A Visit to the Upper World - IC

It was rather quite as the eyes of many demons stared wide and attentive. Rows of unblinking eyes and red pupils lined the slanted land that lead to the mouth of the underworld, one that led to the bright outside world of the human realm. The hole to the world of Hell has been closed off for so long since the first human had entered the under realm decades ago, and so the demons lived in seclusion. However, now there was rumor that the mouth of that cave-like entrance was to be opened, and all the creatures would be free to roam around the human land.

Now as the smallest amount of noise had ceased, there was a small popping followed by a crack or swish of dust. The demons' staring continued as a small ray of light shone through the smallest crack in the darkness of the hole. It was beautiful, some of the smaller individuals locked their knees in order to see past the others, and whispers started to fill the echoing cave.

A small while later and even larger amounts of light began to push past the wall of the blocked hole, illuminating the darkness like a common lamp. There was stirring now and louder conversations boomed. More cracking, more dust swished, and more light shined.

Eventually, the entire wall collapsed and screams, whistles, and cheers were all that echoes through the cave as millions of demons flew out into the light, all except for one larger than them all...
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It was strange that such silence filled the mountains, they were never so quite. The mountainside was always usually filled will such strange rumbling from what seemed to be emerging from the inside, but it was still today.

An elderly woman stood along the side of the large and steep ground, watching the area with beady eyes. Her silver hair was in a braid to one side, and her wrinkled face gave off her age only too well. She wore a long flowing white dress that covered most of her legs, but the wind caught the skirt at the bottom and tugged it behind her.

As the lady stared, she felt the ground move slightly, and then loud cracking echoed above and below her. She squinted to see what was happening, but before she knew it the side of the mountain burst open and thousands of horrid creatures came pouring out of the large chasm.

At this she screamed in terror and hustled behind a large rock at the edge, taking deep breaths that were shrill and quick. Soon enough however, she died of a heart attack, and the only one to see the same thing was her son who was only in his 20s now.

Falling. Forever. Wind, rushing in his ears. Weightlessness. Uncontrolled tumbling. Hurtling through space. In the name of all things good and evil, had he managed to screw up so bad that in addition to becoming a fallen angel, he'd become a fallen demon? Screams echoed in his ears, screams of thousands. Souls of the dead and dying? No, those were closer to the bottom floor of hell. He wasn't there. Warfare? It could be. That was something KG had experienced before, the pitiful cries of the wounded, shouts of triumph from the victorious. But these screams, they melded into something so terrible, so uncoordinated, so off-key, this couldn't be warfare.

Light. Actual, natural light. KG hadn't seen natural light for... Jesus tap dancing christ, how long had it been? A couple hundred years? A millennia? He'd lost track. But this was light! He wasn't in heaven, no, he'd been to heaven. It sucked. And it wasn't like this. This was... Earth. The middle grounds. The disputed territory between demons and angels, the big man and the other big man, satan and dios, evil and good. Hot damn, he was on earth!

Laughing out loud for sheer sense of joy, KG placed his feet on the nearest demon and pushed off. He hurtled downwards, away from the rest of the group. Falling, falling, oh how horribly familiar that sensation was. Plummeting to his death, through the clouds, straight to hell. Well this time, he wasn't going to hell. He was actually going to face a pretty painful landing if he wasn't careful. Spinning himself around in the air like a cat, KG spiraled, trying to regain his bearings. The sun. Head goes towards the sun. Feet go in the opposite direction. Finally righting himself, KG began immediately trying to keep himself aloft with small gusts of wind, but to no avail. They just slowed him from faster than a speeding bullet to a little slower than a speeding bullet. Still falling, bits of water began to permiate his clothes. Within two seconds, KG had broken the cloudline and was still falling. But now he was feet first. Good.

It was exhilirating. Plummeting to the earth below. The first time it had happened, there was a taste of bitterness, of wounded pride left in his mouth. God, pshh. Who did he think he was? Was he really worthy of the title? All thoughts of the big man and KG's history with him and his underlings immediately vanished when he realized he was going to really hit the ground. REally hard. He could see buildings, skyscrapers. The stars shone brilliantly across the night sky, the moon a glowing milky orb of flatness, heavens medallion. Tiny little things that could just barely be called intelligent life. He fell past these, all the while desperately trying to decrease his speed with his powers of air. At the last moment, KG shot his arms out in front of him, his hands glowing blue, light rivlets winding their way up his arms. His eyes were a deep shade of two very different colors, one blood-red, the other sky-blue. They left neon streaks in the air as he put all his energy into this one moment, first his legs hitting the ground lightly, buckling his knees to absorb the initial shock, then leaning forwards, the majority of the pressure hitting his palms and fingertips. Then, he continued rolling, his right shoulder driving hard into the ground, spinning him out, tumbling across some asphalt, over some rough turf, and finally into the grass.

"Ooooooooo"he groaned, rolling onto his back and attempting to sit up. He missed the first time, but the second time he managed to grab ahold of the underside of his leg and pull himself up. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, that is gonna hurt in the morning." KG said to himself, sitting up, legs splayed out in front of him.

Standing up shakily, the reality finally hit him: he was on earth. Out of hell. Not in heaven. Earth. A large grin spread across his face. KG bent over and slapped his knee, then winced, immediately regretting the descision. It hurt. His knee hurt. His hands hurt. His feet hurt. His everything hurt, really. Taking a shaky breath and exhaling it slowly, KG still couldn't wipe the stupid grin off his face. Looking up, he saw a mile marker and a sign. It read "Mile 32, interstate: Kirnas. Pop 1.2m". Near it, behind KG actually, was another one. "Mile 31, interstate: Kirnas. Pop 1.2m" under it, and pointing down another road to the west of where he was at the moment, was a subsign, so to speak; "Distance to Giru, 40m". Shrugging, KG decided to just continue on his way to the larger city, apparently more appeasing than Giru, the small town. Sticking his hands in his pockets and continuing down the interstate, he reasoned he should get there before his initial adrenaline surge wore off and fatigue set in.
"Hey look, a truck. Don't think he'd mind too much if I hitched a ride on the back of his rig, would he?" KG said to himself. Stepping up the side of the road and behind said truck, KG used a little gust of wind to help himself onto the back of the moving vehicle, and hitched the rest of the way to the city, his mind basically exploding with joy, possibilities, and the sneaking suspiscion that this was all somehow very important.
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As Sebastian flew out of hell he saw the the bright sun , his dream had finally come true. While flying around he flew in to a small building. There was a sign next to it and it said Giru , suddenly his wings disappear and he falls to the ground knocking him out.
Expecting to be walking on ground, Sulfur Blackbody was covering his crimson eyes with his arm and treading at a slow pace. One his vision began to cooperate, he realized he was walking on nothing. "Oh... is this Earth ground? Nope..." Sulfur eventually fell face first onto the back of another demon, cushioning his fall. He complained "Why did the portal have to be on the side of a bloody mountain?!" as he walked over the unconscious or dead demons. Huh. So this is Earth, huh? It's mostly roads and grass, it seems. And what is this bright thing? I think one of the demons called it "light"? Sulfur had vanished into black dust then reappeared in front of a sign. He read both of them, and pondered which was more likely for other demons to go to.

Sulfur had determined the one dubbed Kirnas was the largest, therefore most likely the most appealing.
"I mean, I personally prefer country but cities work too." The nightmare demon had soon noticed a fallen angel riding on the back of a truck towards Kirnas. He laughed aloud, "What kind of adventures will we all have now? Something big is going to happen, I can feel it in my bones!" He noticed the person in the passenger seat of the truck was sleeping. I wonder what kind of dreams humans have. Either way, it'd be faster to stay in their dream until I arrived at Kirnas rather than walking. I'm so excited! DREAM ENTER. Sulfur had vanished into thin air.

Reappearing in a black meadow with a yellow cloudless sky, the area sent chills down Blackbody's spine. The grass ominously and lethargically swayed to and fro, but there was no wind to be felt. No sun or moon, the deep yellow sky was swiftly shifting millions of miles a second.
"Cool! This person seems to be having a nightmare! I get to see a human's nightmare on my way to Kirnas!" Sulfur was making childish gestures of excitement, happily stomping his feet on the ground, smiling widely with his eyes shut, waving his hands wildly. Soon after, a massive and green human heart with beady blue eyes had materialized in front of him. When he had opened his eyes, he looked up into the heart's. "Is this what human's mean by 'big-hearted', cause if so I'm going to love these guys!"
Shīre sat on a bench near the outside of the small town of Giru, her elbows digging into her knees as she was leaning forwards.

She felt the need to stay outside as if a vision had obstructed her vision before.

As she was contemplating this, she stood and noticed her mother walking up to her with a needing look on her face. Probably need to head to the store in another town for milk again...

Finally her mother was now standing in front of her, and she indeed needed an errand to be done. "I need you to get a couple things, I noticed you here and thought to ask you."

Shīre nodded and listened to the items, one especially being...milk. A sigh escaped her lips before she headed off for a supermarket to fetch the desired items.
Sulfur was looking up at the massive heart monster, smiling widely and waving. "Hi there! I'm what you call a 'demon', Sulfur Blackbody! Nice to meet cha!" The heart then leaped into the hair, attempting to smash Sulfur into dust. Fortunately, he had reappeared behind the monster. He sighed, his smile turning into an exaggerated pout. "I never get the fun nightmares! Looks like I best rid of this one so the human is happy..." Sulfur's hands radiated a black energy, and the swirling yellow sky slowed, as did the flowing grass. Chuckling puerilely, he spoke "Sorry bud.... this is MY dream now."

The heart's eyes began to display fear as the sky turned into the same red which was Sulfur's eyes. A black orb had appeared in his left palm. He began to use his right hand's fingers to move it around, occasionally tapping it. "Hmm.. let's see... this is a female human... blue eyes... heart..." Sulfur then threw the orb into the crimson sky. NIGHTMARE PULL. The orb was gathering dark energies from the grass and sky, and once it was finished it entered Sulfur's chest. He doubled in size and his originally pale skin became tinted with red. The sheer fear emitted from his body almost woke the girl he was inside up, however he soon toned it down. Wow, humans' dreams are pretty wimpy. He soon used his fingers as pistols and shot dark bolts at the heart until it vanished.

Returning to normal, Sulfur was shot out of the girl's dream and flew through the windshield of the truck, puzzling the driver. "I haven't even been here half a day and I've been airborne twice. Satan, Earth is fun." He landed head first into a supermarket in a bustling city. Standing up and rubbing the impact spot, he looked around, and noticed all the humans were staring at him. "What's up, guys? I just flew from a truck." He said this smiling widely, laughing a minuscule amount at the end.
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The ride was bumpy, draining, and a tad bit uncomfortable, but the grassy knolls of nothingness on the side of the road eventually gave way to the urban sprawl of suburbia, which stubbornly yeilded to the more tightly packed buildings and dwellings that Kirnas was comprised of. "Heh. Kirnas. The one place I've never heard of." KG mused to himself, immersed in the scenery. "Why couldn't it be Chicago? Why not Jackson? Cleveland, Indianappolis, New York City even! All the places on earth, and I just have to land in the one, backwater country that-" His quiet self speak was inturrupted by the screeching of brakes. The truck lurched to one side, and KG stuggled to hold on. At first, KG thought he'd been spotted, but out of the corner of his eye, KG saw the black, misty form of someone who'd just... What even, 'dreamjumped' was the only correct term for it, he supposed. As the truck skidded to a stop, KG jumped off, rolling to absorb the initial shock of the impact.

In search of the other demon, KG came across some broken glass in a shop windo.
"James!" He called, blurting out the first name off the top of his head, "James!" Quickly locating the other demon and grabbing him by the collar, KG looked around at the small crowd that had stopped to gawk. Thinking on his feet, a skill he had always prided himself in, KG hauled the other demon to his feet. It was a good thing this demon had black, toussled hair and likewise atire, otherwise this might not have worked. "Sorry about my brother," KG spouted, "He's a bit..." he smiled helplessly and spun his finger around, the universal "Cuckoo" symbol. Half dragging, half 'helping' the other demon out of the store, KG went immediately into the first dark alleyway he could find.

Releasing his grip on the back of the other demon's neck, KG shoved him. Hard.
"What the hell were you thinkin?" He asked, basically dumbfounded, "First off, you jacked my ride. That's just disrespect, man. Second off, how do you think a group of people are going to react to seeing somebody just materialize out of basically nowhere?" KG threw up his hands, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. He hoped this one wasn't one of those demons that were stuck in hell for so long they'd gone bonkers, but like, honestly, humans don't react too well when they realize their whole religion is basically a half-baked lie with a light crusting of moldy truth to top it off.
Shire arrived at a store near her small town of Giru, but something was off. She noticed that the market seemed more still than normal, like in fear.

What did an asparagus bite a small child?

She continued to watch the eyes of people as she walked by them, but then noticed the broken window from the outside and stopped, tilting her head in both amazement and shock. The only reasonable explaination for that in her mind was someone threw a table, but there was no sign if such furniture.

She never questioned anything, just stared in wonder. Then, after what seemed like a millennium, a security officer walked up and began to question her. Some questions were easy to answer while others made no sense.

Everyone stop and question the poor country girl. She thought to herself.
Sulfur, still smiling, spoke "First off, thanks for calling me insane! That's probably the closest thing I've gotten to a compliment in years!" He ran up to hug the other demon. "Secondly, nice to meet a demon who isn't dead or almost so. And sorry, I can't fly so I thought being driven would've been better than walking. Also, I wanna meet humans! Don't they shadow walk, too?" Sulfur wiped the dust and other debris off his clothing. He scanned the area, and it seemed everyone had forgotten about his crashing into the market. I guess it's normal for people to crash into buildings here.

Sulfur had suddenly remembered there was another sign to a different town. What was it's name? He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

KG blinked. He was not a fan of being hugged. But this was a problem. Apparently this demon had never used any scrying magic to see what the world above was like. It wasn't like heaven where you could just look down and see what folks on earth were doing. Facepalming and rubbing his forehead, KG sighed. "Look man, these... People... They do things sometimes. They don't really like seeing other people doing what they can't do. They... KG struggled to explain the human world to someone who'd never been in it. "They get jealous. And we all know what happens when we get jealous right? We hurt people." KG pushed the other demon away from him a bit to get some personal space. "So like, shadow walk, eat dreams, do whatever you do, but make sure nobody sees you do it. Kay?" Hoping he understood, KG turned around, jumping up to grab a fire escape that was near him. "Take care of yourself allright?" he called over his shoulder, making his way to the roof of the building.

Once on the roof, KG jumped higher and higher, over air vents, past AC units, using windowsills as footholds, just doing something to get some elevation. He used his control of the wind to shoot himself up every chance he got, but if anyone was watching, it'd just look like he did some serious parkour. Eventually he found himself at the roof of a large business office. Not the largest building in the city, but high enough. Smiling, the wind whipping at his clothes, his hair, his face, KG tilted his head up to the sky.
"I made it, big man. You sent me to hell, and here I am, laughin' in your face. Trump THAT Mr. All powerful!" He didn't shout, just spoke. It didn't matter if he whispered or blew his lungs out, god would hear him. Realizing how much being shot out of a mountain, falling back to earth, and hitching a ride to an unknown city on the back of a semi had taken out of him, KG stretched and yawned, falling backwards onto his bum. He then lay back, looking up at the stars. The clouds. The moon. "Heh, I'm comin for you tomorrow," KG said, pointing at a particular cloud, dark against the night sky, "I'll find you. Take a rest right on top of ya. I'll promise you that, gorgeous." Ironic, really, a fallen angel talking to a cloud he'd touch. To be honest, KG never thought he'd escape hell. He never thought he'd fall from heaven either. But he did. And here he was, defying the laws of all things hellish and holy, sleeping on top of a building in the city of Kirnas. His eyelids grew heavy, and he closed them, falling (heh, he was doing alot of that lately) once again, but this time, it was in the state of sleep.
Shīre finally had been able to get what she needed, but she wasn't too happy. People were constantly asking her about things, and she just wanted to be left alone from the rest of humanity.


After giving her mother what she needed for dinner or whatever, Shīre immediately bolted to the abondoned butcher shop at the edge of Giru. She was able to patch the place up a bit and use it as a hide-out. Opening the door with a loud squeeking from the hinges, she approached a leather couch with a blanket. Shīre flopped down right on top of it and rolled herself into the blanket, sighing in relief to finally be free from stupidity.

After about 10 minutes, Shīre fell into a deep sleep, not moving an inch.
Sulfur frowned. He watched as the demon scaled buildings. Tracing him with his eyes, he never lost sight of him. He put his palm out and tapped the bottom of his fist to it, making an excited expression. "Good idea! We should sleep somewhere high, so no one notices us! If we really have to be so discreet about being from Hell, might as well do it swell! Hah!" Sulfur then clumsily made his way to the demon, not nearly as skilled as he was. Wow! He must be really light! Like, a kilogram or something like that! When Sulfur had made it to the top, his new friend was already asleep.

He pondered if it was immoral to enter someone's dream he just met. He lied a good meter from the demon, staring up at the sky. I wonder if I'll meet any other demons and actually have friends for once... He looked over to the sleeping demon. Seems pretty content. I'm glad he's happy! Looking up at the scattered light spots in the pitch black sky, he wondered how far away the other town was. He knew he could Dream Enter from a good distance, but was this town within that distance?

Sulfur had made his way back down to the main city, stopping by a small store and asking people various questions. Through his questioning, he had learned the town's name was Giru, and it was approximately ten kilometers from Kirnas. He had also written a note on cheap yellow parchment. He slowly and carefully scaled back up to the other demon, leaving the note on his chest which stated:

Dear Demon guy,

Thanks for helping me out a bit ago! I hope we meet again, but I'm off to Giru to see if there is any other demons there. You're my first friend in my entire life, so thanks a bunch. I'll try to take care!

Sincerest Not Sincere Demon,

Sulfur Blackbody

He returned back to the ground, looking in the direction of Giru.
"Well, someone's gotta be asleep, right? Hope they're okay with this..." Sulfur radiated dark energy, previously going into an empty alleyway to ensure no one saw him. DREAM ENTER: PYLON JUMP. Hopping from one person's dream to another's, with the occasional shadow walk, he had ended up in a strange dream which he had stayed purely because of intrigue. "A shoeless, green-haired girl alone on a hill...?"

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Mitsue Rikyr

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb800c8da_Pagenotfound_VineComputers1.jpg.acef7044e6d6ebfeca98ec3feb099276.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140845" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb800c8da_Pagenotfound_VineComputers1.jpg.acef7044e6d6ebfeca98ec3feb099276.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The slender, golden light warmed the hood of Mitsue's cloak as it crept through the towering crevice in the ceiling of Hell, stirring him from his sleep in the cavern. Finally, the demons were free from their shackles and could roam the earth once again.

Mitsue, however, still wasn't completely free. As he climbed the burning red rocks that led up to the crevice, he was once again reminded of his private shackles to Hell: His master, the Wind Lord.

I see you are entering the Overworld? How can that be, there is no exit to Hell...

Mitsue sighed dismissively, returning his attention to finding a foothold in the crimson mountainside.

Well, I won't be able to get there if you keep mumbling on!

The return thought to his master was a little rude, but deserved. The Wind Lord knew that Mitsue couldn't concentrate with his voice in his head.

Very well, I shall leave you for now, Kirai. I shall call to you when I will need you, but for now... Enjoy Earth.

Mitsue gave an approving nod as he hauled his body through the gaping crack, his eyes blinded by the piercing light that greeted him.


"Woah... It's so much more beautiful than before..."

Mitsue gazed in awe, standing atop the mountain that the crevice had released him into. After wiping his eyes in an attempt to remove the stinging sensation he had been graced with, the purple-haired boy began to make his way down the mountain. He thrust his arm out to his side and cried out, a light gust of wind spiralling around it.


the gust soon became a gale, engulfing Mitsue's hand in a silvery whirlwind. A small flash of emerald light pulsed for a moment in the heart of the wind. The gale slowly subsided, until only a light mountain wind was left. In the whirlwind's place was a scythe. Mitsue gave a childish grin as he examined the trademark of the reaper.

The scythe was much larger than normal, but not comically so. It was big enough to look powerful, but not so big that it would be impossible to carry. Along it's jade shaft were many intricate designs embedded with silver, all of them following up to the blade. The scythe blade was large and crescent-shaped, but it was double-edged to maximise speed. The thin carvings on it's sleek metal reflected the morning sunlight like a mirror. "Alright then, let's see what you can do!"

He shouted as he brought the scythe into the ground, pole-vaulted up into the air and grasped the handle with both hands. A soft hum could be heard from the scythe tip, which soon exploded into a roar as the boy and the scythe flew down the mountainside. Mitsue cheered and whooped as he rode the blade like a snowboard, dodging trees and smashing through rocks with the front of the emerald steel.


Soon after that, Mitsue had found himself at a crossroads. To the east, the blaring lights of a city shone like a beacon. 'Kirnas' was it's name, or so the sign said. In the west, a small village named 'Giru', which could be seen from the lone plume of smoke in that direction. Mitsue weighed up his options, still breathing heavily from his weakness.

"Ok, if I go to the village, there'll be less people to see me, but more warriors to fight me - and therefore kill me... I'll go to the city, there's more places for me to hide."

After deciding to take the eastern path, Mitsue began to trudge to the city, a journey that would take him a while...



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Alice Yervy Ravenwood



Alice woke up startled. It was a nightmare. "Another one like that?" she asked herself. It was a recurring dream, which she had seen almost every night since a certain incident happened. She stretched her arms out, stood up from her bed and got dressed. Before leaving the house, she pulled on some brown boots and grabbed a gun with her just in case. It's not exactly the safest thing to go out in the middle of the night. Especially if you're a woman like her. A walk always helped her calm down. Her life was already messed up, but after that incident things got even worse. One must have a strong mentality to deal with the things she does. Alice stepped out of her apartment and locked the door behind her.

She looked at the buildings she walked by. "I'm glad I moved to Kirnas. It's way quieter here," Alice said to herself with a slight smile. Even though there were multiple people walking around the street, the city was nice and soothing. The night was slightly breezy as it usually is in between the larger buildings. The wind was getting stronger and Alice was starting to feel chilly. "Ah, I should've brought something warmer with me," she sighed, continuing to walk forward.

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A small light caused the young Shīre to stir, but not to the real world. She was indeed dreaming, but her dreams were a bit darker than she would have liked them to be. Her dreams reflected how the real world looked and felt, but with a darker mood.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes as if she was still tired and awake; however, she still kept her mind on the idea that it IS all a dream.

She noticed that her dream self was laying on a hill next to her small town of Giru, but the town was still with no movement at all.

Now she was curious, so she stood up and walked towards the small town, careful along the slope. As she arrived, she came to the conclusion that no one was even there, but like an idiot, she called anyways.

"Hello! Is anyone here?"
Sulfur precariously watched the girl. This isn't a nightmare... she wishes for loneliness it seems. Hah, I'm sure she'd like to be in my shoes for a few years. When she called out, he knew she was now lucid. This complicated matters. Now his presence was known, and if she reacts horribly he will have to pull her out of the dream before he hurts her. He made himself visible to the girl's side, with a smile. "Hi! I'm here!" A strong amount of anxiety surged through his veins. He didn't know why, but he seemed rather shy for the first time in his demonic life.
GreenIV said:
Sulfur precariously watched the girl. This isn't a nightmare... she wishes for loneliness it seems. Hah, I'm sure she'd like to be in my shoes for a few years. When she called out, he knew she was now lucid. This complicated matters. Now his presence was known, and if she reacts horribly he will have to pull her out of the dream before he hurts her. He made himself visible to the girl's side, with a smile. "Hi! I'm here!" A strong amount of anxiety surged through his veins. He didn't know why, but he seemed rather shy for the first time in his demonic life.
Shīre heard a voice next to her and jumped a bit, almost out of her skin. As she turned she saw a boy that was not familiar, which scared her even more.

At the sight of him she jumped back and put her hands up into fists with a sloppy stance, but she was definitely up for a fight if necessary. But in reality, she was almost deathly terrified of this random boy she just met.
Sulfur wasn't too surprised she reacted like this, after hearing what his demon pal had told him. He retained his warm smile, and jokingly put his hands up. "Relax there, lass. I'm not here to hurt cha! How about I make it easy.... my name is Sulfur Blackbody... I'm, uh... 17 in human years I think." He realized his demonic aura probably wasn't helping in this situation, but it was natural whenever he was in dreams to emit fear. He toned it down as much as he could. Sulfur hoped she understood that he was peaceful.
GreenIV said:
Sulfur wasn't too surprised she reacted like this, after hearing what his demon pal had told him. He retained his warm smile, and jokingly put his hands up. "Relax there, lass. I'm not here to hurt cha! How about I make it easy.... my name is Sulfur Blackbody... I'm, uh... 17 in human years I think." He realized his demonic aura probably wasn't helping in this situation, but it was natural whenever he was in dreams to emit fear. He toned it down as much as he could. Sulfur hoped she understood that he was peaceful.
Shīre lowered her hands a bit. "What kind of a name is Blackbody..."

She then realized that it was extremely rude and tried to correct herself as she put her hands up in defense, frantically waving them slightly.

"U-uh! I-I didn't mean that! I-I'm sorry!"
Sulfur laughed and returned his hands to normal. "Trust me! That's the second closest to a compliment I've gotten in a while. Wow, just realized today's the record! Someone called me insane a few hours ago, now you're questioning my surname. A day full of compliments!" The smile on his face had widened. "Anyways, could you tell me where we are right now? I kinda just dream hopped like a mad-demon from Kirnas to get to the nearest town."
Shīre was a little scared by this person. Dream hopping? What? She was now shaking in her own skin, terrified by the presence of such a person. She was easily scared by many different things, and that fear caused her to be silent.

The idea that this person could do such actions frightened her. I-if he can do that...th-then why is he bothering with me? Being so friendly?

She wanted no part in this, but she didn't wake up. Half of her was saying to ignore it because it was just a dream, but the other half wanted her to bolt; but for now, she just shook where she stood.
"Don't shake! I-I, uh, okay, so, first things first. Are we in Giru or not? Cause according to my dream watch it should be dawn now. Also, uh, damn, how do humans make friends? Uh, what's your name?" Sulfur was either smiling, making comical faces of exaggerated panic, or shyness. It was obvious he was doing something right, cause she didn't wake up yet. He did begin to feel guilty that he turned her dream into a nightmare.

During this whole ordeal, he constantly thought of the other demon. Believing he was most likely awake now, he was worried if he'd mess up or get hurt. In the back of his mind, however, he had hoped he'd find more friends and bring them to Giru. Either way, Sulfur had planned to see the demon again; be it in Kirnas or Giru.
Shīre took a small step back and nodded at his question about the town. However, she was hesitant to answer with her name. She liked to observe people, not talk to them.


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