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Fantasy Absolute Academy - The Chosen Elites

(Sorry for the late reply guys! x.x)

His simple magic show seemed to have entertained more people than he expected, but ironically the person he intended to amuse in the first place had only shown him curious gratitude, in which Jack assumed that maybe he's just surprised a Bee would help him, when he obviously appeared to be a Rock without a badge. He shrugged it off, however, as he tilted his head slightly as a "you're welcome" at the male student, then grinned at Francesca's reply, delighted that his quick performance has in some ways pleased everyone. "
I'm a real magician, after all," he replied cheerfully upon her comment on thinking it's just a slight of hand. His eyes then looked down toward the mermaid's laps in which he noticed the rose still placed nicely there, without in any way damaged. "Are you thinking of keeping the rose?" The lad asked nicely, secretly joyed that the rose's still there safe like that, his attention diverted enough that it caught him as a surprise when suddenly, a girl grabbed his hand with much enthusiasm in her voice.

Well, it wasn't the first time someone's been so into magic, and it also wasn't the first time someone would come up to him with his or her eyes sparkling and saying that his real magic tricks are cool. But to suddenly shot up from her seat and grabbed his hand...Well, that was quite rare. He could see her action have grabbed several attention from other students, who began looking at them with a weird frown, as if surprised by the sight. This girl--who called herself Ellse, was certainly a Rock, without a badge. Her energetic personality appeared rather comforting for him for it shows not all Rocks are gloomy with their lives, but also, a bit troublesome.
Well then, maybe I will really drop my rank as a Bee now, the thought couldn't help but cross his mind, but he laughed it off himself, knowing he didn't really care either way except losing some privileges. Thus, he responded to Ellse with a simple wink, "I'm glad my magic has entertained you, cute lady."

When his eyes finally rested back onto Ralec, he listened with a slight frown on his face as he learned the reason why as to his badge's disappearance. To his expectation, it's been taken away by a Rose, probably in an ill-willed intention of causing a lower rank, such as a Bee, inconvenience. Jack's displeasure for the arrogant and disrespectful action of the Roses once again took place in his mind before the realization hit him as he might just possibly know who Ralec is talking about. A Rose who carries a teddy bear---ah, it must be that wonderfully gorgeous girl who unfortunately spreads a rather fake aura that makes her usual..."Nice lady" act looks rather unrealistic if he has been correct on his own impression of her. Jack exhaled a sigh to himself upon the thought, crossing his arms at his own dislike for the high ranks, before turning side-way just enough to catch that Rose student out of the corner of his eye. Yes, the Rose who carries a teddy bear. How unexpected that she is also in the same class!

As if suddenly having an idea on what to do, a mischievous smile suddenly spread across the lad's face as he rested his eyes on the girl, who was sitting at the front. With a raise of his hand, he made a grabbing act as if trying to grasp the thin air before he opened his palm once again, with a Rose badge in it. Showing it off to Ralec and probably the other low ranked students back there who has been watching his little "show," he then waved the badge in midair with a wink--he has just stolen that Rose student's badge with yet another cunning magic trick of his. "
I guess you can say you get your revenge now?" Jack said with quite the mischief in his voice. Putting the badge in the hidden pocket inside his shirt, he decided that he would keep it as long as the interesting reaction of the Rose student's last.

The bell rang then, indicating the beginning of class. "
I won't be too far away from you guys," he said to Ralec and Elise, and with a wave of his hand to Francesca, before going away to sit at the last row of the middle section, giving the male student an option as to wear the fake badge and come to sit at the section with him, or have him remain at the back as a Rock. Meanwhile, his eyes secretly peaking toward the Rose student to see what might her respond be to a sudden disappearance of her badge.

She deserves it, Jack couldn't help but thought.

@Rosyshark @Aiakaos @Dawnsx @Eimi with granted permission)
Francesca smiled at Jacks comment about being a magician. She couldn't say she was too surprised though, even if she had been honest about thinking he was just doing slight of hand tricks at first. She then froze a bit at his question of what she would do with the rose.

"I-I was thinking or pressing it. It's so lovely I-I wouldn't want to just let it wither.." She said, starting out speaking at a regular volume but by the end of the response her voice was a little above a whisper. Was she being silly to keep it and did he think so too? No, that couldn't be it. She should have been able to tell from the way he asked. It didn't sound like he meant it in a mean way, in fact now that she thought about it, there was no way she could interpret that as a mean comment. She shook her head at her own foolishness and looked back to who Jack was talking to.

The same boy, and a two girls who she assumed must be rocks like herself. I wonder if they're nice.. The mermaid wondered to herself. It would be nice to get to know some of the other rocks in this school. Maybe make some friends she could actually hang out with in the open unlike Jack. Was Jack a friend though? She had only known him a sort amount of time, yet he had been so very friendly so far. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to consider him a friendly acquaintance for now. With time though, who knew he might even become a full-on good friend.

As she looked at the group she couldn't help but also notice the boy, Ralec she believed, look her way. The look was light, but she knew he seemed surprised. Instantly she started to feel self conscious. Was he looking at her chair? Her tail? Well no probably not that, seeing as it was covered up? Maybe he was her dorsal fin? Now that was possible. Her wheel-chair had been made to be 100% comfortable for a mermaid, and was the best her parents could afford. Well not the best since it wasn't motorized, yet there was a valid reason. That reason being that Francesca could barely figure out the controls on one of those. But her chair has a some-what cushioned back with a thin, rectangular hole cut into it all the way through the chair. The cushioning was thick enough that if she sat up, her fin fit right into the hole and only a bit of the tip would show. Yet if she leaned over, there was no missing the red shark fin sticking right out.
She sat up a little straighter, to at least try to keep anyone from possibly seeing it again. The last thing she wanted was people looking at her...

She jumped a bit as the bell rang for the class to start. She quickly waved back to Jack as she reached into her bag with her other hand to grab a notebook. Setting it down she opened it to the first blank page and waited for the teacher, sitting up straight. Partially to have good posture, and also she didn't want the teacher to see the fin. Who knows how teachers would treat a rock student. She knew she wouldn't be a priority for them, but she didn't know if they would be as unnecessarily cruel as the Rose students. She would just have to wait and see.

@SilverBlack (@Dawnsx @Aiakaos @Puggie mentioned)


A robotic voice from behind made Ellse turn around. It was another student, also a Rock. She nodded enthusiastically to her statement, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "I do! It's cool how magicians can do all these things like making things appear and casting all kinds of thingies!" As she spoke, she flailed her hands around as if she was conjuring something up from thin air. Before she could further elaborate on her love for magic, the bell rang, and she took it as a cue to sit back down on her seat. From the corner of her eyes, she saw the girl in the wheelchair taking out a notebook, and she abruptly remembered that she came into the class with nothing but a paint bucket.

For a moment, she considered napping through the class. The worst that could happen was a trip to the teacher's office for some scolding. Or maybe the teacher would just do it in front of the whole class. It wasn't like that hasn't happened before though. With a yawn, she set her head down on her folded arms, but just as she closed her eyes, she recalled her conversation with Rajat. Her eyes snapped open and she lifted her head back up. That's right- she told Rajat that she would try and become a Bee so that they could be friends. Getting into trouble wouldn't help the cause at all.

Ellse looked next to her, hoping that the guy might have a pen and paper to spare. Like herself though, it didn't seem like he had any materials on him. What about Jack? No good. He was all the way at the Bee's section. Ellse looked around anxiously, and after making sure that the teacher's eyes weren't on her, she waved at the girl.
"Pst, uh... Shoot, what's her name... Really pretty girl that was with Jack! Pst! Do you have some paper and a pen?"

@Puggie @Rosyshark (mentioned @RubyRose @Aiakaos @SilverBlack)
Yes, it is. Though I cannot speak more of this as it does not compute, and will cause my system to corrupt. When the bell rang, Kai only looked forward and stared ahead, ready to record everything the teacher says then print it out so she could get credit for taking notes. She couldn't afford to lose any more points then she already does.

The girl in front of her, Ellse, seemed to have forgotten her supplies. Kai couldn't help her. She didn't have any either. She didn't need them. She was her own supplies. Oh well. She just sat back in her chair.

Lillia Langtree

Lillia sits in the perfect posture and diligently stares toward the blackboard for the class to start. She is, of course, a model student for all the rocks and bees to follow as. The girl doesn't have a personal hate or love relationship towards learning. It's simply something she must obtain in order to get what she wanted from the very beginning. The past nuisances this afternoon has made Lillia very irritated, however she tries her best erasing the negative emotions and starts concentrating on the task before hand.

Adruptly, feels a sense a set of eyes intensely setting on her. She feels a little shiver behind her back and shudders in surprise. What is this feeling? She looks around the class for the first time and spots two familiar faces.

Lillia is startled,
"What?! Flea-brain and country bumpkin is in the same class as her?"

The lady doesn't know if this coincidence is a good or bad sign but she should take this advantage later.... Was one of them looking at her right now? No. They didn't even seem attentive about the fact that she was in the class. Her eyes further scans around the classroom, and spots one particular person who seems out of place. While others were getting ready for the class to begin, this man was secretly staring back her.

"Huh? Is he my fan or something? I don't seem to remember this swine anywhere..."

No that stare wasn't affection, it was more mischievous.

"What is wrong with him? Such a creep..."

The heiress looks away and notices something isn't right. This uneasy feeling inside makes her queasy, what is wrong? It wasn't something she ate? Did someone poison her or something?Her eyes fell down to her chest area and her eyes widens. The Rose badge is gone, HER badge. The hard earned badge she got from the last Ranking Ceremony! The very badge that will make her one step closer to becoming an elite. Suddenly, Lillia knew why was the swine was staring back at her. He did something with that badge.

"Great, one problem after another. Why is this day so unlucky for me?! This imbecile will pay for his stupid little petty trick. Watch me humiliate him to the whole school and make him beg for forgiveness and THEN burn him to crisps and and...."

When Lillia was about to get up and walk toward the swine, the bell rang and the teacher enters the classroom.


Lillia reluctantly sits back to her seat and ponders about her situation. Why would he steal her badge? He isn't like those one brain cell swines that knows her as cute. It seems like those people who are much smarter and knows her fake persona.

"The people with TWO brain cells...."

At this rate this will be very dangerous for her. He can damage her reputation. She have to quickly deal with him. Eliminate him. Luckily, she is in class right now and most likely not many people will notice the disappearance of her badge. In addition, she has been in the academy for almost three years, she was already made known that she is a Rose student. Nevertheless, it isn't like a Rose student to lose something this precious. She has to get it back. And fast. She sharply turns her head and angrily stares back at him, this happened all because of that...that...stupid low life imbecile!

Lillia furrows her brows and puffs out her cheek in frustration,
"That face...makes me feel like I'm going get hives! UGH! I'LL GET YOU."


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Francesca was waiting for the teacher to began, wondering what they would go over first. She wondered if maybe since this was world history if they were just going to talk about "human" history, or history of everything, including the people like herself. She sort of hoped so. Despite the fact that Francesca had heard the history of her people over, and over, and over again, she hoped she might learn about other creatures. Demons? Vampires? Anything new would be fascinating to hear. She was so caught up in her fantasies, she almost missed the girl trying to get her attention.

The mermaid looked over, it had been the friendly girl she saw speaking to Jack. Wait had she called her pretty? Francesca quickly pushed that from her mind but turned her head to face the girl a bit more. Looking around to make sure the girl hadn't meant someone else, she pointed to herself in a way that said 'do you mean me?' Yet when the girl asked her for the paper and a pen. How do you forget something like that? Well actually it's probably easy to. I'm sure I have an extra somewhere. She though as she nodded to the girl and held up a finger to say 'give me a moment.'

She found a spare pencil fairly quick, next was the paper. Sadly she didn't have any loose pages so she decided to settle on one from her note book. She grabbed the first to pages, two just in case the girl would need more or had large handwriting, and slowly started to tear them out. She hoped doing it slowly would keep the sound from being as noticeable, yet it still felt like she was causing a huge ruckus. Still ,eventually she had the papers out. Grabbing the pencil and holding it in the same hand as the paper, she leaned in her wheelchair to hand it to the other girl.



(@Elvengarda @Red Panda)

Things are picking up quite nicely here.

Illyanna didn't much care if Leo had a response for her. If he had a problem with her, then he could find her at a different time, but she was quickly losing interest in this confrontation. He wasn't someone she was interested in. He was easy to figure out and there was little mystery that surrounded him. There was very little information that he could provide for her. She turned back around and looked at the Rock. Students were beginning to file into the once empty classroom. It was time to leave. She glanced at her watch. She had to head to music classes once more. Instead of a sit-down class, this was more of a block of time for them to explore their interests; pick up a new instrument, rehearse, etc.

"Classes are going to start again."

Without waiting for a response, she turned and strutted out of the room. Some of the students stared, thinking that a fight just ended. Word would spread before the end of the day, but she paid it no mind. Rumors would fly. That was an inevitability here. The academy was mysterious. Everyone here had their own agenda. No one was exempt from this. Everyone had to watch their back here. The Queen and her guard were no exceptions. No one knew anything about them and that was...tantalizing to Illyanna. How long has the Queen been in power? How did she appoint her guards?

When will she be taken down?

She doubted that the woman would ever willingly step down from power, but she couldn't be Queen forever. Times change, people change. That meant that power would have to change as well.

And I'll be here when it does.

He quietly watched as Illyanna strode out of the classroom, with a perfect appearance as always. There was definitely something fascinating about her, but Vince wasn't yet sure if it was because of something morbid or something amazing. Would it even be worth finding out? For now he had to be friendly to her because she knew his backstory, but he knew something important about her too, be it not intentionally.

With a shock he realised he had another class to attend, and he'd be running seriously late if he didn't start packing immediately. Lousily he grabbed all the stuff on the table, and threw it into his backpack. All the honour en finesse of a few seconds ago gone as he ran off again, his backpack half closed because a few items stuck out too much. The next class... What was it again? World History! It would be disastrous if he got scolded again, but it was a few floors lower. Maybe he'd make it...

Panting a little bit he ran into the room, not quite paying attention to anyone sitting there. Lousily he threw everything he held on the desk and went rummaging through his backpack for the books and homework of this class. People would probably stare, start gossiping, but so be it.

Eventually he found what he was looking for, and tried to place it on his table neatly. Not quite succeeding, as the papers were a tad crumpled. When he looked up he saw a whole array of condemning faces. And, oddly enough, a girl who appeared to have a tail and dorsal fin... well, it was nice to see a seavilian for a change. Two legs were getting dull and out of fashion anyway.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.2fbc08d881f25adf650d8ea649accf03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69636" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.2fbc08d881f25adf650d8ea649accf03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raj practiced his elegant walk as he strode through the halls, headed for the music class. If his schedule was being changed, perhaps he was closer to being a Rose now? The thought brightened his mood to the point where there was even a smile fixated on his face for the duration of the walk. If Ellse wasn't able to rise to Bee Rank, perhaps he really could become a Rose and have her become his underling! In that regards, perhaps he could help her rise to Rose as well. He knew she had it in her, she just had to try.

Arriving at the music class, Raj grabbed the case with his flute then walked over to take a seat near the piano. Harp, Piano, Flute, whichever instrument he was on base to play today, any of them made him absolutely blissful. They all had such wonderful, melodic sounds! When the brass section wasn't wiping him out, that is, and every other soft sounding instrument. He eagerly awaited the rest of the class to file in so that they could find out what the plan was for the day.



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Was this a good idea? a girl thought to herself as she wondered off the ginormous vessel that brought her to this floating land above water. Her pastel green eyes scanned the surrounding area, the sheer size of the building and the overwhelming amount of creatures roaming around made her feel very much out of place, and she was. Compared to her attire which consisted of a single brown cloak that covered her naked body, her soon to be peers were dressed in the finest of cloth while some dressed what she had assumed to be ordinary clothing for children of this day and age. Was it okay to assume that this unbelievable place she had been invited was too much for this old deity to handle? No. It couldn't be. She had remained hidden on this growing planet for millenniums, no one capable of finding her much less someone actually knowing of her existence until recently that is. The girl wandered a bit, remembering the events that had brought her to this highly advanced academy. An ordinary day for her, sleeping inside a hollowed out tree that she had just renovated for herself in a forgotten forest. As one would have guessed, she spent most of her time lazing around, avoiding all contact with those she considered of high intelligence. She hadn't plan on coming out that day nor did she ever think she would, but when a man dressed in a rather formal suit comes knocking at one's home what does one do? His eyes were silver, his hair jet black, and his build was incredible for looking as young as he did. Chrone was immensely surprised at her visitor, who at first smiled at her appearance and then looked away when he noticed that she wore nothing to hide her body, just standing there naked.

"Who are you?" she asked, her eyes were slits similar to that of any other reptile. There was no immediate answer, just a few seconds of silence which she had thought to be a way of him reorganizing his thoughts. Soon he spoke.

"You must be Chronepsis correct?" he coughed before asking her identity. Nodding at his question, seeing as it would have been pointless to refute his guess since she would then have to explain why a lone girl would be lounging around in an empty space such as this. Besides, he already knew her name so he already knew who and what she was. "Good. Well, I am a messenger from Absolute Academy, looking to invite you Ms. Chronepsis to join our wonderful institute." he exclaimed. a sudden expression of confusion coming over the pale skinned dragons face?

What? she repeated in her brain, while he went on about this said Absolute Academy. Truthfully, she didn't hear a word he said until he asked her for her attention. It was too inconceivable ... "Get out the way!" a shrill voice cried as it slammed into her body, her body staying still at it's spot. Slowly turning her gaze to the man in front who was now rubbing the side which had made contact with her body,her mind had returned to the present.

"Don't you know that people are walking! Unlike you, some of us have places to be!" he hollered, a single tear sliding down his cheek at the pain in his side. Chrone stared blankly, unaware of what had just happened, but context clues would suggest that the poor gentleman had ran into her and was probably expecting an apology from her. Oh well. Swiping a strand of her white hair behind her ear, she looked the fellow up and down before completely ignoring him and simply walking towards the main entrance of the school. Chrone could swear she heard him swearing in the background, but her mind would not allow her to care as much. Just because people like him may have given birth to her didn't mean she had to cater to their ever whim. She had spent half of her life doing that while the other had in seclusion. She had recently just stop, and she was not about to start up again anytime soon. Leaving the child, she walked a reasonable distance until she made it to the building entrance. The doors were made from a beautiful crafted piece of glass, that had beautiful leaves and an assortment of petals that intertwined with one another creating what seemed to be a dance reaching the bottom. Pulling it open, she felt a burst of cool air that greeted her body all over with chilling kisses that caused her to shiver.

Adjusting her body temperature to the rooms, she scanned the area looking for other living creature that would hopefully be nicer than the one from earlier. Searching, see saw plastic squares that hung from the ceiling and a few more squares that rested on marble counter tops that differed from the one above. It was becoming much clearer that being separated from the world as long as she had had not been the wisest of her choices as now the world has fully out grown her with new creation that her mother surely had some part of making. Chrone looked away from the square and at the plastic configurations she assumed to be chairs, although they appeared to be nothing like the chairs she had once seen. They were not like the squares before and was instead a combinations of white plastic and some sort of silver metal that held the shape in place.

"Why hello. I haven't seen you here before? You must be new I'm guessing." a cheerful voice called from behind one of the many squares in the room. Chrone nodded at the voice that warranted her attention wondering who had been there. It was a woman who appeared to be in her mid twenties who sat there clacking on a longer rectangle with weird lettering. "Okay. May I ask your name? Once I get that I can help you get situated. Better hurry too. Classes are about to begin." She urged, waiting for her to respond.

"It's Chronepsis." she responded apathetically, watching the woman struggle with the spelling of her name. Chrone would have helped, but she didn't know the language of the rectangle to be of any use to her. It took quite awhile, but she had eventually figured out and went on t examined the square in front of her.

"Here it is. Chronepsis. Ah, so you're a Bee without a name I see. Well lucky you. Now let's see here. Your first class appears to be music." she glanced downward before continuing," I'll print out a schedule and give you a map of the school seeing as you are indeed new. Give me one moment." she stated, before the clacking of what she thought to be even more squares hitting one another to throw up a piece of paper with some sort of picture.

"Here ya go. Now go before you're late on your first day." she hurried, giving her the decorated paper before returning to the backroom that she had been in previously. Chrone blinked, staring at the piece of paper that appeared to be a map, but unlike she had ever seen. The words were foreign to her, but there was a circle which she had made out to be her destination and so with the sheet of paper, she followed the line. At few minute of walking through endless corridors, she found a room with an open door where she saw students with weird looking instruments walk in. This was probably her first class. Without any hesitation, she entered the room, her feet getting used to the coldness of the floor, her brown cloak hugging at her from all sides. The room was rather large in size, filled with well dressed people and a great amount of black squares that many of the students seemed to be picking up. What do I do now? she wondered, staring blankly at the large boxes standing idly at the front of the door. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.


(Finally posted ;A;!)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.ad3f62c33b9545d7e68e125f0d6f0c3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.ad3f62c33b9545d7e68e125f0d6f0c3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

While Raj waited patiently for the class to begin, he amused himself with watching the other students wander in. There were enough people in the Academy that he wasn't surprised by there being a few faces he didn't recognize- he knew a new ship had come in today. He watched these students with special interest to see what instruments they would be playing. He was fairly impressed with the choices, some adding to already existing sections and some picking up instruments that weren't occupied yet. His attention would have returned back to his own instruments -he had been considering pulling out some of his music scores and looking over them to remind himself of problem areas that needed work- when his attention was drawn to a person in a cloak that just had the aura of being lost. The person just stood in the doorway, looking like they weren't sure what they were doing or where they were supposed to be. Recognizing the silver badge that stood for Bee pinned to their chest, Raj took it upon himself to lend his equal a hand.

Setting his music and his flute case onto the piano bench, he strode towards her, focusing on making sure he looked elegant and professional- like he knew what he was doing. He wanted to exude that he belonged in this room so that perhaps this stranger would be able to trust him without too much questioning. Not that he was looking for a lot of trust but it wouldn't hurt to help them out and the best way to help someone out was to make it seem that you knew what you were doing, no questions asked.

"Hello there." He said, pausing long enough to give a small bow- a respectful greeting from one Bee to another. "Are you finding your way alright? Is there anything I can assist you with?" He spoke in a smooth, quiet voice- thankful that the music class had professionals instead of silly students. Thanks to their status, they knew not to pull out their instruments and goof around. They instead waited for proper instruction from the professor before making a sound, which meant Raj didn't have to raise his voice to be heard. Strands of white hair, not entirely unlike his own, caught his attention, and he wondered who this person was and what their purpose at the school may be.

@A Guileless Fable



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Standing there confused, she heard a voice from within the crowd that seemed to be directed at her. Turning her head, she looked up to see a tall child standing besides her asking if she needed help with anything. She stared at him for a moment, closely examining the child in front of her. He had long flowing snow white hair, similar to her own, that drooped down to his waste. His eyes were the colors of the ocean and his skin was an extreme pale that made it look as if the sun had failed to touch the child in all of his years of living. His clothes were similar to many of the other children that attended, and there was an extremely bright object pinned to his shirt. She remembered receiving an item of the same quality but made out of a duller material than his own. Spacing out, she quickly snapped out of her trance as she noticed she had been examining him for over a minute now. Returning back to his initial question, Chrone simply nodded her head in response her voice refusing to come out. Having spent most of her time alone, there is no need to talk to others so her voice has been left unused for centuries. It was quite a task getting her facial muscles to loosen enough for her to even be able to open her mouth.

"I don't know how things work in this era." she said in a monotone voice. That was something else that remained after leaving her forest home. She had kept her tail and horns hidden, but her voice and facial expressions was something that was harder to fix than her outer appearance. "Oh. I'm Chronepsis, but you may call me Chrone." she stated, feeling that this was the part in which greeting occur. “I’m not sure how these "music classes" work, so I am rather confused." she continued, her eyes wandering towards the misshapen instrument located to the far right of the room. The world has indeed changed. She remembered the large vessel that brought her across the sea, her initial thoughts on how something of this magnitude could carry so many things. This century had far surpassed the one she had left, and even for a deity the change was frightening. The bows and arrows she had grew accustomed too were replaced by large metal cylinders that did far more damage than the old bone tipped pieces of woods had ever done. Those square earlier that spitted out pieces of decorated papers at that woman's command. Everything changed, and although she hated to admit it she felt incredibly lost in this entirely new world. Focusing on the task at hand, she looked at the child before her once more and asked, "How is this world?"

An incredibly odd question to ask a person on their first meeting yes, but for someone who has been in incognito for thousands of years it would do her some good to know how this "life" had changed. Her face remained expressionless as she continued to converse with the man in front of her, slowly growing sleepy. Chrone had not done this much interaction with a living thing in so long that it was bound to tire her out if she dived into the situation as she had done now. Refusing to allow herself to sleep, she pinched herself to keep her awake, the growing pain on her side keeping her attention. However, while she paid attention to that, she was unaware of the fact that her tail came popping up from his hiding spot, energetically jumping out happy to be free at last from the cursed spell it had been put under.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.76ee6544781fd918d401d9a17147728f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69954" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.76ee6544781fd918d401d9a17147728f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raj took the moment that the person spent looking him over to look them over. It was obvious that the Bee was female and her pale green eyes seemed to observe everything. He found himself interested in the color, making him think of the jade ice that could be found in under turned icebergs- one of his favorite colors. Not to become biased, but he found it to be a very pretty color. Her short stature at first made Raj assume she was one of the younger students, but when she spoke... just the way she talked and the questions she asked had him wondering just what age she was.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Chrone. My name is Rajat but you may shorten it to Raj if you prefer." He said. It was a nickname he didn't offer often, yet people tended to fall into using it anyway. When he had first asked people why that was the most often response was 'Raj just sounds better.' Raj thought for a long moment how to explain the music classes. It was hard because he didn't know how much she knew. From the way she spoke it seemed like she was absolutely clueless about how classes worked in general. Saying something like 'Well, we're brought here to learn how to play instruments' seemed like he wouldn't truly be answering her question. He decided to start with her final question that had him pondering on her age being much older than her appearance, and again paused to think of the best way to answer that.

"This World is full of building changes. Each year, more is accomplished in advancements then the last though many argue that perhaps we are not advancing, merely making life easier for those who are lazy. I personally believe the advancements made in technology, like the ability to communicate face to face over long distances and the ability to freeze moments of time with pictures have been good things to happen to us. But I believe there have been other creations, like writing out messages instead of communicating through voice or again, face to face, has made it so that humans have lost a lot of the connections they've had with one another." Raj was careful about trying to choose words that weren't too modern. He didn't know what era she was from, but if she was speaking of eras it was possible she was older than he could fathom. He also kept in mind that it was possible she was just a prodigy of intelligence at an exceptionally young age.

@A Guileless Fable

"This class is used to work together to make music. We each have instruments of our choice, or if we can't choose are assigned to us, that we do our best to learn so that we can participate in the performing the music. For example, I know piano, flute, and Harp. These are the instruments I perform on during our performances." He said, leading Chrone over to where the piano stood and then pulling a flute from it's case to show that to her as well. He pointed to where the harp stood, farther back in the room a beautiful mahogany wood creation that Raj wished were his own personal harp. "I don't know how much you know about instruments but I'm open to explaining any and all you wish to know about them." Raj offered, his voice as calm as ever though it was warmed by his passion for music. His eyes were also lit with an inner glow thanks to his love of all harmonious and practically perfect things.

(the icebergs I had in mind: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c41624342_iceberg_narrowweb__300x3060.jpg.eee778f8b3a245deb676810e9c993b42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c41624342_iceberg_narrowweb__300x3060.jpg.eee778f8b3a245deb676810e9c993b42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)



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The girl stood in silence, listening as the child who introduced himself as Rajat as he began explaining how the world changed. Communicating face to face from long distances? P-i-ctures? Technology? These words danced in her mind, so foreign that she had thought them to be from an entirely different realm of existence. Human sure did come a long way then what she had remembered. Her mothers were not what one would call a united species. War ravaged land, diseases filled villages, hatred for one another stronger than their love for something could have ever been. They created the word Savage to describe those they considered uncontrolled, but in all actuality it was just the word to describe them. A race of creatures that lived for their own greed and selfish desires that couldn't be controlled by the likes of themselves much less other people. As he spoke, Chrone attempted to imagine what these "technology" could do. How does one even begin to fathom another talking face to face from two different places? It was just inconceivable! Once he finished, her mind was in a complete disarray although her face did nothing to show the apparent confusion that she was feeling. That seemed to be her most prominent feeling as everything she had laid eyes upon did something that made her skeptical or confused. In the end, her mind began to settle down at the thought that her mother was finally doing something themselves without having to rely on her. Chrone held her breathe. Rely on her. She hadn't thought about that in ages, and the fact that they didn't rely on her was something she was thoroughly proud of ... she thought. However, something deep within her subconscious told her otherwise. It nagged at her brain refusing to quiet down, filling her head with detrimental ideas. What was her purpose? She went into hiding to run away from this purpose she had been born to fulfill, but now ... there was nothing to run away from. It became known to her that she no longer hid from her purpose, but her purpose hid from her. Somewhat saddened, her tail twitched as Rajat began explaining her initial question, music class.

Unlike before, there was a little bit of hidden delight in his voice as he talked about the oddly made tools that she considered to be today's instrument. Rajat first went on about what was the purpose of this music class and so on and so forth. Even though it seemed that way, Chrone was not entirely clueless in the fact she knew what music was. Compared to the days where there was only a leather ball to play with, music was a fine way for humans to pass the time. Mother's sung lullabies to their children, fathers sung drunk at festivals, and other human with the talent of a voice sang for crowds. Instruments were also included as she particularly enjoyed the sound of ancient Chinese music with it elegant strings that echoed throughout a room in harmony with one another it played with well. Music was probably one of the few things she liked about her mother's if she were to be completely honest. Unconsciously, she began nodding her head as the other talked about music with such fondness that it made him seem a few years younger than what he was. Eager to show her these instruments, Rajat brought her to a large wooden contraption that he called a piano, then brought out a cylinder filled with holes that he called a flute. Lastly he showed her a ...

"Guzheng." she said as she approached the large wooden instrument, weaving through the student body that stood in her way. She had completely blocked out the last thing Rajat had told her in order to gaze at the beauty in front of her. It looked quite different from what she had remembered it, but she was quite sure that the beautiful creation in front of her was a Guzheng. Chrone was by no means a genius when it came to the musical arts, but she remembered the Guzheng. It was by far her favorite instrument, but now taking a closer look at the instrument she realized she had jump to conclusions. It was far too large and had too many strings to be what she had thought it to be. Besides Guzheng was an instrument placed horizontally opposed to standing up like this one had done. If she remembered correctly, Rajat had referred to it as a harp which she assumed to be in the same family as her most beloved Guzheng. Does it play the same? she wondered as she plucked a string. The little wire swayed back and forth, releasing a voice that chilled her to the bone. It wasn't the same as she had heard, but it had succeeded in making her shiver.

Instinctively, she began plucking the strings in a formation that she had remembered so well in that past. She played with the strings, touching each with a forgotten sympathy that she had once had before her disappearance. She caressed them gently as if the slightest tug would caused them to break. As she played, she had forgotten how quiet the room was which only increase the sound of the instrument. Thrusting her hands forward and back, she played a childish melody that a woman once taught her in old Japan. It sounded nothing like the melody of her earlier years, but it still was something she found to be quite peaceful. After a minute or two, she stopped, realizing that she was too enthralled with the instrument in front. Pulling her hand back like a child playing with fire, she escaped from the Harp's presence and returned to Rajat side.

"Thank you." she said, her fingers still tingling from where her hands touched the strings. She could feel stray eyes land on her, some of awe, other of irritation, and more with the look that said "amateur". Moving her tail side to side, she pulled the cloak around her body feeling a slight chill coming from her right that revealed a pale white leg.

"So is that all "music class" is Rajat?" she asked, feeling after the little relapse that she had, it was an inappropriate question to ask the other.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.94d19027539920c9121e665a39f42116.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69990" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.94d19027539920c9121e665a39f42116.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raj watched as Chrone wove her way through the crowd. He was unable to follow without some pushing and shoving, so instead he moved to the side where he could get a better vantage point. He observed the way she approached the harp, her expression seemed to be ever so slightly in awe like when you came in contact with a long lost friend. It was interesting watching her interact, first by plucking one string and then by playing more. He heard a couple murmurs of annoyance but most were curious the way he was. It was obvious she was a newcomer and for that he was sure the professor and the other students would at least cut her some slack. As her messing around turned into a fairly decent song, Raj silently applauded her ability. She certainly wasn't the best he had ever heard, but she was far from the worst. She knew how to allow her hands to communicate with the strings which was a trick that couldn't be taught. The piece she played wasn't perfect and was obviously not rehearsed, but the basic form and proper ability was there. If nothing else, Chrone could take over the parts that had a harp. It wasn't like Raj would mind. He could still play the harp outside of class and during Music Club. He didn't need to hog it all the time- especially not when he also knew flute and piano.

The sudden stop of notes had Raj lifting his head to look over at her, surprised to see her pull away from the harp abruptly and head back over to him. He gave a polite nod at her thank you, though he wasn't sure what he had done to deserve it. Before Raj had a chance to properly respond, movement caught his eye and a tail came into focus. The movement also caused the cloak Chrone had been wearing to reveal a lot of skin and Raj pulled his gaze away quickly. Was she not wearing anything beneath the cloak? It seemed rather scandalous and as soon as class was over, Raj was going to see about hunting clothes down for Chrone. The movement of the tail again, recaught Raj's attention and turned his mind back to the important point at hand. He had never known any human to have a tail before... and this only added to his theory about her age being something more than her appearance.

"Yes. Music class is to learn an instrument and play it harmoniously with others. We also get to learn our own solos, as well, so that we can be strong alone and/or with the group." Raj said before hearing the professor clear their throat. "Come, lets take a seat and find out what we'll be playing today."

"I have a new piece to pass out." The Professor stated clearly. "Miss Chronepsis, as you have taken a liking to the harp, I would appreciate you learning the harp's part in this piece." She said as she passed out the music. Raj nodded when he got second flute and a piece for the piano as well. He glanced over at the part for the harp, impressed with the music sheet. This looked like it was going to be a beautiful piece. And no obnoxious brass players to steel the spotlight!

@A Guileless Fable



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Reassured by Rajat of the purpose of music class, Chrone was forced into a seat by the child as the woman in front called everyone to attention. She cringed at the throbbing pain of her tail, finally aware that the reptilian appendage had broken free of her spell that kept it hidden. The girl turned her head to see the scaly white tail pushed against the back of her chair, her scales scratching softly against the now ruined piece of furniture. Chrone felt a few eyes land on her bottom, a few murmurs that told her that this was indeed not anything normal to see. The faster she hid it, the quicker her peer's gossip would cease. Returning her attention back to her tail, she simply waved her hand in a circle motion creating a small unnoticeable breeze that once again bound it to her butt. Sadly, trouble doesn't always consist of a singly problem as now the cloak she had brought as her only piece of clothing rubbed against her bare bottom creating an irritable sensation. She held her discomfort within, her unused facial muscle helping to keep her facade as the woman began passing out more of those sheets of decorated paper. When the woman reached her area, she stared blankly at her and in return received what she believed to be a special sheet of decorated paper. It must have been, seeing the way as she had especially said it was going to be "her piece" whatever that meant. Taking the sheet, Chrone eyed the odd lines on the pages. What was she supposed to do with this? Recalling the paper she had gotten from the woman earlier, the words had taken a complete 180 as it went from foreign letters to these weird symbols. Did humanity advanced to the point of being able to speak a language such as this? Adjusting her position on her chair, she thanked the lady that she had speculated to be the mentor of this "class", and continued staring at the sheet in utter confusion.

"Rajat." she called, looking at her new comrade in question. "What does one do with this?" she asked, pointing at the seemingly meaningful squiggly lines on the page.

"I don't understand the characters written on this page. I assume that they make something of a letter, but how do I go about deciphering it?" she questioned, having never seen anything like this in the past. She knew how to read ancient Japanese and Chinese, and although both did partake in plenty of draw characters this was of an entirely different level. The words were written on 4 distinct black lines and rarely did any of the characters sit on the same corresponding line as one of a different shape. Once again fixing her position on her chair, she attempted to decipher the enigma that had been given her. The master of this "class" seemed to have high expectations for her, and seemed rather confident when giving her this so it would only be right to meet these expectations for her. Awaiting, Rajat's answer, Chrone was almost at the breaking point as bottom became unbearably itchy, her head starting to become a jumbled mess, and her tail once again threatening to pop out due to her discomfort. Keep it within. You are a deity, problems such as these are to be expected. she reminded herself as she constantly shifted in her seat.

Chrone never had to wear clothing when she lived in the forest, finding more comfort in sitting unclothed on mother Earth. She had been born without clothes and seeing as she was alone and not human, she never found a need to dress herself. Thinking about it now, she doubted if she would have survived in this changing society if she had been forced to wear clothing in the first place. The only reason she wore them now was because the messenger had warned her about humanities laws against nudity as well as people he called "predators" that preferred young looking girls like her. She specifically remembered how he put an emphasis on looking in order not to offend her by calling her a child, which she wasn't. Anyway, she unconsciously fidgeting, her feet and hand grabbing at one another to somehow make the situation a little bit more durable. Sneaking a gulp she had to wonder, How can humans wear this?!


Here ya go :3! You do what you will with this.
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Quietly he looked up at the ceiling, a hole now gaping where the cat had fallen through, or at least, the person that was trying to imitate a cat. As he looked down, and watched the soft rose eyes very very close... too close. A paw touching his face, a muddy paw... and the cat's filthy pink nose nearly touching his face. Instinctively he backed off, hindered by his chair, but still managing to get away quite a bit, letting out a little squeak in surprise. This day hadn't started off well for his manlyhood, that was for sure, but he didn't quite care.

As he backed off, he saw a similar weird, shifty form around the cat, the same he had seen with Illyanna's tail, except it wasn't that clear. It had a human form, a female form, and instead of dark and nearly solid, it was a smoke-like outline. It wasn't a cat then? and she seemed to be able to talk. Slowly getting over his shock at this strange cat falling on his desk he finally opened his mouth to ask something.

"are you alright?" sure, it made him look mad in the eyes of his classmates, who now figured that this idiot was talking to a cat. So be it, a cat didn't fall out of the ceiling, and land upside down on his desk. As far as he knew he was already mad anyway, and in the way the teacher now eyed him and his new acquittance seemed to be sure of it. With all these strange things going on he'd never get to learning, or increasing his rank...

@A Guileless Fable
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.96eea84f39f27df82863753f6543205b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.96eea84f39f27df82863753f6543205b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raj's eyes widened as she asked her question. He hadn't been aware that the Academy would allow people in to music class who couldn't even read music. This was concerning because Raj certainly wasn't qualified to teach someone how to read music and he wasn't sure the teacher was interested in doing so. Perhaps he had the professor pegged wrong. First things first, he should answer her question.

"It's a sheet of music. The squiggly characters are 'notes' and they tell which string you should pluck and for how long." He said, speaking slowly as he sought out words she'd hopefully understand. Raj noticed that she was a bit fidgety and took it as concern for not knowing.

"How good are you at playing by ear or by watching another?" He asked, an idea striking him as he watched her. He glanced up at the professor when she gave the word for them to go practice and nodded to acknowledge he had heard. His own piece was relatively easy in comparison to some of the other things he'd played. It wouldn't take him too long to get his part figured out which gave him time to help Chrone. If it were any other matter but music or art, Raj would have probably left her to find for herself, but these were things he loved and wanted to share with the world. He would give a great amount of time to someone interested in music, or having a talent for it.

@A Guileless Fable



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