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Futuristic A Universe Divided


New Member
A universe divided. That's what it was. Mainly the people didn't even know of their neighbors. What a waste. What a waste of potential.

The bridge of the ship was encompassed by a sphere of glass, allowing an otherwise unattainable view. Of course it was more than just glass, but it was simpler to put it that way. The black of space, broken only by the occasional star or planet, was beautiful to the eyes of the observer. The observer was in fact used to the beautiful view - a lifetime in space did that to you - but nevertheless found it fascinating. In one sweep of the eyes he took in stars where countless species live, where countless species had died, where countless species would die. And he observed it all.

And now was the time.

Now was the time for some of those countless species to meet, to play. Like children they were compared to the observer, but nonetheless they held power, and soon, when the powers met, there would be skirmishes, and peaces, and alliances, and wars. Something to occupy the observer's time.

He leaned down, pressed a single button. It activated a transmission, one that would be heard throughout the universe to those advanced enough to find it.

"Come find me," he said, in a voice that growled and grated.

He let go of the button. Of course most if not all the ones out there who recieved it would not understand - he had not bothered setting up a translation circuit - but it was unmistakably something live that said it. Alien life, proven. They would come.

He sat back down in his seat, steepling his fingers. Yes, this would be amusing. As they traced the signal back to this system, they would come scrambling, and then they would run into each other. Yes, amusing was the word for it.

The observer let loose a raspy laugh. "Let the games begin," he muttered.


The system of origin was empty by the time anyone had made it there, except, of course, for five planets. The sun, a red giant, blazed hot, making life almost inhospitable to most known forms of life. The planet closest to the sun, if one had scanners up, obviously showed signs of civilization, or at least the ruins of it. So did the second, though the signs were more faint.

What will you do?
"There's nothing here!" General Rang screamed. His voice screeched across the bridge of his flagship, the Sacrosanct.

"Sir, we actually picked up signs of civilization on-" some brave soul spoke up.

"That's not what I meant! We expected life, not ruins!" He shook his head, visibly calming down. "Pull in closer to that one," he said, pointing at the first planet on his holo-map. He clicked his mandibles together. "I want to see what we can salvage."

He had been sent here by the Grandfather, the holy Ggivo. He could not disappoint him, not now. Ggivo was an understanding man, but still, it did not do to disappoint him. Rang remembered when he had first heard the transmission. He hadn't understood it, but by Wyrn, he had understood the meaning of it. Life. They weren't alone. And by Wyrn, they were going to find this life, even if it meant tearing this system apart.
A singular warship warps into the star system. A sleek metal behemoth, it has rows of pristine, never-fired cannons. The color scheme makes it almost mistakeable for an asteroid, being militaristic shades of gray. The engines light up as it pushes itself into a lower orbit around the star.
However, it reverses when routine scans pick up an anomalous mass closely orbiting the nearest planet.
"Is this the thing that broadcasted the message?" Chrensaff asked a technic bug.
It jumped into a salute, as soon as it was spoken to, "It... might be. I- we don't see any sort of heavy communications array on the scans. We're not quite sure, sir."

Frowning, Chrenshaff ordered, "Scan the thing, and scan the planet below it as well. Report anything of use. Dismissed."
He walked from the bridge down to the military wing.
"What is it, Commander?" one military bug spoke up.
"We've apparently detected a giant 'thing' in orbit around one of these planets. I need you military bugs to arm the frontal assault cannons in case it's hostile."
"Right away, sir!" the group of soldiers marches purposefully throughout the ship, relaying the commands.
A dozen cannons swivel in place, and roar to life. A test fire on a nearby asteroid turns it into molten iron, confirming full functionality.
The flagship hails the anomalous mass, sending a simple encoded message.
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"Sir!" A bridge Wyrr speaks up. "We've recieved another signal! From this system, too, and our scanners pinpoint the source as a recently sighted mass of some sort!"

"'Of some sort'?" Rang scoffed. "And is this signal decipherable?"

"Well, sir, it's like the last one. We just can't understand it."

Rang sighed. "Get me more info on what exactly that is. And get the railguns up," this last comment directed towards a different crewwyrr. "If this is the source of the signal, then we've got to be careful. Pull up comms. I want to talk to them." He approached the screen of the bridge, talking loudly as the comm systems sent out a message towards the newcomers. "Nonbelievers, we greet you respectfully. This is General Rang of the Church of Wyrn, and Grandfather Ggivo himself has sent us to meet with you. We ask of you to explain your signal, and to listen to our requests."

"Sir, they will most likely not understand us," one of the communications wyrr said after the transmission was over.

General Rang clicked his mandibles together. "No matter. They will understand that we are life. Surely life respects life." He paused for a second. "I suppose with unbelievers anything is possible, though. Keep the railguns ready. Just in case. Have we sent a team down to the planet?"

"No, sir."

"Get that done as soon as possible. I want this salvage operation to continue." General Rang crossed four of his arms. This was turning out to be quite interesting.
"Hey, what's that?" A technic bug inquired.

"I don't know, some kind of signal. Can you patch it in?" His buddy replied.

"Have you figured out the encoding? I can't just patch static to Chrensaff and not be vented out the airlocks!"

"Alright! Put it up on this screen then?"

"Fine. But keep an eye out for Chrensaff. He's got a temper."

On the screen, blue static. The technic bug messed with the parameters, and a shape began to form. Was this the source of the signal?

The other technic spun some dials, turning on the stereo system. All that came out was loud screeching. Was that right?

"The sounds - however horrible - appear to match the figure's speech patterns. What is it saying?"
Click, click, click, "What are you boys doing?" Chrensaff spooked the bugs, "Who is this, the commander of that ship?"

The two bugs looked at each other. Chrensaff was a genius! It made sense. From what they could see, the figures in the background respected the one up front. With a little imagination, the two ships appeared to have very similar command lines.

"Send one right back at them. If we haven't misheard from them, their speakers should pick us up without a problem," Chrensaff mused, "Is it on?"

He marched up to the center of the bridge, and looked the receiver in the optical sensor, "Hello, captain. This is Total Commander Chrensaff. Did you send the original signal?" After a moment, Chrensaff gestured with his scythe arm as a greeting. If they got the message, and their biochemistry was right, they would respond in a similar fashion. But the cannons were primed in case of a turn for the worse.

(Like accidental religious sacrilege. One does not simply wave a scythe arm around without pissing off at least one god.)
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"Sir! A reply transmission had been recieved!"

"Gooood," Rang hissed. "Patch it through."

On the screen, a figure began to take shape. It looked.... ugly. The figure appeared to speak, but the sounds that came from it were unintelligible.

"More gibberish," Rang muttered angrily. "And what was that at the end?"

"They appeared to wave an arm," a crewwyrr said.

"And what does that mean?"

"Well," the crewwyrr said carefully, "the behavior of this creature reminds me of the Gehiliak beasts back home. I think their arms are weapons, sir. On the other hand, it could be their form of greeting, or something else."

"So either they're showing weapons or greetings," Rang muttered. He looked over the screen again. Fixing his uniform, he turned on the transmission system again. This time he raised four of his arms in a greeting. "Nonbelievers, we greet you again, in hopes you will understand us. Please, we ask the Wyrn to grant us peace between us, and for us to show you the way to the truth." He lowered his lower two arms and clasped the upper two together. "We also request any weapons of yours be deactivated. Wyrn save us," he added, then ended the transmission. "How is the planetary team doing?" He asked.

"We have acquired sight on the ruins of a civilization, details to follow."


The observer chuckled. This was rather entertaining. And just what he expected.

"Sir," his second rasped. "Shall we let loose Tracker yet?"

"No," the observer growled softly. "Soon. Soon."
"Commander Chrensaff! We're getting another message!"
"Put it up, what does it say?"

The same figure from before imitates Chrensaff's gesture with its four front appendages. It makes another horrible sound, though a thorough analysis of the previous message reveals some similarities.
"Give us a few months' worth of audio and we might just crack this language barrier," one tech bug jokes.
The figure then lowers one set of arms, and claps the remaining pair together.
"We're unsure if this is an attempt to communicate via gestures - gestures are a bit more universal than words - or just absentminded gesturing. Or part of the language. More questions than answers, really," one technic bug hurriedly finished gushing over the possibilities.
The message ends on a melancholy note - being functionally deaf tends to do that.
"So it's one big gamble," Chrensaff clarified.
"That's about right."
"Should we train weapons just in case, or should we lower weapons as a sign of goodwill?" Chrensaff voiced to himself mostly.
"Because if they're hostile, we'll be stabbed in the back if we lower our weapons. But if they're friendly, we'll be making enemies out of nothing for taking aim." Good old Chrensaff. No wonder he's in charge.
"We... we should move into weapons range, but shut down the frontal assault cannons. We could probably still immobilized their ship with an EMP if need be." The technic bug decided.
"So be it. Lower the weapons, make a big show of deactivating the big threatening assault cannons, and move us a bit closer. We don't know what we're up against, but wars are damn expensive."
Virality Virality
(And a good way to interrupt fragile diplomacy is to introduce another giant warship wink wink nudge nudge cough other roleplayer cough)
"Sir, their has been no response, but sensors indicate that certain systems of the unbeliever ship have powered down and they are approaching slowly."

"Good, good," Rang muttered. "They must have understood at least a little. Move us in closer as well and send another transmission." He readied his uniform, then spoke. "Thank you, nonbelievers. We appreciate your gesture of peace." He bowed slightly, hopefully portraying a grateful figure. "We wish to speak with you in person. We may not understand each other, but we will with time." He knew they wouldn't understand, but hopefully his tone would make it clear. Once the transmission was over, he turned to a crewwyrr and asked, "Has the scavenger party found anything?"

"Well, sir..."


Really, the ruins were wonderful in their own way. Towering and majestic structures, only marred by the fact many had holes in them and some were toppled over. Straight roads, obviously built to facilitate traffic, and lights, perhaps used to indicate something once, a long time ago.

Drun looked out from on top of a relatively short building. It was only from there he spotted the object. A large dome, glowing blue. It was smooth, unbroken, unlike the rest of what was presumably a city of sorts. It seemed to be made of a metal of some sort.

"We're moving closer," he said into his commlink.
"Well?" Chrensaff inquired.
"Well, they've sent another message, and it doesn't look like a declaration of war. But these are aliens, so anything could be possible."
"We must be incredibly lucky not to be stepping on each other's toes as of yet." Chrensaff chided, "Let us sent another message."
"Hello again, Captain. We are approaching your ship now. I hope we can break this language barrier soon. We're working on a wing and a prayer over here."
"Sir, we're picking up information from the planet below."
"Are we? What do we have?"
"There's a lot of metal, a lot of architectural signs. Possibly a civilization, but hard to tell as of now. We'll have to move in closer to get anything concrete."
"..." Chrensaff pondered for a moment, "Do we have any shuttles on-board? Ready the shuttle for takeoff, alert the excavation bugs."
Bright orange lights began flashing along the flagship, as a hatch opened. From the space emerged a dozen small crafts. Keeping a rigid formation, the crafts quickly approached the planet, and, by proxy, the Wyrr ship Sacrosanct.
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"Ah," said Rang, pleased, "I assume those ships contain the delegation from the nonbelievers?"

"Presumably, sir," a crewwyrr said excitedly. "Shall we send a delegation of our own?"

"No," Rang said. "Instead we shall move the Sacrosanct to intercept. Make sure their course takes them to our hangars, and make sure the hangars are open. Commander Grize, I want you to greet them personally and escort the delegation here."

Commander Grize, who had been watching the entire event stoically, nodded an affirmative. "Shall I take any security officers with me?" He growled.

"I suppose, just in case the nonbelievers are dangerous," Rang replied, templing his fingers. "It pays to be cautious." Commander Grize nodded and waved an upper arm towards two of the guards. As he left towards the hangars, Rang said, "And if they're aggressive, the Salovak is always hungry." There was some laughter around the bridge.


Meanwhile, on the surface, Drun had approached the giant dome slowly, and by now was almost upon it. Suddenly it glowed ferociously, and swirling patterns begun to take shape on its surface.

"Sir!" Drun said into his commlink, alarmed. "We're recording energy readings from the dome! Some action appears to be taking place!"
"It's a good thing you're on this shuttle, commander. The ship appears to be on an intercepting trajectory."

"Well then! We have no choice but to pretend to be diplomatic relations. I hope the real diplomat bugs aren't too mad about this," Chrensaff opened comms back to the flagship, "testing, 1-2, 1-2. Admiral to Base, please respond, over."

A response from the flagship, "base to Admiral, we hear you. What's the issue? Over."
"Admiral to Base, we're in an intercepting trajectory with the alien ship. Tell the diplomat bugs to wait it out. I'll see what I can do, over."

"Diplomats to Admiral, you better leave the real diplomatic decisions to us! Over."

The excavating crafts tighten the formation, circulating into a longer, lower-profile shape. The craft incidentally carrying Chrensaff, along with two appointed "bodyguards", continue towards the Sacrosanct. The other ships break formation, pedalling into a higher orbit, to approach the planet from the other side.

"Admiral to Base, this aught to be interesting, over."
Virality Virality
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"Open the hangars," Rang said.

In the hangars, Commander Grize was waiting expectantly for the landing of the craft. To be frank, he didn't trust the nonbelievers. After all, they presumably wouldn't even know about the Wyrn. Could you really trust someone who didn't believe? But it was Rang's orders. No one disobeyed Rang, just like Rang never disobeyed Ggivo.

Back on the bridge, the Sacrosanct began picking up energy readings from the planet. "What's that?" Rang asked demandingly.

"We assume it's the dome that the scavenging party found, sir," a crewwyrr said. "It appears to be... activating."


Indeed, the dome on the planet appeared to be opening, for a lack of better words. The top of it dissolved, revealing a cylindrical tower that rose from the ground, made from the same glowing blue material as the dome. The tower slowly split itself into four sections, and a glowing ball, blue and staticky, formed in the middle. Slowly it grew larger, and a buzzing noise filled the air.

"Sir," Drun shouted into his commlink over the noise. "The dome has opened, and... something's charging!"


"They appear to have activated one of our ancient planetary defense systems, sir," the observer's second said.

"Interesting," the observer said, leaning back in his seat. "Interesting."
"Base to Admiral, we can't send any more messages without fear of them being intercepted. Over."

"Admiral to Base, understood. Over."

"And Admiral? We're picking up faint energy readings off of the planet. But something seems off. Keep on edge. Over."

"Admiral to Base. Acknowledged. We're pulling into the alien ship's hangar. Over."

"Base to Admiral. Understood. Over and out!"

The small excavation crafts gingerly maneuvered into the Sacrosanct hangar. Being designed light-years apart, the ships and the hangar did not mesh well.

After a tense moment, the crafts simply parked within a designated square. If their luck held, it wouldn't be an elevator or a crucial location for takeoff.

The Korodians discussed for a moment, before exiting the crafts.

The group of dull green Korodians looked to the commander Wyrr.

Chrensaff, wearing a differently-colored vest decorated with a fancy few metal awards, stepped forward, and waved his scythe/arm.
Well, it was more of a skitter, keratin exoskeletal legs clanging against the metal sheets making up the floor.
(I ASSUME the ship is made of metal. Virality Virality )
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"Welcome," Commander Grize announced to the aliens, doing his best to hide his curiosity at the - not very easy on the eyes - nonbelievers. So this is what would go down in history as the first species to make contact with the Wyrr. At least they appeared intelligent in some manner. And they wore clothes, too. Thank Wyrn for that.

Grize opened his top four arms out in greeting, mimicking Rang's earlier transmission. "Again, welcome, nonbelievers," he said. "This is the Sacrosanct, the ship of our holy general Rang. He awaits you eagerly on the bridge. Follow me." As he turned around and headed for the bridge, passing many busy crewwyrr on the way, he hoped the general message got through.

Rang, meanwhile, had fixed his symbol of authority onto his uniform, where it shined bright, alone on his grey uniform. He sat in his seat, facing the entrance of the bridge, where he expected the nonbelievers to come through.
Meanwhile, on the surface, the planetary defense dome, now finished charging, fired the large blue projectile straight up with a loud brrrang. It seemed to grow even larger and faster as it went on, and eventually it broke the atmosphere, wildly missing both ships, but leaving heavy energy readings and extremely obvious traces to anyone with optical sensors. It eventually dissolved in the vacuum of space, vanishing like it was never there.

On the ground, the cannon began charging again.

Drun steeled himself. "Moving in to stop the weapon," he said into his commlink, then gestured towards his squadmates, who followed him.
Orange warning lights and a loud alarm flare up across the bridge as the high-energy projectile flies past the Korodian flagship. Without Chrensaff aboard, it was slow to respond to the possible planetary threat.

After a few moments, the orange was replaced with blue lights. A metal plate rolls back to reveal an array of strange devices. They, in turn, pulled out from their compartment, and pointed themselves towards the planet. Glowing blue, the devices fired ionizingly-strong beams of energy onto the planet.
After a short burst, the ion cannons slid back into place, re-hidden by the metal plating. Only time will tell if such an assault actually did anything to the threat.

(Note that they're more burst-like, so it'll be a while before my SECRET WEAPON is ready to attack again. And the ionizing radiation mostly strips electrons from machinery, and will have trouble damaging crew. It's electronic warfare, not biological :P)


Chrensaff beckoned the excavation crew and spoke, "Forget the planet, this whole ship is full of amazing alien technology. We'll see if we can't get some technology back to the flagship for analysis. For now, we might as well follow the alien who met us here." The excavation crew, all taking in the sheer alien atmosphere, nodded in agreement. They followed Chrensaff into the belly of the ship, trying to keep up with Grize.

As they crew got used to the geometry of the ship, they could maneuver its alien corridors more easily. They had no trouble keeping up with Grize by the time they reached the bridge. What awaited on the other side, no Korodian could even guess at.
Virality Virality
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The planetary defence cannon, charging for another shot, was not prepared for an assault on its meager defences. It took the ion shot directly. At first, nothing happened, and the projectile kept charging. Then time seemed to catch up with it, and the projectile began to shrink, then imploded. The huge tower, split into three, exploded outwards, pieces flying everywhere.

Drun cursed, dropping his commlink as the ion shot shut it down too. "Damn!" Then he shouted to his squadmates, "Weapon down!"

"Was it our ship or theirs?"

"Had to be theirs! Unknown weaponry!"

"How are we going to communicate with the ship? Commlinks are down!"


"Welcome, nonbelievers, to the Sacrosanct," Rang said as the bridge door opened. "This is our bridge, and I am General Rang." He opened his top four arms, mimicking his earlier gesture of welcome. "We welcome you and wish to educate you, both in our ways and of the Wyrn, most holy of things. Grandfather Ggivo will be most pleased to meet you."

Then a crewwyrr came up and whispered something to him. "Sir, the nonbeliever ship has discharged energy towards the planet, approximately towards where the weapon and our crew was. Communications with the ground crew has ceased."

Hearing this, Rang drew himself up, though he retained some measure of calmness. He opened his arms in a 'well?' gesture. "What is the meaning of this? Crewwyrr, review the events that transpired on the screen." Rang gestured towards the large screen as it played a review of the nonbeliever ship firing on the planet. "Were I a more impatient man, I would have you all detained right now."
(gonna transition my posts to your more liberal spacing. They look very cramped next to yours)

The makeshift delegate team entered the bridge slowly. All around were strange terminals and stranger crew. One seemed to be in charge - as it was supposedly introducing itself. Chrensaff and the crew waved their arms to General Rang.

Chrensaff looked to the screen. It was a little confusing, colors meshing in unnatural ways, but for the most part it was recognizable.
It depicted the flagship. And that was definitely weapons fire.

He turned to the excavation crew, "what the hell were they thinking?" though he quickly turned back to the general, thinking out loud, "If I am reading this correctly, my crew had decided it would be best to eliminate the supposed threat. And by your reaction, this has put assets of yours at jeopardy. For better or for worse, any electronics at the beam site have been disabled temporarily. Some advanced electronics perhaps have sustained physical damage. My sincerest apologies for your asset loss."

Chrensaff took an apprehensive step back, not quite sure what to expect.


Back aboard the flagship, tech bugs were struggling to react to the situation without their figurehead. The ship had broken into a simple democracy, though most suggested routes were vetoed with "Chrensaff would have you vented out the airlock!"

"We should continue charging the ion array, just in case," was one thing they managed to all agree upon.

"What about the frontal assault cannons? Should we activate those?"

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Rang was silent for a few seconds as he processed the unintelligible mess that was the nonbeliever's language. Try as he might, he still couldn't understand it. But they seemed to be not hostile enough, though body language was hard to read on someone with a different body.

"For now I shall trust that this is all a mistake," Rang said imperiously towards the bug with the most medals. "I shall send a retrieval team to recover our team, or possibly what is left of the team." This he said louder so a crewwyrr would catch on and send a team. "We look upon you with trust and pity, nonbeliever, and we expect some trust between us. We hope that, when the time comes, you will see us as allies and mentors." He bowed slightly to indicate respect.

"And ready the weapons, just in case," Rang added as a side note to a crewwyrr.


"Tracker grows impatient," the observer's second hissed.

The observer waved his hand. "Release him."


A ship warped into the system. It was small, roughly the size of a house, and nearly invisible to sensors. Nearly. It was a dark blue and shaped like an oval. It moved slowly towards the bug's ship.
Somewhere, a terminal blipped. Something entered scanners range. It wasn't anomalous enough to register as a hyperspace jump - little rocks entered and exited scanner range all the time. It wasn't even large enough to make a sound. But as it approached, the flagship's point-defense turrets activated.

"Hey, hold on," one tech bug noticed, "the point-defense just came online. But I can't see anything that could've provoked the AI."

Another one went to the bridge, where it looked out the window. They could've sworn they saw the outline of some spherical object. Though it must've been coated in some sort of anti-sensor paint, since the closest object on the sensors was the size of a pebble. The AI thought it would shoot down this pebble.

"I think I saw something out there, but it's really debatable. Though something did trigger the point-defense."
(Tracker triggers point defense. Point defense lasers trigger Tracker.)


Chrensaff heaved a sigh of relief, as they weren't dead yet. He listened tentatively to the General's words. Nope, still nothing. Something told him it'll take a long time to figure out this language.
The general bowed, so Chrensaff bowed back. Perhaps they should be recording this for the tech bugs. They'd love to get their hands on as much of these aliens as possible to figure out just what makes them tick.
"Excavators- er, diplomats, find your way back to the shuttles, see if you can message the flagship. What do they have to say for themselves?"
( Virality Virality sorry for the belated reply)
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The foreign object outside the ship suddenly exploded into five objects. Four bright petals flared outward, sending all sorts of signals. Meanwhile, one (still cloaked) vessel with a spike at the front suddenly moved at amazing speeds and slammed directly into the bug vessel. The spike, made of some unknown substance, drove through, then opened up like the petals it had released. Smoke poured out of the vessel, and slowly, a humanoid figure slinked out. It moved with an alien grace, low to the ground, and was covered in a smooth metallic blue suit. It wielded something that was recognizably a weapon, at least to most species with a familiarity with firearms.

Then, with an almost shocking flow, it began running. Upside down, on the ceiling.


While this was happening, Rang was puzzling over what to do next. "Soldier," he said, pointing towards the closest of the (mostly ceremonial) guards who wielded a rather large (and not ceremonial) gun. "Give me that." The soldier did so.

Rang stood with a sense of ceremony. Loudly he announced, "Trust me on this," and then continued, louder, "Nonbelievers, as a sign of our trust in you as peaceful beings, I offer you this as a symbol of unity." He bowed, offering the large gun to the first and most likely the head of the nonbelievers. "I arm you as an ally, as a friend of the Church." The words were meaningless, which meant they could be revoked later. Only Grandfather Ggivo could truly bestow the titles on nonbelievers. However, the gesture - giving a weapon to an unknown party - was hopefully identifiable, since if Rang was wrong this would most likely end horribly. Either way, there were planty of other guns in the room, and they were in the hands of the Wyrr.
(peaceful aliens my ass XD) (Though Chrensaff is a major character next to Argo and Tuli)

The mock diplomatic party tensed as the General collected a weapon from a nearby soldier. Their sharp scythes glistening in the light of the ship. When the General handed Chrensaff the weapon, he initially interpreted it as a sort of call to arms. Or perhaps a ceremony of some sort. Though, to avoid being rude, he simply accepted the weapon. The group loosened somewhat, lowering their scythe arms.

"This is one plucky ship," Chrensaff mused to ease his nerves, "you approached me with a weapon, and handed it right over! A bold move. Well, you have my humble respect, aliens." He was sure the tech bugs were going to dissect this weapon like, well, any other piece of alien technology they might get their hands on.

"Though I think we best be leaving," Chrensaff gestured back where they came from, hoping the message got across.


All hell broke loose. Something straight up pierced the hull of the most technologically advanced warship the Korodians had to offer! Thankfully, it happened to be a rather small section that was now leaking precious air. The emergency blast doors dropped shut across the entire ship. However, they were demonstrably not built with giant bipedal aliens in mind.

The decompression alarms began flooding the ship with a terrifying sound and light. Korodian soldiers having witnessed the invasion, took up arms and began firing on the alien, whether or not they could keep up with it. (These weapons being more traditional physical-projectile rifles, comparable to an AK-74. Also, when the vessel flowers open, is it just inside the ship, or does it tear a large hole in the hull?) Virality Virality
A large warship jumped out of warp space before the two ships, almost colliding with them.orders were shouted on the bridge as the ship pulled away at the last second. "well that was cutting it close." Mocked Alpha Trion. The old bot slowly walked towards the viewscreen at the front of the bridge. "ready all cannons for attack." Ordered an impatient Megatron. These ships weren't Cybertronian so he wanted to be prepared to an attack. Soon the rest of the battle fleet would be here to aid if need be.
To add to the cacophany, another ship warped in.
One tech bug that was elected Temporary Commander was alerted to the situation. Another alien warship warped in, with weapons hot! "Alright, open communications. Perhaps they're friendlier than they seem."
They stepped onto the raised plstform, the cameras rolling, "Hello alien vessel. This is Commander Weevil. We respectfully ask of you to lower your weapons," he took a bow, and let his scythe arms droop, to idly touch the floor. He cut communications, "If anything, power up the cannons as well."

A Korodian clawed their way through the blast door into the bridge, shouting, "There's some sort of bipedal alien on the ship, and the lower southeast barracks are compromised! What should we do?"

Weevil pondered for a moment, "Can you lead it to the eastern docking ports? We could vent it into space there."
skulzortheskeletalsamurai skulzortheskeletalsamurai Virality Virality
Upon receiving the transmission, Alpha Trion would attempt to reply before Megatron got his way and blasted both ships to scrap. "greetings, I am Alpha Trion of the Cybertronian race. I send this message to-"

"FIRE ALL CANNONS!" Ordered Megatron

"oh dear, this won't end well" sighed Alpha Trion. The ship opened fire on the ship. "fire the ion cannons!" Megatron ordered with unrivaled fury, as the ion cannons started to fire.

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