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Fantasy Absolute Academy - The Chosen Elites

there we go, I did reuse the format, so I didn't have to get entirely new pictures/abilities. Tell me if maybe I missed a detail here or there, but I read it through, so it should be good.

I am pretty sure it is long enough at that ( ;) )
@Elvengarda Your character is wonderful. Accepted! Feel free to make your post in the roleplay now :)
and here comes the fun part where I will have to make sense of all the different people... *takes out a notebook*

Long live lists :l
@Elvengarda @Ninja God (By the way, you're free to post now!) @Elvengarda has his mind set off going to the math class and @Puggie is already in World History, correct? I'm just asking so I can keep track of all of you so far before I get the chance to read the replies. I know that @Rosyshark is currently with me to World History as well.

Might be a silly question, but hey wouldn't hurt to ask. :)

Well, Raj has already had a math class- and has a break after to work on math homework.

I hadn't quite planned what class he'd be going to next... possibly music or literature? (guessing randomly- still trying to piece Raj's schedule)

I was wondering if our characters should have classes together or not? Like if the Roses and Bees all had classes together or if there were classes separate for them?
@RubyRose If you haven't thought about the full schedule yet it's fine! I'm just wondering what class they'll be heading to right now since recess is almost over and class will be starting soon.

Although only Roses can have Advanced classes, they can choose to take regular classes too. In fact, after a few thoughts, I decided that Rocks can also take regular classes (I know I must suck as an admin to keep changing my idea after the roleplay's been posted and failing to notify you about it orz) or else it would result in too much isolation between the ranks, and thus prevented interactions between different ranks, which is supposed to be the most interesting part (for me). Unless Rocks behave so lowly they're considered incapable of regular classes, Bees, Roses, and Rocks can take classes together. However, Roses are to sit in the front, Bees in the middle, and Rocks by the very back! Otherwise it would be nice for them to take classes together.
Alrighty! Well, I'm ready to write whatever class would come next for Raj, then- if you had a class in mind I can easily incorporate it :)


I'm going to write Raj heading to literature so that I can make my next post! But I will be open to changing it if someone else prefers something different.
@Red Panda

We're Ice Buddies!!! xD

Thought Raj can only make ice if he has water to start with, but otherwise full manipulation fun!!

This should be interesting, yes? :D
Woo, does that mean I get fire buddies too?

though Vince does know how to cast other more traditional non-savant spells I suppose...
I dunno :P If someone writes a character with fire powers, that should work fine right?

Wait... wasn't there a fire demon around here somewhere? Don't you already have a fire buddy @Elvengarda ? (Hime..?)
the other girl had fire powers too, but they're all a tad different... as Vince seems to have a bit more of light and dark magic supplemented by fire, and the others are like pure fire magic...

I didn't want to go and throw in "welp he can control fire, good luck" so I made up some stylish powers, and I think he could technically cast those book-spells too in this universe? I mean apparently a vampire girl had a book with spells too, and we get magic lessons, so I think there are basic type spells a magician could cast...
Vince already has a fire buddy, it is called Conscivit and is alpha as fuck (> :D )

I'll introduce the familiar later in the RP, when things really take off.

More fire buddies can never hurt though, but they're both roses and Vince is a rock...so that wouldn't go well
It's like a psychopath, or a sociopath

quite the opposite of my character actually, now I think about it ( :o )

We could be Mortal Enemies (*U*)
that's nice, let's start out mortal enemies that turn not so mortal enemies? Bit like competitive people, like mortal enemies that wouldn't let anyone else threaten that person xD
Totally fine. Raj'll understand, he is a Bee afterall. If he makes it to Rose, though, he'll expect respect :)
Vince doesn't really care much either xD

I mean, he's a tad too much of a naive stumbling kid to really let it get to him. Until you make him mad... don't make him mad... like really really not.

Those pretty little fluttering fireflies are quite deadly. Like, mass destruction deadly.

psst, little @Red Panda you haven't been accepted yet, @SilverBlack still needs to approve (' :) )

way to go on the enthusiasm, I like it >3<

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