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Realistic or Modern Academy for the supernaturally gifted (superpower RP)


Sarah G. North

Nickname: Pherotoxin

Age: 18

Date of Birth: 07/12/----

Gender: Female

Status: Single

  • State of Origin: New York

    Gift: Poison Generation and Pheromone Manipulation

    -Ability to assault others with one or more varieties of toxins, with widely disparate effects.

    -Due to her being able to make Toxins and Poisons in her Body she has built an Immunity to almost all Toxins.

    -Ability to generate and control Pheromones which may have various effects.

    Personality: Sarah is Short-Tempered, Brave, Stubborn, Slightly Perverted, Friendly and Kind Individual

    Backstory: Sarah like Nathan was on the run from the Government, Meeting Nathan as they were both being Chased by the Border of Nevada


    -Nathaniel:Crush/Fascinated that her Pheromone Manipulation doesn't work on him



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Name: Jackson "J.J." Jay Richie

Age: 7 chronologically, about 13-15 physically and psychologically

Gender: Male

Gift: Unstoppable Superspeed

J.J.'s cellular structure is constantly vibrating and moving at supersonic speeds, including his metabolism and cellular growth and regeneration, and his mind runs faster as well. Due to this, J.J. has only lived for seven years, but biologically and psychologically he has grown twice as fast, more or less. He cannot slow down and to speak coherently, he has to slow it down himself.



Personality: Severely impatient due to the world moving so slowly around him(from his perspective). Smart and a class clown, he never stops talking, and it gets quite annoying as he speaks so fast.
Coriandr said:
Name: Jackson "J.J." Jay Richie
Age: 7 chronologically, about 13-15 physically and psychologically

Gender: Male

Gift: Unstoppable Superspeed

J.J.'s cellular structure is constantly vibrating and moving at supersonic speeds, including his metabolism and cellular growth and regeneration, and his mind runs faster as well. Due to this, J.J. has only lived for seven years, but biologically and psychologically he has grown twice as fast, more or less. He cannot slow down and to speak coherently, he has to slow it down himself.



Personality: Severely impatient due to the world moving so slowly around him(from his perspective). Smart and a class clown, he never stops talking, and it gets quite annoying as he speaks so fast.
(Well I'm pretty sure he won't top of Nathan's Regeneration)
Name: Jenis Scåral

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Gift: Jenis can grow her hair just by thinking about it. Just in then seconds she can grow her hair by 10cm.

Appearance: View attachment 252774

Personality: Jenis is really happy and bubly person. She doesnt know what sadness even means. She is always jumping around. Jenis is also a flirty type of girl. When she meets a guy she likes Jenis has the ways to get the boy.

Backstory: Jenis was born at Sweden. When she was two her family moved to USA. When she firstly went to daycare she was tge most annoying kid. At elementary school trough middle school she was the girl who were everyones friend. Everyone knew her but she wasnt still really popular. She was just known for her bubly personality.

Johnathan T. Carmichael

Goes By: Tiberius

Nickname: Stickler

Age: 19

Date of Birth: 02/15/----

Gender: Male

Status: Single

  • State of Origin: Texas

    Gift: Duplication

    -John can Duplicate himself at his will making multiple versions of him that last for 24 hours

    Personality: Johnathan is a Strict, Serious, Cautious, Protective, Diligent, Persistent and Intelligent individual

    Backstory: Somewhat in the same boat as Sarah and Nathan except he will actually pester them to go to the government


    -Sarah:Objective 2

    -Nathaniel:Objective 1

    -Natalie:Objective 3

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Question: Why would they capture Nathaniel and Sarah? Or at least, why not more than just them?

Also, not to say they can't have a history, but could you try not to put *too* much history between them? Kind of ruins the "RP" part and makes your part a self-story. Sorry if I sound pushy.
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Coriandr said:
Question: Why would they capture Nathaniel and Sarah? Or at least, why not more than just them?
Also, not to say they can't have a history, but could you try not to put *too* much history between them? Kind of ruins the "RP" part and makes your part a self-story. Sorry if I sound pushy.
Ok I'll change it to be more vague I guess :P
Coriandr said:
Question: Why would they capture Nathaniel and Sarah? Or at least, why not more than just them?
Also, not to say they can't have a history, but could you try not to put *too* much history between them? Kind of ruins the "RP" part and makes your part a self-story. Sorry if I sound pushy.
xD made it Classified
Name: Jan ( Jauvi Nyx )

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Gift: void manifestation ( turns body into an empty silhouette, creates dimension holes for transport/portals, can transport a region into an empty field in space )



Personality: Quiet and reserved. Greatly enjoys the company of people though he doesn't always express it. He's intelligent, always getting top marks.

Background: He got his powers in an experimental accident when his father unexpectedly ripped a hole in the fabric of reality shifting all matter into an unknown phase, everything was spinning and in entropy until he felt warped back into his being but his father went missing. He doesn't want to talk much about it.
Names: Kat and Kitty

Ages: 17 and 15

Genders: Female

Gifts: Both cybernetic (Kinda like the Terminator but not indestructable)


Personalities: Kat and Kitty are, if you could not tell, are Mortal Kombat fans. HUGE fans. Cosplayers. And they arent ashamed of it, gladly wearing their costumes in public outside of some kind of Con. Kat is the Scorpion cosplayer, Kitty the Sub-Zero. They are so in love with the game they learned martial arts and self taught themselves some special moves from the game. Kat put Scorpion's chains in her wrist so they can be thrown like Scorpion can and Kitty has freeze ray, though both prototypes so they do have bugs. Their model is bugged too, turned their programming into self-learning. Kat is more of the serious one, Kitty the not so serious. Kat has a tattoo of the clan name Scorpion is a part of, the Shiria Ryu, on her collar bone and Kitty has the clan name Sub-Zero is a part of, the Lin Kuei, on her collar bone as well as a 'Bite Me' tattoo on her neck in honor of Reptile.
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Well, firstly, that first picture looks like it has implants O.o

But on a more serious note... this is an academy for the gifted, and "gifted" referring to superpowers. Not really sure cybernetics fit into that... I mean I guess its kind of a gift if it was because they had super-intelligence or something, but...

Natalie H. Victory

Nickname: Ghost

Age: 18

Date of Birth: 10/02/----

Gender: Female

Status: Single

  • State of Origin: Washingtom

    Gift: Invisibility and Intangibility

    -Invisibility: She can become completely Invisible at her own will to the Naked eye

    -Intangibility: Tanya is able to Quantum Tunnel through Inanimate and Animate objects such as Walls, People etc... Without harm

    Personality: Tanya is a Passionate, Caring, Kind, Protective, Serious and Athletic individual

    Backstory: She keeps it a Secret




    -Johnathan:A Good friend

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