A Warrior's Trinkets


Lurking Pun Ninja
For A Warrior's Trinket, each person is only allowed one Character and the one you make has to be a User, however feel free to make Neutral characters for your backstory that are not an Active User. I will be doing this in a certain way, that will add a bit more novelty to this. For your character sign up, you will not be picking your own Trinket, however you will be able to see the list and maybe base your character around getting a certain one, but I will be making my selections on what I think.

If you have checked out the Mechanics page, then you know that each Trinket comes with special movements needed to activate them. You can make your character know these movements through experience or not know and slowly learn over the Roleplay.

Speaking of experience, I am letting you pick when you found your Trinket, but I will say that their experience can not be perfect, and you may find that the Trinket I pick for you is awkward or may not be what you wanted. That will make using it more fun and creative, and I hope you are able to work things up.

Here are some other Character guidelines.

  • Remember these are regular people, and so they should not have tragedy filled backstories, but feel free to be creative, and I encourage imagination.
  • I have no age limit on Characters being made, so feel free to make a character of any age. I think it would be quite interesting to have diverse ages, so I encourage this.
  • For the appearance, feel free to use a visual aide, but I want to make it clear the appearance should include at least a paragraph of description. Please put enough effort into it that people would know what the person looked like even without the picture. Also, I require Life Like Pictures. No Anime, but realistic drawings are fine.
  • For the personality, I want at least a paragraph, and please keep it balanced. I do not want any perfect people in my roleplay. Make sure to explain their strengths and weaknesses thoroughly.
  • The biography has no maximum length so run wild with as much as you want, however please put effort into it and have at least one paragraph (Five to Six Sentences).
  • If you are confused as to why the parts about the Trinkets are included, it is because I have decided to give you an option about whether or not to reveal the more explained part of their powers. Feel free to, by all means, but know that you must show what your Trinket is so that people have an idea of what to plan for. For a vague explanation, feel free to use Sir Gregory's Quotes.
  • After you make your character, I will look each one over and PM you things I want considered or changed, based on their compatibility with my rules. You cannot Roleplay until I like your Character Sheet. You are not guaranteed a character, and therefore, I will not stand for any rudeness towards my Constructive Criticisms.
  • I may or may not ask for a writing sample from you. If I do, please write one. Unwillingness to present me one can result in complete denial from the Roleplay.

Here is the Character Sign Up Sheet, and please Image Float your picture, if you decide to use one, to the right. It is a very simple thing to do, and is only there so that everyone has similarly formatted Character Sheets.








Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights?:


Trinket Power(Thorough or Vague Description):


Character Sign Up is now open!

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Name: The Executive

Age: 32

Nationality: Unknown​


Standing at a slightly imposing figure of 6'4" and sporting a toned and muscled laden body with a refined head of natural black hair on top, The Executive manages to not look like someone with malevolent intent, and instead looks like a nice guy, a public figure that is helped by his ever pleasant face and his soft smile that he wears during public meetings.

His sparkling blue eyes that darken with anger, stay light and caring when in the sight of people. This along with his soft chin giving him an amiable appearance, The Executive's personality can easily use his gained looks to convince those around him of his innocence and dependability. Very strict about his wear and the effort that puts into dressing oneself, The Executive does not like unclean clothes and is always present in his formal wear, his multiple black suits with no tie being his signature look.

Personality: No one would look at The Executive and see a bad guy, his own actions being ones of pure amiableness, however, his underhanded tactics, along with very radical thinking and actions that he orders his grunts and thugs to do are another thing. Underneath his perfect mask of kindness, The Executive is a very jealous creature and is obsessed with finding the Trinkets that he knows litters the grounds of Nettle.

His overall plan a secret to all, but him, The Executive is a master of manipulation and finds worth in even the most simple of interactions, knowing when the use of half-lies and simple truth is needed to win. A complex and meticulous mind that obsesses over simple things, The Executive is, at his core, a determined person and will stop at nothing to reach his end goal.

Born in an undisclosed location, his rise to power giving him the influence to pull strings and hide most of information about himself from the public eye, The Executive was a very quiet child, and his loving parents sometimes were at their wits ends on how to make him respond to their affection. One thing that they did notice, however, after many tries to get his sole attention, was that he had a fierce enjoyment of toys, and was very possessive of them, throwing tantrums when they were taken away and very eager to add to his collection. His parents capitalized on this, gifting him at every turn and otherwise spoiling him. Growing up, The Executive was a very spoiled lad, and his actions made many around him displeased by his actions that originated from his childish jealousy and greed.

One day, during a very heavy rain shower, The Executive and his parents were riding along the freeway when a bump in the road caused the car to veer off course. The Executive and his family survived, but his father was placed in the Intensive Unit, before going into a Coma. Not expecting him to come out anytime soon, the paramedics calmed the traumatised woman and her oddly calm son and kept them for the net few days. The Executive was different after that day, more calm, less angry, and as all around a nice kid. Blaming the accident, The Executive's Mother took it as a blessing and treated him with as much care, however, it would seem that his possessive nature never wore off, but was only refined into a sharp knife, instead of a blunt mallet.

His Father never awaking, The Executive made it through school and college easily, his ability to adapt to things and apply his knowledge astounding his professors. Many were disappointed when, instead of becoming a professor of a scientific study, he went into Business, but none could argue with his success. Making Antiq. Corp, The Executive drove his company right to the top, where he has comfortably stayed until his plans could be enacted. He has come to Nettle, Idaho under the guise of finding out what may have caused the Lights, and what effects they could have on the people, a cover that is very close to the truth.

Interests/Other: The Executive has an intense obsession for finding Trinkets for an unknown reason. He likes public speaking, and has a interest in long walks on the Beach.

Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights?: He was waiting.

Trinket: N/A

Trinket Power(Thorough or Vague Description): N/A

Family: N/A

This Character is simply a plot point, and is only in Character Sign Up, instead of Neutral Characters, because of his intense plot relevance.
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Name: Scarlet Hayes (Previously Patterson)

Age: 18

Nationality: American



Scarlet is quite a beautiful young lady, with a tall and gorgeously curved physique. She has long and flowing red hair (which earned her the name scarlet) and soft blue eyes with soft and pale skin, not a single scratch except for a scar going up her right thigh that she earned upon falling from a tree. (After that, she was much much more careful when doing things.) Why, upon first look, Scarlet may almost seem innocent and harmless. That is quite wrong. She is often found in jeans and a shirt or tank-top, and depending on the weather, her favorite brown sweater, which is really quite worn out. Although Scarlet thinks that leaving her hair down is prettier, she will usually tie it in a ponytail or bun to keep it out of her way.



Scarlet is a very rambunctious, devious, and wild girl. She often gets herself into trouble and has quite the record. She is a prankster and a trickster, and loves to live on the edge. She uses her appearance to her advantage and pretends to be a dainty little flower when she really is not. Scarlet is is an independent and seemingly carefree gal, but has a pretty short temper with no patience for people that will slow her down. If she does something, she does it right or not at all, and even if she knows it's wrong she won't admit it. A very, very strong sense of pride, that's what she's got. Scarlet has a no-nonsense attitude and grasps things quickly, but she gets upset when others don't.

Scarlet does not let herself become really close with anyone or let them in. She's put up a wall guarding all her past memories and hurting emotions, and drowns them out by doing mischievous things. Scarlet likes to laugh though more at others than with others, and is often caught smiling, usually with a hint of deviousness rather than innocence. She may act immature at times, whining or complaining, but she is loyal once you gain her trust and although she will most not likely show it, she cares.. sort of.



Scarlet's parents never wanted a child, but her mother, Josie, was religious and didn't believe in abortion, nor did she like the idea of throwing her off into an orphanage. So they kept her for a while. From the very beginning, Scarlet was a trouble maker. She just wanted the attention of her parents, who never seemed to even notice she was there, but if she broke one of her mother's vases by 'accident' or steal her daddy's wallet and hide it under her bed, they would notice her. That was all she ever wanted.

Finally, Scarlet proved to be too much. Nannies and babysitters were expensive. She was causing trouble left and right, being suspended from school for slapping a classmate, breaking things, staining things, her parents had never signed up for this. They were still young and stupid and wanting to see the world, not be confined to home by a child that they never even wanted. They decided to give her up.

It wasn't and exactly hard decision. Scarlet was seven. She never truly loved her parents, she was only just desperate to be known, but her parents did not care for her existence. They dropped her off at the orphanage, they told her they were sorry. Josie explained that they just weren't ready for her, and maybe they'd come back some day. That was a lie.

It was hard for the young girl to process the events happening right now. So her parents were leaving her? For real? Was that good, or was that bad? For the first few days, it was a.. peculiar feeling. Like she was free, yet somehow still bound in chains. No one to tell her what to do, but there was no one to impress, or grab the attention of. Even though the orphanage was filled with other children, Scarlet felt so.. alone.

She was adopted twice. Both times returned. Each time it broke a piece of her heart, being rejected, not wanted, not needed, but she never showed it. The orphanage was religious, and being the rebellious and devious girl she was, Scarlet never really came to practice the ways of God. She dreaded going to church. It bored the hell out of her. Each time they were forced to go it just made her hate it more, most certainly adding to her already wild and untamed personality. Scarlet took up painting and drawing. She was really good too, but it was hard for her to imagine it as a career. "
If I want to become an artist, I'll have to get out of this tiny town. But I don't think I'm ready for that yet." Scarlet had told her only friend from the orphanage, Kaylee. She moved away as soon as she got the chance, though, and the two never really managed to stay in touch.

Finally Scarlet came of age. She was free once again, but on her own terms. She got an apartment. She changed her last name, not wanting to be known as the girl who got dumped. She got a job at the Pound. Things were finally going her way for once.



Scarlet is quite the talented artist. Her apartment is messy as hell, paint supplies and dirty laundry all over the place. She is fond of animals, especially cats, they're so damn.. mysterious. She wants one when she can scrounge up the money for it.


Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights?: At her apartment, finishing unpacking.

Trinket: Mirror

Trinket Power: "Lord, I will forgo the formalities and simply state as put. A sighting by some troops, plural I assure you, has sent in a report made by a troop who had went out to relieve himself. Apparently, he got lost and wandered around until he found, not one, but two men who looked exactly like the man. He reports that they joined together in a great flash of light, and in all honesty, went his merry way to the hospital a few days before reporting this in. I believe I would have too." -Sir Gregory, Captain of the Guard

Family: Mother, Josie Patterson, alive. Father, James Patterson, Alive. Both living somewhere in New York.

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Ivo Lambert(Eye-vo)






Reaching up to 6'2'' in height with a slender build, Ivo is often perceived as slightly taller than he is. He doesn't lack in muscles, but simply don't have the body-type to take up a lot of space. He's got somewhat dark almost latino skin, and a pair of dark hazel eyes that almost always hang half-open and has vague dark circles underneath his eyes regardless of how much he sleeps. He's got thick brown hair that reaches down just below his sharp chin, and is always kind of messy. He's got a pretty average pointy nose and high cheek-bones. It isn't unusual to find a stubble on him, but it never seems to grow anywhere past that.

As for his sense of fashion, Ivo almost never wears anything that isn't completely white or black, save for his green military jacket that he finds to fit very well for the not-too-cold parts of the year. He doesn't wear any accessories, and you'll never find him with a scarf, hat, or mittens regardless of the weather. If having a thicker jacket isn't enough to stand the cold, then he'll get sick.


Ivo has always been drawn-back and silent, never making a big deal out of anything and never boasting about the things he's done. To an outsider it may seem as if Ivo has no ambitions and is happy with his simple life, and while the latter half is true he's always just been really convinced that the chances are so low for him to succeed so it doesn't really matter. He just does the job he's supposed to do, and does it well. As a child, Ivo's parents had assumed he was apathetic but this wasn't true at all. He's borderline apathetic and a borderline-nihilist, but he would never fit the role for either of the two.


Ivo's mother was, well, a hooker. His father was one of the many clients she had, but due to her deep religious convictions she refused to get an abortion or give away her son. Instead, in a lucky twist of fate, she won quite a lot of money on a lottery ticket. Instead of doing what was first to come to mind (buying 50 pounds of cocaine and getting higher than a skyscraper and eventually die from O.Ding), she saved the money and used it to pay for their home and expenses for about 3 years while she started going back to school. The money was just enough to keep them steady until that point, and after that his mother was an educated economist. Her life did a full 180 turn, and suddenly everything was alright again. She picked up the habit of calling Ivo "Lucky Star" because of that. Not a nickname he's fond of, but yeeah. She found a new man, who she married and had another 3 kids with.

Although he was the eldest, being 4 years older than all his siblings, and despite that both his new "father" and his biological mother loved him and cared for him, Ivo always felt like the black sheep. He realized it was probably his own fault for always being so quiet, but it didn't bother him to be honest. He liked being alone, and he liked doing his own thing. Of course, during the first 7 years of his school-life, people found this to be incredibly strange. He was bullied a lot, but since he never gave any satisfying reactions to the bullies they were pretty quick to learn to use physical violence. Once again, Ivo was unfazed. He got his own pleasure out of it by watching the bullies get scolded and punished by the teachers for it. It took them 7 years, but eventually they got threatened to be expelled from the school, and they learnt to leave Ivo alone.

Ivo has good grades, he's even a master's degree in electrical engineering, but he's never wanted to work at something prestigious like the places he was offered when he finished his education. In hindsight he doesn't even know why he worked so hard for his degree. S'pose it was a spurt of the moment thing. Nonetheless, as soon as he got out of college he moved to a quiet little town with no real plan in mind. He managed to get a job as an assistant in a small clothes store where all he does is organize things and make sure nobody steals anything all day.

One night, when he'd worked an unusually late shift he got home to his apartment, and thought he saw some strange lights out in the night sky. With his pipe lit in his mouth, he went up on the roof, and one of the lights enter his pipe and give it the enchantment it still has today. He was made a user involuntarily, and he isn't too positively dispositioned against getting executed over something he doesn't have control over.


He enjoys:

-Playing Guitar

- Swimming

- Tea

- Reading the newspaper in an armchair

- Occasionally smoking out of a pipe

Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights?

Looking at the stars


Smoking Pipe


Trinket Power

"Sire, *cough*, I am wary to address you with this concern, but it seems that the man has turned his sights toward our ports. Yes, yes, I was there for my days on leave, yes Sire, my family is fine, but please, let me inform you of his actions. It was my final day at the town, and I had planned to take a short detour and personally tell of my leave to an old friend who was a local porter. It was in the middle of this talk that I noticed a thick fog rolling in. Lord, it was no mere fog. That horrible perversion of the lands clouds was thicker than the honey you soak your biscuits in. I was lucky to make it out, my friend, my everlasting sorrow to say, did not have such luck"-Sir Gregory, Captain of the Guard


Non-biological Father "Adam Steil" Age 41 - Their relationship is alright, although Adam is bothered by Ivo's silent nature and would like him to open up more.

Biological Mother "Vivian Steil" Age 39 - He respects and cherishes his mother, but never felt like she truly cared about him. Of course, it's nothing more than a notion. His mother does truly love him, but Ivo's just never been able to get close to her.

Half-biological Brother "Tristan Steil" Age 13 - Tristan always kept away from Ivo. He shares his quiet nature, but to a much smaller degree, and the two have never really talked a lot. Although they never seem to disagree on anything, they've simply never interacted properly.

Half-biological Brother "Isaac Steil" Age 13 - Tristan's twin, but a lot less quiet. He and Tristan shares a very good bond, but they're very unlike each other. While Tristan sits at home and reads a book, Isaac will be out playing football with a couple of his friends. Isaac always has tried challenging Ivo to several sports and always tried to outshine him. The few times Ivo acquiesced and played said sports with him he won, which only seemed to spur the kid on further.

Half-biological Sister "Elize Lambert" Age 17 - Elize was born before Vivian changed her name to Steil and married Adam, so she received Lambert as her surname, and upon hearing that Ivo wished to keep his surname she did the same. She always looked up to Ivo for some reason, yet she's his polar opposite. She's popular, smart, ambitious and energetic. She's one of the very few people that have reached across to Ivo, and actually gotten him to talk, and she's the only one that hasn't disappeared in the stains of time. Elize is closer to Ivo than anyone else is, and one of the few people he looks forward to seeing.
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Name: Jenna Wilds

Age: 11

Nationality: American

Personality: Jenna is a bit of an odd girl. She's mischievous and a bit of a trouble maker. Very quick witted and a smart ass most times. She likes to read and isn't much of a fan for music. Jenna is spit fire, honest to a fault and quick to point out mistakes. She doesn't let much bother her but if you tease her about being a young kid, or under estimate her she will try to prove you wrong. Very stubborn and not afraid to make a show with fake tears in order to get what she wants. Jenna is a bit of a brat but over all keeps to herself most times.


Born to a middle class family and youngest of three children Jenna had a fairly average up bringing. The one thing that set her apart from the rest was also something that caused her a lot of stress and fear growing up. Since she was small she was always sensitive to ethereal energies or spirits. She never saw anything more than a shadow or blur. She never heard voices but she always knew they were there. Some following people other just lingering in a specific place.

Jenna never told any one and was always the awkward kid in school. She made a friend or two but overall generally avoided the large popular crowds. Partly because she found their constant raving about things that annoyed her. Not wanting their daughter to be antisocial and grow even more awkward Jenna's parents enrolled her in sports since she wasn't much for frilly things like ballet. Jenna took a liking soccer much to her own surprise. She didn't have much for stamina but she made for one heck of a goalie.This far Jenna is in her third year of soccer and doing well with her team mates both in and out of practice.


- Reading

- Soccer

- Camping

- Isn't a fan of music

- Has a family pet cat named Scratch.

Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights?:
Sitting outside on her back porch enjoying some cookies and milk.

Trinket:Tennis Shoes

Trinket Power:“To be honest, Sire, we were sure it was just a shadow, a slight of the eye if you will. We were on the top of the highest tower, how were we to know he could jump that high?”-Sir Gregory, Captain of the Guard


Mother: Lysa Wilds [45]

Father: Eric Wilds [46]

Older Sister: Lenora Wilds [21]

Older Brother: Aaron Wilds [18]
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Name: Victor Rollins

Age: 24

Nationality: American



Personality: Victor is dedicated to his profession, teaching. He wants his students to succeed; he is going to give as much help to them as he can, so long as they try. In the class he tries to keep people interested in the lesson, acting spontaneous, going from activity to activity. Outside he’s much more subdued, teaching takes a lot out of you. However whenever you encounter him, he’s generally a friendly sort.

Though there are a few triggers for him, that would snap him from a pleasant teacher to someone you would not want to meet at all. Most are the usual, assault, threatening him, normal stuff. The big thing though, is if someone messes with his students…they are going to have a problem.

Biography: For Victor, when he was young he had a dream, he was going to be an astronaut…then at age 11 he learned that it was a fools goal. So he switched to his second idea for a profession, teaching History. Victor breezed through the north Carolinian school system. After attending UNC for the education program, he applied all over…not a single place was hiring for history. Apparently, the humanities were being looked over in favor of STEM. However, out of state schools were quite happy to pick him up. Though they were in places that really didn’t appeal to him. Texas had more than a few openings in their massive schools…but he decided against that. Virgina, no, places were overcrowded. What caught his eyes was an opening in Nettle, Ohio. It was a small town, very nice, and much different from Charlotte, NC. Also looking at the cost living, so much less than living in the city. He’s already been there for about a year now. His first year of teaching was crazy, but now he’s gotten SLIGHTLY used to it.


History (obviously)



Amateur astronomer (old habits die hard, makes for a hell of a lesson on the space race though)

Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights: Wondering why the hell the Aurora Borealis was so far south, then running to the basement after he assumed there had been a comet burst in the upper atmosphere, and fearing another Tunguska Incident.

Trinket: Telescope


Trinket Power(Thorough or Vague Description): “Sire, our Scout has appeared to have found another ability. Yes, Scout as in only one among the countless we sent out. No, it was not the same one from before, he respectfully retired after the incident. As I was saying, apparently, the man had been able to see the Scouts from his position on top of the mountain. Yes, I know it is impossible, but have I ever came here with logical information about the man?”-Sir Gregory, Captain of the Guard

Family: Roger Michal Rollins (54) [Father]

Mary Elizabeth Rollina (52) [Mother]

Aaron Jacob Rollins (26) [brother]

Julia Bethany Rollins (22) [sister]
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Name: Charise Pan

Age: 16

Nationality: American

Appearance: She has a thin build, with long limbs. Her hands are bigger than usual, and her height (5'8") makes most people think she plays basketball. She has dark brown hair that flows just past her shoulders. It always manages to tangle itself into endless knots, making it seem a little shorter. Her eyes are hazel, and look like shattered glass if you get close enough, sort of like jagged lines coming from the center rather than straight like most. She wears dark hoodies and torn jeans. She tends to wear mostly gray, black, and blue. She's got a few scrapes and bruises, but she doesn't notice them. She's never seen without a pencil behind her right ear. Along with the pencil, she's never seen without a small, leather satchel, that she uses to carry at least one journal with her. She always seems to be a little distant, like she's not all there.

Personality: Charise's really shy at first, and prefers to read rather than be social. She loves to sketch and write notes on her observations on the world around her. Once you gain her trust, she becomes extremely loyal. She hides behind her few friends when she feels threatened or scared. She hates being the center of attention, and therefore often doesn't express her creative ideas. She's very forgiving, constantly blaming herself for anything. She's very stubborn and suspicious of others. However, if her friends are threatened, an inner flame may burst forward to defend them.

Biography: She was raised in a family of four kids, as the second oldest. Her siblings were Martin, Amy, and Nick (listed from oldest to youngest) At age ten her parents divorced, her older brother, Martin went to live with their dad, and she moved out of state with her mom. The very same year, her mom married her step dad. Charise found she was often put in charge of caring for the youngest siblings, especially Nick. She quickly found herself helping her mom with house work while her step dad was at work. A year later, Charise gained a half brother, Finn. Over the years, she became almost like a second mother to the two youngest, and her siblings often came to her with problems, or just to vent. Charise understood that her mother didn't need any more trouble, and so she didn't cause any, avoiding conflict at all cost. She never did bond with her step-father, they just had a mutual feeling of "stay in your own business" When she finished middle school, the family moved back to Charise's home state. She enjoyed the change, and she got to see her dad and brother every other weekend, and during breaks. However, this also meant shewas in a new school district...again. She spent freshman and sophomore year, just barley pulling through with grades, while her family struggled financially. When she did receive attention, it was usually for bad grades. Sometimes, she will have explosions of bottled up rage. At this time, it's best to just leave her alone for a while while she vents to the grass.

Interests/Other: Reading, writing, sketching, singing (though she never does this around anyone), exploring, camping, and just observing nature.

Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights?: Camping with her dad, Martin, Amy, and Nick. Everyone else, had gone to sleep.

Trinket: Marker

Trinket Power(Thorough or Vague Description): "My lord, the scout that retired from his job has come out with new information. He says it was suppressed, but the pouch of gold we had to give to help him remember makes me slightly suspicious of credibility on that matter. Nonetheless, it appears that the scout was harmed fatally by the man, but was subsequently healed rapidly and sent on his way. I know my Lord, very curious indeed." -Sir Gregory, Captain of the Guard

Family: Dad- Henry Pan

Mom- Erin Williams

Step-dad- Sean Williams

siblings- Martin Pan (18), Ami Pan (13), Nick Pan (7), Finn Williams (4)
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Macy Nghiem


17 Years




Macy is a small girl with a fragile build and dainty proportions. Her hair, rather than being dark, is a light brown. It flows down her head in a long, mostly even in length but is still jagged. Her eyes are wide and a light chestnut. Her skin is very smooth, due to her mother obsessing over her skin and appearance in general, but has the occasional freckle - otherwise known as an 'angel kiss'. Typically, she is seen wearing some sort of makeup, including mascara and eyeliner.

From the minute she could speak, it was said that this girl was born with a twister in her lungs and a volcano in her mouth. She's a quick, angry speaker with a sharp set of vocabulary that tends to quickly get the best of her. Typically, she 'talks up a storm' to anybody she's with and isn't shy in the least bit. Additionally, to add to the confusion, she's a 'girly girl'. Pink? Yes. Dresses? Duh! Makeup? Can't live without! Lots of people would call her a bitch, but really, she just likes to be loud and heard. Additionally, she loves competition - as long as it doesn't require any physical work. Also, she's a highly unmotivated person - or, lazy, as her folks use - compared to her parents, who were hard workers all of her life. She doesn't really have natural talent for anything, instead having built up skill in makeup and, supposedly, fashion as well.


Macy has spent her whole life in this little town. According to her parents, they moved from Vietnam three years before she was born and then, living a more comfortable life, had the child that is now Macy. Macy was a very outgoing little girl, and, yes, had developed her 'girliness' at an early age. She spend hours on end drawing flowers and playing with dolls, refusing to step outside, to the frustration of her parents. Throughout her current school years, she was never the best student. Her grades are consistently made up of B's and C's, rarely A's, and sometimes D's. She doesn't participate in school clubs, nor does she really talk to anybody outside of her friend group - which, admittedly, is made of the more popular children in the system.


As stated several times before, her interests lay in the more 'girly' side of the stereotypical gender spectrum. However, while she enjoys this, for some reason, she has found herself attached to horror. She keeps this part of her under wraps, however, as she feels that it would conflict with everybody else's view of her.

Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights?:.

Macy had gotten out of the shower just a few minutes ago and was blow-drying her hair when the event occurred.



Trinket Power:.

“Lord, we managed to actually catch him by surprise today, however I expect he was simply letting us believe that out of boredom. Nonetheless, we attacked his rear, but we found that even without his attention, his skin was what could be likened to iron.”
-Sir Gregory, Captain of the Guard


Sou Nghiem - Mother {{Vietnamese

Calum Nghiem - Father {{American
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Evangeline Knight

Age: 18

Nationality: American

Personality: Evangeline is soft spoken and compliant. She takes a very passive stance in almost everything, and lacks passions in life. She is a natural introvert, enjoying her time alone or with a small group of close friends. Due to her appeasing nature, it is quite a frequent affair for her to surround herself around people that may not necessarily care about her as much as she does them. She will go out of her way to make someone feel better, and takes a stance that no one should be left alone. She is prone to being empathetic and is really only driven to make everyone around her happy. This causes her to often neglect herself. Evangeline is a natural follower, and struggles to make decisions on her own. She relies heavily on other people, and lacks self confidence.

Biography: Evangeline was born and raised in the little town of Nettle as an only child. Her parents struggled in her younger years as they discovered her mother, Ella, could no longer bear children. Her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when Evangeline was thirteen, battled for a few years, and then went into remission a couple of years ago. Most of her childhood was spent with concern towards her mother and spent most of her free time in her company. She is now 18 and has no idea what she wants to do with her future.

Reading, watching movies, playing the violin

Where Was Your Character During The Arrival of the Lights?:
Sitting in her dormer window reading Childhood's End.


Trinket: Masquerade Mask

Trinket Power(Thorough or Vague Description):
“I think we may have reason to worry, Sire. Apparently, and this is coming from multiple sources, the man appeared out of nowhere in the middle of our battlements. I am sorry to say this in hindsight my lord, but I am sure that this would have gone differently if we had paid more attention to those mysterious footprints.”-Sir Gregory, Captain of the Guard

Ella Knight (Mother), William 'Billy' Knight (Father)
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