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Fantasy Absolute Academy - The Chosen Elites

Xavier still smiled as he simply pulled his hand back. In honesty, he didn't her to shake his hand. Being a 'low life' meant he was probably unclean or something to these people. The fact she was even talking to the imp had him giddy as he started to twist his arms together. A loud popping noise filled the air before Xavier untangled his limbs. The eyes of the academy's elite stared crosses into his very being. An issue that the white haired imp simply didn't care about as he bowed for the Rose who paid the Rock attention.

"Well, milady, I'm glad you found me amusing~" Xavier's red and blue horns only faced the girl as he kept his body bent. Even with the stylish glasses hiding her eyes, the imp could still tell she was looking at his outfit. Oh the joys being small. "Truthfully, I don't even know where I'm suppose to go." A large grin slowly split the smaller's face in half as he patted the legs of his pants. "Well, as for put together, I'm not a doll. I have my moments though." Xavier's tail was already starting to creep closer to the Rose as its owner only knelt down onto the ground.

On his knees, red eyes stared into the sunglasses. It was like he was looking through a facade this girl had set up for herself. "But, if you don't take to more civil greetings... I can always do an old custom that peasants did to nobility." Xavier's voice was sincere as he gently pressed his lips against his higher's shoes. His tail only wrapped itself around her ankle, not in a threatening away... But more, friendly.

(@Kit Kat )

When the tiny girl responded that she was fine, Ellse's shoulders relaxed. It didn't seem like the girl was angry with her or anything, so it was all fine. Though, that didn't mean she still felt better about the whole ordeal. She felt bad for messing up a little girl's clothes, and everyone was staring as if Ellse was bullying her. There goes her chances of rising back up to a Bee. Not that she cared about that in the first place.

Just as Ellse was contemplating as to whether she should offer to take the girl to the restroom to clean up, a young man who looked about her age went up to the little girl with a handkerchief and a strange offer. Ellse scrunched up her eyebrows, wondering what the guy meant by "underling". Maybe like a playmate of sorts? She knew that she always loved it when her dad brought her someone to play with when she was a kid. Her face brightened at the thought. He must be a pretty nice guy to offer to do that. The little girl also seemed pretty happy about finding a new friend.

Just as Ellse was about to tell the girl what her name is, the guy handed her the bucket and started to push her away. She turned around and gave him a questioning look.
"Hold up. Shouldn't you just go with her? I mean, new friends should get to know each other and stuff, right?" She looked towards the girl, hoping that she agreed with her idea. "If you need a new student's manual, I can get one for you. You two will be in the nurse's office, right? I'll go there later and give it to you."

@Eimi @Aiakaos
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.4f437ee8b47cbe0bc14658890467e7c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67865" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.4f437ee8b47cbe0bc14658890467e7c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raj hid a yawn as class finally finished up. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy math, especially with the way fractals are such an incorporated part of ice, yet after an hour of listening to a teacher drone on it was hard not to feel a bit sleepy. The man was probably an absolute genius when it came to math but sometimes Raj questioned if he was fit to be a teacher. Well, Raj was learning at any rate and he now had some beautiful doodles of words and names in the margins of his notebook. He closed the book slowly, waiting for the others to leave before heading over to the teacher.

"Sir." He greeted with a small bow, showing the proper respect to an instructor. "I was wondering if you could explain this equation once more?" He said, pointing to one of the problems in his notebook. The instructor glanced down at it before nodding, going back into a drone about how to set up the problem, how to apply the equation, and how to solve it. "And can you explain how it applies to the real world?" He asked, tone soft and respectful. The teacher's glance at him was sharp before he spewed some nonsense about how it'll be incorporated into every aspect of his daily life. Raj had honestly been hoping for an answer a little more interesting than what was provided but he let it go, smiling at the teacher and thanking him for his time before leaving the classroom.

One of the nice things about being able to set up one's own schedule? Raj had set it up so that the classes he had that supplied homework would have an hour after the class for him to complete the homework. Heading to a spot he had quickly made a habit of going to, Raj went and sat underneath one of the large, beautiful trees that grew on the island. He pulled out his math text book and began to go through each problem, applying the equation while part of his mind wondered on what the equation really could be used for. He didn't come up with a conclusive answer even though he had made it to the fifth problem. He set his notebook aside for a moment, noticing a blade of grass at his side and frosting the dew that was on it. That's when something clicked with the math and he quickly pulled his book back up, looking over the problems once more.

"Yes... that makes perfect sense..." He intoned as he was struck by an epiphany. Making sure not to rush, Raj began to work through each problem with care, finding a situation that they could more or less apply to. He continued to work through the problems, amusing himself by making sure that the script with which he wrote remained elegant and beautiful. So many things to pay attention to and he was only just learning how to keep up with it all.



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@Virtual Laptop)

Illyanna smirked at the crouched form in front of her. She would never admit to the surge of power that suddenly went through her. In a position like this, he was basically submitting himself to her.
Hmm. Interesting thought. She stayed still long enough for him to kiss her shoes, but the moment his tail touched her skin, she moved her foot out of the way. Establishing boundaries was important in the academy. Following the rules at the academy was like walking a tightrope. Too much in any direction would drag her down a level. Or 2, even... She shivered at the thought of falling down to a Rock.

"Don't get too comfortable with me. Nobility viewed peasants as property," she taunted, extending her arm and lifting him to his feet by his collar. She moved her sunglasses to rest on top of her head and lifted him so that he was at eye-level. Despite her thin frame, being a succubus made her surprisingly strong. She looked into his eyes to ensure that he could clearly see hers. Instead of a clear crystal-blue, there were darker shades of blue swirling dangerously around her pupil. Some people found it threatening when she did this, others, alluring. "And understand this...I don't appreciate being touched." Even now, she was clutching his clothing only.

After she delivered this message, she let go. Whether he caught himself on his feet or fell to the floor unprepared, she didn't care. She brushed off her clothing, as if touching his clothing made her dirty. In reality, there still wasn't a wrinkle or speck of dirt in sight. Her white blouse was still a pure white and her pencil skirt was still smooth and down to her knees. She covered her eyes once more with her sunglasses and checked her watch. As an elite, she could really attend classes whenever she wished, and unfortunately, there was still an uncomfortably long time until her next class.
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Xavier's tail was quick to let go. The thought of having his tail stomped on, was a really exciting one. Unless, you were a masochist. He wasn't one of those... At least to his knowledge. Now, the imp found himself a foot off the ground and dark eyes staring at him. A few thoughts went through his head at what this Rose might do. They really could do just about anything, and he couldn't. "I'm imp," Xavier only stated this obvious fact before he continued to talk. "I'm kinda suppose to be somebody's property." He could only give a large, cheeky smile at this fellow demon before the air was knocked out of him.

Suddenly being dropped onto one's seat was never pleasant. Add in concrete and it became down right painful. Xavier's red eyes only looked the succubus up and down before he laughed a little. His tail wrapped loosely around his waist as the imp stayed on the ground. "Sorry about that." Xavier's tone sounded slightly amused as he quickly stood back up. His pants nearly falling off before quick hands caught them. "Sometimes it enjoys trying to bind me." The imp only shrugged as he patted his, now, dirty uniform off.

Xavier didn't feel like any boundary was crossed. More than likely, because he never had any boundaries. Boredom was already starting to trickle in, however he had a class he needed to be in soon. Red eyes looked up at the sky for a moment before going back to Rose in front of him. "Excuse me, milady, but would you mind telling me the time?" True to form, Xavier could feel his tail begin to flick against the sidewalk in annoyance. Nothing good ever came from that.

(@Kit Kat )

@Virtual Laptop)

Supposed to be someone's property? Illyanna couldn't lie. The idea of owning someone was thrilling. Having someone at her beck and call, listening to her every command. Loyally hers until the end of time who would take any sort of abuse from her. Perhaps he would run her errands. If I had to choose, he wouldn't be my last choice. She chuckled at the thought of it. It was unheard of. She'd never come across someone quite like him. In her society, demons were rare. She mostly worked with humans, as humans were the only ones she could truly work her charms on. Demons, for some reason unknown to her, had a defense against her once they knew. It made it difficult to break her way into their defenses.

Talking to me again. Huh. Perhaps I should pay more attention.

She glanced once more at her watch. "Five to three." Her next class wasn't until 4, so she had time to go out, explore more than just campus. Perhaps check out a couple shops, see if they would want her to design for them. Of course, it wouldn't be difficult to get her way onto their racks. She saw students wearing her designs already, whether they knew it was her or not. She didn't put her name on her designs. Only the higher ups in the fashion world knew the face to the label.

"Perhaps you should be getting yourself to class. Try not to walk into any more walls, Imp."
"Five to three?" Xavier sounded a little surprised before shaking his head. He really shouldn't have been so shocked by the time... Mindless wondering and day dreams tend to take up a lot of time. His tail only flicked itself against the ground once more before he turned and looked towards the closest entrance. The imp was suppose to be heading towards cooking class. The course was starting in half an hour.

Xavier's eyes soon went back to the Rose standing before him as he rubbed the back of his head. "Do you know where the cooking course is then?" A hopeful smile was plastered on as he ignored the comment about walking into walls. It was bound to happen again. Maybe he was cursed since birth to always end up making a fool of himself. "I only have a few minutes left before my first class starts and, well, being late is probably going to reflect poorly on me."

Cooking was something the imp found joy in. It was fun making amazing food from random items in a bowl. Plus, free food was something of a rare commodity. However, a few thoughts soon popped into Xavier's head. One of them forming into a verbal question. "So, what's your name, milady? Mine's Xavier." A Rock could only hope for answers of an Elegant Rose as he bowed once more.

(@Kit Kat )
The lad had only politely smiled upon hearing the girl replied that it is her fault, and that she hoped she didn't get him into trouble for helping her, a Rock student, even though he's a Bee himself. True, a large possibility existed in which he would get in trouble for that, but he had done similar acts before, just not so right-in-the-open as he had when he wheeled her away in front of all the Roses. He wanted to reply by saying he doesn't mind helping her, but swallowed it back in upon realizing that he did mind, even a little, of the consequences of his action. Thus, he only decided to respond when she said her name, which led him to smile.

Francesca huh, that's a pretty name, first time I've heard of it," he had commented, then, before they reached the garden. "You can just call me Jack when we're alone, I'm more used to so."

The pleased expression that could be seen from Francesca's face had been obvious, especially when her eyes sparkled when she saw the pond, and to her thanks he only replied a delighted "you're welcome." Judging from how her body's formed and her reactions, Jack could tell that she's a mermaid. It's the first time he has ever seen a mermaid entering the academy also, so much as to arise his curiosity as of what kind of past or family background this wondrous lady could have for her to enter this academy for the elites, but as the lowest rank as the Rock. He found it not polite to question about it however, and felt a slight bit of disappointment for her that this pond would be unable for her to swim in. There is a larger lake around, but had for some time now being marked by the Roses' students as their territories.

He chuckled when he saw Francesca's face flushed up by the white rose, and her stuttering words, nodding in satisfaction when she agreed to be more careful next time with a smile on her face, although her eyes were set on the grounds. It's not rare for Rocks to be acting such ways toward higher ranks, but this might also be due to her shy personality. It's nice to see someone who's not obnoxious around here, Jack thought in delight. To tell the truth, only the Rock-ranked students have shown the greatest genuine when they saw his magic tricks, showing the most appreciation and most proper attitudes and respects. It appeared that the saying of how the person who has the littlest things shows the greatest sincerity has been true, for the Roses would only treat his magic shows as if he's expected to do so, they themselves busy consuming into the luxurious life they have.

World history huh, looks like we'll be in the same classroom next too," when he was dragged back to reality from his thoughts by Francesca's answer about the next class, Jack's faces beamed up slightly. "Although we won't be sitting together...Since Rocks are told to be seated at the back and Bees in the middle. Ah, but I know some of the Rock people there too, they've been nice." The fact that he's against the ranking system did get him to be acquainted to some Rock students after all.

At the same time, his mischievous side popped up as ideas about the possibilities of throwing a prank at the Roses students at the front without being discovered himself formed in his mind, thoughts that he quickly brushed away for now for it's kind of unsuitable to be thinking about it when he's with a lady right now.

Recess will be ending in twenty minutes by the way. Do you want me to wheel you to the classroom? The classroom's pretty close to here so I don't mind," Jack asked with a smile, looking to his side at the girl.

@Rosyshark )

@Virtual Laptop)

This one was bold. She wasn't sure if it was because he didn't know the rules or because he didn't care about them. Either way, it was nice to see that not everyone followed the rules like a religion. Asking a Rose for help? Odd to say the least. It was surprising, the amount of people who were still watching them. They were trying to hide it, but Illyanna tilted her head to look at them and they quickly scattered. If this kind of stuff was entertaining to them, then they needed to do something better with their lives. This was an academy for the elite. Drama, if that's what this could even be called, was the least of their problems.

"Xavier, hm? Seems fitting. Illyanna," she answered, causing a slight shock go through the group of students who were still watching. A Rose giving their name to a Rock? Preposterous. Illyanna didn't seem to care, as she didn't look at the other students again. Really, despite some of them being Bees, she considered them lower scum than the Rock standing before her.

She thought for a moment, trying to remember where the cooking classes were. They were somewhere around the northern end of campus. Her next class was also up there, but no way would she be disclosing that bit of information out in the open. She wasn't exactly trying to hide her schedule, but she certainly wasn't planning on flaunting it. Once someone knew your schedule, they held a certain power over you if they chose to use the information wisely.

"I suppose I could tell you, but what do I get out of it?"
Lillia Langtree

The teenager abruptly clears his throat, "Woah, um. The thing is. I lost my student manual, so I don't think you would want to waste your time having a lowly bee like me as your escort."

Lillia's red eyes widen in bewilderment, she could not comprehend what did he just said back to her. Blinking back at this man, her face expression stood still for a few seconds.

"What did he just say? No no, of course I know what he said." Lillia thought.

"He basically rejected my request. Not just any request, the request of THE future heiress of Langtree."

Before Lillia can try to take his words back and try to persuade him to help her, the young man draped his jacket on Lillia's shoulder.

"I deeply apologize I cannot assist you furthermore. Please use this to cover the paint stains. Oh, and please don't worry. I don't sweat so the jacket should be okay."

Lillia's blood began to boil with rage,
"Haha...you know what? He is a pretty interesting guy...I don't usually do this but I take back my word about him being a swine. He's a FLEA."

A flea just one brain cell. No! Not even a brain cell! A half of a brain cell. Is he even in the right academy? Who would lose their student manual the first day? Does he want to be a rock? Not to mention he even dropped this "servant" act and just threw this filthy jacket on her!

"God, he might be more stupid than that country bumpkin over...."

Lillia stops her thought sentence when she notices something while she was about to begin to burn his jacket to crisps. A shiny bee badge glistens before her eyes. Suddenly, a thought went through her mind.

She deviously smiles and takes the pin off the jacket,
"Hehehe...this is payback~ ♥ It's been a while since I felt this humiliated."

"Hold up. Shouldn't you just go with her? I mean, new friends should get to know each other and stuff, right?" said the Rock student.

Not wanting to get caught, Lillia quickly puts the handkerchief and pin in her pocket, and looks toward the girl.

"Haaaa? Where did she inference that we're friends?"

"Even if he is the last human in the world, I would rather die than to be friends with him."

Well, she can't except that much from two low-brained swines.

"Dear me, I feel like my brain cells are being depleted just standing next to them..."

The girl adds in, "If you need a new student's manual, I can get one for you. You two will be in the nurse's office, right? I'll go there later and give it to you."

Although, Lillia didn't want to spend another minute with this guy, for this situation she couldn't refuse this offer.

Lillia gives cross look towards the Bee student,
"Yeah! That girl is totally right! Didn't your mommy taught you to help a lady till the very end?"

After saying that, she turns to the girl,
"Alright then~ I'll be waiting for you!~ ♥"

Now...where will she find another school uniform to wear in time for class? The maiden scans through the crowd. Unexpectedly, Lillia sees a certain someone through the crowd. Perfect.

She frantically waves toward the person,
"Oh Glavicccc!~ ♥"

"Can you be an angel and get me a new school uniform? I really want to get to class in time though I can't possibly go to class like this..."

@Aiakaos @SilverBlack)
Francesca slowly nodded as Jack explained the seating. She had assumed it would be that way. Not that it bothered her too much. In fact, that was one thing she actually felt she would enjoy about being a rock. She got to sit nice and far back, away from the attention. The teachers didn't except as much from her, so they probably wouldn't put as much pressure on her. Just how she liked it. She knew very well that she was not exactly one to seek a challenge. If she had been, she probably wouldn't be a rock at the moment. Now this wasn't to say she was lazy. If she felt strongly about something she would overcome anything if need be. Yet this school.... Not so much. I didn't choose to come here anyway. She thought, inwardly laughing. This by far must be the strangest form of teenage rebellion. Some kids will sneak out and what not. I just have to aim for mediocre and allow myself brought down to commoner status.

Though part of her felt like being at this level would help her in the long run. Say if she did end up married off to some wealthy merman prince and ended up helping rule his kingdom if he allowed it. She could now say she understood how some of the peasants felt, being treated so poorly for something they could hardly control. And this in turn was giving her a drive to make sure no one under her rule would receive the treatment she had gotten while at this school. So really, she could look at this two ways. Option A; she lets herself be bitter about being here, ashamed of being a rock, and change herself to try to fit in with the rest and raise her rank. Or option B; She let this be an experience, see what the other half will be dealing with. And let it make her a better person in the long run. And by far she preferred the latter. This place was not going to change her, nor would it break her. Now that was something she was passionate about.

"Then I can' wait to meet them." She finally replied to Jack. She had gotten so caught up in her inner monologue that she had almost forgotten she was in fact having a conversation with someone right now. She did appreciate him telling her that though. She didn't know if his intention had been to make her feel a little less nervous about a new class and new people or not, but either way it did give her a small sense of ease. While in her mind she felt like she spoke like she was strong-willed, and ready for anything. The reality was, not matter who she was meeting, she was going to be very nervous. Even with meeting other Rocks. Just because they were her rank, didn't mean they would have to be polite to her. Yet she felt like she could trust what Jack had said.

Yet she was also a bit surprised by what he offered to do next. It was a nice offer, yet would that get him in more trouble? It had felt like him helping her before had been a close call, she didn't want him to risk anymore for the sake of helping her.

"A-are you sure? I don't want to tarnish your reputation." She said, a hint of worry was clear in her voice. "If it would be safer to just point me in the right direction, than I will be okay. I'm sure I won't make the same mistake and roll right into the Rose's territory again." She added, the last part sounding like she almost meant it as a joke. Yet she would make sure to be more careful.


A smile spread across Ellse's face upon hearing that the Rose agreed with her. When she said that they'll see each other later, the artist gave an awkward, hasty bow to the girl.
"Yeah, see you later." She patted the guy's shoulder encouragingly. "I really appreciate your help. I'll have your student manual in a jiffy."

Ellse walked past the two towards the office that she had been to countless times. Most of them weren't on great conditions. Teachers would call her in for her lack of concentration during class. Those occasions weren't too bad. The most she would get was a lecture, but no real punishment whatsoever. What really got to her was when some Roses, those who didn't have as much guts to humiliate her publicly, told teachers of her "disrespectful and brutish behavior". Now those would get her into some real trouble. Ellse sighed at the memories of being "asked" by teachers to make up to those Roses. Really, she hadn't even done anything wrong in the first place, unless forgetting fawn over them was a mistake.

Once she got to the office, she knocked on the door before entering. There weren't many teachers inside, probably because most were preparing for class. She went to Ms. Noosum, a teacher that she used to have until she decided to drop the class. It wasn't so hard to get the manual, but she did get bombarded with questions like, "What happened to your manual?" and "Why don't you be more careful, Ellse?". Also remarks such as, "You'll never rise back up to a Bee at this rate,". Ellse just laughed them all off until the woman finally handed her a brand new manual. S
he quickly exited the office before Ms. Noosum can continue to blabber. Now to get to the nurse's office.

This time, Ellse had to open up the manual to make sure that she knew where she was going. Just as she was about to start walking though, she caught a glimpse of silver from the window, and couldn't help but take a closer look. She squinted and practically pressed her face up to the window before finally recognizing the owner of that silver hair. Rajat, whose ice sculptures absolutely amazed Ellse. Although she had always wanted to ask Rajat about sculpting, he never seemed to have the time for her.

She glanced around, and after making sure that no one was in these halls, she opened the window and leaned out like she had done this morning, waving frantically to catch the man's attention. Did he notice? She wasn't sure, but she hoped that he wouldn't run away after seeing her. The girl steadied herself and rushed towards the nearest exit. Ignoring the stares from other people, she went into a mad dash towards the sculptor. When she got close enough, she skidded to a stop, but still managed to tumble down onto the grass. The paint bucket slipped out of her arms, but thankfully the lid remained intact.

Rubbing the dirt from her face, Ellse looked up at Rajat and held out a hand.
"Hey Rajat! That's your name, right? I'm Ellse, do you know me? I know you because your sculptures are really awesome!" Then, remembering their status difference, she retracted the hand and scratched her head sheepishly. "I mean, sorry for bothering you."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.7afd2d3012c8bfb9a149a500a820ac86.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.7afd2d3012c8bfb9a149a500a820ac86.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Motion caught Raj's eye and he turned his head to look at what was going on. A rather familiar face- at least familiar from a distance- was waving energetically at someone. She was badgeless, but then Raj knew that even without being close enough to see it or not. He turned to look around, though he had been pretty sure there were no others in the vicinity. He was usually pretty good about staying attentive of who was around him and who was not and the grounds had been fairly empty which was always pleasant in Raj's opinion. No one to disturb th peace of mind... and yet Ellse didn't bother him. She was more amusing than anything and Raj was presuming that was because he had a good deal of respect for her art though they had never really spoken to one another.

The girl disappeared before Raj could do more than glance in her direction and he wondered where she was off to now, especially in such haste. He didn't have long to wait because she was soon tripping and falling into the grass. Raj would have flinched but he had fought to get rid of such imperfect habits a long time ago. All he did to acknowledge her fall outwardly was a blink, though on the inside he was flinching and wanting to go help her back to her feet. He disregarded the fallen paint bucket since it had not burst open nor caused any trouble, beyond falling from the girl's arms.

When a hand was offered to him, he just stared at her- emotion rather blank. What did she think she was doing conversing with him in such an equal manner? While one part of his mind tried to comprehend the insult, the other part of his mind whispered she knows my name. She likes my sculptures. It caused a corner of his mouth to curl into a smile but by the time his mind had caught up with what was going on, she had retracted her hand- trying to make it appear as if she had never offered it. The Bee wishing to be Rose part of him wanted to ignore her and go back to his homework... but the artist in him screamed not to be so disrespectful to an artistic equal if not superior.

"Ellse. I do know you." Raj acknowledged. He glanced around wearily before setting his book aside and getting to his feet so that he was looking down on her. This way any passers by could presume that he was speaking to an underling, and this allowed him to have a conversation with her that wouldn't cast suspicion unto himself. "I apologize for the awkward manner with which we must speak, but seeing as we are not seen as equals by the academy I must show some superiority. Please understand I hold you in the highest regards. Your own expression of art is, to put it in your terms, 'Awesome', though words I find suit it better would be 'stunning', 'gorgeous' or even 'awe inspiring.' Yes, I know of you, Ellse. I just wish our ranks prevented us from interacting in a less negative fashion." He truly was regretful that he couldn't treat her as an equal, or even as a superior. If it weren't for her rather clumsy and in his opinion airheaded ways, he could easily see her as elegant as the embodiment of a Rose, Illyana. "That being said, is there something I can do for you? You seemed so enthusiastic in your greeting I'd hate to have wasted your energy to come greet me if I can be of some service to you." When another student passed by he added in a voice that was chilled, yet professional, "Superiors must do what they can to help their underlings, after all."




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The imp only smiled before he looked a little puzzled. Xavier really didn't have anything to offer Illyanna. Being a Rock meant he had almost nothing of true value to place on the table. Well, his kind were known to be 'creative' when it came to this sort of thing. Making deals with people was in Xavier's blood after all. "I really don't have anything to give." He had to be honest before his tail started to flick around his feet. "I can be in your debt?" That was all he could truly offer as compensation. Red eyes only giving a hopeful gleam as he placed his hand towards the Rose Illyanna.

"Whatever you need, whenever you need it, I can do." Xavier's voice was cheerful as he gave his best, 'charming' smile. Charming was being rather generous. The imp had a more devious look on his face. Something that was very unappealing towards his features. "Consider it like a favor. All you have to do is call my name out, and poof I'll be there."

All eyes felt like they were trying to invade Xavier's body. Bees and Roses kept a watchful gaze on both of them. It was, uncomfortable to say the least. However, if it meant he would get the location of his class... The imp could handle it for a while longer. His smile slowly faded slightly as he looked over the succubus. "It's all I can really offer you."

(@Kit Kat )

A part of Ellse wished that she hadn't approached Rajat. She had undoubtedly put them, mostly the other male, in a difficult situation. Yet, another part of her high-fived herself for finally being able to get a closer look at the genius behind those sculptures. When the cool voice acknowledged her though, she looked up in astonishment. Rajat had stood up to make it clear that their status in the academy were different, but Ellse didn't mind all that much. She knew that a Bee being chummy with a Rock wouldn't do much good to him, having experienced that firsthand. She wouldn't mind if Rajat became a Rose, anyway. That just meant that more people will recognize his art, and nothing bad would come out of that.

When Rajat complimented her art, she couldn't help but grin and puff out her chest slightly.
"I'm really, really glad you like my art. I thought that maybe you've never given them a look, since I'm a Rock and all. And what you can do for me..." Ellse laughed sheepishly. "I mean, I was just at the teachers' office to get a students manual for a-" She paused before the word "friend" could slip out, because she and that guy weren't exactly friends. Heck, she didn't even know the guy's name! Unable to find a better word, she continued hesitantly, "I guess you can say that I'm running an errand for another Bee. So anyway, I just saw you outside the window and I thought, 'Wow, that's the guy that makes those ice sculptures!', so I just ran out and came to you and yeah. I guess I just wanted to talk about sculpting. I tried when I was little but I was terrible at it, so I got curious about how you can do it so well." She sucked in a deep breath, cheeks reddening slightly when she realized she has been babbling nonstop. Looking to the side abashedly, she asked meekly, as if to take the other's mind off of her senseless speech. "So uh, underlings. Is that like a popular thing around here?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.cb83b511f2598581173a3b4bbb2daf00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68064" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.cb83b511f2598581173a3b4bbb2daf00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raj was somewhat surprised by Ellse's personality... though he supposed he shouldn't be. It quite matched her artwork, he decided after a moment of quiet contemplation. Another thing he noted was just how bubbly her personality was- quite a refreshing change from the other serene and strictly professional folk... but perhaps she behaved this way because she was a Rock. The consideration that such a personality might have had something to do with Ellse being a rock hadn't escaped his ponderings either.

"Being a rock means little when it comes to artistic talent." Raj admitted, glancing around to make sure there were no unwanted ears listening before speaking. "You have quite the talent. It quickly reveals why you were accepted to this academy of elites." He continued to watch Ellse, attempting to make his expression appear somewhat stern- as if her presence irked him yet he kept his tone calm and friendly, warmer than what he would usually use. He wondered if it was an odd combination to see and hear two different things from one person... but he'd rather appear a bit odd to her than be demoted for being too friendly with a Rock.

The silver haired man couldn't help the small smile when Ellse explained her reasoning for having come over. It was a truly wonderful thing to be known for his art and to have his genius acknowledged- being a Bee it didn't happen often. His work was always overlooked because of the Rose artists, even if some of his pieces were just as good if not better than many of theirs. But then he wondered how Ellse felt about how her work was treated. If it were on a scale of masterpiece to stick figure, Ellse's work could definitely be treated as if it were drawn by a child at times- something that brought sadness to his heart. It was terrible for an artist to be spurned in such a way... but she was running an errand for a Bee so perhaps she was trying to raise her rank? He hoped she was successful so that he could treat her as an equal, at the very least. The thought that she may jump a rank and rise to rose brought a wider smile to his face, especially after having to treat her as a lesser... and then have to treat her as a superior? Not that he would mind it... perhaps they could both rise to Rose and be equals at the very top of the pyramid.

"Sculpting... it was not always natural to me but I learned quickly perhaps because of my connection to Ice. I have been working with other materials, as well, as of late... but they're not quite the same as what I can do with Ice. Perhaps it is because to me, Ice is a living material that I am giving form where as marble and glass and the like just feel like clunky materials. One material I am showing a beauty built within, the other I am seeking a beauty that may not be there." Raj felt a flush come over his face as he realized he had been speaking in a long winded manner. He was most certainly boring Ellse at this point. Because she had been such a good sport to listen, he felt it only fair he inquire after her art- and of course he had a true interest in it as well. "And you? I have never experimented with paint... to be honest I felt a flat surface was very limiting... yet you make a flat surface no longer appear flat. You give it a life. How do you do that? What motivates you?" He inquired.

"Popular? I'm not entirely sure... But I'd much rather treat you as an underling than the dirt beneath my shoes." He said softly, tucking a strand of silver hair behind his hair to hide the secretive smile before wiping his face back to that earlier irked expression. "But in truth, I am not sure if others have taken on true underlings to do their bidding. In truth I pulled the terminology out randomly to keep suspicions at bay without thinking about what I may have actually been saying." He said, voice ever so slightly apologetic. "The Bee you were running a service for... I am most certainly keeping you from bringing him the manual?" He didn't want to dismiss her, her company had been most appreciated... but he woud greatly like her to rise in rank so that they may speak on equal terms instead of the way they were forced to speak at the moment. It bothered Raj to be so demeaning to another artist.




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The students have been acting as the way they usually would, barely much attention were thrown onto the Rock students, or the only thing worth calling attention is the usual snickering and mocking, in which the Queen would disregard of since this is an ordinary attitude to be displayed toward students of the lower or lowest ranks. She paid heed more to see if there's extreme bullying that would reach over the limit even for the Roses, or if there's Bees or Rocks who are not behaving the way they should. The Queen made sure to take a look at the unfamiliar faces of the new students as well. With her two bodyguards with her, she was certain that nobody would dare disrespect her--as proven by all the students of all three ranks who bowed down upon seeing her.

Yes, even Roses are to give respect to the Queen, who plays as the judge, who controls their fates with her simple decision of whether someone's rank should go up or drop. Even she chooses her bodyguards herself---Glavic and Izen, both are trustworthy and useful, with valuable skills, although Izen's tongue could be time to time...Quite sharp. As for Glavic...

The man, who has long finished the three years required for graduation, has stayed to be her bodyguard. Glavic made the decision himself, and the Queen did not object. He was proud of his position, and has deeply loved the academy. He entered as a Bee, and went up as a Rose, and enjoyed his privileges. He was smart, intelligent, and polite, not even Rocks specifically hate him.

When a young, female voice entered his ears, the Queen had been the one to halt first, the sounds of her high heels against the floor stopped as immediately as after the first word had been spoken by the young, pretty maiden who came up to Glavic with such tone as if they've known each other for a long time. She's a Rose student--Glavic remembered the Queen talking about her in the past before of how she's those types of Roses whose smiles look fake from times to times. When the sight of her dirtied uniform entered his view, his eyes widened a bit, then listened carefully as she spoke, his eyes then moved to the side in which he saw a Bee student walking away from her. Is he the one who spilled paint onto her? Glavic shook his head to himself, he did not see the act happening, so he could not just assume. Izen, however, scowled.

Such loser, isn't he, to be foolish enough get close to a Rose like that in the first place, and even spilled paint on her!" He could hear Izen exclaimed from aside, in which he was too used to it to mind.

Lady Lillia, if I'm not mistaken. I remember you so from the last Rank Change ceremony," he said directly to the student then, although starting off with a reminder. "Please pay heed to the Queen here as well, you are supposed to bow down to show the proper manner," the man paused slightly, before a polite smile formed onto his face.

As for your uniform...I understood. Please wait here for a moment, I would send someone to get you the right uniform this instant," with that, he called on a Rock student to whom he had already landed his sight on a few seconds ago. After telling her to go to the basement of the academy to get a new uniform, with Izen adding that she must return within seven minutes with the right version for Roses or else she would be expelled, everything happened as expected. The student came running back nearly out of breath, holding the uniform up for Lillia.

Well done," Glavic said simply, with a disappointed frown on Izen's face for the student actually completing this mission. The Queen, who had not said a single word, finally asked if they could move on. With simple nods, they left the students there as the three continued their patrol down the hallways.

@Eimi @Aiakaos )


Jack smiled softly upon hearing Francesca's words, seeing her worry obvious from her expression. She is in no way wrong that his reputation might be tarnished if he was found helping a Rock student like so, but he is the one offering to help her. Besides, even if he is to drop a rank and turn into a Rock, for him the only thing he would concern about is the loss of some privileges that would help him get through many rights that the Rock lacked. Other than that it would actually be easier for him to interact with the Rock students he knew of, and wouldn't find the need to sneak if he ever wants to visit one of their dorm rooms at night.

Well, it's true that I might be in a teeny bit trouble for doing this, but since we're going the same way anyway, it's kind of awkward for me to not help a lady when she's right beside me, you know," Jack replied, with a laugh in the end. "Besides, I know of a shortcut to go there that doesn't have much Roses and Bees around to watch and judge us." All the months he had stayed here with his mischievous and sly side of his personality has resulted in his familiarity to this place, and he has memorized many of the shortcuts or secret ways to reach different destination that would get him out of trouble when he decided to throw a tiny pranks at the Roses, or at least avoid the attention when he wished to talk to the Rocks on the brightest of the day. "So don't you worry, beautiful madam." He added in the end with a bright smile.

A pause, then, before he blinked. "
Unless my wheeling earlier has made you uncomfortable? I'm sorry, it is very rare for me to wheel a wheelchair. But," Jack bent down until he's eye-leveled to Francesca, and jokingly he pouted, "Does my wheeling skills suck that bad that you don't want me to wheel you again?" He said with a tone that's clearly teasing to trouble the girl, who has appeared rather soft-hearted so far, while reminding himself of the time.

They probably have only ten minutes left of class now, which is World History. There are actually two shortcuts in total, with each didn't have much of a difference in distance except one requires a staircase. Talking about staircase....

Oh, by the way, how do you go up the stairs like this? Hm, does that mean we must take the elevator..." Elevators are the usual options for the Roses. A frown formed onto Jack's face as he leaned back, gently placing his fingers below his chin as if engaging himself into thoughts. "Well, there always exist that option in which I can carry you up by stairs but...Hmm...Kind of not polite to do it without the lady's permission too..." The lad mumbled to himself.

@Rosyshark )
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Vince quietly ran through the halls of the school, holding a large stack of books and papers, and even more in his backpack. How could he be late again? There wasn't even something to hold him up, he had just packed his books from his history lessons, like all the others, and went on to math, only to realise he had taken a wrong turn and had to run back. The gazes of the roses and bees didn't quite faze him as much as they would to any other Rock, he had more important matters to tend to, like balancing his books. It was just his luck, wasn't it? It had been haunting him for quite some time now, that luck of his, or perhaps the lack of it. Still he ran on, elegant nor flattering, but being late was even worse, and the teachers already hated him. A rock that showed up to class, what a joke he must've looked like to them, and yet he did, every day.

Art and music, those he never cared for, and he had to cut out three classes, so it had been art, music and herbology, the last field was just a wise choice as plants weren't particularly fond of sparks and fire. That was the thing he had in abundance though, and even now three or four blazing white fireflies followed him as he ran. Fire and clumsiness apparently.. and that wasn't a good combination, even if he was never clumsy with fire.

As he was concentrated on running and holding his books right, he felt a foot hook around his ankle, and as he twisted half fall he saw a rose smirk as evil as ever. Vince had never seen that face before, and they were surely in for a surprise if they thought a little hook would keep him off of the task of getting to math in time. Perhaps if he had had the time he would have just fallen down and taken the laughs, as was of course polite and the right thing to do, but today he didn't quite feel like pretending to be useless, especially not for a new one. So, half fall he twisted his body, shifting the books and catching them with one arm, then quietly put his weight on his other hand and used the energy of his initial forward velocity to instead go up and over. Effectively he did a slightly altered cartwheel, and it went better than he expected, landing and running on with his books. No time to get bullied today... he had math to do.


Illyanna was joking when she asked for some form of payment. It was a front, so that their audience didn't think she was helping him too much. However, she wasn't one to turn down a favor. She refused his hand once again, but nodded to show that she accepted his offer.
"Cooking classes for the Rocks are held in the northern part of campus. Unfortunately for you, it's the farthest building from the center." She glared at the audience for making this such a big deal. Most of the Bees took an instinctive step back. Even some of the Roses looked concerned. Illyanna huffed. As if she would waste her time confronting people like them. No. If they had something to say, then they could approach her. She doubted anyone would, and even if they had the courage to speak to her, then there was no guarantee for an answer, or their safety.

"This is where we part ways, Imp. I'll be using that favor. Don't forget it." And with that, she turned and made her way to the shops, or she would have, if she hadn't found another stumbling idiot a few feet away from her. It was clearly the work of a Rose. Bees and Rocks weren't that cruel to their own kind. Eyes searching for a badge, she saw that it was yet another Rock. Just my god damn luck. I get away from one, and there's another. However, this one managed to catch himself. Illyanna could only laugh and the Rose's expression. Served her right. Though Illyanna would never be kind to someone of lesser status, she also felt no need to be cruel for no reason. She always needed a reason, no matter how small it was.

She continued on to the shops, hoping that they would bring her some kind of balance to her day. She was disappointed to find that the shops, while very elegant, were also filled with last season's trends. Of course, the season hadn't
quite ended yet, but a designer could never be behind. It was essential that she was one step ahead. Perhaps the academy would allow her to open up her own workshop. It was a long shot. Perhaps she could start with just letting the stores sell her wares, student discounts excluded. Art was sacred. You couldn't put a discount on someone's hard work. It was preposterous.

She managed to talk a few stores into considering her business. None of them knew who she was, of course, and she preferred to keep it that way. The last thing she needed was to overrun the island with her business. As much as she would have loved to stay and convince the stores to sign on with her, she had to get back to classes.

I think I've got a math class next...Oh dear, how dull.
Well that certainly simplifies things. Francesca thought, as Jack told her about the shortcuts. This was all being so convenient, not only would this help her find her class, but also keep this friendly fellow from falling into the lower ranks. And perhaps if she remembered the shortcuts, she could use it again later to find her class at a later date. She would just need to be sure to not get so used to someone being there to help her again if she ran into trouble. Yet after such a close brush with disaster, she was going to be very, very sure to take better note of where she was rolling herself.

"If you're sure it won't get you in any trouble, than I wouldn't mind."
She smiled gratefully to the fellow student. Yet when he made the comment about if she disliked his wheeling skills, though it took her a second to realize he was joking, she brought a hand up to stifle a giggle. "Well if you can manage to not run over the feet of other students, than I would say your skills surpass mine." She replied, though that... That was really only a half joke. If she had kept count on how many feet had been victim to her chair, the numbers would be in the double digits.

Francesca's smile faltered a bit though, at the question of stairs.
"um... Well... I don't really. My dorm is on the first floor so I never really had to use the elevator there. Usually I just look around for an elevator or ramp and use that.." She admitted. "A-are the elevators only for roses?" She asked, seeming a bit worried. That would have been so inconvenient, surely she wasn't the only student here who couldn't go up stairs. And surely they would take into consideration that there were some bees and rocks who could absolutely not go up a staircase. The school wouldn't disregard that for their ranking system, would they?

Yet his other option to carry her, she couldn't let him do that!
"C-carrying might not be the best option, I-I'm not exactly light, a-and it would take two trips. I wouldn't want to put you through that hassle" She quickly replied, and by two trips she had meant her wheelchair. They couldn't just leave it at the bottom of the stairs after all. "H-honestly the best options are the ones without stairs."

Vince finally reached his class, only to see not many people had arrived yet. It wasn't that strange for people to show up late to maths, or not at all, so it didn't surprise him that there weren't many people, but this few rarely happened. Better for him though, it meant he could quietly slip in the back of the class without too many people paying attention. It didn't mean there was none though, not the good kind anyway, lot's of people whispering things along the lines of Snow white still seems to think taking classes will help and other even more devious comments. He had gotten used to it in the three months he was at the school, and he was a bit of an exception at that, since he had come falling in in the middle of a semester. It was only natural he had been an outcast, the already established Rocks and Bees forming their own groups in which he wasn't included, and the new wave of students would probably think of him as different too, and then there was the case of white hair and golden eyes, though many seemed to appear different at the school, and he wasn't by far the strangest, it still made him an easy target.

Silent and trying not to get more attention, he put down the stack of books on his table... only to have them slide over and fall off of the other side.

"oh no..." he muttered, just before the book loudly slammed against the ground. Heads turned and a few squeaks and squeals were let out by the other students in the classroom as the sounds startled them. Vince felt a red blush come up as everyone gave him a mad glare as soon as they realised it was just him. A few mean comments were spread Does that guy not have common sense? Is that rock retarded? and inside he felt a little bit of panic boil up and he quickly stared at his feet instead so he wouldn't be confronted with all those hateful eyes.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." He quietly mumbled and he doubted they would hear as they were too busy calling him a moron and a failure. Ashamed he got on his knees and picked up the book and a few papers that came down with it, trying to rearrange them the best he could on his small, rickety desk.

When he was done he took out his homework one last time and went over it a last time, because with so few people the teacher wouldn't start the class yet anyway. Might as well check for little errors while he was at it. His grades weren't bad, especially not at math, but it wasn't his favourite pastime either, and sometimes he calculated things wrong in a hurry. Because he bashed in at such a strange time, he also had missed half of the lessons, and after a lot of catching up and hard work he was finally at the point where he could go at a more decent pace. The new year would hopefully turn out better than his life so far, but he just had to wait and see what this new class and new teacher held.

(possibly @Kit Kat )
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Ellse tried her best not to giggle at Rajat's strange act. He looked as if he wanted her to scram, but the words that came out of him were the kindest that she has received ever since she came to this academy. She couldn't help but break into a grin though when he began to talk about sculpting. To be honest, he wasn't all that she had expected. Of course, she knew he must be very passionate about sculpting, but Ellse have always thought that he must be a cold and frigid person. She was glad that he proved her wrong.

"Painting, huh?" Ellse tapped her chin in thought. "I thought the same as you when I first started painting. I would think 'Boy, how am I supposed to draw these things and make them look so good like other artists' paintings when all I have is a canvas and a brush?'. But then I just put my heart into it and kept painting and painting until I got the hang of it! My motivation is to make my mom proud, but she always used to say that she was proud of me already."

Ellse nodded upon hearing Rajat's explanation of the whole underling ordeal. She was right- Rajat was indeed different from those Bees and Roses who thought they owned the world. "It's difficult for us to talk with our statuses, that's for sure, but a Rose taking on a Rock as an underling is no issue at all. Probably. So either you have to become a Rose and take me on as an official underling so we can talk more, or-" She crossed her arms across her chest and looked up at Rajat in determination. "I'll have to become a Bee so we can be equals! Then we can paint and sculpt together and be friends... And whatnot!"

She got onto her feet and gave Rajat a bow, deeper than the one she had given to that Rose girl from before. "You didn't keep me from bring the manual. If anything, I kept myself from going." She grinned, bright and cheerful at her fellow artist. "But I should be on my way. I'll see you around!"

Giving another bow, she picked up the paint bucket and rushed back to the building, occasionally turning around to give a discreet wave when no one is looking. Once she was finally back into the school, she let out a content sigh and walked towards the nurse's office.

Jack let out a laugh when he heard Francesca's reply upon his wheeling skills, how she tried to stifle a giggle about not having her wheels going over other people's feet. He is more than confident that such things wouldn't happen if he's wheeling somebody, although he wouldn't be so sure if he's on the wheelchair rolling himself alone. "We would certainly be in big trouble if I happen to wheel you over a Rose's foot, don't you think?" He said jokingly. However, it would certainly be interesting, and even nice, to see that happen. The enraged and embarrassed expressions on the Rose's students as they see their shoes dirtied by a wheeling chair's wheels would indeed be entertaining, and it's something Jack would be willing to give it a try if Franscesca isn't here with him right now. The lad tried to hold back a smirk as he focused instead on what the lady said next about the stairs.

Indeed, Rocks students didn't really need to take the stairs if they''re talking about dorms, judging by them mostly living on the first floor, although second floor also existed for them. No wonder such problem hasn't popped up in the girl's mind yet, seeing how she appeared to be new and didn't need to think about getting to classes that are located on all different floors. Jack blinked when her worrisome voice asked him if the elevators are only available for the Roses. The lad stood there for a moment before seemingly thinking, a dry smile on his face. "Well, of course it didn't exist only for them, that would be inconvenient for other students who have disabilities or other issues such as yours that prevent them from taking the stairs. However--" a sigh escaped his mouth. "You know, most Roses take the elevators, so other ranks would usually choose the wise decision to take the stairs instead, to avoid any troubles that they could possibly be caught into...Seeing how they would be trapped into the same tiny space as them," Jack paused, his voice gradually grew into a whisper as he mumbled to himself. "That's why we need to get rid of that stupid ranking system..."

Upon realizing his own act and the awkward mood it could cause, though, his eyes immediately brightened up once again as a cheerful grin spread across his face. "But don't ya worry, I will be there with you even in the elevator, pretend to be your knight in shining armor and get you away from any of those mean bullies. Besides, hey, there exists the possibility of us entering the elevators alone. It's located where not much Roses would pass by anyway!" As if to comfort Francesca, he said brightly, although he remembered that this shortcut only applied to going to the history classroom. There will be much more classrooms out there that have no other shortcuts but elevators, or no shortcuts in the first place at all. Jack let out a deep sigh to himself.

However, he was quickly distracted by his own thoughts as he tried to comprehend Francesca's words next, which started off with some stuttering. The lad chuckled then, placing a hand on her head then pat it. "Whatever you wish, my lady, although personally I won't really mind carrying a gorgeous madam such as yourself up the stairs and impressing you with my usefulness by going back and carrying up the wheelchair," he winked as a tease. That would be a disgraceful scene if any of the Roses or fellow Bee ranks seeing him helping a Rock like that though, Jack thought at the same time, but shrugged it off.

"Anyway, elevators, correct?" He said, pushing the jokes away. "Got it, let's get to class then, I think it's time to go anyway. You ready to go?" He said, seeing how much she like the pond, and would possibly want to linger there even for just a minute longer.

(@Rosyshark )
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.d08150ac86dd735165eeeef646a22714.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.d08150ac86dd735165eeeef646a22714.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raj listened with true interest as Ellse spoke about painting, finding her source of motivation exceptionally interesting. He had a similar source, though he knew that if he didn't pull through they would be disappointed in him unlike Ellse's mother. Perhaps that's why she didn't seem exceptionally concerned about being a rock. If it wasn't for her parents wanting her to be an elite, why was she here then?

His face broke into a full fledged smile when Ellse stated a plan for them to be able to actually speak on a more regular basis. He liked the idea of them being school equals more than him rising another rank above her, but he could accept that if they were able to spend time together that wouldn't tear him down and might possibly lift her up. Another motivating factor for him to rise in rank, for sure. He wanted to suggest that it was also possible for them both to become Roses but bit his tongue against it. Perhaps her interest didn't lie in status and being a Rose was a lot of extra work, for sure. Not just in classes, but in behaviors as well. When you were a Rose, you had to always be perfect- never a hair out of place. Though Raj strove to be that way already, perhaps Ellse did not and did not want to start. So he allowed the thought of both of them being Roses to slip from his mind. The one thing he would not do for her was to purposely become a Rock, but then she had been kind and smart enough to to mention that possibility as well.

"Yes, I look forward to seeing you around."(@Dawnsx ) Raj noted softly, a smile still playing across his lips before he gained a hold on his expression and behavior and schooled it back to serene and calm. He glanced down at his watch after a moment before nodding and packing up his books. It was time to move on to the next class. He actually was really glad for all the classes and looked forward to each of them, all classes having a pro that made them more than worthwhile. He settled his math things away before collecting the items needed for his next class.

"I look forward to discussing the essays written for class." Raj said softly to himself as he pulled out his own essay. It had been a fairly open topic- the main course being to write very sophisticatedly about someone who inspired the masses. It had been a difficult task writing in a professional voice without sounding like he was writing a textbook, but he felt he had pulled it off. He took a seat in class, glancing around for familiar faces before pulling out his journal and pens, ready for class to begin,.



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Francesca nodded slowly, thinking about the consequences of running over someone's foot... Well to be perfectly honest, she had almost seen what those were. She remembered accidentally running over someone's foot, yet she didn't stick around to get a reaction. All she had done was give a quick apology and rolled away as fast she could. She often wondered if maybe that was part of the reason why she was dropped to rock so quickly, perhaps she ran over someone important? A rose? One of the queen's bodyguards? The queen herself? Well that last one was unlikely. She would have been able to remember if she had run down the queen on accident.

"I-I assumed as much. It's just this place already has some very strange customs already, I just felt it safe to be sure." Francesca sighed a tiny bit. She was already sort of getting nervous about the elevator. Yet Jack's words were being a bit of a comfort to her. "Thank you again then Mist-.. Jack." She stopped herself from calling him Mister again. "But if there are by chance any Roses. I won't be offended if you pretend not to associate with me. I feel like you're risking so much already." The mermaid added, smiling in a somewhat apologetic manner. After all, he had done so much for her already. If there were Roses, she would be perfectly fine if he didn't want to risk anything. And if the roses made rude comments, she would just endure... Or she could use her sister's method of dealing with bullies... Which was to bite them... Yet she really didn't want to get expelled so soon.

Her face once again turned a slight shade of red from the comment as she looked back at the pond once more. She wanted to remember what it looked like exactly until she saw it again. Coming here had brightened her day up a bit, and she felt she would be coming here much more often when she was in need of a quick pick-me-up. Even if she wasn't able to swim in it, the sight of the pond itself instantly made her feel more at peace. Just being around water seemed to do that... It was a mermaid thing.

After a moment the girl looked back to Jack and nodded.
"I believe I'm ready now." She finally replied, nodding a bit. "And thank you again for doing this all for me... I really appreciate it." She added, looking down a bit to avoid eye contact, and also looking at the rose he had given her. She smiled slightly, as she looked it over. Perhaps I should try to press this so I can save it. It would feel mean to just let it wither.



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