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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Jessica make a small noise as Malaine dragged her to the front of the classroom. She seemed to be in a draggy kinda mood today.
He saw the people in the front of the class. Seems like no one is here for the school part. He went to the back of the class, and directed himself for the girl ''Melody''. ''Are you Melody? If so, could you hand me my computer?''
Ashe smiled back as Zane walked past. Her suspicions aroused. People have been acting so weird around her lately. First the redhead teacher, Amon, and now Zane. He hardly ever smiles. Creepy.. They better not be in some part of a planning my kidnapping she thought.

Luce almost broke down the door as he was excited about the news of her findings. "Well?" He asks, his eyes held a curious glint. @Federoff
"She needs you to explain what we have to do." She said and a sat down and watch Jessica protectivly as she was with Zane."Hurry up cause I done wanna be over here long.." she said looking at all the angels that where around her.
Zane looked to the girls and said "You just need to bring something that was discovered in the past. You have to write a short summary on what it is and why it is an important" said Zane as he handed the two laptops from the desk. @AceXCrossix

Jessica took the laptop with a smile.

"Thank you." She said before sitting next to Malaine. "What is with you today? You seem...on edge."
''Thank you.'' He went back to his seat, sitting down and opening the laptop. Kevin turned it on and started doing his research. Even tough everyone was appearently too occupied on social matter, he needs to get good grades, he needs a future.
Malaine grabbed the laptop and sat back down.She looked to Jessica "Today isn't really my day..." she said as she opened th laptop turning it on."You know I came here hoping that I wouldn't be judge,but I was wrong not only did some random Angel prick judge me but the god damn teacher to."
"Who is it?!" Luce had the urge to punch her face for toying with him but he held back. She probably wouldn't say if he did.

Ashe walks up to Melody and took a laptop from her. "Need any help?" She asked worried.

Jessica sighed and rubbed Malaine's shoulder comfortingly.

"I'm sorry Malaine."
Melody handed her the laptop and pondered for a few moments and then a smile grew over her face. "Yeah, if you could stay back here that would be nice" sad Melody giggling to herself as she looked over to Zane. Zane looked to the Malaine girl from behind the glass and said "I need to talk to Luce when he gets back, I think he upset her with his messing around" said Zane, not realizing he had said it out loud as he brought his clawed hand up and scratched his scale lined chin.

Daisy took a bite out of her pie and motioned him to come over to here and look at the computer. On the screen she had pulled up the profile of the girl she claimed to be his sister.

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Luce's eyes widened. "Ashe? The blonde I asked you about at the reception?" This had a huge impact on him. Who knew such a girl would be his long lost sister, but he had to have more proof. Can't get his hopes up for nothing. "Thank you Daisy. How can I repay you?" He asked wanting to just go back into his classroom and find more about her.


Ashe smiles and nodded, staying next to Melody as requested. Then, whipped around as Zane spoke, frowning. "I don't think he really meant what he said Malanie. Maybe he was just in a crappy mood," she told her reassuringly. "Man periods you know?"

"Whatever Im just going to go.." she said grabbing her laptop and standing up."Jessica ill be in our room.." she walked out the classroom and started to make her way to her dorm room.
Jessica gave her a half smile before opening up the laptop to get to work.
Zane turned to her and laughed, realizing that he had spoken his thoughts out loud. This in turned caused Melody to look at him and let out her own little laugh before she whispered in Ashes ear "That's the first time I've ever heard Zane full on laugh" as she was still chuckling to herself still. Zane looked at Melody with an eyebrow raised and asked "You better not be talking about me, you know how I hate the attention" said Zane. Melody quickly responded with "But there's so much about you to talk about" obviously messing with him. Zane turned and put his hand to his face to try to hide his blush again, his muffled voice only said "I don't have a life to talk about" a single tear forming near his eye.

"Weeeeeelll, you could make me some pecan pie, you know how much I love it" squealed Daisy with hope in her voice that he would. Her phone began to ring and she took the call. "Ugh science department had another accident, you can leave, but remember about the pie" she teased as she brought the off mic to her face. *Click*


Attention everyone, if you have science today you are dismissed, there has been an.. accident with one of the experiments, sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks

-Headmaster Daisy

Ashe walks over to Zane and pats his back. "Even if you don't have a life in the past, you can make your own now," she said, "with us." A painful feeling ached in her chest, making her want to burst into tears after she had made that statement to Zane but she held it in. No use crying in front of them. Ashe hid her actual feelings well and she did not want to break just yet. Putting up another smile, she hugs him before returning next to Melody.

Luce raised his brow. "You know I can't cook to save my life but if you insist, then get ready to die- I mean cry of it deliciousness." He gave her another smile before walking back to class, passing Malanie as she was heading for her dorm. Luce walks over to her. "Class hasn't ended yet," he states sensing her bad mood.

Zane's scale lined face turned from white to red as she had hugged him, that was the first time he had been hugged by anyone that wasn't his family, and he admitted to himself that it was a good feeling. Zane was silent for a few moments before he attempted another smile "Thank you" he let out with a low growl of happiness. Melody looked to Zane and then to Ashe and smiled "Your right, he is cute when he blushes." Hearing this caused Zane to turn his head while Melody laughed. "Do you want to hang out with us after class?" asked Melody in her happy tone.

"You don't think I know that.Im going to the project I just wanna be alone or is that something Im not allowed to do? " she said trying to keep her calm but ended up sounding mean and sarcastic at the end.

He got up and grabbed the laptop they had given him. He picked it up and started walking out of the classroom. He was passing trough the halls and he saw the pink haired girl and another male having a discussion. The words she said to him made him smile behind his mask. It's something he used to always say in middle school, not wanting to do projects with anybody. He started walking slowly to his dorm.
"Sure!~" Ashe chirped happily but then turned serious, "If Keani can come and.." She turns to look at Zane "if Zane will turn around so I can take a picture of his blushing face~" She whipped out a camera that magically appeared out of nowhere.

Luce sighs rubbing the back of his neck deciding whether or not he should say it. He mentally slapped himself as he chose. "I-I-I," he started, "I'm sorry," he muttered before turning his face around. Luce wasn't good at apologizing and by doing so, made him embarrassed by his actions.

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