumb he sounded, but he guessed it made sense. Dumb people do dumb things, but Katsu (who was majorly dumb) did majorly dumb things. He immediately regretted announcing that he had no idea where anything was, he was trying to come off as cool and smart, and not knowing his way around a school he's been to for two years definitely doesn't come off as anything near cool at all. The only place he knew how to get to was the headmaster's office, the dorms, a few secret spots he had discovered and a few class buildings. Other than that he didn't know how to get anywhere. "Unfortunately I can only teleport to places I'm familiar with, and I never really went to the cafeteria." He rushed in, hoping that his power would at least impress the other a little bit.


Ai had gotten rather bored of waiting for her roommate, so once she set everything up and even wrote a small note introducing herself she left. She knew that classes didn't start for a couple days so she took her free time to get familiar with the area and look at places that she typically wouldn't have to just in case. She knew that more than half the time Katsu had no idea where to go, so she took it upon herself to create a mental map of the place. She had somehow made it back to the gates and people were still filing in, people were introducing themselves to each other and she still felt out of place. Ai could bet that Katsu was trying to woo his roommate, cause that was just how he was. A girl with gills had caught her attention and she held a small conversation with her, even exchanging emails. Ai had felt strangely familiar and comfortable with the other. She had probably also lived in the forest. Ai had forgotten if there was a lake or forest around the campus but would probably find one sooner or later, especially if she cut classes with Katsu as much as she did last year.
Tsuyoshi felt embarrased at the nickname and tried his best to brush it off but failed, a small blush overlapped his cheeks. Giving a small cough into his hand and digging around in his stachel bag, pulling out a paper and throwing it to Katsu The paper ended up landing on his face. "Unfortunely, I'm not familiar with this school at all. I just inrolled, my first time here and I'm assuming that's it for you too. Buuut, me being as great as I am, I got a map of the school from the office. I know, I'm awesome, thank me later." Tsuyohi chuckled as he smirked playful at Katsu, Aoi somewhat copied Tsuyoshi and flew in a cirle around Katsu's head. "Thank Tsu-kun! Thank Tsu-kun!" Tsuyoshi chuckled at the bird, Aoi could talk but he prefered to stay quiet, but he blue bird did love to tease others by mocking them or copying what they see.

@N I C O T I N E
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Misaki Miyazono

Completed Interaction with: @Mister Lucifer (Onyx)

Currently Interacting with: @N I C O T I N E

Location: Academy Gates

Mood: Content

Misaki stared at the figure who she'd just met. What a nice name... Onyx. She'd remember that. "Bye, Onyx-san!" she called. "And thank you!" she said, remembering his compliment. She wandered around for a while, wondering what to do. She'd already arrived a day earlier to set up things in her dorm room, so everything was already pre-prepared. With nothing left to do, she decided to make a couple new friends. Perhaps some of them would end up being in her class! She grinned at the thought. Misaki ended up befriending a pair of fairy twins, an egotistical demon, and a blue-haired fox girl. Interesting people that she knew she'd never meet elsewhere. She looked around for any other individuals that she may find herself attracted to, and her eyes immediately fell upon a pretty girl, supposedly around her age. So cute! Feeling a strange urge to just run up and hug the girl, she withheld herself and regained her composure, maintaining a friendly approach instead. It didn't seem like the best idea to informally assault her; she seemed timid and adorable. "Hi! I'm Misaki Miyaz-" Just as she had come up to the girl, and had held out a hand for the other to shake, she tripped right over the strap on her violin, which had chosen the worst possible moment to become undone. WHY NOW?! WHAT IS WITH MY CRAPPY LUCK TODAY?! Slightly disgruntled, Misaki dusted herself off. She hadn't gotten hurt, but it was embarrassing nonetheless. Well, there goes her chances of making a good first impression. Despite this, Misaki smiled at the girl and readjusted her violin case, tightening the strap so that she wouldn't fall again. She cleared her throat, determined to introduce herself properly. "H-hi! I'm Misaki Miyazono."
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"Oh yes, a true genius!" Katsu praised, hands raised in the air as a sarcastic praise to Tsuyoshi. "I didn't even bother with going to the office, maybe I should since I need a key." Katsu couldn't help but speak out loud, though he shrugged afterwards, visibly relaxed now that they had established that Katsu wasn't the only one who didn't know where to go. He didn't bother correcting that it was his second year at the school, then he would really look like a loser in front of Tsuyoshi. He grinned at the bird that was flying around Tsuyoshi's head, "Thank you Tsu-kun." He mocked, a hand in his pocket. He was toying around with his tiny pink lighter, he should probably hide it here knowing that he would most likely get in trouble for having that on campus, not that trouble mattered. But maybe Katsu didn't want Tsuyoshi to see him get in trouble the first day meeting, not to mention the first day on campus. So he did just that, opening a drawer of his desk and slipping it in between the cover of two textbooks, and just for extra measures his pack of cigarettes. He sent a cheeky wink at Tsuyoshi, a silent plead of 'don't say anything to anybody please and thank you.' Hopefully Tsuyoshi got the memo and wouldn't bring up his lighter or hiding place to anybody, even students. He didn't want to share anything with anybody, he was the one who put all the effort into sneaking them in, hiding them and buying them on the down low. Sure, they weren't addictive but they were harmful nonetheless, and if he made one mistake he would get in trouble and probably have to move rooms and he didn't want to do that. Even more so now that he knew he had a good, and attractive roommate. "Well, wanna head out now. We still have a bit of time so maybe we can get the paint?" Katsu asked, interested in exploring with his new friend.


The teen with the gills was soon pulled away and Ai honestly didn't mind, both of the girls could tell that Ai was starting to freeze up and become awkward once they talked about everything that new friends could possibly talk about, and Ai didn't want to seem as if she was pushing to be friends so she just kinda shut down. She was going to walk away and look for a vacant bench to sit and read but was soon pulled into another exchange but a very good looking female. Ai turned in confusion when she heard the beginnings of an introduction only for the blonde to fall over straps to what appeared to be a violin case. Even though the other had undoubtedly embarrassed herself, Ai found her stumble to be endearing and just a cute mistake. Once the female had resettled herself, somehow not thrown off about the accident she introduced herself as Misaki Miyazono. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ai Nishimura." She desperately wanted to say that she played the violin but held back, keeping a gentle smile on her face. Ai suddenly had the urge to readjust her hair that was currently placed in a tight little bun, she had recently cut her hair to shoulder length once again and she knew she looked so much better with her hair down but pushed the thought out of her hair. With her luck the ponytail holder would snap her right in the face, sufficently embarrassing her in front of a potential friend. She just settled with playing with her bangs. "I play the violin too." She said despite not wanting to, what if the other didn't like it and was only playing it per her parents request? No going back now.


Misaki Miyazono

Currently Interacting with: @N I C O T I N E (Ai Nishimura)

Location: Academy Gates

Mood: Content

Misaki grinned at the girl in response. She was so cute- Misaki snapped back to reality. She had zoned out for a second there, but she'd managed to catch the girl's name. Ai Nishimura. A pretty name to a pretty face. Her hair was done up in quite an impressive manner, making her look rather sophisticated and charming. Her voice was somewhat quiet, but it matched her adorable frame and timid figure. She noticed how the girl played with her bangs... was she nervous? Misaki wasn't completely sure, but she wanted to make the other girl feel at ease. "I play violin too." "Ehhh?! Do you have one? I would love to hear you play," she answered. "Do you want to sit down somewhere?" Her eyes scanned the area quickly, and she locked onto an available bench beneath a tree. Oh, god. Trees. She shook her head, ridding herself of the thought. "Let's go over there... Ai-chan," she said, taking the girl's hand, interlocking them with her own small fingers as she walked toward the bench. She didn't want to overwhelm her new friend, so she was trying not to be too pushy.
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@N I C O T I N E

Tsuyoshi chuckled at Katsu's actions and shot him a playful smirk before rolling his eyes. Tsuyoshi watched as Katdu hide his lighter and cigarettes, Tsuyoshi placed his hand on his hip and left the other lay limp by his side. "I'll keep it serect but you keep your self out of trouble, Mister. Do anything you want but make sure not to get caught. I swear you get yourself in one inch of trouble, I'll have your head." Tsuyoshi shot Katsu another playful look. The caramel haired male grabbed his beanie and placed it on his head, brushing the bangs out of his eyes. The japanese male took off his vest jacket and pulled his long sleeves down. "Sure, I wanna see how good your painting skills are. I'm not a painter, I'm a baker. That's my skill." Aoi flew over to Katsu and landed on his head, settling in his hair. "Katsu-kun! Katsu-kun!" Tsuyoshi giggled at the sight, covering his mouth with his head. "Aoi likes you Katsu-kun."
"Oh, you don't know me dear. My middle name is trouble." Katsu smirked, straightening up and slamming the drawer straight. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it quickly." Katsu promised, though he was only being half serious he wanted to appear as earnest as possible in hopes that he would rile up the brunet boy. Katsu smiled a friendly smile, almost as if he wasn't just taunting the other teenager. "Don't get your hopes up too high, I'm not the great, I can only do basic stuff but how impressive I am is totally dependent on the person. Everybody has a different taste in good and bad art." Katsu hummed, suppressing a laugh as the tiny bird chirped his name. Animals usually hated him, most animals didn't react well to spirits and ghosts but apparently Tsuyoshi's bird was different. "How strange, I usually scare animals away. I'm glad that your bird approves of me." Reaching one hand out he gently patted the bird with the tip of his index finger before walking past Tsuyoshi. "Let's go Tsu-kun." He teased, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. He didn't realize how strongly it smelt in the room and he flinched. He had to remember to crack a window the next time he decided to smoke.


Ai smiled shyly, nodding slightly. "Yes I do have one, I was playing it a bit earlier." She was honestly so glad that she didn't ruin the conversation by bringing up her playing. Ai's face warmed when Misaki had took her hand in her own, glancing at Misaki's face from the corner of her eye she let out a long breath before following the blonde to the nearest bench. Lagging behind just a bit so she could marvel at how their hands fitted so nicely together, did girls normally do this with each other or was MIsaki flirting? Her only true friend, a homosexual male, had never held her hand before. She kept the thought to herself, not wanting to make things awkward before a real conversation started. Once the duo was seated, Ai toyed with the strings of her hoodie, "How long have you been playing?" She asked in an attempt to strike up a conversation. Hopefully Misaki wanted to talk about that, if she didn't Ai would be so embarrassed. She had tried to control her anxiety ridden thoughts by focusing on counting backwards as she waited for a response.

@N I C O T I N E

Tsuyoshi rolled his eyes at the nickname and stepped out the room, crossing hid arms over his chest and walking down the hall alongside with Katsu. "I still wanna see how you paint Ka-chan. Anyway  you're luckily, Aoi doesn't really get that close to others, it's not like he hates them but he just doesn't get that close." Tsuyoshi looked over to bird, who was sitting comfortly on the male's head with his eyes closed. The male looked forwrard again barely doging someone who almost walked into, Tsuyoshi earned a glare and a rude comment, Tsuyoshi scowled but igorned them. Shoving his hands in his pockets and looking ahead of them. "Ketsunoana..." 

Misaki Miyazono

Currently Interacting with: @N I C O T I N E (Ai Nishimura)

Location: Bench

Mood: Cheerful/Flirty

"A couple years now. I think... since I was ten. But I'm not really that good. How about you?" Misaki didn't wait for an answer. She was more interested in the girl's actions. She seemed to be playing with her hoodie strings, deliberately not wanting to make eye contact. Misaki concluded that Ai was simply shy. "But more importantly..." Misaki glanced over at her, smiling. She paused momentarily, wondering what to say. Without thinking, she grabbed Ai by her hoodie strings, pulling her mere inches away from her own face; that seemed to come out of nowhere, and she even surprised herself. Nonetheless, the words seem to come naturally to her. "You need to stop being so cute, or else people are going to start hitting on you." There was a still moment of silence in the air as she took in the girl's features at a closer view. Misaki could feel her heartbeat quickening. That was NOT a good idea, baka Misaki! Despite that, she pulled the girl in closer, tilting her head slightly and- 

Misaki pulled away, laughing. "Did I get you?" she joked, smiling. "That was just a little joke. No hard feelings, huh?"
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Mood :: Curious

Interacting With :: Open

Goal :: Find some friends!


Fillow stood up from under the tree, the sleeves of her sweater riddled with seeds from the greenery. She picked them out of the holes and scattered them on the ground, waving her fingers and watching them sprout tiny saplings. Satisfied with her handiwork, she continued into the path, observing the interactions of the students around the campus. Fillow wasn't one to start conversation, though once she was engaged, she could talk for hours. 

The blue-skinned girl fiddled with her fingers, standing off to the side and looking up at the sky. She felt the sun's warmth on her skin, and she smiled a little, feeling less tired and more energetic. She realized that she was ready to start the school year, ready to take on new challenges! She scanned the campus, again observing the students and their behaviors. Would it be difficult for her to fit in? She wondered, finding herself sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowd.



Katsu let the tiny bird rest on his head, not even noticing it due to how light it was. Karsu shot a an equally as rage filled glare at the teen that almost walked right into Tsuyoshi and rolled his eyes. "Nobody has respect, now I know I'm not one to talk but still, at least apologize!" Katsu exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and making a commotion in the middle of bustling hallway. The bird atop his head seemed to shuffle but didn't move, this bird was the calmest one Katsu has ever seen. "Ketsunoana?" Katsu repeated, following Tsuyoshi's line of vision. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary or strange, "What's Ketsuoana?" He asked into Tsuyoshi's ear wanting an explanation.



Ai opened her mouth, about to answer Misaka's question before she was being tugged forward but the other. Ai held her breath as her eyes grew wide, scanning all over Misaki's face. She didn't seem as uncomfortable as Ai was, in fact she had a tiny smirk on her lips. Cute!? Is she calling me cute?  Ai wanted to die, her nerves skyrocketing. "I-i'll keep that in mind." She whispered as Misaki pulled her closer. At that point Ai's heart was doing somersaults, it looked like Misaki was gonna kiss her. Ai was going to spend her first day kissing a girl she barely knew, her first kiss since her ex died. Just then Misaki released her with what sounded like a forced laugh. Ai ducked her head down, she had the sudden urge to cry and she had no idea why, she didn't even have a reason to! "That was just a little joke. No hard feelings. huh?" "Yeah, just a joke." Ai had agreed, taking a few deep breaths before looking up. She knew her face was still a shade of pink but the blush wasn't gonna go away any time soon. Her nails tapped against the wood, a nervous habit. The repetitive tapping filling the tense silence between the two girls. Ai wished the girl kissed her, she really did. She was pretty and funny and they both had the same interest. Though, at the same time she was glad that Misaki had pulled away when she did. Ai wasn't one to kiss without feelings, as she was still too vulnerable. Katsu told her that all the time,

@N I C O T I N E

(Sorry! I replied really late! I was busy today.)

Tsuyoshi chuckled at Katsu and his bird, who was preached on his head without a sound. The blue bird seemed to be sleeping happily on his head, Aoi has a liking or sleeping in someone's head. Tsuyoshi watched Katsu threw his hands up and glare at the person who Tsuyoshi collied with, looking back ahead of them and listening to Katsu as he spoke. "Ketsuoana means asshole in japanese. As I said before I swear A LOT in japanese." Tsuyoshi was telling the truth, he has a very bad haibt of cursing or throwing insults in his native tongue.

Misaki Miyazono

Currently Interacting with: @N I C O T I N E (Ai Nishimura)

Location: Bench

Mood: Cheerful/Flirty

"Hey, are you okay?" Misaki asked, looking at Ai. She looked rather disturbed and perhaps even more nervous than before. Don't tell me she actually took me seriously?! So... she was the sensitive type. Good to know that ahead of time. "So, if you have your violin on you right now, how about you play something for me? I mean, if you're up for that?" Misaki said, in an attempt to change the subject to something lighter. She didn't really mean to hurt the girl's feelings by doing that... could that mean that Ai was- 

Stop jumping to conclusions! she told herself strictly. Finding someone of the same sexuality was pretty hard, and Ai was probably straight. Hmm, that kind of bothered her, but she was used to meeting nice girls, only to be disappointed after figuring out that they were heterosexual.
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"That's why it seemed familiar, I've kinda lost my knowledge of Japanese over the years. I know that sounds dumb but I'm dumb so it makes sense." Katsu halfheartedly explained and shrugged. Katsu decided to not expand on the topic, how does somebody even forget their native language? It's not his fault it's been years since he spoke in full Japanese. "Let's get out of hear before anybody else falls victim to your Japanese insults." Katsu teased, placing his hands in his back pockets and walking ahead, trying to give off a cool aura. He did attract a little attention, which pleased him for the time being. But really he just wanted to rub off on Tsuyoshi well, after all Katsu had his eyes set on the interesting teenager and his weird spirit follower AND his cute little bird. Tsuyoshi was one in a million and somebody that Katsu actually wanted to be friends with. His usually only wanted a quick hook up, but something about Tsuyoshi was different and even a bit endearing. Katsu was not about to let him escape.



Ai nodded in response to Misaki's question, trying to regain the confidence needed to continue the conversation. After a few silent moments and then a few more after Misaki had asked her to play she exhaled deeply. "I don't have it on me, I just dropped it off at my dorm." She explained softly, making short eye contact with the female before lowering her gaze once again. She simply couldn't bring herself to keep eye contact with Misaki for anything longer for 5 seconds. Ai felt totally ridiculous, she just about to melt into a stranger's almost kiss. A very pretty, friendly and interesting stranger at that. "If you want I can get it." She offered, wringing her hands together. Maybe music will fill this awkward disconnection?

@N I C O T I N E

"I can understand that, I mean you kind been dead for a while. Sorry if that sounded rude or anything. And anything that comes out of your mouth doesn't make sense half of the time." Tsuyoshi gave Katsu a lazy but playful smile. The caramel haired male was living in Japan and his town for eighteen years but eventually he moved out of the country, I mean half of his village hated his family name, everyone threw glares and random objects at him. Katsu died trying to save his family, Tsuyoshi's only family died trying to save him, I guess they both can relate in a way. "Hey, my Japanese insults are very awesome and mean, Baka Yaro. Naoki gets mad at me for my wording but who cares? Not me!...Expect when he smacks on the back of head, that hurts." Tsuyoshi shivered at the memory of Naoki's wrath. Honestly he may be emotionless half the time but when he's pissed, it's pretty fucking scary. Katsu may be a huge trouble-maker or a huge smart-ass but he's funny and..*cough*Handsome*cough* Aoi seemed to really like him, the blue bird liked to stay away from others and stick with his master. Tsuyoshi was gald that Aoi made friends with Kastu but, Tsuyoshi wouldn't admit out loud, he really wanted to touch the Katsu's pink and probably fluffy hair. The male sighed and looked up at Kastu's hair, he really wanted to touch and ask the pink haired male if he dyed it. "So pink...Is it fluffy? It looks like it's fluffy.." 

Misaki Miyazono

Currently Interacting with: @N I C O T I N E (Ai Nishimura)

Location: Bench

Mood: Cheerful/Flirty

Though it might have been a little cruel of her, Misaki was feeling a little bold. It wouldn't hurt to flirt a little, right? Ai wouldn't say anything... and she'd probably take it for friendliness, anyways. How far could she go with this? Huh, she'd only know if she tried. Smirking, Misaki nodded, wrapping an arm around Ai's shoulder casually. "I'll come with you, if that's fine. I'm interested in checking out your dorm room. See what it's like. You know, the stuff." She caressed the girl's face with one hand. "Lead the way, Ai."
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He felt Tsuyoshi's eyes lingering on his, sending a slight chill up his spine. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He pulled the way overused but still hilarious line as he forcibly pushed forward clearing a path for both him and his companion in the process. "What about me has caught your attention?" He asked once they reached a fairly calm intersection between two hallways. "It could be anything since I'm the true definition of gorgeous." He bluffing, Katsu was never that confident in his apperance. He knew he was good looking, no doubt. But not too good looking to the point of bragging. "You don't have to answer that, I was just teasing you a bit." Katsu clarified, his hand placed upon the other's shoulder as a weak smile came across his lips.



Ai's face flushed an even darker shade of pink, now bordering on red. The weight of Misuki's arm around her shoulder was relaxing and sorta comfortable. She wasn't opposed to it at all, and even if she got uncomfortable she could pretend it was Katsu. He did that to her all the time. "Oh I don't have much. Just a few instruments and books really." Ai assured but started walking at a slow pace so she and the Misaki could stay in step with each other. Ai decided not to read too much into the way the girl gently brushed against her cheek with just the tips of her fingers. But she did question why it made her knees shake just the slightest. It had been too long she was treated with such intimacy. It made her miss and even crave the human who had kept her happy for so long.

But she was a memory and Ai had to focus on the present and the future, with a small smile set upon her face she continued forwards towards the entrance of the building.


Misaki Miyazono

Currently Interacting with: @N I C O T I N E (Ai Nishimura)

Location: Dorm Building; Lobby

Mood: Cheerful/Flirty

It seemed that her chances of changing Ai's sexuality - or any person's, really - were slim, or next to none to say the least. Of course it was impossible, but maybe she was... bi-curious? No, don't raise your hopes. Misaki knew better than to do something stupid like that. "So... um, Ai." Hopefully, keeping Ai on a first-name basis didn't bother her. After all, she'd gone from Nishimura-san, to Ai-chan, to Ai in less than fifteen minutes. Oh well, perhaps the path of love would open up to me a little. Misaki almost burst out laughing at herself; had she really just thought something so cliche? "Tell me a bit about yourself... where are you from?" The two girls arrived at the entrance to the building, walking into the lobby as Misaki posed the question towards her. "You have really nice eyes, by the way," she added, trying to make eye contact with her in hopes of conveying more than just casual friendship.
@N I C O T I N E

(Sorry for that really late reply!)

Tsuyoshi blushed at the comment that Katsu, he scowled at the male. "Quiet you." Tsuyoshi crossed his arms over his chest and looked ahead again. He listened to Katsu talk, looking at him once and awhile from the corner of his eyes. Tsuyoshi actually thought Katsu was really handsome but Tsuyoshi thought of himself as a average looking person, nothing special. People from time to time did comment about his caramel brown hair but that was it. "I was looking at your hair, it looks really fluffy and I really want to touch, also you look really cute and handso-" [COLOR= rgb(169, 169, 169)]Tsuyoshi immediately slapped his hands over his mouth, his whole face took on a tomato red hue, Aoi literally looked like he had a smirk on his face. What the fuck Tsuyoshi?! You can't just blurt out your thoughts!! Tsuyoshi kept his mouth clamped with his hands, his gaze to the ground and words spluttering out of his mouth. Oh god, why did this happen to him?! [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 205)]"Sh-shit! Katsu! Tha-Oh god! Fuck, why did I say that?! I meant to say that you're really attractive- Fuck I made it worse!" [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(169, 169, 169)]Tsuyoshi looked completely red, the back of his neck was even a tomato red,  he felt so embarrased. Steam was pratically  coming out of his ears, Aoi was snickering at him! That traitor! He should be disracting Katsu with his cuteness! Good thing Naoki wasn't here, he wouldn't let this done until Tsuyoshi passed one.[/COLOR]
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Katsu couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh, the giggles and sniffs coming from him echoing in the empty junction. How could he not laugh when the person standing in front of him so was bashful? Leaning down Katsu let a playful, somewhat flirtatious smirk dance across his lips. This was the perfect opportunity to have a little teasing, and Katsu could never let a moment like this pass up. "You know, you aren't the first to say I'm handsome," Katsu paused, just for a dramatic effect, his voice barely reaching a whisper as he leaned in close to Tsuyoshi's ear, "You have no idea how many rooms I've been in and out of." Katsu didn't dare elaborate, hoping that Tsuyoshi got the innuendo. He was holding back a laugh as he pulled away, the tips of his hair brushing across the teen's cheek as he did so. "You're free to touch, you know." He suggested, acting as if nothing even happened. "Anywhere you want." He added, just to fuel the fire. 

If there was one thing about Katsu, he didn't know where to draw the line when it came to anything. Flirting especially, he could go on teasing until he is told not to. He's gotten into the dean's office a few times just because his flirting could very well be equaled to sexual harassment. Katsu was the quite the handsy guy, and sometimes when he came upon the wrong homo or heterosexual (he couldn't help that his gaydar malfunctioned sometimes) he would be sitting in that very office for hours listening to the same speech. Hopefully Tsuyoshi wasn't the kind of guy to report him, he didn't seem like it anyway. Katsu continued relentlessly, "Watch that potty mouth before I have to watch it for you." Katsu was losing his composure, he really hoped that Tsuyoshi told him to stop or he would end up on the floor from laughter soon.



Ai was picking up the flirts, but refused to comment on them. What if they weren't flirts? Girls are always close and touchy like this, she's seen it all over campus. Girls holding hands and cuddling even though they had boyfriends. No need to stress over something normal, Ai reminded herself before entering the building. She was met with an onslaught of chatter and noise, almost too much, though she instead focused on what Misaki was saying. "Oh, I'm not too terribly interesting. I grew up in a forest and came here in hopes of meeting new people." Ai wasn't entirely lying, but it wasn't the full truth, why would she spill her whole life story to somebody she barely even knew. That was just foolish. Ai met Misaki's eyes, the compliment making her flush once again. There was no doubt that Misaki was hitting on her, the obvious flirt was all over her face. Ai took a deep breath, giving into the temptation of having fun. "You have quite beautiful eyes yourself, Miyazono." She whispered, just loud enough for the two of them to hear. She tried to appear confident, but inside she was in inner turmoil. Her heart was racing and it took all of her will power to keep the somewhat intimate eye contact.

"How about you tell me a little bit about yourself?" Ai had offered, reaching out to lightly pat/caress the other's cheek, it was a weird mix of two that really showed Ai's flirting inexperience. 
@N I C O T I N E

If it was possible for Tsuyoshi to blush even more, he would most likely would. Tsuyoshi smacked at Katsu's arms and glared at him with a blushing, embarrased face. His whole face was covered in embarrasment, angry and a whole lot of blush. "You jackass, Katsu! Ketsunoana, Baka Yaro! Achike! You jerk!" Tsuyoshi kept smacking his fist at Katsu's arm, why was it such a kick to tease him?! Tsuyoshi felt so embarrased and now Katsu teasing him about it, Agh! Hearing Katsu tease him even more mde the caramel haried male grip his beanie and pull it down, and over his cheeks. "Fuck you Katsu, I'll say whatever I want with my mouth." Tsuyoshi kept a tight grip on his beanie, hiding his cheeks and eyes from Katsu. Tsuyoshi started to mutter curse words under his breath some in japanese and some in english. Katsu is a asshole who loves teasing and messing with other people....And he's very handsome, funny and cu-Goddamnit Tsuyoshi! Stop thinking about how hot Katsu is! Agh! Look what this pink haired guy did to you, let's hope Naoki doesn't hear about this. Trying to hide in his beanie Tsuyoshi could hear Aoi snickering and making sounds at him. "Stop mocking me Aoi, you're siding wih Katsu by doing that!....I still get to touch your hair Katsu..." Tsuyoshi gripped his beanie tighter as he whispered the last part under his breath, part of wishing Katsu woul heat and the other half wishing he wouldn't

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