.:Academy for the Curiously Superhuman:.

@Firelava, you do realize that I was referring to BlackPhantoms character, not yours. Sorry if it caused any confusion. I could fight your character if you really wanted to.
Either way. Nightmares are Daemonic anyways, and i figure both are nightmares ( pun intended ) to fight
I can either ignore your character, and talk to BlackPhantoms, or I can fight yours. What would you prefer?
I'll post tomorrow. It's a little late over here. :P

I'm used to writing in the first person, may I?
I think it's all your choice Moose, go in any way you want, as long as it works with the RP.
I find it pretty funny how this all started with me and Kyle going towards the campus, and now everybody's trying to kill each other (except for Daemonia and Lucas)

And my latest post will be my last for now, since it's pretty late here.
Daemonia, the ability to do that kind of stuff is absurd. You shouldn't be able to have stuff like that, you should stick to 1 type of energy or something. If you have every type of energy, you're basically the most powerful thing in existance, because you can control time and space to your advantage and reverse events that happened. You would also be able to have divine energy and the akin, thus giving you the abilities of an omnipotent deity.
I am new to this rp guys xD So uhm. I look forward to my character meeting you all.

But be warned, she's not like me xD In most ways
I previously asked FallenWhisper to do this, but really it could be any female character. I need a girl character to bump into Kyle and Cecile in the hall so Kyle can ask if Cecile can stay with her. (No girls in boy dorms so Cecile can't stay with Kyle)
That's alright, Artymis, there are already female characters. Thanks Dark Princess, I will take you up on that offer.

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