Aaron Kilter


Sophisticated Sea Dweller


    Name: Aaron Kilter Nickname(s): Ron Sexuality: Bisexual Gender: Male Animal of Choice: Python


    Height: 6' 0" Weight: 157 lbs. Build: Gaunt Eye Color: Yellow Noticeable Features:


    Bio: Aaron was born to an upper-middle class family in suburbia. He was expected to get good grades, be a top athlete, and be the center of attention. Although he certainly had the potential to do these things, Aaron simply lacked the motivation. So, after finishing his senior year of high school, he simply left. Aaron spent few years simply wandering, however he soon realized that things were not nearly as easy as he thought they would be. He soon began a life of petty crime in order to retain an easygoing lifestyle, until he was imprisoned after accedentally killing an elderly shopkeeper who tried to stop him from stealing a Salisbury Steak. Aaron actually found prison life rather enjoyable; his meals were provided for him, he was given access to a library, and he didn't need to worry about working. But after an incident Aaron is extremely unwilling to talk about with anyone, he escaped using his powers. Since then, he has continued his lifestyle of aimless wandering. Superpowers: Extremely flexible body, temporary paralysis induced by eye-contact Animal Mask: Coming Soon!


    Likes: Meat, sleeping, peace and quiet, warmth, simplicity, books Dislikes: Responsibility, work, cold, noise, complications Personality: Aaron is a generally apathtic, quiet, and lazy person, and is even so what of a sociopath. He finds it difficult to care for anyone other than himself. However, because he realizes that he is emotionally lacking, he forces himself to be around people with strong personalities in order to compensate. After an extended period of time, he grows attached to these people. Ultimately, Aaron would like nothing more to retire to a nice cottage in someplace warm, independent from the rest of the world


    Theme: Rhinestone Eyes -The Gorillaz
hoooold on

i must see this man with my own eyes

aka does thou hath faceclaim

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