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Fantasy Absolute Academy - The Chosen Elites

Ralec Darl

The young man perplexedly stared at the Rock student as she walked away, exclaiming she should leave the two 'new friends' while she would retrieve a manual for him. ...Is that girl dumb? Did she not see how the Rose student was about to-?! Oh forget it. She seems like one of those naive and innocent types of girls now that I think about it. I'll thank her later if I bump into her again for the manual. He raised an eyebrow when he heard the words of the Rose, something and whatnot about 'mommy'. Such a word never came out of his mouth. He never considered saying it to his own mother either. He barely saw the woman aside from being used to show off his potential to other parents anyway. Thinking that he most definitely did not want to stick around and help her 'until the end, Ralec glanced at the Rose student as she called for someone in the hallway, blinking when students parted the way of the called stranger with bows. Not wanting to get stuck in a similar situation he currently faced with the Rose, he followed suit and bowed deeply. When he heard the word 'loser' being directed at him, he fought the urge to rise and see who the owner of the voice was, interested in what kind of person would say that a straightforward thing within earshot. It wasn't that he felt insulted. He was used to being called many vulgar things from performing his infamous antics. Enough that he learned not to mind the "defamation". On the contrary, he took it as somewhat of a compliment. Anything was better than being described like an exact copy of this parents. Being a thing of the past was boring.

He stayed still as he hears another voice that informed the Rose of her manners. So Roses can get scolded as well... Rather than being concerned about being in the Queen's presence, Ralec focused as he picked up on a single word. Once he heard the footsteps fade away he straightened his posture again and turned around, walking as far away from the scene he was just involved in. Light flooded into his mind as a new idea surfaced.

He was going to get expelled.

Ralec slyly smiled as he thought it over. The Rock student had been close to expulsion by the fact that she had to complete an errand given by the man he heard. Then... His thoughts were cut off as he deeply bowed to another Rose, ruffling his own hair when the student passed him and continued on his way. Judging by that paint covered Rose he had foolishly confronted earlier, he couldn't act rashly. Ralec blinked when he noticed the strange looks at him when he bowed to another Bee student with his head. He brushed it off and continued thinking. Just why was he putting so much effort into being a student here? He didn't want to attend this Academy. He had been forced to go and stay on an island until he graduated. Wait..yes! An island. His parents weren't here to hover over his moves. This place certainly wasn't a museum. Ralec raised an eyebrow, pleased at his situation, only to shake his head. No. If this was an island reserved especially for the Absolute Academy it meant he wouldn't find any people that would be willing to have fun with him. Which meant he must get expelled from this place no matter what. Roses weren't his top priority anymore. Their top ranks seemed to be as much of a hassle as being a Bee. All he needed was to stay put as he was right now and- Ralec stopped walking after he patted his chest for his badge. He looked down at his shirt, then at the floor, and turned around to see if was behind him.

The Rose. He let his hand on his chest fall to his side as he realized what he had done. Ralec exhaled as he resisted an impulse to throw his suitcase into the air and ran his hand through his hair. Shit. So that was why he was looked at strangely from before. He pressed his lips together as he thought about what to do. Everyone else besides that Rose student were definitely going to automatically label him as Rock now. What was bad about being a Rock besides being ordered around and being ridiculed? That was exactly his life in the museum and where ever he was around his parents. What difference was there? Ralec hummed as a thought clicked into his mind and continued walking. I guess I didn't need a badge after all.

He stopped once he was in front of a room and opened the door, making his way into a classroom and scanned the students. Interesting. So students sit from front to back accordingly by their ranks.. He bowed to the Roses and Bees as he made his way to the back and sat down, dragging his suitcase with him and placed it under his desk. He tugged at his shirt collar, a bit annoyed that he was still in a suit. As much as he wanted to get expelled, he was going to attend class as a gesture to give this so called Academy a chance, whichever subject this class taught. As long as it wasn't -

Ralec nearly stormed up to the chalkboard in order to scribble out the words that he had just noticed. He crossed his arms whilst sitting in proper posture, doing his best not to kick his desk or laugh in a mad manner at what the words read.

He was in World History.

Out of all the subjects he was fine with learning- it just had to be history.
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(@Elvengarda)(I apologize for the late reply.)

Illyanna walked into class just ten minutes before the class was about to start. Her schedule, which she had committed to memory, said that it was a 'mixed' class. All three classes would be present, but divided. This was confirmed as the teacher shouted for Roses to sit in front, Bees to sit in the middle, and Rocks to sit in the far back. She saw a few students grumble and move, but for the most part, they knew their place. To be honest, she preferred a seat in the back. She had no problem seeing from the back row and it was easier to keep an eye on everyone in the room. In the front row, everyone's eyes were on her and she couldn't properly observe the class.
This just won't do. Although she could have easily taken a seat in the back, she also didn't want to be associated with...them. She settled for a seat in the front near the windows. She sat sideways, with her back to the window so that she could still see everyone.

Illyanna placed her books and pencils all on her desk neatly while she waited for class to start. Everything was in order, and it was almost unnaturally neat. It was spaced evenly and her pencils were sharpened to a perfect point. Looking at it soothed her. She took a glance around the room and was surprised to see that there was that white-haired Rock again; the one who stumbled in front of her.

Interesting how this school seems to want to make things happen.

She supposed it wasn't too far off. Schools like this often kept a grave secret. Manipulation of the students wouldn't come as a surprise to her. The teacher seemed to wait for all of the Roses to get to class. They didn't really care if the rest of the students had arrived, just the important ones. She laughed out loud a little at this, causing a few students around her to feel uneasy.

The Rocks were the ones who needed these core classes. Sure, it was important for the Roses too, but they were the elite of the elite. Things like math and science held little importance to someone like her. That didn't mean she was bad at it. In fact, she already took all of these classes on her own. No doubt the other Roses had taken classes already as well. It was just funny, she thought to herself, that the teacher prioritized the Roses, when most of them were very well-informed in these subjects already.

They need this more than we do.

After all, itt wouldn't do to give us substandard workers.
(@Kit Kat , I typed out the most beautiful, magnificent reply an hour ago... and then my phone deleted it (:<) )

Vince watched as a red haired girl, a rose, graciously strutted into the class, not even fazed by being late. He recognised her as a girl that had been close when he had done his little acrobatic stunt earlier. She was very pretty, and though she definitely seemed cold, she did not have that air of cruelty most roses exhumed, though it did seem a tad strange that she was laughing out of nowhere. It would be unwise to pay too much attention to her though, she was after all a rose, and even just simply looking at someone was dangerous in this school.

Instead he focussed on his homework again, and quietly and trying to not get noticed he took off his gloves. For a little bit he just looked at his left hand, not sure what he was expecting as his middle finger wouldn't miraculously grow back again since this morning. Still, he had wished it had been his right hand instead, that would have made his life a lot easier. He had even begged his father to instead cut his right hand, but the religious nut was firmly confident that being left handed was the work of the devil You'll see boy, when you're normal again, you'll thank me for not taking your useful hand yeah, that hadn't exactly worked out the way it was supposed to.

As he looked up, he saw a few people stare at his hand, mostly rocks and bees, and quickly he just grabbed his pencil and wrote a proof sentence. Despite him practising and putting a lot of time in improving, though not entirely without results, it simply wasn't as good as it was supposed to be. For someone that used to have a very fine style of handwriting, it now just looked like it was scribbled by a mangled chicken. It was actually quite infuriating. As time passed he perhaps would have to accept that perhaps his handwriting would never be on par with the rest again, but for now he was too stubborn to give up on practising.

Meanwhile the teacher had been going around taking homework, and he felt a bit of a chill down his spine, knowing what would come. He hadn't yet seen the woman yet, and she wouldn't know, all he could do was hope she would be lenient, but rocks rarely if ever got the favour of leniency. All he could do was sit and await his fate, while the woman creeped closer to the back. For a moment as he handed over the papers, he thought it might perhaps be ignored, until the teacher took a look at it.

"What is your name?" She asked with condescension dripping out of every word.

"Vince Ma'm." He said flustered, though politely. It didn't seem to make the cut though, as the teacher gave him an even worse look.

"Vince who? Applepie, Bumblebee? There are many Vince's and you don't seem to be the type that I would waste the effort on remembering." Alright, so that was how she wanted to go at it then? Fine with him, if she wanted to play games of that nature, then he would go along with it. He raised out of his chair in silence, and though not slow, it wasn't like he was making much haste either. Still quiet he just clicked his heels once and stifly put his right arm on his back.

"Sir Vincent Iustinius Insignus Lambert at your service Madam." There was not a single sound that could prove malicious intent, everything about the sentence was polite and kind, and even his slight bow had a flair of noble kindness embedded in it. He could play these games, he had practised them at home for years, even if he was clumsy stumbling mumbling Snow White in these parts of the world.

"I don't believe you, Vince," The teacher said his name in such a vile tone that he felt a shudder going through him, though he did not show it the least, and just looked on kindly. "We will find out soon enough from the attendance roll call, if you aren't who you say you are, you will be scrubbing the toilets for months. Now, the matter at hand is this horrid writing of yours, is this some kind of joke?" Kill them with kindness, even if it was hard not to get mad at the teacher, and he indeed was angry deep inside, it would have no use to steep to her level and use the same rude remarks. He was a rock after all, and it should be expected, even if he put on his best behaviour. It would be best just to stay calm and take the moral high ground in this argument.

To answer her question, he just silently rose his now bare hand and showed her. He expected it to be enough of an explanation, and from the shocked look on the teacher's face it probably was, but to take all doubts away and assure they were on the same level of understanding he still replied.

"I am afraid that I have recently lost part of my hand, and still haven't quite recovered from the loss of functionality. I would be very glad if for just this one instance you would be so kind as to make an exception, seeing the odd circumstances. You have my word that I am doing everything in my power to improve, and that even I myself do not approve of this horrid display of scribbles and blurry lines, but am at this point unable to perform any better." He knew he had won this one, both by arguments, morality and appearance, but it wouldn't be wise to seek out arguments with any teacher regardless. Even logical and correct arguments wouldn't help against cruelty and discrimination. He had hoped to stay on the background and not pull any attention, and now here he was, the whole class staring at him, though it wasn't with the same evil looks as usual, but more in awe and fascination. It was very easy to say that this façade of "Sir Vincent" was on par with the roses, certainly in mannerisms and words, but that was all it was, a mask, a false display. The problem wasn't that he couldn't be a rose, the problem was that he'd a thousand times rather improve himself to be a bee or rose; the real, stumbling, clumsy and stuttering Vince... than to have to spend the rest of his life living as an actor wearing a mask of nobility.

"Yes, of course, but you'd better improve." The teacher nearly stumbled over her words trying to not look bad in the eyes of the students, and he imagined it was already hard to keep them in line without recently having your power challenged.

"You ought not to worry Madam, I will do my utter best." He said to her back, as the woman had already started to walk away to pick up the remaining homework.

Now, this whole ordeal would have ended with him making a marvellous display of his potential... if only. As he turned around to go take a seat, his foot got stuck in one of the loops of his backpack, but he only noticed it when he felt a tug and started falling forward. In his surprise he let out a small, not very noble nor manly squeak, though this would have been forgiven if he had caught himself the way he intended to; one hand on the desk and one hand on the back of the chair. This plan was foiled though by a very strategically placed round pencil, lying with malicious intend on the exact same spot he had left it, and where he was now attempting to place his hand. Of course the pencil rolled away, taking his hand with him, which resulted in all his weight shifting onto the chair, from an angle it didn't particularly like.

What followed was a masterful orchestra that took off with the marvellous sound of "oomph", followed by the magnificent melodies of a chair falling over and banging against the floor, with slight warm undertones of a pencil rolling of a desk onto the same floor. The beautiful part ended by a loud scream of pain, and for those who listened well, the cause of that scream, being the wonderful note of a certain boy's ribcage bashing against the now upturned corner of above mentioned chair.

Afterwards, the classroom filled with the laughter of the audience and the moans of the executor of this strange show, who at this point had a clear thought fill his head; that it was very probably the end to his unlucky life would be by tripping on the lowest step of a stair, only to break his neck by landing wrong against a wall.
Hime wandered the campus staring into the sky occasionally bumping any stranger walking the opposite way not doing it on purpose. He was glad it was on Bees he ran into so he wouldn't have to listen to any lip from anyone. Hime was on his way to Art class but he wasnt in a rush which was only because there was no penalty for being late. Hime sopped and looked towards he alignment of restaurants and shops before turning towards the building his class was being held. Although being of a hire status Hime didn't have many friends so he spent his day wandering and going to classes. He spotted a group of Roses standing in a corner of the hallway chatting and laughing. One of them waved and at him motioning him to come join them. Hime waved back but kept walking not really interested in chatting with anyone.


It seemed their teacher had the same mindset towards Rocks that the rest of the school did. What a shame, really. She expected the teachers to be exempt from the system. With a gap this large in the classes, she suppose it couldn't be helped. It was like a war between the classes and the teacher had to get caught in it somehow. She wondered if all of the teachers would side with Roses given the chance. Perhaps just the popular ones. She knew certain teachers who were treated like Bees or Rocks. Those teachers were usually the ones who treated the lower classes with respect.

This really is a messed up school.

Illyanna kept her gaze down during the little scene in the back of the classroom. She kept writing notes and doing her work. She
was still listening, though. She never missed anything that happened around her. It was just in her nature to be on guard. She kept her identity a secret from the world. Only top designers even knew her real name, but no one knew her face. It was all for her own safety. As it was, no one had ever launched an attack on her, but could never take the risk.

So she watched secretly, only glancing up occasionally when she heard something interesting. Her eyes rested on the Rock's hand and she thought for a moment that she felt pity. It was gone as quickly as it came, so she wasn't even sure if it happened.

There must be a fun story there...

But this is even more fun.

The teacher started interrogating him. It was amusing, really. The teacher was doing this to get in good graces with the Roses. Illyanna quickly glanced around at the Roses, who were all snickering and talking. Some were so used to this kind of treatment that they didn't even look up from their notebooks. The teacher was doing herself no favors among the upper class. When the Rock started standing up to her, that was when the rest of the class started really paying attention. It was impressive. And idiotic. He made a good amount of enemies in just a few minutes. No doubt, there would be Roses waiting for him outside to make fun of him. And word would spread among the teachers. She didn't know what would come from that, but the Rock would have to hope for the better.

Very impressive...for a Rock.

I wonder what other tricks he has up his sleeve.

And just after she praised him in her head, he had his miraculously embarrassing fall. Fascinating, really. She didn't know a person could fall like that. Of course, the class started laughing. Even she had to laugh a little at his fall. It went on for just far too long for her comfort. She gave a sigh. Even the Rocks weren't going to help him. It was a nasty fall, and the class was pretty much over. No one would want to learn any more at this point. Putting her things into her bag in one swoop, she stood up, catching the eye of a few of the students. She started walking towards the back. The classroom fell silent and her the clicking from her heels sounded loud, almost intimidating. No one dared say anything, and could only watch.

Illyanna looked down at the mess that was this white-haired student.

"You've made a mess of yourself. Stand up."

She didn't want to lose her power in the classroom by asking if he was alright. And she most definitely couldn't stick her own hand out to help him. The Roses would turn on her as well. Right now, she had a reputation that she very much preferred to keep. She glared at another Rock sitting beside her, staring at her with wide eyes.
"You. Pick up his stuff. Help him stand if he needs it." Illyanna turned and looked the teacher in the eye. She was quite a bit taller than her, so she had to look down at her. "Class is dismissed." None of the students moved for a second, so she repeated herself with an even voice. "Class. Is. Dismissed."

Students started packing up, which was her cue to look at the white-haired Rock.
"Are you hurt?"
Vince crawled back up from his chair, a bit out of breath as the air had been forced out of him by the damn chair. He looked around and saw the class laughing at him, he wanted to pretend he didn't care, but his face getting red revealed him. And then the red haired girl stepped up, and walked towards him and he couldn't help but feel another chill. What would she want from him, to mock him more, wouldn't there be other roses ready to do that? Right now he wasn't particularly in the mood to be made fun of, but if it couldn't be helped then so be it.

"you've made a mess of yourself, stand up." Those were quite... amusing words, from a rose nonetheless. Little rattles started turning in his head as he tried to make sense of her sudden interest, even if her words were seemingly harsh. Silently he stood up and stared at her, he actually still had to look up, as she was tall, and very intimidating at that. He gave her a little bow and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Of course milady, if you'd say so." He replied, not in any particular tone, though it didn't sound quite rehearsed or fake either, just... a bit like he was absent. In his head he was trying to click the pieces together and wondering what could have sparked her interest, it would be strange that it was only from his little act from before. He hadn't truly thought he would impress anyone with it, and most definitely not a rose to say the least.

Then she dismissed the class, just like that. They even followed her word, to the last man... and woman, it was impressive to say the least, and it made him wonder if he should perhaps leave her alone too. Was she angry? Or perhaps just in a certain mood to cruelly play around with a defenceless rock? Silently he stared at her, not sure what to make of it, and in unintended precaution a few yellow-ish fireflies appeared around his hands. They sometimes appeared when he had certain strong feelings, a bit like an emotional reaction, he couldn't quite stop it even if he knew about it, unless he tackled the source of anger or fear or even sadness. Carefully he moved his hands up and held them at his sides, so he wouldn't accidentally put anything on fire because the fireflies hit something they shouldn't. It wasn't always easy to have such volatile magic around, but despite him looking so clumsy, he was disciplined enough to keep them at bay. A few years before they would have been at full strength, with their tangy orange colour, but now they where more white-ish, and often they only sparked slightly when touching something.

"Are you hurt?" well that was certainly something, and he definitely had to do his best not to stare at her with his mouth hanging open. Was this some kind of cruel, tasteless joke? Perhaps the newest trend among the roses was emotional abuse? He couldn't keep up with it anyway, even if he only had been here for three months. There came no end to this masked ball, and he started to detest it, simply wanting to take this sudden free hour to lay low and reflect on why he just had to be such an idiot.

"Well, looking from an administrative and technical viewpoint I am already declared dead and done for close to four months milady, so I assume there would not be much left to hurt. But, if you require so then I am sure there will be something else I can find to stumble on within the next hour, though it would be unwise for a stunning Rose like yourself to follow a certain bumbling Rock around. We will of course have a class together the same time next week, and I can assure you that by then I will have found another seemingly impossible way to get stuck, stumble or sliced by something that shouldn't be able to do any of that." With his luck he was quite sure that would happen, and he just watched to see how she would react, it couldn't cause him much more pain than that damn chair anyway.

Once in the school, Ellse rushed to the nurse's office. She didn't know how long she had spent talking to Rajat, but in any case, she knew it wouldn't be too good to keep those of higher ranks waiting for her. It wasn't something that she had cared about, but after that conversation with the sculptor, she suddenly felt the need to just do what she could to please others and rise in rank. Maybe she can convince that Rose girl or the Bee dude to take her as an "underling", then she can run errands and stuff to improve her reputation.

She took a deep breath when she reached the nurse's office. She needed to be polite and helpful to leave a good impression, so that's what she'll do. Opening the door, she let out a confused noise upon seeing only the nurse inside. Were they still on their way? Or maybe they left after getting tired of waiting? Giving a curt apology, Ellse exited the room and dragged her feet towards history class with her shoulders slumped. If it had really been the latter case, then there goes her chances of being an underling. Ellse shook her head and straightened herself. Well, she didn't have time to look for them now with class starting soon. She can't afford to be late to class anymore if she really did strive to become a Rose.

Ellse sped up her pace into a power walk, bucket and manual still in her hands. She reached the classroom in no time and made her way to the back of the class where she always sat. When she reached her seat, however, she noticed a familiar face just a couple of seats down, and she couldn't help but gasp out loud.
"You!" Ellse called out, stabbing a finger in the Bee's direction. Several students turned their heads, but Ellse paid them no mind as she slipped next to the guy. "I was looking for you and the Rose! Did you guys wait for me? Is that why you left? Where is the Rose, anyway? Did you take her to the office? You didn't ditch her, did you? Or did she dismiss you? Oh, why are you sitting in the back though? Oh! I have your manual, by the way!" Without giving the guy a chance to respond to her questions, she set the manual on his table, a wide grin on her face.

Ralec Darl

He closed his eyes while waiting for the teacher to enter the room. Unbelievable. Was his luck always this rotten on his first day of school? He opened his eyes, tracing the number one on the surface of his desk as he thought over his idea, trying to distract himself from the reality that he was going to be stuck in this classroom for a good amount of minutes. Ranks are important here.

So far, nothing seemed unfair to him. Everything made sense. This Academy simply emphasized the student's statuses as a way of social hierarchy. Roses were given a golden badge for a reason. There was nothing he could do about being ordered by those who had rightfully earned their status in this Academy. He blinked when he remembered talking to Rajat. The silver haired boy had called him an equal. A very formal and stiff term. Ralec hummed as he traced the number two over the prior number on his desk. Rocks are lower than dirt. Or so that's what Rajat had said. He tapped his finger as he blankly stared at the invisible number. Which meant Rocks were basically the outcasts of this school. He placed his elbow onto the desk and rested his chin on his hand. Was he an outcast at the schools he attended? He stared at his desk for a moment before he traced a letter 'n' followed by 'o'. Ralec hadn't been an outcast. Even if he had, he probably didn't remember because he was too busy working in the realms of his own world, trying to escape the chains his parents had built to secure him in their expectations. He lifted his chin from his hand and sat up properly again. Enough about his parents. He had to focus on figuring out what he could do at this place.

A voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked over to his side, a bit surprised that he would see the Rock student again so soon. He watched as she placed a booklet onto his desk, exclaiming she had retrieved the manual for him. Just in time. He could bury himself out of this class by reading through it. Ralec took the manual and smiled at the girl, saying a simple "Thanks." (@Dawnsx )
It was surely nice to have a girl who, despite her rank, still stayed so positive..Or rather, unchanged, in this academy, although she's new to start with. Francesca had mentioned herself, this school already has such weird customs. They are customs that are told to be made for the sake of the students, to force them into the rightful path of the elites. However, in the end, it has only twisted students' minds, as if to brainwash students that once they have a luxurious life like the Roses, every other person would be deemed unworthy of standing by their sides. And any of the lower ranks, especially the Rocks, their mindsets would eventually be changed into thinking they're worthless since the beginning, and they do not deserve to be part of the world. Jack secretly hoped this mermaid would not turn into such negative thinkers, and was already glad by how she appeared to be thinking positive of her lowly lifestyle so far.

I already risk myself pretty much everyday, so don't worry, this is nothing. I like to cause troubles for the Roses after all," the lad said with a light grin as he responded to Francesca's worrisome voice and apologetic smile, his eyes softened a bit as he made his last sentence seemed like a half joke, for it is in fact a truth he secretly enjoys. Then, his eyes followed her head as she once again turned back to look at the pond, seemingly trying to imprint it into her mind before they move away. His voice was gentle when he spoke again, "Just remember the way when I wheel you to class later, and I'll tell you all the different paths to come to this pond when we get the chance. Therefore, you can visit here whenever you like alone without my help."

And you're welcome, it's against my morals to not try to help when someone's in trouble, after all...I may be part of the ranking system, but I still keep to my own beliefs. Just can't do it out in the open, sadly," Jack continued with his words when Francesca's gratitude repeated in his mind. He gave a small smile when she seemed delighted by the rose he gave her earlier, and although it's really out of his control whether she decided to throw it away or not, Jack still wished she would treat it properly, at least before it withers.

Rounding to the back of the wheelchair then, the lad once again started wheeling, much more careful this time now seeing how he did not need to care the judgmental eyes of other high-ranked students since they're not around. Due to him knowing the shortcuts, it didn't take long before they reached the elevator. To his expectation, the door opened to a Rose--but luckily, there's only one, and he appeared to be getting out, thus only threw a disgusted glance at them without doing much else. "
We're lucky," the lad couldn't help but whistle a bit in delight as they got into the tiny square space alone in peace, although deep inside his mind he's still somehow disappointed by the fact that he wasn't able to throw a prank on that student, in which he usually would do--for example, secretly sneak a tiny open bottle of ink into his pocket or bag or something, and watched the student screamed in terror as his uniform is dirtied by something that could not be washed off easily. Yes, it's a childish silly prank, but it's still something....

Jack snapped back to reality when the elevator opened to the second floor, and he cheerfully wheeled Francesca's out. "
Oh, if you look outside the window from here, you can still see the pond," he added while doing so, pointing to the window that faced directly the elevator. "You'll be bothered by students though," a dry laugh escaped his mouth as he remembered so himself.

The classroom wasn't hard to reach, and the lad didn't think too deeply into it as he quickly wheeled the mermaid into the room that's been slowly packed up with students. "
Which seat do you want? I'll just move you to here for now, if you don't like it tell me and I'll change it." He asked as he settled her down to a seat at the back section, and to his secret relief not much Roses seemed to be here yet and the other Bees have been concentrated to themselves. "Personally, I like sitting at the last row of the middle section, so I won't be easy to notice when I prank the students. Therefore, if you still need anything, it won't be difficult to catch my attention. Alright?" The lad once again patted Francesca on the head. "Good luck."

However, his attention was quickly distracted by another student, a male who was also sitting in the back row for the Rocks, in which he had wheeled Francesca somewhere near to. He is a male, a student too, but without a badge. Despite this, the feeling he gave off...It didn't feel like he's from the lowest rank. With a frown, he walked to the front of the student, then suddenly snapped his fingers.

Let me guess, you lost your badge?" He said at the same time, eyeing down to the kind-of-mysterious lad with a light smirk. Then, a badge appeared in his hand in which he had just snapped his fingers with---a plain, silver badge, exactly for the Bees. It gave off a elegant feel, and looked almost identical to all the badges Bee students are wearing.

Except this one is actually made of woods, painted in silver paint, HA.

Of course Jack couldn't go ahead and make a legitimate badge, could he? He wished he could, then maybe even Rocks could even try to wear the Rose badge and fool all the students before he or she take it off and have them all realize that they've just acted respectful to the student of the rank they despised so much. That would be fun to watch.

The lad handed the fake badge either way, however, to the male student. All the time he has stayed in this academy has resulted in him able to tell the students' differences in ranks even without their badges, but simply by their aura and behaviors, and this male student certainly didn't look like he really is a Rock--except he might be a wrong. It's nice to perform a magic trick once in a while, though, as Jack thought with a bit of optimism in mind.

The difference in weight of the badge would cause the other to find out that the badge is fake almost immediately, but at least he could still be regarded as a Bee by wearing it before he could get a new legit one himself, since he's pretty sure people won't go around touching other people's badges just to see if it's real or not. He took a peak at Francesca, before grinning.

Did you see that? That's real magic, in case you haven't known, I'm a magician who knows both tricks and magic, just like when I gave you the rose."

Turning back to the male student, he also frowned, "
And how did you lose your badge anyway? I'm Jack by the way."

@Rosyshark @Aiakaos )


"Drop it. I have no interest in doing anything to you."

He was on his guard, and truthfully, he had reason to be. Rocks were treated like dirt. He had every reason to be skeptical of her. She huffed and crossed her arms. Every minute that she was here in the academy, she grew to despise it even more. Yes, having social classes was important. The world wouldn't be able to function without the elites, but the world also would crumble if the working-class disappeared. Even dirt-poor, homeless people had their place in the world. Despite what the elites thought, their class was no more important than any other class.

Illyanna watched him stand. He seemed fine. Nothing was broken or out of place. He would be sore, but he would survive. She eyed his left hand again. After hearing his words, her crystal-blue eyes darkened. He had interesting information and she wanted it. He clearly wouldn't give it to her, but perhaps there was a way she could lure it out of him. Succubi were hard to resist, but he wasn't human. Charming him would be harder.

"You've made quite a few enemies with your little scene here," she stated. It was hypocritical, as she probably made more with her actions. To be honest, she didn't really have the power that he probably thought she did. The other students listened because they were in a state of shock, not because any of them had any real respect for her. She would use it to her advantage, though. Any little boost that she could get was welcome.

"How do you plan on fighting them off? I'm assuming that you aren't here of your own free will, so god forbid you get yourself kicked off the island. Some kind of trouble waiting for you out there?"

It sounded like an interrogation, but she was genuinely curious. She wore a mask of disinterest, as she was required to, but she wanted to know. Information was a powerful thing. She wanted to know who was on this island with her. Illyanna didn't like competition. If there was a problem, she would deal with it accordingly. She had a certain thirst for power that, combined with her slight narcissism, sometimes got her into trouble.

"You'll have the most of the Rocks to back you up, of course," she sat down on the desk closest to her, crossing her legs, smoothing out her pencil skirt, and placing her hands on her lap. "Some of the bees, perhaps. The Roses and teachers...will be tougher to win over. Combined with your inclination for clumsiness, you'll find yourself in a little bit of trouble." She wasn't going anywhere with this, really. She enjoyed senseless rambling. She looked into his eyes, observing his gold eyes, the different shades. It was new, it was unique. She liked unique. Her fingers itched again. White hair, gold eyes. What a combination. She could come up with a beautiful wardrobe to complement those two colors. She shook her head slightly, clearing her mind. This wasn't the time for her fantasies to take over.

"But I can help you. I can stop their cruelty before it begins."

She grinned and leaned in slightly so that her face was just in front of his. She doubted he would accept her help. She probably thought this was a cruel prank, some kind of new torture that the Roses were coming up with. Even though she was very new at this academy, she hadn't met a Rose that she liked. She even despised the teachers. The Queen, well... That was another story. The power the Queen held was lust-worthy to Illyanna. The power to take away their status. To drag someone from the top of the ranks and drop them into the dirt.


She wanted that power, so she batted her eyelashes at him. Even if he wouldn't accept help, he did owe her a little. There wouldn't be anyone waiting outside for him anymore, not when they knew that she had ordered them out. She wanted information. She could only hope that he would give it to her.

"Tell me your story."
I think I got that impression. The mermaid thought, half jokingly to herself when Jack said he liked to cause trouble for Roses. She could already tell this boy was the mischievous sorts just by looking at his face, yet she could tell he wasn't reckless about it. She assumed he would have been a rock by now if he hadn't been. Though she did wonder to what extent he would go. She could see he didn't want to drop to rock, yet there were hints he wasn't too pleased with the ranking system. Maybe he was a subtle prankster, getting his dislike vented via small tricks to the roses, and favors to the rocks. Well everyone has their own way of dealing with this place probably...She added internally. Maybe if she had been a bolder person she would of asked him more about it, yet she decided not to. Partially out of her own shy nature, and because she didn't want to pry with someone she had just met.

A small smile formed when Jack told her that he would tell her some different paths. She wondered if he was always this friendly to rocks or even just strangers in general. Maybe it was the chair? She had noticed that when she started using it, among the distasteful looks from Roses' there were also pitying ones. But at times those felt almost as bad. As if she was something fragile and hurt, even if her tail was in full view. Of the few who did speak to her in friendly manners, it usually felt fake. Like they thought they were doing her a favor by speaking to her because no one else would. People like that almost upset her as much as the ones that ignored her. Yet she decided to give Jack the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was just a very friendly person.

As they neared the building where class would be, her heart started to pound a bit. It was nerves of course, every bad scenario passed through her head. What if it was just full of Roses. What if they tried to belittle her? What if they got Jack put down to rock for helping her? What if Jack was going to take her up on her offer to pretend to not know her? What if those doors opened and the Queen herself, with her bodyguards were right there and demoted Jack to rock and created an even lower rank just so they could try to make her feel even more worthless?!
Okay that is just silly. Don't overthink this... Francesca scolded her self. Yet she couldn't know what would happen, and they were coming up to the elevator. It opened and....

Just one rose. A rude one by the way they seemed to look at them. Or at least at her she assumed. Still, she almost sighed with relief at the empty elevator.
"Lucky indeed.." She murmured, smiling a bit.

As they exited the elevator and Jack mentioned being able to see the pond, she sat up a slight bit higher in her chair to try to get a peek of the pond. She stopped almost as quickly as she started though, realizing how silly that must look.
I'm going to give him the impression I have a strange obsession with water- well... I guess I do all things considered..... She thought, yet could one really blame her? So many years out in the sea and now to know she'll have to spend who knows how many out of the water. It was like telling a land-dweller that they would have to live on a boat away from land for years... Which she assumed some did, but it still wasn't comfortable.

Once they were in the amazingly Rose desolate room, she let Jack wheel her to a seat. She did a quick look-around to make sure she could see the board. Once she was sure she could, she looked back to Jack and nodded with a small, grateful, smile.
"This is just fine, thank you again for all your help." She nodded once more as he pointed out his seat and went to it after wishing her luck.

She looked around the class room, looking to see what other sorts of students were here. Most seemed to look very... human. She turned her eyes to the ground and smoothed her skirt down a bit. She had chosen to wear one of her longer ones, yet even with that she could still spot the tips of some reddish fins. Plus if people didn't notice that, the dorsal fin on her back would stick out like a soar thumb too. It made her feel like shrinking and try to turn invisible. Even if many were not looking at her, it felt like there were tons of eyes trained to her. It was in her head though. She just had to remember that.

Her head shot up when she heard Jack call to her again. He was near another student. A bee maybe? Yet the only badge she was was in his hand and seemed to be what Jack was talking about by magic. Perhaps the other boy had lost his and Jack had created a new one? How unfortunate for that boy, and how nice of Jack to do that for him. Of course from where she sat she thought it was real and contemplated asking Jack to make her one... Just so she could explore some shops sometime maybe.

"And here I thought it was just slight of hand." She relied, a little quietly as to not draw attention to herself, but hopefully Jack would hear it. She looked back down the the rose, which still she kept in her lap. She didn't want to put it away in her bag at the risk it would get crushed, she she would be okay to hold it until she was able to return to her dorm.

Until then though, she sat up in her seat, and waited for the teacher to come and do the lesson for today.

@SilverBlack (@Aiakaos mentioned)

(@Kit Kat)

Well, wasn't that interesting... She seemed to think he was some sort of vigilante perhaps? Of course there was trouble for Vince out there, but it wasn't exactly that he'd die the moment he took a step outside. Besides that, he wasn't helpless nor powerless. It wouldn't help to go play the saviour of the people, besides they already seemed to have Jack for that anyway.

"I am afraid you tend to think much too dramatic Miss, the intend was never to fight anyone. In fact, I don't think much good would come from it you see, senseless destruction perhaps yes, but what would that do?" He couldn't just duel his way out either with that rapier of his, of course he did not agree with the current matter of things, but that required a cultural change, and forcing those worked rarely if ever.

"If I were to openly fight anyone I might get a few kills in, perhaps destroy a few buildings. That would be it though, a Rock gone mad and a tragedy for the school. Perhaps they would have more awe for the rocks seeing one of them had power, but mostly they'd be angry and out on revenge. This matter needs time and positive reinforcements, not a vigilante and bloodshed." Of course he was merely hypotethical, rambling alongside her. But that didn't mean those weren't his true thoughts in a sense, just wrapped up in nicer words than he would normally use. She was a rose, and apparently he had given her the impression of capability, it wouldn't be wise to reveal his cards. In this case the card that he wasn't that particularly special, but wasn't that exactly what a rose was about anyway.

"Now for my story, there isn't much to it, although I have to admit some of those rumours would make you think I fought a dragon. Most think it was just a clumsy little accident, and who am I to deny you that wonderous sense of mystery, young Miss of whom I do not even know the name?" He made a little bow at the end of that sentense, and then with a soft little smile reached out his hand to her.

"I am afraid that my tale would require even roses to pay a price, in this case, a name." Now this was the point where either she got bored with her psychological games, or either she would go with it. In the latter case, he'd have a little story to tell, and perhaps in the strangest ways make a new friend.


"Forgive the dramatics. I bore easily."

It seemed he wasn't worried about the possibility of cruelty from other students. She positioned herself back so that she was a proper distance away from him, sitting upright. After all, her clothing was made for proper posture. Anything less would wrinkle her blouse, and that just wouldn't do, especially since there was a tantalizing story waiting for her.

"You know... If there was to be a rebellion, many Roses would be incapable of defending themselves," she pondered out loud. She distanced herself from the rest, of course. She wasn't helpless, like some of them were. "Too protected and elite for their own good. Some brute force would do most of them some good." This could get her into quite a little bit of trouble. She said it so casually that no one hearing her would take her seriously, but she knew that there was some truth to it. A little shaking up the Roses would benefit them in the end. They were too spoiled, too privileged. And the Rocks had the ability to do it. If only they had the courage to start. It seemed this one didn't, but she knew he was hiding his capabilities.

As he started to speak again, her ears perked. In the short time she'd been here, she heard many things. Rumors were being tossed around, abilities were being exposed left and right. She only heard a few about him, and she never really trusted rumors to begin with. She only trusted that interesting rumors would lead to interesting stories, though the rumor and the story never really matched up. The few she heard about him were fascinating. If his story was half as good as the rumors, then she would consider it time well spent.

Illyanna gave a nod at his hand, acknowledging it, but she didn't take it. There were eyes and ears everywhere. Taking his hand would immediately lower her status. Although she didn't like the extremes of the academy, she would play by their games until she had a little more leverage.
"Illyanna." She already knew his name from his little incident with the teacher.

She hoped that the story was worth her while. After all, time was precious. She saw a few scenarios that could play out. He could tell her a false story to hide himself, which was most likely the right thing to do in his position. He could tell her a boring story about himself, in which she judged him incorrectly. Or he could tell her a fascinating story about himself, which is what she was thirsting for.

"Your turn, Vincent."
(@Kit Kat )

So she actually was interested in him... odd but not unheard of. There was no way she would take his hand, but it had only been offered in politeness, not with the actual intend of being shaken. His hand now rested on his side, rubbing the spot where he had hit the chair a bit as it still had this nagging ache.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Illyanna. I assume I do owe you a story now." He didn't quite feel like holding up his mask much longer, and it was noticeable in his speech as it got a bit looser and less forced, though evenly kind and polite as the way it started.

"As you probably guessed from my full name, and title, I was born in nobility. My father is a duke with several well doing companies. I'm his third son and the fifth child total, the youngest one, so not particularly high in line, but one like yourself would understand that it still is supposed to have it's perks, even if just from the riches alone." He gave a little nod at her clothes that appeared like they would cost more than some would find healthy. Some roses spend more a day than a rock did in an entire year. But that wasn't truly important here.

"my mother sadly died in childbirth, so my father remarried. Now you might have noticed from my slight accent that I am not native, and I was born in a different, very religious and reformed christian country. The type where the church still has a leading role." His accent wasn't awful, and he did a good job at hiding and minimalising it, so he wouldn't be surprised if she couldn't pinpoint it. Some of his words and sounds just came out a tad softer and smoother ((think a very gentle german accent, not the evil professor type)).

"It easily gets problematic when you look like... Well me. My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father went with it, meaning I never really got to experience that laid back noble life. At age 10 I was sent away and basically kept in a golden cage so none would see or hear about me, most of all my stepmother wanted me gone. About a year after my magical powers really established and as I was young it was hard to control." To illustrate his point he pointed a finger up and a few white fireflies spawned, then disappeared into white embers as he closed his hand again. Even now his control wasn't perfect, far from it, but enough not to be a random danger.

"To make a long story short, I accidentally instigated a bad forest fire at age 13 after several other incidents. That was when my family decided to get professional help in the form of spiritual healers as the likes. Basically pray the magic away, or drown... And beat and burn and strangle.. you get the point. Those things didn't work, so my family decided the easiest way to salvage my sweet innocent soul was to kill me so I had a direct line to heaven. Something like that I think was the reason though, I never really got a grasp on their logic." At the exorcist part he gave a slight grimace, as a few bad and painful memories came drifting up, but he quickly hid it.

As far as the reason he wasn't overly religious, it was because his nannies, teachers and mostly some of that literature from other more open minded countries had given him quite a different sense of the world. That and the fact that he knew he wasn't a demon in need of exorcism.

"In the end my father couldn't go through with it and lied to my stepmother, giving her a finger of mine as proof. I was hushed away to this academy and as far as I know my homeland declared me dead. There should be an empty grave with my name on it somewhere." That was the short version of it, but he had never said a name would buy a long story... just a story. It wasn't as exciting as fighting a dragon, more of a tragedy really, but a story nonetheless.
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Leo McTavish

"It's way too hot outside."

He mumbled to himself as he grabbed his bag and headed off the roof. Leo was a Rose but nowhere near elegant... Like most Roses he tried his best to avoid Bees and Rocks. To him they were disgusting, excluding the fact that he was one of them not too long ago. He even remembered overhearing some of those... Pebbles and bugs were trying to destroy the ranking system! The whole situation was just a bother... Just prove yourself and become a Rose. But this rambling wasn't going to get things back the way they were, before the Rocks and Bees tried to destroy the ranking system. Maybe certain Roses were in on it too.

He stood up, walking towards the exit off the roof. Without hassle he opened the door and was on his voyage down the stairs. He was tardy for class but he didn't care, there was no penalty for being late. His last flight of stairs were blocked by the same people he despised so much, the Rocks. Without remorse he pushed down the tallest and most heavily built Rock, only to continue walking to his destination. Class. The Rock got back up and patted himself off, giving a glare to the Rose. Besides that, he didn't do anything; he knew Leo wouldn't hesitate to use his powers with intent to

With each step he took, his mask swayed from side to side as it dangled from his neck. His footsteps were soft, carrying little to no sound. Leo was already extremely late, why was he going to class? That was a question he couldn't answer. Maybe he had a soft spot for learning. Or maybe he wanted to try and socialize with other Roses, but that has never worked before. Despite what everyone said around the school almost everyday, Leo was not a Anti-social psycho, perhaps if he gained some emotion and friends he wouldn't be labeled that anymore? He needed to get title off... It was ruining his reputation.

He stopped at the door to his class, I'm here... he said internally. The Rose peeped through the window on the door and twisted the doorknob clockwise. It opened with a fowl creak that hushed most of the classroom. Their eyes locked onto Leo, some of the students even had.. Angry expressions? Most likely from the incident at the stairs. He peered back at them, noticing they didn't have a badge. Rocks. His gaze drifted from their's as he walked to a desk located at the front of the classroom. He looked behind himself and saw people talking and having a little fun. He envied them slightly.

A conversation of two in the classroom caught his eye, or in this case. Ear. The two students didn't look like they noticed him just yet so he took this chance to move a tad bit closer to them, he wasn't the type of person that usually eavesdropped but this story was somewhat interesting. He didn't even slightly cringe at the thought of losing a finger. If he was ever gonna get his reputation better he was gonna have to make a few friends even if he was a...
Rock. What am I thinking..? Making conversation with a Rock? Disgusting. His gaze fell on the female the Rock was talking to, a Rose and a Rock. Strange. "Hey. Do you want your rank to go down? If you keep talking with with him it might." He asked the female the question in a really cold tone.

( Mentioned: @Elvengarda )

( Asked a question:
@Kit Kat )

(@Elvengarda @Red Panda)

Down comes his mask.

Illyanna listened intently, but she never let it show on her face. She wasn't even looking in his direction, her gaze was on the window as he spoke. She had been right about him. He was an interesting one. He wasn't a particularly great story teller, but it would do. Information was information. Her lips turned up into a grin at the mention of her clothing. She had a lot of pride in her wardrobe. Every piece was hand-made by herself.

That's not important, Illyanna. What's important is--

That they had a visitor? She kept listening to the story, but she was also aware of a visitor that they had. He was watching them with such disgust that it was difficult to ignore, but she managed to pay him no mind until the end of the story. It really was a pleasant one to listen to. It put to rest all of the rumors that she heard around the island. "Hm. So I was right about some things. Ah, excuse me for just a moment."

Illyanna stood to her full height. At 5'9", she towered over most people. She was glad to see that this was the case with their new friend here. With this newcomer, the normal accent she'd used to mask her voice was slipping away quickly. Her natural British accent was starting to come back. It was barely noticeable, but it was still there. "How very rude of you to interrupt our conversation. And without giving a name. Tsk. Tsk. He was just telling me a fascinating story that put me in such a good mood, and you just come in an ruin it." She bent forward slightly to his eye-level. "Listen to me, darling. I use these Rocks however I want. The way I use them is up to me. If I ask for a story, then I'm going to get a story." If this was who she thought he was, she'd heard countless things about him. He was cruel, he was selfish, he was ruthless. He was someone looking out for only themselves. And she heard a few things about his past, but again, she never fully trusted rumors. She wanted to hear from the source, no matter how unpleasant.

Her eyes, which had lightened to a light blue during the story were now dangerously dark once again. There was a spark in them that showed just how dangerous she could be, but . She straightened back up, a fake smile still plastered on her lips. She kept up a mask of professionalism. Not a wrinkle in her shirt, not a flaw on her face, not a hair out of place. She looked unreal, sometimes, but there was a hidden malice in her voice that promised violence if provoked.

"The name is Illyanna. And who, my darling, are you?"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.a8c75d31eb60af793a48d90eb033f026.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.a8c75d31eb60af793a48d90eb033f026.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Just as Raj had suspected, class was exceptionally interesting. The discussion was thorough and open minded and the essay topics were exceptionally interested. Even with how interesting the class was, Raj couldn't help but begin to tap his fingers impatiently. He had a love for writing and reading, that was true, but music class was next and he was itching to get to it.

When class ended, the teacher discreetly held Raj back so as not to embarrass him in front of the other students. He felt a lurch in his stomach, at any rate. Fear for being knocked to a lower rank because of his earlier conversation with Ellse popping to the forefront of his mind. The instructor gave him a kind smile before patting the boy on the shoulder.

"Don't look so nervous, Raj, it's unbecoming of a Bee." They said.

Raj took a deep breath, calming his expression before meeting the teacher's gaze. "What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to let you know, so that you could prepare, they're going to be changing your schedule around a little. You're a mite too advanced for this class and the higher ups have requested you be put in classes that better match your skills. They'd prefer you be with colleagues that better match your intelligence."

Raj's eyes widened a little. He had noticed the slight difference in the classes he was in but he had never paid it all that much mind. To know that they would be fixing his schedule to give him more of a challenge made Raj feel honored.

"You'll be receiving your new schedule shortly." The teacher told him. "Alright Raj, that is all. I hope you have a pleasant day."

"And you." Raj said, giving the teacher a bow before leaving the classroom.

(And now I can reroute his schedule to matchup with other people's. Ta da? xD )



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Leo McTavish

The rather short male watched as the female stood up, it was expected that at least one of them would see him. He didn't get up from his seat but that didn't stop him from almost automatically knowing she was taller. Not surprising honestly, he's only 4'12. The only person Leo could say who was taller than him had to be an Imp from the school. His hair swayed gently as he tilted his head in order to face her dead in her eyes. His eyes showed darkness and impurities, like staring at a onion being chopped up.

How very rude of you to interrupt our conversation. And without giving a name. Tsk. Tsk. He was just telling me a fascinating story that put me in such a good mood, and you just come in an ruin it." She bent forward slightly to his eye-level. "Listen to me, darling. I use these Rocks however I want. The way I use them is up to me. If I ask for a story, then I'm going to get a story."

He didn't respond to this but he did notice something, her voice had an accent, small but still possible to notice. To him, her voice was somewhat distasteful maybe even cringe worthy but that wasn't what he was focusing on, Leo has seen this girl before in the halls, but never has seen her during combat, this could be bad if things turn south. He placed his hand at the back of his head and scratched still trying to figure out whether or not he should be on his guard or not. As she straightened herself with no imperfections Leo would almost be impressed. Is this real? He wondered with a raise of an eyebrow.

"The name is Illyanna. And who, my darling, are you?"

He waited a moment before replying with the same cold, emotionless voice as usual. "I'm surprised you don't know who I am, Illyana. My name has been floating around the school for awhile now. You need to stay up to date with current events. But if you seriously don't know, my name is, Leo." He responded while both of his hands were placed in front of his face. The darkness of her eyes made Leo tilt his head, he wondered why this was so. He stood up and circled Illyanna like a wolf circling it's prey. He stopped in front of her and opened his mouth letting words pour out.

"What race are you?"

(@Kit Kat , @Red Panda written from my phone, in the bus, forgive me Q-Q)

Vince quietly watched the boy enter the room and confront the good Miss Illyanna. Just as things started to get interesting too. The change in her eyecolour was remarkable, and at the same time he felt a bit sad at it. Those blue eyes fitted so much better with those flawless clothes and her red hair, it was a shame really. It wasn't like he was a fashionista or particularly interested in the subject, but being raised amongst lords gave him an innate sense of style, and he could appreciate a well fit set of clothes.

Now that boy he had seen before, Leo... never quite liked him any of those times either. He appeared to be the entire antithesis of his own being, in personality, rank, and even behaviours. It had never quite come to the point of fighting, as he had carefully tiptoed his way around... well, as good as he could manage with his horrid tiptoeing skills. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that this Leo was dangerous, dangerous enough that a clash between the both of them could end only in horror, if not complete disaster and destruction.

This time he didn't plan on letting it get that far either, though the question about Illyanna's race made him feel a sting of anger. How rude would one have to be to ask such a thing, and besides that, wasn't it obvious she was a succubus? That tail of hers was in plain view... not to mention all the other things. Now he actually looked at it it seemed odd though, like it was distorted and somehow vague. Was she hiding it? He had figured the class had been scared of that form of hers when she dismissed them, but they hadn't been able to see? There were days he cursed those strange eyes of him, but he had to admit they had their perks, even if he wasn't exactly sure why he was born with them.

((I maybe should explain, he can only see through hidden things, what he sees on Illyanna are the parts sticking out from under her human form. Like tails and horns and wings, though I didn't want to godmod her form, so I only mentioned a tail))

For now he wouldn't intervene, simply let the Roses play their games. Though he was interested in what they had to say, this time it would be his turn to enjoy their acts and stories.
Lillia Langtree

The gentleman that Lillia calls upon notices her, with an astonish expression.

"Such loser, isn't he, to be foolish enough get close to a Rose like that in the first place, and even spilled paint on her!", Iven says.

He? Ah. Lillia immediately notices Iven's misunderstanding of the Bee student spilling paint all over her. Well he wasn't half wrong.

Lillia sneers,
"Heh, that country bumpkin must 2

had wanted run away to throw the blame upon this flea-brain..."

The future heiress wishes she could harshly remark at students just like Iven, however it disappoints Lillia that she can't. She must keep this cute persona up. Lillia pays no heed to correct the bodyguard since she kind of likes it about him badmouthing the student for no reason.

"Lady Lillia, if I'm not mistaken. I remember you so from the last Rank Change ceremony," the other bodyguard remarks.

The young maiden smiles proudly inside,
"Ha! Of course you remembered! Who wouldn't?"

He adds in, "Please pay heed to the Queen here as well, you are supposed to bow down to show the proper manner."

The smiles slowly depletes to a pout. Just when Lillia felt a nice compliment, Galvic gave her a little scolding. However, Lillia couldn't help but let it off due to Galvic's smile. She always wanted to have a bodyguard just like Galvic, it was such a shame that he decided to become one for the Queen. If the Queen ever fired Glavic, Lillia will surely to take him right away.

She sighs,
"He is better than all the other swines I see around here. It's like comparing high quality premium pig to a cheap quality pig."

Nevertheless, Lillia isn't a rebel and she pays heed to the school's system. In order to survive in this school, she must abide to the rules. Nobody is ever going to reach the top if they don't play along with the rules. Even if she didn't like it, Lillia must endure it. She can always can get pay back in the future.

"As for your uniform...I understood. Please wait here for a moment, I would send someone to get you the right uniform this instant," Galvic points to one student out of the crowd and told her instruction onto where she can find a spare change of uniform for Lillia. When Iven included that she would get expelled if she didn't get it under 7 minutes, Lillia couldn't help but crack up a little giggle of the sight of the girl running to complete her errand. After a couple few minutes, the girl came back with the right size and holds it up towards the young lady. Lillia carefully takes it with a smile.

"Well done." Galvic says. The Queen told the two bodyguards to proceed onwards and left Lillia. It seems like the crowd began to break up as classes was about to start.

Lillia gave a bow towards the Queen's group and replies back,
"Lillia Langtree bids the Queen farewell...."

After she finishes her sentence, the maiden looks back at the direction of the Bee student
"Now~.....shall we-"

The young girl realizes that there was no "we" due to the fact that there was nobody near her.

She felt the anger coming back,
"My lord, how can this imbecile leave me behind?! Those two have some weak legs! The moment they encounter a problem, they just run away like swines that are about to go a butcher store!!"

Well, she is not going to leave them off that easily. In the near future, Lillia sworn to make those two have a painful experience just like a trip to a butcher store. The young maiden began to walk down the hallway to the nurses office while devising a plan. When she finally got one idea planned out, the girl realizes she didn't get their names.

"Ugh, the country bumpkin didn't even answer my question about her name. I feel like words just come one ear and out to the other for this one....Hmmm, and for the flea-brain, he ran away before I could even ask....Dear me, off with a bad start. Oh well, I'll manage somehow."

The Rose student opens the nurses office and peeks in, nobody was there. The lady walks up to the garbage bin and harshly throws the Bee student's jacket and pin into it.

"Don't need that piece of junk anymore. Hehe, since I'm such a kind person, I'll leave it in a suitable spot.♥"

Next, she went to one vacant nurse bed near the end of the room and pulls the white bed curtains around the bed. Lillia puts the Bee's pin, and Lulu on the bed and begins changing to the new school uniform. Luckily, nobody entered during that time. If a person dared to enter the room when Lillia was changing, she'll never make them leave in one piece. Or maybe even alive. When Lillia was finished, she picked up the items off the bed and went to the windowsill of the nurses office.

Such an awful day it was for Lillia. She sullenly stares back at the clouds and notices the students coming back in. Classes was about to start and she still didn't see the country bumpkin. Lillia scowls, so much for a promise. She looks at her hand of the pin, now it's the perfect time to get rid of the evidence. Instantly, a flame envelops Lillia's one hand and greedily licks the pin. She watches in amusement as the flame fed its little meal. After a few seconds, the flame disappears and only a pile of ashes rest upon her hands. Lillia giggles in delight and blows the ashes away. The little speckles of ashes dance outside with the wind, never to be seen again. The young lady starts walking off to world history class, she only has about 5 minutes left and she is not going to waste it on waiting for that country bumpkin. Quickly getting the right materials for class from her school locker, Lillia then enters her class and sat in one of the front seats. Lillia sighs in relief, it seems like she got there just a few minutes before the class started. Fluffing up Lulu, she places her on top of her lap and waits for the teacher to begin the lecture.
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(@Elvengarda @Red Panda)

Illyanna's eyes didn't follow him as he circled around her. She wasn't interested in what he had to say.
"I'm nothing special," she murmured, never once wavering in composure. This was just a game and she was only too glad to play. She had heard of him before. She heard everything around campus. It was just common courtesy to introduce yourself to the other person. She knew the rules of the school. She followed them for the most part, but sometimes, following the rules was just boring. She had to bend them a little to have fun. "It's incredibly rude to ask for someone else's race before giving your own." Whoever this Rose was, he was either uninformed of the Rose's mannerisms, or he simply didn't care enough to follow them. If it was the former, he shouldn't be so cocky. If it was the latter, then it was quite hypocritical of him to accuse her of not knowing her place.

Her attention was brought back to the Rock, who was silently listening to them. She noticed his gaze trail downwards, eyes fixed upon something behind her. It was strange. She knew that nothing was there, but still, he stared.
It couldn't be...He wasn't fixated on her tail, was he? It was impossible to see normally, but perhaps he had some kind of power that helped him see through her human form. If that was the case, then she would have to make sure he didn't tell a soul. No one knew of her true form yet, and she preferred to keep it that way. The true form of a succubus was downright dirty and she would not be seen in that form, no matter how natural it felt to her. It was an insult to humanity and unless she was at death's door, she would keep it hidden. Sharp horns, claws, a tail, fangs? What kind of image was that supposed to be? No. It wouldn't do. If the Rock was seeing her true form, then she needed to keep him quiet.

"Do you see something interesting, child?" She phrased it as an innocent question, but there was a clear threat behind her words. If he knew what was good for him, then he would stay silent. She could play nice, but if it came down to protecting her identity, then she would do whatever it took.

Illyanna turned back to Leo, waiting for his response. Her body was a little more tense. Anything could come from this little confrontation. If he chose to simply leave them be, then everything would be fine. If he decided to use a little more force, then Illyanna wouldn't hesitate to retaliate. It was all up to him at this point. She wouldn't make any unnecessary moves. She only wondered if he shared the same mindset.
(@Kit Kat , @Red Panda )

Vince heard the threat in the words directed at him, and decided it wasn't worth getting her mad at him. Had he been an equal rose, then perhaps he'd've stood a fair chance, but as a rock Illyanna still was basically free to do with him whatever she wanted, and it would be problematic if a succubus was amongst the people against him. Just when he had thought there would maybe be one rose left in the entire school that didn't feel like he was completely and uttermost boring, annoying dirt, or worse. Instead he pretended to be daydreaming, and that her words shook him out of deep thoughts, blinking a bit confused at her as if the question seemed strange and out of place. Somehow it also made him wonder why she called him child, though he had to admit he looked pretty young, he wasn't entirely sure that child was the best denominator for him, and the way she said it it nearly felt like she was mocking him. After all, she still was a rose, so perhaps he shouldn't be surprised she took that particular tone with him.

"Oh, no Miss, I'm afraid I am just prone to the thousand yard stare thoughts and daydreams. My apologies if I perhaps made you uncomfortable, I had no ill intends." Well, no ill intends to her anyway, but Leo seemed to be a different kind of person, the kind that gave you so much reasons to hate him nobody really liked him. From everything he had seen, he was even mean and cold to what he clearly regarded as his own kind, as if Rocks and Bees were an entirely different subhuman species. Though the Roses were often petty and cruel, they often had more of this prankster and bullying side to it, which honestly wasn't an excuse, but even they rarely went to the ends Leo went to to humiliate and hurt. He was an entirely different level of sadistic and vile, and many rocks and bees had been severely compromised because of his ill intends, especially the ones that couldn't truly defend themselves against magic. It wasn't as if he picked his fights fair, most often his targets wouldn't even have been able to hit a fair punch, yet alone cast a fair spell.

Those eyes and masks were odd, yes, but Vince was used to oddities, as every reflection he looked at had that type of weird. It wasn't that he was afraid of this person because they looked a bit strange, though he was sure most other students already were creeped and freaked out by that, similar as they were by himself, but there was another layer of scary to Leo. Vince was about a hundred percent sure that even if he had a normal appearance, most people still would be freaked out by that boy, as his evil and merciless intends came forth in every move and every gaze. That combined with his alleged magical skills and the rumours spread only added to the dangerous aura.
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The artist smiled at the guy and proceeded to take a seat next to him. It wasn't long before another pair of students entered the class. One of them was a male Bee with fabulously pink hair, and another was a pretty girl sitting in a wheelchair. She watched with a hint of curiosity as pinky wheeled her to her seat, noticing that the new girl was a Rock just like her. With joy growing in her heart, she couldn't help but bounce in her seat. So there were lots of nice Bees around here. At least, much nicer than most Bees that she was acquainted with. She nudged the badgeless Bee next to her. "Pinky's such a gentleman, just like you! Do you guys take some kind of gentlemen class together? Or are guys around here just all so polite?"

After pinky led the girl to her seat, he walked over to them, addressing his fellow Bee and his lack of badge. With a snap of his fingers, a silver badge somehow appeared in his hand, making Ellse gasp in astonishment. He's a magician! She ogled at the badge, then stared at pinky in dumb shock. She shot up from her seat and grabbed his hand, shaking it enthusiastically.
"Jack, was it? That was really cool, making the badge out of thin air! Real magic... So like, sorcery and stuff! I've never seen real magic, so it was all 'whoa!' and 'poof!' and awesome!" Remembering that she had yet to introduce herself, she let go of Jack and straightened herself, beaming at him and the girl he was with. "I'm Ellse. Nice to meet you!"

@Aiakaos @SilverBlack @Rosyshark
Ralec Darl

The young man opened the booklet, about to immerse himself within the information the manual could provide him when he felt a nudge at his side. Wondering what the girl had to say next, he looked at her. Ralec blankly stared at the girl when she called him a gentleman and merely shrugged as a reply so he could go back to reading, not paying any attention to the pink haired lad she referred to. (@Dawnsx ) He certainly hoped there wasn't a gentlemen class. He had enough of being taught what he was tired of being. Just thinking of it made him feel suffocated. He flipped through the pages of the manual, going over the basics of what the Absolute Academy offered.

He blinked when another voice cut through his focus, making the information he just read disperse within his mind in shattered pieces. Holding in his annoyance, he calmly looked up at the person in front of him. Perhaps this was the pink haired fellow the girl was inferring to. Ralec quietly watched as the lad made a silver badge appear and held it out to him, introducing himself. He looked over the lad's appearance. The young man was a bee. Why was he doing this? Ralec gently took the badge from Jack's hand, immediately realizing the difference between the badge he wore earlier. "How very kind of you.." (@SilverBlack )He blinked and looked over to the person that Jack spoke to, slightly raising an eyebrow when he noticed a girl in a wheelchair.

Did this Academy invite the disabled? How odd. As a new recruit, he definitely knew the Absolute Academy only invites those who fit the requirements to attend this place so they could rise to the top and graduate as an Elite. Perhaps this place was more...accepting than he had thought? Dumbstruck, he looked back at the magician as Ellse excitedly greeted the lad. He held the wooden badge in his hand, pondering what to do with it. Skipping over the questions Jack had asked him, he bowed his head to the Bee and introduced himself as well. "Ralec." Wait a minute. It wouldn't hurt to answer this lad's question, would it? He had just given him a temporary badge after all. "...I left my badge with a Rose who carries a teddy bear." Ralec looked at Jack, waiting for the lad's reaction to his answer. He glimpsed at the girl in the wheelchair once more, confused as to how she was a student in this place. Unless.. Ralec blinked and looked back at the manual. Unless not everyone here had to be a human to be invited. He hummed. So that was it. The girl wasn't human. Or so that's what he presumed. He couldn't be sure. He followed Ellse for now, bowing his head at the girl as a greeting in case she looked his way. (@Rosyshark )
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Kai looked at the others who had entered the classroom. There was a guy with pink hair pushing a wheelchair with a girl in it. She observed the girl without anyone being able to notice and saw that she had a red tail slightly poking out from under the skirt. Who said you have human to join this place anyway. After all, she herself was just a robot.

Soon after, the girl in front of her jump up and rush to the pink-haired guy after he had made a bee's badge appear out of thin air, though she was able to tell it was wood by scanning it. She looked up to the girl and spoke in her usual robotic tone. I see you have a great interest in magic.


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