A Teapot enters the scene!


New Member
Hello everyone!

You can call me Tea or Teapot, and know that I am a new member of this community. I've been interested and involved in pbp roleplaying for a long time, but due to various issues have probably been on hiatus more than otherwise, sadly. Still, I enjoy fantasy, cyberpunk and its subgenera, and love both tense horror and lighthearted romances/bromances. I'm pretty used to modern, but love medieval and Victorian best, though the thought of trying Renaissance or Clockpunk has me pretty darn interested, I must say! I believe I'm a verbose, slow posting role-player, and I'm okay with playing any genders or pairings. I do however dislike animal or anthro rps, though I respect those who like it (it's just not my cup of tea!) Besides that, I love adding to my characters and plots as I go, fangirl over the good use of NPCs and am pretty chatty overall OOCly.

That's me, nice to meet you all!
I was enamored by your name, hello. I've tried to discover the secret for myself, but am unsuccessful; what is pbp roleplaying?

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