A Shadow Looms.


Dimensional Traveller
A dark, unforeseen force creeps overhead. Yes, this place will do nicely.

Hello, there.

You might know me as Zab.

Or, one the more likely hand, you probably don't. Because, if you did, that would mean you are stalking me, and WHO THE HELL ARE Y-

Anyway. I am a veteran or Roleplaying. Been present myself in Roleplaying for quite some time. I've seen the rise and fall of countless sites and forums over the years. Let's see how this one fares, hmm?

As for information about me, you might find me to be a right friendly insane lunatic, or you will probably see me as 'that one jerk who ran me in with a sword a few thousand times.'

Depends on your point of view.

I enjoy nothing less than detailed posts, thought-out responses, long walks on the beach, et cetera.

I typically stay within the realms of science fiction and fantasy, anything including either or.

If you wish to know more about me other than my roleplaying capabilities, nigh-constant video game playing across many systems, casual drawing, D&D playing, well, I'll let you try to discover the rest on your own time, if you so wish.

I will tell you one thing, though.

I am but the first of my people.

Thank you thank you, quite much.

Still working out the kinks of this site.
Yes, it can be a little difficult even for seasoned users sometimes. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask anyone. We have a pretty friendly community here. (OuO)
Yes yes, thanks you for the offer.

I am expecting to try to learn the controls, and eventually put up my own Roleplay, one that has had extensive editing over the course of a decade's work put into it. A Science-Fantasy RP of my own design.
Nice, nice~ I hope it goes smoothly for you. :3

I never have much luck with creating RPs, but if you need any tutorials or anything I'd be happy to send you the links.

The BBcodes here are easy to use and offers a chance for you to decorate your RP up a little more to your liking. Whether it's just to help set the mood or to draw other roleplayers in.
I read that introductory paragraph in Dr. Evil's voice, of course.

You sound like one of the more experienced (and literate) of the vast selection of roleplayers

on this wonderful website. Hope you do enjoy.

Shameless advertising,

but you seem like someone who may, even in the slightest, enjoy an RP I have up and am constantly updating with new areas.

Detailed, fantasy with use of alchemy, vast open world - give it a go, if you aren't too busy - I would love to see you work your magic there!

Good luck with your own RP, nonetheless! Surely it'll do well considering your strength in writing. :)
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Ah, that sounds interesting, yes. Assuming any of my fantasy-style character could fit or be made to fit in there, of course.

I'll have to check it out.

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