[A Shattered Visage] Oktobha men fadlek! - Important Information


General Wontwit
"Write it down, please!" for the curious.

-Artifact corrections (Armour artifacts now range from 1-3, not 1-5; divide current ratings by 2, rounding up. Adding special powers to them will increase their cost. In addition, only one 5-dot artifact per person at char-gen)

-Craft is now one skill (Each dot of Craft gets you one of the standard elemental crafts [Water, Earth, etc.] as a specialty, a la Linguistics, and you apply your craft rating to all of them. You can purchase other craft forms [Magitech, etc.] as specialties.)

-Free Ox-Body Technique with each dot of Essence. The maximum number of these is still the lower of your Stamina/Resistance. The exception to this is that you get at least one free, so even if your Resistance is 0, you still get one free Ox-Body.

-We're using a Conviction Flaw fix: You break faith with your Motivation within a scene, you can't use it for the scene. You break faith with your Intimacies, you get increased cost for a scene.

-One free spell with sorcery initiation charms.

Useful Information:

Revealed prior to game:

-The trade war between Gem and Paragon is beginning to heat up. The Despot is hiring more mercenaries than ever, and Paragon has begun to quietly "conscript" captured bandit forces, in preparation for previously unspoken tensions to turn violent. It's a seller's market in both cities. Naturally, many of these mercenaries are ordered to raid caravans flying the flags belonging to the opposition of the city that hired them. Many unscrupulous raiders don't mind picking on any merchant not flying the flag of their home city. The roads are increasingly dangerous.

-In courts across the South, the people who call themselves Ashlanders have begun to seek the right to post embassies. More and more, their white-robed petitioners wander the streets, and their merchant caravans sell all sorts of exotic wares from near the Bordermarches. Everything from jewel sand to blue flames that burn cold are found in their stores. The Ashlander diplomats and merchants are usually utterly polite and friendly, though very hushed on where they come from. When asked their origins, they speak of city-states on the border of the Wyld, united in mutual friendship and defense against the crawling chaos, but say little more. When pressed for more, they apologize profusely ("My apologies, sahib, but one such as I is not equipped to give a full account."), and swiftly change the topic.

-In response to the rise of the Bull of the North and his circle, House Tepet sent its legions Northwards and they were thoroughly destroyed; crushed beneath Anathema boot-heels. Realizing the threat that a group of Anathema poses once in the prime of power, the various Great Houses have started to send soldiers to protect their various holdings. Support for the Wyld Hunt is greatly encouraged by House Elders, who use it to both send their children to find fame and glory, and to get younger rivals out of the way in the race for the throne. More and more Dragon-Blooded pour out from the Isle by the day, bringing sizable retinues with them. When spread across four directions, the actual numbers in each city are not overwhelming, but it's enough to have left large numbers nervous. An alliance between House Sesus and House V'neef has been disproportionately represented in the South, especially.
My AIM, for anyone who has questions, is Axelgear2003. Gimme a shout if I'm on, which I am fairly regularly, if you need to discuss anything important that can't just be answered as a quick OOC post or would just like answered ASAP.

Or just to discuss the game and plothooks, that's good too.

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