Abandoned on Eldritch

"Wow. This thing predates even my old life. Perhaps it will work, if we can find the right adapter to charge it anyway." He took the communicator from the woman. "Where did you find this?"

The communicator must've been at least 300 years old, as it bore the crest of the Solar Union. The Solar Union was the first type of intergalactic alliance, between the Earth system and a few of the closest civilizations. Before that, the solar systems were independent and constantly warring.
"Ehh- I found it in a cave... Some bones here and there..." Alice smirked, shrugging her shoulders with a cute smile on.

((@NuclearTrinity Sorry I haven't been replying, I'm caught up in the relationship I'm in >~< ))
"Bones, huh? Well, I doubt they need it anymore." Dawson had a bit of trouble trying to imagine how the communicator ended up in a cave with corpses, but he shrugged the thought off. "Thanks for this, Alice."
"Well, it would definitely be best that your, um... Community knows that we're not your enemies. We have no capacity or desire to harm you or this planet. They must know that our ship is here, so tell them that we're awake to start off. If you could do that for us, we'd be very grateful." Dawson spoke softly, going over what could go wrong in his head. He didn't want any kind of conflict with the locals.
"Eh- Okay..." Alice responded, turning to go out of the ship, quickly swiping her head back in his direction. "Could you, eh... Show me out?" She asked politely back to the 'Space Man'

"Alright, follow me to the only airlock that isn't deactivated." Dawson began walking to the door, talking as he went. "You know, I never found out how your people... Got here. You see, as far as we knew, this planet was mostly inhospitable."
"Oh- Well... A Large War...." Alice started to jerk a tear slightly, pushing it back. "There was a War which sent us away. We found here and they are hunting us. I was born months after the war and- It just-" She cut off there, following the man at a slower pace now.

Dawson turned stopped, turning around. "I'm sorry to hear that. It must be horrible, being born into a world where all you've known is being hunted. I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm sorry." He put his hand on her shoulder, trying to console her. If there was a war going on, that must mean that the Union is falling apart... Or already has.
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"Th- Thanks..." She muttered, trying to raise her feelings around the man. "I better be going now.." She followed on with, raising a hand to wipe the tears out of her eyes.
"Right." Dawson walked her to the airlock in silence. Their footsteps filled the silence, and as they approached the airlock Dawson stopped. "I'm sure you know your way back home. If there's anything else you need before you go..." Dawson looked outside, where it was getting darker. "... We can give it to you. A light, perhaps?"
Dawson nodded and fished around in the box of things he had gathered, taking a flashlight that looked like it still worked. tested it, and handed it to her. "Stay safe out there. I don't know if it's dangerous, but uh..."

He walked over to the keypad and entered the code to allow entry to the airlock. "Just out here, the door will close, you'll feel a rush of air, then you can leave through the other side. Goodbye."

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