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Fantasy Absolute Academy - The Chosen Elites


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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Absolute Academy

You are now on the path to become an elite, the toppest of the top, the best among the world.


The warm rays of sunlight found its way to shine into the clear glass windows located on the hallways of the Absolute Academy, brightening up the building as a whole, as if showing off the gorgeousness this school was really built to be. Ranging from the elegant white marble floors to the golden pillars, the clean refreshing air and the beautiful gardens that could be seen just one peak out the windows, one could immediately tell that this academy is not just any simple academy. It's an academy for the chosen ones--an academy for the elites.

To push it further, the whole island, as well as every stores and restaurants, belonged to this academy. How exactly such school was built was even a mystery for the Queen, Joou, and her bodyguards. Perhaps the headmaster holds the answer, but nobody could care less to find out. Each student was taught to focus on becoming the perfect elite, and that's why such thing as the ranking system even exists, dividing students by ranks and discriminating their rights if they're from the lower levels. Ridiculous, isn't it? Well, for the Rose students, they wouldn't mind at all. To be enjoying the luxury given to them as the highest rank, why would they bother to concern themselves with the unfair treatments of other fellow students?

At least, that's what Jack thought. He wouldn't need to be, considering he's a regular Bee student who was neither super luxurious nor super poor, placed right in the middle of the ranking system like many other students. It has been three months and a half ever since the last ceremony for rank change took place, but his rank did not change. Jack has always been keeping the perfect balance of not showing too much kindness to the Rocks in public while respecting the Roses without listening to every single one of their requests. He also established a well relationship as he performed his magic tricks in public. In other words, his life has been so far successful without any conflicts. He shouldn't be butting into the secret rebellion to destroy the ranking system, but nevertheless he has--sneaking into Rock students' rooms at midnight, discussing their plans and their thoughts of Roses. At least, not much people knows of it yet, not enough to make him drop into a Rock as well.

Walking down the hallway then, he checked the time. It was near twelve, the longest break time between classes for lunches and recesses. He was not particularly hungry, so he decided to hang around in the hallway before thinking of what he should do. Jack's hands fumbled with the cards he used multiple times for his magic card tricks, a smile forming onto his face at the sight--at least, in this academy, no one has discriminate magic tricks yet.

He happened to brush by the Queen and her two bodyguards along the way, seemingly looking over the academy around as to observe the students and their behaviors, catching their conversations and possible rumors. They are the judges for the rank change after all.

Now that he thought about it, some new students did join the academy just recently. The Queen could not fail to catch that, huh?

Jack smirked a little, his eyes following them secretly until they finally turned an angle, disappearing from his sight. That's when he let out a sigh and gently leaned to his side, peaking out the windows, watching the students outside. He could see some Roses broadly showing off their beautiful garments and newly bought bags or dresses walking across the garden, the usual chatting Bees, and there were rarely some Rocks in sight, probably hiding away from possible places that could give them no good except being laughed or bullied.

The lad frowned, hoping this year could go by well as he wished.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.3efdb89a20e7ef86bab1e00ea830a78b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.3efdb89a20e7ef86bab1e00ea830a78b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Rajat Jaidev

The beauty of the water as the sunlight glistened could only warm so much of Raj's heart as he stared out from what had become his home until he graduated. A new ship was coming in, bringing new elites to be respected, scorned, or perhaps even treated as equals. The silver haired boy looked down at his badge, taking a moment to rub any smudges or finger prints from the metal pin. A reminder that he was a commoner here, neither the best of the best nor the scum of the earth but somewhere in between. He hadn't been at the Academy for long but it didn't take a genius to figure out the way things worked at this school. It was like the rich way of behaving taken to a new extreme... and the way the lows were treated.. the 'rocks' as they were called here.. Raj wouldn't even treat his servants in such a poor manner. Yet if he were to break rules here, he'd be demoted to such a level... which was counter productive to his goal to be a Rose. Just pretend they're not there. They don't exist. They're not worth your time. He reminded himself as one without a badge slunk by him.

At least the classes has been decent so far and the clubs were nice. Especially the music club, which Raj was proudly a part of. Already he had learned and gained from the other elite musicians, many of them prodigies in music unlike him. Some days, when they weren't collaborating together on a new musical piece, it was nice to just sit back and listen to the others work. Especially those who's skills rested with the softer, more beautiful sounding instruments- not like any of the obnoxious brass players that always seemed to hog the spotlight. Not that that was entirely the musicians fault- brass was a loud and troublesome instrument... and yet Raj couldn't help a form of dislike forming for those who played brass regardless.

"At least it's a lovely day." He intoned softly, gently touching the surface water of a fountain. He watched as tendrils of frost spread across the surface, only to be destroyed by the water that came crashing down from the fountain's spout. Water certainly held more beauty than the rest of the world could ever hope to have, and ice more so. Ice was like water perfected in Raj's eyes... and his sculptures brought the chilled element to life. Speaking of sculptures, Raj needed to get back to trying to find a medium that was similar to ice but that wouldn't melt when brought away from the cold. As much as Raj believed int he theory of 'beauty being true in destruction' he also wished his sculptures could last longer than a few hours.. he'd be content if they could at least last a week, though he was hoping to find a way to make them last even longer.

Turning his attention back to the boat, Raj considered actually going to meet the new Roses and Bees- perhaps he could manage to make a good impression enough to raise his rank. Focusing on his walk to make it appear more as a glide, he strode towards the entrance gates... an area that had seemed to be the gates to his prison when he had first arrived but now seemed to be the doors to paradise. At least for the time being... even if he weren't in the absolute lap of luxury, there were opportunities in the Academy he had never had before.

Standing far enough away from the entrance, so that he was merely an observer for the moment and not an interacter, Raj waited for the new students to arrive at their new home... and their new cage. Hopefully they'd be able to make it as Bees and Roses, and not fall to the lowly ranks of Rocks like one such artist he had admired had. Now he had to pretend she didn't exist... had to pretend many talented people didn't exist. The bars of his paradise... to look down upon ones he had admired because they lacked a badge. But he would show his parents he was not a worthless son. He would rise to the rank of Rose, even if it meant turning his back on those who had fallen from rank.



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The new scents, the new people, it was all overwhelming for Illyanna. Her hands were shaking and her lips twitched, not from fear, but from excitement. She subtly adjusted the badge she wore proudly upon her chest. Elegant Rose, a glamorous name for the society that she found herself a part of. It was all so new. It was nothing like anything she ever experienced. Still, despite her fingers itching to grab a needle, she didn't want to attract too much attention to herself. Her crimson hair was tied into a neat bun on the back of her head and all hairs were sprayed into place. There was nothing messy about her. Her outfit, which she had modified slightly to fit and flatter her figure, had clean, sharp lines. Not a wrinkle was in sight. First impressions were everything. She glanced at the students walking through the gates, like a few others were doing and silently observed from behind her sunglasses.

Oh dear...She noticed a few of the rocks wearing clothing that just...didn't quit fit their image. If only that top was a shade darker. If I could just take in the sides half an inch, oh but her hair is marvelous... I wish I could style it for her. She contemplated walking up to them and offering to fix it, but she held herself back. She would stand on the side lines for now. Everyone here had a different talent and she was simply curious. Every new student that caught her eye made her wonder. Some students were very open with their talents, as they should be. This was the school of the elite and the proud. Other students, however, decided to hide themselves, as she was choosing to. Of course, there would be no real benefit to this, but it wouldn't hurt either.

Illyanna took her sunglasses off and placed them into her handbag. She designed her own handbags as well, to match the current season's trends. She designed every object in her wardrobe and nothing was ever out of place, not the colors, not the styles, nothing. After standing at the gates for so long, she finally decided to enter. With long strides, she walked through the gates and felt the air change. Perhaps it was all in her head, but there was an air of sophistication. A shiver ran through her body as she walked along. Some people were staring and she would let them. They were probably glaring at her, wondering why she thought she was the queen of the world, but she didn't care. She would play the academy's game.

It was about time for classes to begin. She saw a few students scrambling to find their rooms. Illyanna would do no such thing. She already knew her schedule by heart and where she needed to go. Scrambling was unsightly and it just wouldn't do for anyone to see her in such a state. Her first class, unfortunately for her, was a music class. It wasn't that she disliked music. It was that she didn't have the patience. She attempted several instruments. Each time, her temper got the best of her and she snapped each one in half. It was quite impressive what she was able to do while angry, but she hoped no one here would be around to witness it.

"Off to class, I suppose...Perhaps later, I can get my hands on some fabric...I'm sure the quality in the stores around here is incredible," she murmured to herself before heading off to class. Illyanna thought she saw the queen and her two bodyguards out of the corner of her eye, but paid no heed. The queen was watching and observing, just as she had been. Surely she wasn't looking for any kind of interaction from new students. It was time for class anyways. Sooner rather than later. She wanted to be one of the first to arrive. Being late was just improper for a lady.
Ralec Darl

He yawned, leaning against the rail of the boat that was gradually reaching the rumored Academy. He had tossed aside the handbook that had been given to the new recruits to read while waiting for the boat to reach the destination. His little booklet was on the floor next to him, closed after he had skimmed through the pictures just to have prior knowledge of bits of the Absolute Academy's environment. He didn't need to read it anyway, not that he wanted to for the most part. Milo, his cab driver and adviser, had rambled throughout the whole car ride about his years at the Academy until Ralec literally wanted to dart out of the car when he caught a glimpse of the boat from afar. The only amusing part was when Ralec asked him what rank Milo had graduated as, making the adviser meekly reply that he didn't want to reply to that question. Ralec glanced down at his attire, sighing with exasperation at the sight. His parents had forced him to wear a tuxedo, tail coat, vest and all. The minute he stepped onto the boat he had gotten rid of his bow tie, not liking how tight it was around his neck. He even used the sink of the boat's bathroom to wash his hair of the gel that made him look absolutely ridiculous. Like some sort of tax collector. He tapped his polished dress shoe on the ground, deciding to take out his folded schedule from the pocket of his trousers and scanned through the paper. Two words irked him, standing out amongst the rest of the other classes he needed to take. History and Art. Ah, the two subjects of which he was known to be very passionate about. What bullshit. They had haunted him from the very day he was old enough to read and write! Following him around, making him remember all sorts of trivia in the museum. He tore the paper in half and flung the pieces over his shoulder, letting his schedule fly away with the winds. "Oh dear, what a tragedy." Ralec exclaimed in a very, unconcerned tone. He had half-assed school back home, he would do the same at the so called Academy.

He looked to the front of the boat when it had stopped rocking back and forth. It had finally reached the island. A smirked crawled its way onto his face as he made his way downstairs, walking in another direction from the rest of the new students that were busy making their way out of the boat. Soon, an engine roared to life and a navy blue motorcycle was all it took for his way to be cleared. Ralec laughed inside his helmet as he rode out of the boat, increasing his speed as he made it through the city that the Academy owned. "Woohoo~!" His voice was muffled by his helmet but he didn't care. He was delighted at the familiar thrill he felt when he raced, even by himself. He tugged upwards at the handles of the motorcycle, making it leap over students in front of him so that he made it passed the entrance gates. The wheels of his cycle screeched as he landed, the bike making a semi circle before he stopped it from moving anymore. Pleased at the short but exciting ride, he got off of his motorcycle and took of his helmet. He ruffled a hand through his messy hair, which was now dried from the boat ride and his speedy entrance.

"Young man!" Ralec blinked as two adults walked over to him. They seemed like security guards. For the gates? Perhaps. He wasn't sure. "Vehicles are not permitted inside of the gates of the Academy." He raised an eyebrow as they took the helmet from his hands and handed him something else. It was a silver badge. "What is thi-? Woah what are you doing?" Ralec furrowed his eyebrows as the two guards moved his motorcycle away. He started to follow them, only to be stopped by another guard who informed him that his motorcycle will be parked outside of the gates. Ralec scowled when the two guards returned with his luggage. He took his suitcase from them, glancing at his motorcycle. One of the guards handed him the key to his bike, leading him to immediately swipe it out of his hand. "Please wear your badge on a noticeable area so that students can easily abide to the school rules."

Yeah whatever. He blew at his bangs while the guards walked away to their posts once more. He turned around, unintentionally making eye contact with another student. The lad had blue eyes and silver hair, a strikingly handsome fellow ( @RubyRose ). He assumed the lad had a well off family. He scanned the student, his eyes immediately catching sight of the badge that the lad wore. It was that moment when Ralec remembered something, letting his displeased expression fade away into one of awareness. "Remember, you must always bow down to those that wear the --- badges!" He looked down at the badge he held in his hand, trying to remember what Milo had told him. He looked back at the blue eyed lad, taking a few seconds before making a curt bow with his head. That should do it, right? Ralec studied his badge and pinned it onto the handkerchief pocket of his tuxedo. He wondered why he bowed. He looked up at the Academy. Perhaps because this was an isolated place? Whatever the reason, something felt odd. He didn't understand why, but he would just brush it aside for now.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.d22952328837173e4a5f71ddaba7913e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.d22952328837173e4a5f71ddaba7913e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Rajat Jaidev

You could always tell when there was a Rose in the vicinity. Or at least Raj had learned to be able to tell. There was an air about them and they moved with a grace and eloquence that he strived to be able to do as well. Where he had begun to figure out a sort of glide to his walk, they had mastered it to the point where they might as well have been walking on air. There was a very obvious reason why Roses were chosen- they were truly the cream of the crop. And some of them showed it a lot better than others, and Raj was reminded heavily of his place as a Rose came along to also greet students- not a single hair or stitch out of place while she walked. Raj gave a formal bow when she passed him, wishing he knew all of the Roses names but he was still just trying to remember his teacher's names at this point. Memorization had never been very good for him.

At any rate, he was glad the woman with red hair and the beautiful Rose badge was going to greet the students. She would show the new Roses just how they should behave, and the Bees what they should aspire to be. As for the Rocks... well they were able to glimpse what life could possibly be like if they pulled their acts together. Perhaps. If they got lucky. Raj had heard that it was possible to move from Rock to Rose, and to fall from Rose to Rock... but he didn't see it as a very often occurrence. Still, they were free to hope. He wouldn't take that from them. His attention was pulled from the Elite Rose when the sound of a motor started up and a boy who was very obviously a troublemaker pulled off a trick on... was that a motorcycle? How did he manage to get a motorcycle beyond the gates?

Raj watched with some amusement as the guards came over and took the noisy vehicle away. That boy certainly had guts to bring such a thing with. Had he not read the rules? For the boy's sake, Raj hoped that his bike would still be working by the time he graduated... because it didn't seem like that boy would be graduating any time soon. It was more likely the bike would have rusted by the time the boy made it out but... well perhaps Raj was selling the guy short. Only Elites were welcomed here, after all. The boy must have had some sort of gift.

The silver haired man's focus was slightly unruffled when the boy's gaze met his own, and Raj was caught in a moment of whether he should bow as if to a Rose, nod as if to a Bee, or ignore if the boy was a Rock. The semi bow the boy gave caught him even more off guard, and his piercing gaze remained on the dark haired man until the glint of a silver badge caught his eye as the boy pinned it into place. Well that settled it, the boy was his equal... Raj returned the curt bow with one of his own, having to sweep his hair from his face once he had straightened up once more. At any rate it was nice to see a new Bee around- perhaps he had a skill as an artist or a musician which meant that they'd have clubs and classes together. Not that Raj was overly eager to befriend this new boy, but he was curious to find out more about what kind of person brought a motorcycle to Absolute Academy.

It was then he noticed that the Elegant Rose from earlier was headed back towards the school, and he realized the time. He needed to head to class. He glanced over at the troublemaker, wondering if he had missed the school's guide or not. Would leading this man to his class perhaps help my rank? Raj questioned before sighing. He couldn't see how it would hurt his ranking but at the same time if help wasn't needed he didn't want to interact with this motorcycle loving person more than what was needed.

"Excuse me." Raj finally decided, moving to where the boy stood staring up at the Academy. "Will you be able to find your way without too much trouble?" (@Aiakaos )

(Mentioned: @Kit Kat )



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Ralec Darl

He blinked when he heard the lad's voice and looked to his side before facing him. He didn't expect the lad to exchange words with him. He straightened his posture, replying in a much more polite tone than he had intended, "I'm afraid not. I've seemed to have lost my student manual on the way here." Ralec twitched an eyebrow when he heard his own voice. Just what was about this place that he was acting in such a way? Maybe he was just sensitive that his ''golden child'' concept kicked in as a defense mechanism. His gray eyes focused back on the lad, while letting out a small smile, one that he used when greeting important formal figures. It wouldn't hurt to see how things played out if he started out this way. "My name is Ralec Darl. You wouldn't mind helping me find my way around this place, would you?" He held out his hand for a handshake, trying to talk as calmly as possible.

He glanced at the lad's badge, realizing both of them wore the same kind, "Are all students required to wear these, by the way?" He looked around, noticing how some of the students bowed to others who didn't bow back. "...And what's with this bowing ritual- I mean, way of greeting you have here?" He cursed inside his mind, scolding himself for slipping. He hoped the lad didn't get suspicious of him. No, what was he thinking?! He didn't have time to worry about such things. Or maybe he did. Ralec let out an embarrassed laugh, "My apologies. I tend to talk with an abrasive language sometimes." (@RubyRose )

This was getting ridiculous, he was talking more than he needed to. He was too nervous here. He needed to get act together before his chance to set things the way he wanted disappeared. Ralec quickly looked back towards the gates, making sure his motorcycle was still okay. It was the only thing that assured him of his true nature. So far no one seemed to take too much note of it. He hoped there were no thieves here. Not that he was one to talk anyway. His very act of stealing priceless treasures had sent him here in the first place. Now that he thought about it. Ralec wondered if his parents would have sent him here even if he stayed cooped up in the museum. It was a no brainer. Considering how his parents- no
who his parents were, they would've most definitely sent him to the Absolute Academy. Great.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.f95befdaecf35b01d61a4b50d1410367.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1507594-bigthumbnail.jpg.f95befdaecf35b01d61a4b50d1410367.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Rajat Jaidev

The guy had lost his student manual? Ouch... that was really going to cause him some trouble if he wasn't careful. There were so many rules to follow here that if Raj didn't have his he was sure he'd miss a rule every now and then. For having such a grand entrance, this person certainly seemed to know how to speak and act in polite society. If Raj hadn't seen the motorcycle with his own eyes he wouldn't have believed this boy was the type. He held himself well, spoke with as respectful a voice as Raj had heard around here, and looked as proper as an elite. So what was with the motorcycle? Focusing back on responding to the boy, Raj returned the small smile.

"I am Rajat Jaidev, and I wouldn't mind at all. We are equals, after all, and therefore have an obligation to help one another." He spoke with his 'gentle' tone instead of the 'velvety' voice he reserved for superiors and gripped Ralec's hand with a firm, professional handshake. He had worked years to get his voice to be naturally soft yet sharp, like the element of ice that he so greatly loved. Of course, Raj could become loud when it was needed- like when speaking to an audience and such- but he preferred not to be. If someone wanted to speak with him, they would have to listen closely instead of taking how loud he spoke for granted. "It is going to be difficult for you without your manual. I've never heard of someone losing it before... perhaps the student office will have another copy that you may have. If not, I can... lend you mine. There are important rules that need to be followed, otherwise you'll end up a Rock on the Sidewalk."

"It is a requirement to wear these badges," Raj agreed, "It shows your rank and therefore how people should treat you. You and I are commoners, known as 'Bees with No Names', so we must show respect to the Elegant Roses, those who are absolutely elite, and we must scorn those who are below us. The Elegant Roses can be noted, if by nothing else, a golden badge- though most of them act in such an elegant manner as to have you not even question what rank they are. The Rocks have no badges... and I prefer to avoid then to actually interact with them. I've never been one to go out of my way to be cruel and they get enough trouble from other students as it is. Just keep in mind, don't speak to them, don't interact with them, and above all do not be kind to them. Here, if you do not have a badge, that makes you lower than the dirt we trod on and unworthy of anyone's time. It's crucial that you don't fall to that level for I hear it becomes exceptionally hard to redeem yourself." Well that was quite the speech. Glancing at the time, Raj paled ever so slightly. They needed to get to class- being late was a terrible penalty against one's record and could be a standing reason to be demoted.

"I'll answer the rest of your questions while we head to class. I don't suppose you have your schedule with you?" He said, keeping the urgency from his tone. Raj would never rush, he just had to make sure that neither of them were late. There was no need to panic... they had time.. just not a lot of time. "The bowing is a way to acknowledge status. You don't bow to rocks. you bow to Bees who much bow back to you, and you bow lower to Roses who needn't waste the time to so much as look at you." That last part still kind of irked Raj if he was honest. But he put that to the back of his mind as they walked, only just noticing that Ralec had spoken with an abrasive sort of language when the boy had pointed it out. "Just as long as you keep a civil tongue around the Queen and Superiors, I'm not going to turn you in for a slip up or to." As he headed toward the classrooms, his strides were long and measured as usual- if nothing else, Raj was going to make an elegant entrance even if he was late.

(@Aiakaos )



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Lillia Langtree

The sun's beaming ray shines over the autumn's leaves and the clear blue sky shows no nuisance little clouds in sight. New students and old students are busily walking to their next class or chilling around to enjoy the nice weather. Any typical average student would consider this a wonderful fresh day but to Lillia, this day was like any other day. Everyday, her main objective is gaining acknowledgement and maintaining her social status. In order to reach the top elite, Lillia believes that one must have the sheer devotion and determination to make it happen. She has been keeping her status for almost 3 years now, and this final year will finally determine her destiny.

The young future heiress sat in the royal garden's dome. It's Lillia favorite place for break time and it makes a nice place for shade. Lillia fondly sips her tea, taking in the taste sip by sip. Her bear, Lulu, sat besides her almost like a nice companion for a tea party. Lillia always loves recess time, the perfect period of moment for some alone time. Socializing to Lillia's taste is often tiring and it's nice for a nice breath of air alone. It quite suffocating to be surrounded by so many people all the time. A little smile perks from her lips in satisfaction when she intakes the gentle breeze.

"Ahhh...the warm breeze feels nice..."

Abruptly, almost like a dream has just been woken up, Lillia heard little mutter of whispers over the far corner of the courtyard. She quickly sneak a glance to the direction of the sound and notices a bunch of new students who seems to be looking around the garden.

One student loudly whispers, "Oh my god that girl looks so cute! Is she a middle schooler around here?!"

Other voices floods to whisper back in reply. Lillia's mood suddenly plummets as her smile was beginning to droop a little bit. Quickly pulling herself together, she turns her head toward the group of students and began her "little" performance. She tilts her head in the perfect degree which was she practiced a million times, and gave her best cutesy smile. Screams of excitement is heard throughout the courtyard in response.

"And the final touch~"

The little group screams louder as Lillia waves back.

"So annoying...those little swines ruined my tea break."

Their response was beginning to gather other new students to attention. Lillia picks up her teddy bear and stands up to leave the royal garden. At this rate, many more will gather and Lillia have to put up a show for them. She isn't in a mood for it this time and besides, the break is about to end soon. In addition, the performance isn't over yet, the group of students are still watching her from the sidelines. The lady politely tells a rock who was with her since the very beginning to clean up the mess. Walking with precision and confidence, Lillia starts going to her next class.

The windows creaked loudly as Ellse pushed them open, a sound that signaled the nearing of its death. The sound didn't bother the brunette in the least though. She was just a Rock, so receiving a dingy old room with rickety things was only natural. But it wasn't all that bad in her opinion, since she still had a comfy bed and a clean, functional toilet. Sometimes she just couldn't understand why some Roses think they need the best of the best to live out a comfortable life. Ellse shook her head and smiled. She doesn't need to think about those stuff. She just needed to think about what she should create today.

Letting out a content sigh, she leaned forward until her entire upper body was out the window, the fact of her being on the sixth floor not fazing her in the least. She could see new students coming in, and for a moment she considered painting this scenery. That is, until her eyes landed on the crisp blue ocean. Her lips tugged down, remembering that she was running low on blue paint. A quick trip to the art room to "borrow" some supplies wouldn't hurt, and she could always just bring the paint to class if she was running late.

Ellse pushed herself back and patted down her hair and clothes as an effort to make sure she looked presentable. Her hair was tied up like always into a neat braid, and she wore her favorite outfit- A knee-length maroon dress with trumpet sleeves, and a ribbon tied into a loose bow around her waist. It was one of the few outfits not designed by herself, but rather by her mother. Although her mother used to constantly tell her that Ellse's designs were much better than her own, the girl still felt that her mother's topped everyone else's.

After making sure that she was ready, she exited the door and walked towards her destination. The art room was, just like any other classrooms, in the academy. She never minded making the trip whenever she needed supplies though. As stuffy as this entire island was, she had to admit that it was one of the most beautiful places that she has ever seen. It fueled her imagination and inspired her to paint and draw, which was one of the few perks of being here.

Before long, Ellse arrived at the art room, which was thankfully not occupied by too many people. None of them seemed to care when she picked up a small bucket of blue paint without so much as a word, as most of them was used to the sight of her coming in and out of there unannounced. Once Ellse got what she needed, she left the room and made her way to History class, deciding that it would be too much of a rush to go back to the dorms then back to school. As Ellse walked, s
he hugged the bucket with one arm and opened the cap with her free hand before peering in.

"No wonder it's so light." She mumbled to herself. The bucket was only half full, and she wondered which jerk used up so much. Unbeknownst to her, she was that jerk. With a small sigh, she turned at a corner only to bump into someone. The still opened bucket slipped from her arm, and the thick paint splattered all over the other's clothes. The bucket hit the floor with a clatter, paint still spilling as it rolled away.

Ellse blinked in shock, trying to take in what had happened. The girl that stood in front of her was tiny, and the artist had to guess that she was probably no more than thirteen. And then she saw the badge that could only mean that she was a Rose.

"Crap." The word slipped out against Ellse's will, but she couldn't care less right now. "Sorry about that. You okay?"

(@Eimi with permission)
Lillia Langtree

Lillia walks down the hallway to language class. Her mood became a bit sour from that incident, nevertheless it didn't mean that Lillia has to show it. While she is walking, others might be watching her, therefore Lillia can't get so work up about it.

"The past is in the past. It's already over."

She inspects carefully her surrounding, some students notice her and stops in their track of activities to bow in respect. Lillia kindly smiles back in return, making sure she look at each and one of them. Taking a sharp turn, Lillia was struck by something. Not just something, someone. At that moment, the young lady felt like the world was turning into a slowmo as she sees splatter of blue liquid spilling dangerously towards her. Instinctively, she tried to move back but her reaction time was too off. Going back to real time, the blood liquid splatter all over her school uniform. A tin bucket hit the floor noisily almost it was wanting for the attention. The liquid spills all over the floor.

At that moment, Lillia was surprised of what just happen, but it wasn't time to be in the state of shock. The real problem was what is she going to do now. Suddenly, a chemically rustic smell wafts through her nose.

"What's that smell? Ah..."

It was paint. She looks down at her uniform, the blue paint is generously covering her nice uniform. That is when Lillia felt a vein popped in her brain. She took hours in preparing her look today but this happens. Lillia infers that it would be difficult for her to wash off this stain off too. Not only that, the uniform was especially tailor-made and it will take at week to make a new one. The sour mood she had before seems to be resurfacing again. Who is this imbecile that spilled this filthy gooey substance all over her?!

She sharply looks up in an annoyed expression,
"Hey! What did do you-"

She stops her speech due to the loud murmurs all around her.


This mess has gathered alot of attention and people started to crowd around her. Lillia suddenly realizes she accidentally let lose her true self. She silently curses herself for not controlling her temper. At this rate, she can't make this scene any worst. Thinking more positively, at least her teddy bear isn't damaged. She clears her throat and took a deep inspection of the culprit. A young girl stands before her in panic, she wore a tight braid hairstyle along with a simple uniform dress code. Lillia couldn't find any sign of badge on her uniform. In other words, this girl is a rock. Lillia scoffs inside, this girl's looks like around her age though her face was average.

"What is a country bumpkin doing here?"

"Crap." the girl said.

"Delightful. An swine who doesn't even have the education of a flea. Doesn't she have any lessons in speech?"

The girl then adds in, "Sorry about that. You okay?"

"Tch. Of course not, you country bumpkin. Why are you stating the obvious?"

Right now, Lillia has to reassure this rock student that everything is in control in order for the crowd around her to calm down.

Lillia gives the girl an apologetic expression with a little smile,
"Ahaha, no it's fine!~ I mean it's just a little paint."

She has experienced this situation similarly in the past so this is nothing new.

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Kai watched the boat come into view with all the new students on it. She had been on her bed building another one of her upgrades. This time it was a chip that allowed her vision to zoom in. She opened her left arm and placed the chip in one of many open spaces and tried it out on the boat. She zoomed in at just the right time to see a guy jump over a crowd of people on his motorcycle. She just shook her head and exited her dorm

Kai walked through the halls, not caring about how the higher ranks showed off their badges as she was the lowest. From there she just Walked into the gardens, taking in all the info about the new students she could just from them talking.
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Near the rock dorms a young lady in a wheelchair was rolling down the hall at a calm pace. She wasn't too noticeable except for the fact that her wheel chair had a vintage look yet also nicely made. Everything else though was simple. She had all her luggage on her lap, keeping it balanced as she wheeled herself towards her room. Once their she opened the door and entered, shutting it behind her. The room was nothing to write home about but she wasn't surprised. She was a rock after all. The lowest she could be. Not that she minded though. If you looked past the belittling looks, and the loss of privileges, it was just fine. Though at most she was disappointed that she couldn't join the music club. At least she thought she couldn't. To be perfectly honest she hadn't even tried. Still she went about unpacking and tidying up her dingy room the best she could.

"Mother would be outraged if she knew how I was living."
She chuckled to herself as she unpacked. She knew her parents would have fainted if the knew that she was considered the lowest of low. And they would have had a downright heart attack if they knew their daughter was planning to make no effort to raise in the ranks. Once she was done packing for the most part she rolled herself back a little and looked. It was humble but comfy. Just how she liked it. Now what to do though. I suppose looking around wouldn't hurt. She thought turning her chair around and rolling out the door, locking it behind her.

She made her way across campus, looking around as she did. It truly was a lovely place, even with her problems she did like looking around, and most of the places seemed wheelchair accessible too so that was a plus! She wondered to herself if there was a pool or lake that she would be allowed to swim in. She sure hoped those sort of things weren't just for bees and roses. If so, she might reconsider making an effort to move up. She mused over these thoughts as she rolled along slowly, not really thinking on where she was going, yet still making sure to avoid the feet of other students and keeping her head down.

Granted she still wasn't used to this chair, swimming was so much easier. While she had gotten some practice in, she felt it wasn't enough. Still, it was better than having to drag herself everywhere by her arms. That would have given her a bad reputation indeed. Yet the chair made her feel like she stuck out and people were staring at her. She kept her head down as she made her way. Wanting to avoid the stares of the other students. The roses especially.
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Ralec Darl

The tips of his smiled curled a bit more when the lad accepted his handshake, introducing himself in a professional manner. He silently took note of the lads name, slightly raised an eyebrow at the word 'equal', and nearly bent his head closer to the lad who spoke with a soft voice. But he kept his poise and a steady eye contact with the the lad who had a fairly confident tone despite his low volume. Ralec keenly listened to the him. Half of him paid attention and automatically took mental notes from his wired habits while the other half saw a tiny bit of a resemblance of how informative Rajat was as Milo. Judging from how he spoke, the lad seemed quite intelligent. Ralec nodded. This wasn't too bad, he had gotten lucky and met someone who knew the general data that seemed very important for his stay here. Maybe he should have paid more attention to Milo back in the car. But what could've he done? The older man had been droning on and on about how Ralec must behave like a fine gentleman, something he was plenty sick of doing. Then again, he had coated himself in the image that his parents absolutely loved to see him in. A dignified and mannered boy, a child of the Darls. An exact replica of themselves.

"Thank you but I don't think I'll be needing the manual, seeing how you have already told me what I need to know." His smile stayed intact as he followed the lad into the Academy, looking around at the fine architecture. "Interesting, so we're basically living in the Middle Ages. The Elegant Roses are the nobles, the Rocks on the Sidewalk are peasants, and we-" He unfolded a finger every time he mentioned a school rank, as if counting them. "-The Bees with No Name are the knights." So to speak, he might as well stepped into one of the classical paintings from the museum. "We just aren't wearing armor." He tapped his badge, "And if I decide not to wear this, then I'll automatically be seen as a peasant." He hummed. The system around here seemed obvious to learn of now that he listened. Ralec looked at the lad when he heard the word 'schedule'. The last thing he remembered was that he had thrown it away to the wind and sea. Oops, he better avoid that subject before the lad figured that he wasn't so much of an 'equal'. "I appreciate your help, Rajat. It is very nice to meet you." He had made up his mind. Seeing things how things were, he was going to aim to become a Rose. He didn't like how he had to put so much effort into talking as a Bee. If he had that golden badge, he would freely be able to be ''himself''. Elegance came easy to him. He had done it all his life, trying to present himself the way his parents wished or else he would get transferred from his perfectly fine school to a boot camp. Or something. He wasn't sure what they would've done. Maybe he would become the next Rapunzel, being trapped in the museum with private tutors to educate him. Yikes.

All he needed was a perfect opportunity to help him on the right path and boost his rank. Just then, he heard a clatter and immediately spun his head to the direction. Aha! There it was. Ralec looked back at the lad, bowing with his head. "I hope to see you around then." (@RubyRose ) With that, he quickened his pace and placed his suitcase to the side before making a deep 90 degrees angle bow at the young lady with paint splattered over her uniform. Not to mention she had a golden badge. Perfect. "If you don't mind, would you accept my offering to help as your underling?" He stared at the ground, slowly rising a bit to reach into the pocket of his tail coat and held out a handkerchief to the maiden. (@Eimi) He wasn't sure about the rank of the other girl who had apologized. Her clothes seemed quite unique and interesting. But for now his attention was focused on the Rose before him.
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Leaning against the closed window, Jack stayed there for a moment as he quietly watched the students roaming on the campus, Roses and Bees combined, and a few Rocks. He could located some students he has never seen before, probably new, with the student manuals in their hands. Remembering the first time he read about it himself he had scowled deeply at the ranking system, by then already finding it unfair. Thinking back to it, a sigh could only escape his mouth. He has never liked how some Roses behaved so arrogantly simply because they are of a higher rank, he has disliked it even more how some Rocks could suddenly turn equally obnoxious once they turn into that rank as well. The bullying in this academy was strong, and as long as it's not overly extreme or discovered nobody would do much about it. Rather, many of the lower ranks were threatened to keep their mouths shut even if they wanted to report about it to the Queen or headmaster.

His eyebrows slightly raised as he sighted a particularly special student going across the campus--a young, beautiful lady in the wheelchair. It caught his attention since she was different from everyone else. And much to his dislike, she stood out among others too--seeing how other students reacted through weird glances and secret muttering only caused Jack to frown deeply. From his distance, he could not really see what rank she's in, whether she's wearing a badge or not--although at least she didn't look to be a Rose, seeing how some of them high-ranked students watched her as if she's supposed to be looked down. But for Jack, it didn't really matter, as someone who viewed the ranking system a nuisance since the start, although on the surface he did behave as close as he should be, he still is willing to approach any students---a bit change in attitude, but not enough to cause a particular dislike or a grave change in his reputation.

Thus, as the lad watched the girl lowering her head as she rolled through the crowd, and some annoying-looking Rose students seemingly aiming to approach her, a smug, hateful smile on their faces. Jack decided to leave his current location and found his way downstairs. For him who has quickly memorized the structure of the building, it didn't take long for him to reach the campus. He spot the girl from not far away, immediately could tell she's not human from how her legs are different from anyone else's---no wonder she needed a wheelchair, and nevertheless approached her by rounding to her back, his hands automatically settled on the handles of the wheelchair, gently bending forward a little so his eye-level is the same as hers from the side. That's when he saw that she wears no badge, indicating she's a Rock student. Taking a look around, some students were already giving them an uncomfortable look. True, even as a Bee student, it's considered inappropriate for them to get close to the lowest ranked students themselves.

Beautiful madam, would you like to go somewhere more peaceful and quiet, with a gorgeous pond around?" Thus, he whispered softly into the lady's ears, already beginning to wheel her away. "Here in this yard, mostly only Roses and Bees would gather, for someone like you to stay here like this would only bring some ill-willed Roses students to you. Allow me to escort you to a more wonderful place, if you won't mind."

He smiled nicely down at her, despite knowing the rank differences. He believed once in a while such action won't hurt--perhaps getting a warning, but not enough to bring down his rank immediately.

@Rosyshark )
Francesca hadn't failed to notice how few rocks there were in this are. Do we not even get to walk around?..She wondered to herself as she rolled along. She knew certain places were not open to her rank, yet no one had told her not to be here. She was just passing through after all. Plus she was already at the lowest rank, what else could they do... Besides being very rude that is.. Still she felt it best if she left this area as soon as possible. Along with the lack of rocks she had noticed the abundance of Roses. Roses that were looking at her. And not in friendly ways... Her head lowered more and she was ready to wheel herself away to a more secluded area when she felt someone take hold of the wheelchair's handles and begin speaking to her.

She looked at the student who had begun to speak to her.Her face turned a shade of red at being called beautiful, though she felt it must of just been him being polite. And though he was eye level, her eyes almost immediately went to the ground.
He was an attractive fellow, who she assumed was human, though coming here she knew that even humans can have some impressive talents. She also noticed the badge he wore. A bee from the looks of it. Yet why was he speaking to her? She was under the assumption that even bees didn't associate with rocks in such friendly ways. She felt like she got her answer though when he spoke of the area she was in. Was he just trying to get her to move along?

"I-I apologize,I didn't realize.." She started, her voice coming out soft with a hard to miss Caribbean accent still being heard despite how carefully she spoke. One hand was already up to her face, slightly over her mouth. She was about to say no thank you, and how she was sorry to bother him, ect. Yet then the word pond finally processed in her mind. There was a pond? there was no way she was going to decline that. At the very least she could let him show her the way there.

"I don't mind. T-thank you." She finally added, though she failed to realize he seemed to already be pushing her wheelchair to a destination. Part of her was worried this might end up just being a cruel trick, but another part of her was saying it would be okay.

Even in a large campus, there were very few people that didn't have a shiny pendant on them. Xavier could only keep his manual open as he hid his uniform from view. A lot of people in this place seemed to be... Well, there were words for how dreadful the higher ranks's attitudes were like. The imp could barely stand how cold some of them seem to be to him just for having no pendant. Status meant a lot here just like it does everywhere else too. So, here he was as the lowest of the low on both social scales. Two, small, and different colored, horns poked out of the white mess Xavier called hair. Everything about him looked a little, over dramatic as he heaved a large sigh out of his mouth.

"Oh, how my family weeps for me." Xavier could only place a hand on his forehead as he arched his spine back. "So lowly already, and only as low as before." The imp's dark tail only swished against the ground as Xavier's performance started to gain some attention. Exasperation already starting to turn into a melodramatic form of sadness. "Here I lay myself bare, wanting only to gain acceptance!" Oh, a greater performance than this academy has ever seen. Or, at least that's what Xavier thought in his little day dream.

In reality, he was just mindlessly walking around campus with his handbook open. Wow, if this didn't speak about his character as a moron, than nothing would. Snapping out of it, Xavier had to face the truth. So, closing the handbook was one step towards it and the next was to serve. Or, be beaten... He wasn't quite sure which of the two happened more often to Rocks. Probably the beatings... The imp could already feel an ache in his horns and tail at the thought of various students hitting them or stomping on them. Thoughts of various school bully torture methods ran through Xavier's head as he only imagined some of the ways to stop from getting his head shoved down a toilet.

Maybe it was the day dreams, or lack of attention, or both... However, either one of them had caused the imp to find himself landing on the seat of his pants on the ground and his head throbbing. Walking into a wall was never pleasant. Red marks right in the middle of his forehead and a small scrape. Yeah, Xavier knew he wasn't going to like this place.

(@Eimi @Virtual Laptop)

Music was boring. Illyanna decided that within the first few minutes of class and still believed it when she was walking out at the end. She found no joy in listening to music and she just didn't have the patience to play it. There was absolutely nothing better than getting her hands on a needle. Being able to start with a pile of fabric and ending up with a beautiful gown was exhilarating. Even thinking about it made her grin. There were quite a few more new students and because it was her first day, she had a lot of free time. It was probably a good time to explore campus and people-watch. First, she had to get back to her room. She basically moved her entire studio to her dorm room. There was a bed and a desk, of course, but the rest of it was filled with mannequins, fabric, thread, machines, everything she could fit into her room, which was already a generous size.

In the center of her room was a mannequin that had part of a gown on it. It was a work in progress, but she couldn't leave it behind, so Illyanna took it along with her. Running her fingers through the different layers cast a spell on her soul. She was calm and almost in a meditative state. She attatched a few more layers, mixing colors and textures to create an ombre effect.

No way to finish it...I'm running out of chiffon.

Making her way back outside, her head turned immediately when she heard a group of students screaming. It wasn't in fear, but adoration. She saw the token of their adoration walking towards her. It was just a girl. No, more than that. Everyone here is more than who they seem to be. Everyone had a secret here and that was fascinating.

"Oh, how I would love to make her the model for my petite designs. Her proportions are perfect," Illyanna mumbled quietly to herself. Finding a good petite model was very difficult.

Before she could really focus on the girl, however, something else caught her eye. Someone walked themselves straight into a wall. Illyanna gave a low chuckle. It was most definitely a Rock. No one of a higher class would ever let something as embarrassing as that happen to them. She was new at this game, but she knew better than to show too much kindness to the other classes so soon. It was her first day. If she was seen with a Rock, then she would surely drop down a rank.

And that just wouldn't do...

Xavier could already here people laughing. A small, nervous smile was already gracing his face as he simply hopped back up. His tail already swishing back and forth as the imp turned to face the audience. A small trickle of blood was already starting to run down Xavier's face. Nothing like the smell of one's own blood to start of a good performance to. A long tongue already started to swipe at the source of the crimson liquid as the imp cracked his knuckles.

Being as low as he was, Xavier didn't see a reason to have any inhibitions as he finished cleaning his skin. Taking a small bow, he simply grabbed his handbook and started to walk a little closer to some of the higher ranks. Some backed away from Xavier, while others pushed him away. It was like the imp had some sort of contagious disease. Being a Rock seemed to have that effect as he started to go near an interesting character.

A shiny pendant already told the imp this was another person above him as he simply started to walk closer to her. A happy smile on his face when he noticed she was laughing at him. Ah, the things Xavier would do for some pretty person. Yeah, he was a bit of flirt but could you blame him? His mom was a succubus, and he had well over fifty siblings... Imps had large families. Though this one probably won't have one.

"You like that, miss?" Xavier couldn't help but put his best foot foreword and try to make friends. Even though, this was a place with more strict social norms than medieval times, the imp could only try and be friendly.

@Kit Kat )
Jack smiled slightly, in his mind a bit troubled. He knew fully well that even Rocks would be alerted if a student of a higher rank suddenly speak to them, for it is rare, and most of the time would be assumed to have some sort of evil intentions behind the words. The smile he had on his face turned a bit apologetic for surprising her like this, rounding behind her to pull her wheelchair already before even greeting her. He nodded slightly upon hearing her acceptance, his eyes narrowing at her blushed face. If she's a Rose student, he wondered if she would still react the same way upon being called beautiful? Or will she, like plenty others, brush him off, thinking they're already beautiful, indeed, under their layers of heavy make-ups?

Excuse me, then," he said softly as he wheeled the wheelchair on, feeling the hateful glances thrown toward him by the Roses students who were originally planning to set the girl up for no good. He wondered if they'll hold the grudge long enough to report to the Queen about it, or perhaps their brains are so empty that if he perform a simple magic performance for them later, they would completely forget about this?

For awhile, he wheeled without much words until they're finally out of the area, and onto a tiny path instead. There was not much students around, one could consider it near empty as it leads to a tiny yet beautiful garden that not much students would go to escept for some Rocks once in a while. Jack stared down at the lady, then until he could barely hear any other students' voices did he speak.

Have I scared you earlier? My apologies," he said with a light, friendly tone, louder and more directly than before now that they are alone. "It's dangerous for a Rock to be near so many Roses by herselr, so I kind of acted on my own. It's kind of a rare thing to do but I hope you won't mind." He decided to let go of all the rank issues of a higher rank helping a lower rank for now, as long as nobody's watching that could cause them potential troubles.

My name is Jack, what's yours?" He asked as they reached the destination, a tiny garden consisted of only a tree but plentiful bushes and tiny cute flowers, as well as a pond neither large nor small in the middle, with a bench nearby. He recognized some Rock students there to whom he had chat with before about rebelling against the ranking system, and although they knew each other, they chose the smart act as to pretend he's not there. Jack stopped the wheelchair by the pond as he finally let go, his hand brushing the back of his head.

Here it is! Nice, right? It's safer for you too," he smiled, then blinked for a moment before suddenly snapping his fingers, as if to surprise the lady by randomly having a white rose popping up in his hand then handing it to her. He's a magician, after all. "A flower for you too, for being a brave lady to go through the Rose students like that. Remember next time though, be careful where you're going okay? Most territories here, unfortunately, belong to them, and I'm a Bee, so I can't really go around helping you every single time, alright?" He grinned in a open-friendly manner, since he isn't pressured around by the judgmental eyes of many other students right now.

By the way, what's your first class?" He also asked.

He knew he shouldn't stay here for too long, but perhaps for a short while. This garden has been considered too plain for the other high-ranked students, so usually only Rocks would come here, anyway. Still, he could locate the suspicious eyes of some students peaking out from the windows above, and he frowned.

@Rosyshark )

(@Virtual Laptop)

Illyanna watched the Rock shrug off the embarrassment. The other students backed away either in fear or disgust. She stood her ground. There was no need to back away. She wasn't frightened. Though she would never let herself be seen in her true form, she was still a succubus. She could charm her way out of any situation and if anyone tried it, then they would be disappointed. Up until now, she had never experienced any kind of sexual desire and she didn't see that changing any time soon.

Oh, dear. Has he been speaking to me? Illyanna glanced up and down the Imp. She still had her sunglasses on so he wouldn't be able to see her eyes. There were people around them watching from afar. They were all wondering the same thing. Would she stoop to his level? Would she be over-the-top cruel? No. She believed there was an in-between. After all. Designers don't make clothing for other designers. They were for real people. There was a way to keep her poise while communicating with...the commoners.

"Like may not be the right word. It was amusing to watch," Illyanna noticed his ill-fitting clothing and her hand twitched slightly. There was nothing worse than clothing that didn't fit correctly. Just a couple inches here and there made all of the difference, but she couldn't adjust it now. Even though she did just happen to carry around a needle and thread with her... "Are you lost? You don't seem very put together, do you?"

She couldn't have a casual conversation, could she? She had to add in a few jabs. The queen and her dogs were everywhere and they probably had their eyes glued to her; a new student who could fall from grace very easily. And to be honest...she didn't care too much. She wanted business. She wanted challenge. She could find that wherever she went, this school be damned. Illyanna was world-renowned. She was welcome in nearly every fashion-forward city in the world. Her rank at the academy didn't mean the world to her, but still, there was no point to drag herself down if she didn't have to. She kept her stance as she waited for a response. She made sure that her face was stoic. She couldn't look eager. If anything, it would be better to look downright disgusted by his presence.

She couldn't help but find him amusing, however, so she would stay and chat.
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Rajat watched the other boy go with mild interest to where he was going until his eyes alighted on the artist. Even now, with her being badgeless, Raj still had some semblance of respect for her though he wouldn't show it outright. It was ridiculous not to have some positive feelings when she could create such stunning works. But he couldn't stop to talk to her- not that he would have even if they had been equals. Especially not when she had caused such a public blunder- it was better to stay distant from troublesome situations then introduce one's self into the middle of it. Which is what Ralec seemed to be doing. Good luck with that Rose. He at least sent in Ralec's direction, truly wishing the boy luck if that was the Rose he was truly going to purposely interact with. Not that there was anything wrong with her, per se, but she did seem one of the snootier Roses on Campus. Perhaps that was just her playing her part as Rose, though.

The silver haired mage paused a moment to question why the Roses seemed to be made up of Women. Perhaps females just had better skills or mannerisms to impress the Queen with? Perhaps it was because the Queen was a woman herself and favored the gender? Raj kept his musings to himself as he headed for his class, gliding into math with just enough time to spare. He worked diligently on the problems, taking sufficient notes and asking questions whenever one popped into his mind that didn't feel like absolute ludicrous to ask.

What more can I do to become an Elegant Rose? He wondered silently, pausing when he noticed he had been doodling the word Rose in the margins of his notebook. Covering the sketches with his hand, he worked on writing the instructor's words in beautiful penmanship- flinching whenever a letter didn't appear to be completely spot on. It could have been worse, though- at least his handwriting was pretty and legible unlike some of the other students he had seen. Keeping himself busy, the time for his class actually ticked by rather quickly, allowing him a pleasant surprise when next he glanced up at the clock to discover class was almost over.



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Lillia Langtree

Immediately, after saying that a man around her age appears out of the crowd, and deeply bows before her.

He takes out a handkerchief and says, "If you don't mind, would you accept my offering to help as your underling?"

Lillia stares at this man for a few seconds, where did he come from? One second she was just talking to the country bumpkin and then the other, this man appears out of nowhere. Like the girl, she also did an inspection on him. First, is there any signs of badge? Lillia spys the bee's badge on his uniform and gives a slight nod. This student was....acceptable. There was chances for him to reach Elegant Rose compared to the Rocks. Second, how does he look like? She gave his face a quick look, his face was above the normal average, Lillia concludes that some of the Academy's students might swoon for his face. However, it wasn't to Lillia's taste since she likes to aim a bit "higher".

His looks were ok, and his status was fine, yet Lillia didn't like him. Anyone, with the right amount of brain cells can tell this student was new. This is the first time, Lillia saw someone offering help for her. Usually she had to ask for the favor but this man seems like he is jumping the gun. Didn't he read the academy's basic manual?

"Hmpf, he's one of those lowly imbeciles who kisses up to their masters. He'll never go anywhere with that kind performance. This swine doesn't have a brain either..."

She glances at the country bumpkin, "Just like that one."

Lillia hate these types of people like him.

She scorns,
"They do your every bidding with a fake smile and when you're no longer any use to them, they'll just leave you to your death."

The young future heiress didn't need this kind of man in her life. She would like to decline this stupid offer herself, though her other persona most likely wouldn't allow her. For now, she have to accept what is given to her.

She puts her hand near her mouth and gives an surprised look,
"Oh my!~ How sweet of you! I will gladly accept your offer."

Lillia adds in with a little giggle of embarrassment,
"Hehe, aren't you such a gentleman.♥"

The lady takes the handkerchief off his hand and began carefully wiping the major spills off her school uniform.

"Ha! I feel like barfing from what I just said. It would have been sweet of you if you had just give me a towel instead. This handkerchief is totally cleaning my stains off."

After wiping a couple more times, she lowers her head and let her eyes look a bit upward.

She then shyly asks him,
"Umm...would it be too much for me to ask you to escort me to the nurse's office? I need to change to a new set of school uniform. I promise to reward you with some nice!~ ♥"

"Oh I almost forgot a certain someone."

Langtree views back at the Rock female student,
"Don't worry too much about it ok?~"

Lillia folds her arm next with her right index finger pointing towards her cheek and gives the country bumpkin a troubled expression,
"Eh...what is your name?~"

"I won't let you off that easily~ I'll make sure to pay back twice as much for what you have done to me. ♥"

Today isn't her best day, alright. She hopes this day wouldn't get worse.
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Francesca looked around as the fellow rolled her along. She was making a mental map of where she was going, partially so she could find this place later if it proved to be as pleasant as he said. She was starting to feel a little more comfortable. At least he hadn't tipped her chair over and tossed her out of it, leaving her stranded. Yet she supposed that would be a bit too cruel for anyone to do, plus she had to remember. This fellow was a Bee. While he was higher then she was, he still wasn't a Rose, which she had found most to be unpleasant. Yet she was dragged from her thoughts when he spoke to her again.

"Oh, it's alright." She quickly assured in response to his first question. "I was just a bit startled, that's all. It was my own fault really, I should of paid more attention." She added, with a polite smile, though she wasn't sure if he saw or not. "I just hope I haven't gotten you in trouble with the Roses or other Bees." She murmured that last part, her worry sounding genuine. And it was. She would have hated to thinks she caused someone to lose their rank just because they helped her out. Especially if they were actually nice. Once again her thoughts almost made her miss what the fellow, who she now knew was named Jack, speak again.

"Oh, sorry, my name is Francesca. Francesca Crux." She answered quickly, almost like it was a line she had rehearsed in her head before. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mister Jack, sorry I didn't introduce myself befo- oh my." She suddenly stopped speaking when she saw the pond. "How lovely." She murmured, her hand for once lowering from her face as she was taking in the simple, but pleasant area. She would remember this place for later for sure. She also wondered if the pond was able to be swam in. She assumed not but hey, a mermaid can dream.

"This place is very nice, thank you for show me-" She once again cut herself off when she saw the rose Jack was handing her. "Oh t-thank you." She said as she took the rose, once again her face going slightly red. You need to cut that out Franny. You probably look foolish turning red as a your tail whenever someone here is polite. She mentally scolded herself, but she still nodded, having heard what Jack said. "I'll be sure to be more careful next time." She smiled back, though her eyes were more trained on the ground.

"a-and my first class is... was it world history, or music...." Francesca muttered to herself quickly reached into her hand bag and pulled out a piece of paper she had written her schedule on. She was pretty sure it was world history, but didn't hurt to check. "World history." She answered, assuring herself in the process.


Ralec Darl

The young man froze when he heard the maiden's voice. He slowly straighten his posture, keeping his head down to avoid eye contact. It was a familiar voice but at the same time it wasn't. He had faced such a tone plenty of times from being dragged along to dinners with his parents so they could keep their polished reputation. It was the type where the girls would sugarcoat their words, covering their real meanings and intentions. The type of girls he weren't too fond of. They were either too frightening or too annoying for his taste. He wasn't expecting this. He averted his eyes as the girl peered up at him. The nurse's office? Where in the world was that? And he surely didn't want to stick around for whatever reward the girl was referring to, not after hearing her voice. Certainly not.

He glanced at the other student that the maiden directed her attention to. Shit, she didn't have a badge. If she had one, he would've gladly tossed her a thumbs up or two and complimented her on the mess she caused. But it was a lose lose situation for him to do so even if she had a badge. He would be disrespecting the Rose he had confronted either ways. He wanted to do something for the girl at the very least, judging from the way the Rose talked to her. He knew how bothersome it was to be trapped between the hands of a maiden such as this one.

Ralec cleared his throat, "Woah, um. The thing is. I lost my student manual, so I don't think you would want to waste your time having a lowly bee like me as your escort." His polite tone was still there, but he had dropped his polite language. He hoped that would distract the Rose from the Rock. But he needed more. The young man took off his tail coat and carefully draped it over the shoulders of the Rose. "I deeply apologize I cannot assist you furthermore. Please use this to cover the paint stains. Oh, and please don't worry. I don't sweat so the jacket should be okay." He flashed a smile at the maiden before grabbing his suitcase and bowed at the Rose. "You can throw out the jacket if my service displeased you. Rip it to shreds, burn it, whatever you wish." (@Eimi) With that, he made his way past the maiden to pick up the paint bucket from the floor and handed it to the girl (@Dawnsx). He gave her a light push on the back as an attempt to ease her to walk away from the scene before the maiden could react and headed through the hallways, looking around to find an office in order to retrieve another copy of his schedule. He couldn't believe himself. He behaving in the exact opposite way that he would've liked to. He wasn't conserving his energy but using it to flee from a Rose! Ralec sincerely wished he still had a chance of restoring the image he wanted to have. He didn't think he could keep up this act any longer.
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With her information all complete and stored, Kai pulled out a chip from storage in her right arm and placed it into an empty slot in her left arm. She then closed the compartment and tapped above her left ear.

Almost instantly, the tiles that made up her body shifted. Now in the garden was a Great Dane with a robotic bark. Kai started walking to World History as she had already stored her schedule information in her data base so she would know exactly what class and when it was.

Kai padded in and shook herself, causing the tiles to shift back so she was herself again. After that she just pulled out the chip and it stored it away, sitting down it the process. She just waited for all the others to enter the class as she was about 15 minutes early for class.

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