A World Without Magic


New Member
Since the beginning of time, the country of Hanna had been thriving thanks to its dependence on magicians and alchemists. The people of Hanna were rich and happy and their ruler, King Remi, was kind to them all. Hanna was enemies with a country across the sea known as Galyne. Galyne was a much larger country, but poorer, and their king was against all magic, all alchemy, and anything that was not based on pure religion. To tamper with the Earth is a sin against God... Galyne and Hanna were in a war for several years until Remi was assassinated, and Hanna was taken over by Galyne's emperor, Lord Xander. Magic and alchemy is now illegal, but a few rebels have banded together to overthrow the new ruler.

This roleplay will start in the capital of Hanna, Rose City. Think steampunk. There are guards who patrol the city hunt down magicians and alchemists. All characters must be human, but mythical creatures may be allowed as pets. As far as storyline goes, anything is allowed as long as you are inclusive of everyone and you ask permission before killing someone's character.


  • No God-Modding. This means you cannot play a character who does not belong to you or make your character all-powerful.
  • Be Active. Try to reply with at least three to four lines and often. Make sure you include everyone in the roleplay.
  • Formatting: To keep everyone on the same page, only use past-tense third person while roleplaying.
  • Wait to be accepted after you create your character.
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