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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted

Lance stood outside the School. He had been unsure about attending but had done so on his mothers behalf. She had been worried about him and his abilities, ever since he had gained them. He sighed and readjusted his duffle bag on his shoulder. He looked forward his Piercing blue eyes taking in the details around him. His eyes were highlighted against his fair skin and black hair. As he entered he saw the main desk and, following the letters instructions, went over and asked about his placement and courses. He was rather uneasy about this change of pace but figured that this would be the best way to get a handle on what was going to happen.
Despite leaving on time, if not actually early to get to class, Hilja was not one of the first to class. Nevertheless, she found a seat up front and pulled her "Human History" book from her bag. They would likely focus on only the most important events which had involved several nations, otherwise they'd never get anywhere with just how much history there was to be taught about even just one period of a single country's history regarding humans. Looking at the title as the textbook sat in her lap, she laughed very lightly at how silly the idea of grouping together the history of humans collectively still seemed.
"Oh, trust me, I get it. I'm not great with crowds either." He followed along beside the elven lady, peering at her from under his deep hood. "I'd say you come from a life lived lonely. Nothing wrong with that, but I can see how that would result in you being so uncomfortable." He gave her a reassuring smile. "Class won't be so bad, everyone will be quiet, so it won't pound on your head quite so much." As she put her tray and dishes away, he pulled out his phone and scanned the map of the school. "There's a balcony not far from here, closer than any main doors. You'll be able to take off from there and blow off some steam, if you'd like. A bit o' clean mountain air might do you some good."

Cryn noticed Seer watching him with unblinking eyes. Cryn supposed that he was quite a sketchy looking character, especially due to his grin. Even so, he continued to grin, out of habit, and because of a promise he made long ago.


As more and more people started to enter the classroom, the more tense Cryn seemed to get - for obvious reasons, at this point. He didn't appear to have any material right now, but he wasn't going to ask anybody for them to lend him anything. That's way too big of an invite for a long chain of uncomfortable interactions that never actually bloom into anything near friendship. So, he planned to simply appear as if he were interested in the subject - though he wasn't interested in the slightest - and grab materials when he got the chance out of class.
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Aurea flashed a grateful smile, glad at least someone understood. "

This is just so new to me. I don't think I'll ever get used to the crowds.

" A chill ran down her spine as she thought of all the future events and meals, her heart sinking. At least she had a fun roommate. "

If you could lead the way, I'd very much appreciate it.

" Aurea had left her map behind - she couldn't read it that well anyway. At this rate, she can only hope he was right about the classes being quiet. She was just lucky someone wanted to help her. "

I'm Aurea Driiquar by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you,

" she stated with a quick curtsy, slightly embarrassed she had forgotten to introduce herself earlier. She hoped he didn't mind too much.

Amaro Yawned and realized that he still needed to take out his materials. He reached into his bag and pulled out his textbook along with some paper and a journal in case he needed it. he also reached for his hip to confirm that one of his pistols where there. it made him feel uneasy when he was unarmed and he gave a silent sigh of relief as he felt the familiar shape of the gun. Now all he had to do was watch students as they poured in and wait for class to start.
"Oh, no need to curtsy. I'm far too much of a scoundrel for such formalities. Name's Jack Cooper. Nice to meet you too." He flashed her a good-natured half-smile before continuing. "And don't worry, you'll get used to having so many people around. Might even come to prefer it that way." He opened and held a door for her leading out onto a small balcony, the majority of which had been overgrown with ivy. "Here you go! And with just enough time to get a good dose of fresh air before heading to class." He leaned against the railing, looking out at the mountains for a moment. I have got to bring Noel here, this view is exquisite... "I should probably go find my friend in class, she's a lot like you with crowds... it was good meeting you!" Jack grinned at Auriel before letting her have the balcony to herself.


Jack entered the auditorium class at the top of the bowl and scanned the crowd for Noel. Once he managed to find her, he focused on a spot near her and performed a precise gesture.


"Hi Noel!" Jack sniggered at the surprised expressions of a few nearby students, as well as the exasperated eye rolls of others who were used to people teleporting. "I wonder what this teacher is gonna be like," he pondered as he settled into his desk, teleporting a tablet device in front of him and extracting a stylus for notes.

@Queen of Fantasy
The small girl jumped at the sudden appearance of her new found friend. She grinned and shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Though I'm going to guess someone way older than we are, since they are a history teacher."

(sorry for the short posts. I recently got back from a youth retreat with my youth group and wow, I got sun burned a lot. :| Hard to focus when you're in pain.)

Lance dropped off his bags at the desk and asked them to be delivered to his dorm, he would find it later. He headed off to his first class a little curious about what other kinds of students he would meet. He found the room with the directions he had been given and walked in. He surveyed the room and picked a seat near the back. He was pretty tall and dident want to block anyones veiw, then he thought, there could very well be students attending that would dwarf him in hight and decided to move up closer to the middle. He pulled out a note book with a knights crest adorning the cover and a silver pen shaped like a jousting lance.

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