A Whole New World... {Poupeex3 & Sulfurlix}



~ Alazne Emma Elle Valeria ~


22 years old

5'4" in height

Mother Sydney Emma Valeria

Father Oliver Henry Valeria

Older brother Kyle Valeria

Sister-In-Law Marianne Hillary Valeria


Chocolate brow hair that falls past her shoulders; honey brown eyes that look golden in the sunlight; slim build with a bit of muscle from her boxing hobby; sun kissed skin from her love of being outdoors

Back Tattoo:


Ankle Tattoo (On the Right Foot):



More of a bookworm at heart, Alazne tends to go to parks and sit under a tree, with her nose shoved in a book. She comes off as a rather shy girl, and tends to only make a select group of friends and stick with them until the end. She's a believer of a handful of real friends instead of tons of friends who are like strangers. She's always had a fascination with fantasy, dragons, other worlds.She lives in her own world of wonder, always out for a new adventure and willing to try new and crazy things; she's an adrenaline addict her friends would say. She loves turning the stories she reads into real life, loves to go out and feel the real world as much as she can. Alazne is open to anything new just about, and ready to jump on the next adventure with an open mind. Alazne doesn't tend to think about what'll happen tomorrow; she lives in the now, and makes it the best she can. She wants to use her own experiences to one day create her own novels or films.


Peanuts (Throat closes up; dangerous)

Certain Laundry Detergents (Gives her rashes that need to be treated)


Being abandoned


Strawberries - Fantasy/Mythical creatures - Books/Movies - Birds/Large Cats - Dream Catchers - Dancing in the rain


Born in a small town, Alazne never had much to do. It sparked her love of books and her large imagination. She started hanging out in the library at a young age, always wanting more and more books. She'd drag her older brother into her games, making him be her only friend for most of her younger life since the other kids picked on her for her form of entertainment: pretending to play with those mythical creatures, reading books. When they moved to the city, Alazne became depressed, and didn't like how dull and boring it seemed. She expected school there to be just the same, with her getting thrown around. But it was better, it was great. She met her best friend there, and soon found out she could have adventures in the city too.

When she was fourteen, Oliver walked out on them. No warning, no signs. Daddy was gone, and Alazne didn't know what to do. She sobbed at night on her own, but smiled in the day in front of others. She felt like she could only open up to her best friend. Since he left, she developed a fear of the ones she loved just leaving, without saying goodbye. Depression came back again for her, and it wasn't until high school that she finally got back on her feet and returned to her normal, adventure loving self.

The second she turned eighteen, Sydney kicked her out of the house, claiming she never wanted to see her again, forcing Alazne to move out on her own and find a place to stay; a cozy little apartment with her best friend. She didn't know what to think of her mother's sudden disdain towards her. Her brother said she did the same to him when he turned eighteen, and that she could live on her own, that'd he'd be there for her if she needed help. Alazne grew to be a rather independent woman, with the help of her family and friends, and knew she could do this. And she was going to live life to its fullest, because she was tired of being let down.


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Kyla Loving

5'6 | 21


Kyla's wardrobe is made up of jeans, shirts, blouses, and shorts; she isn't the girly type to wear skirts or dresses unless there is an event going on. She wears what she is comfortable in. Kyla is tall, standing 5'6 weighing 125. Her eyes are a soft light brown. Her hair is often styled flowing around her shoulders. Sometimes a bun or ponytail might be something she wants to do for the day but most of the time it is down. Her smile is magnetic, giving off vibes. However she hardly gets to show off her smile due to bullying and being put down by others. Kyla’s complexion is that of an olive skin tone, her body is thin, yet toned.


Kyla has a suspicious attitude towards all people. Being a social reject in school left no room for her to expand and show people that she was really an outgoing person. She tends to stay active to keep herself busy, whether it's joining in on clubs, taking on extra classes at school, and/or giving comfort to her friends. She will do anything to keep her distance from her family, a family full of secrets. She is a sensitive person who emphasizes with a lot of people and cares deeply to sit hours on end listening to their life stories instead of figuring hers out. Sometimes being dishonest with herself and others, especially with others she doesn't know. She also likes to blame people for her own problems which leads her to be faithless. Once you get to know her she is outgoing, friendly, and a loyal person to those who she finds long term friendships in.


You will find out along the way! :)

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