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Fantasy A season at court

I could handle 2 characters but how old does the Regent have to be and, I need an explanation of what all his jobs are.
Alexander9223 said:
I could handle 2 characters but how old does the Regent have to be and, I need an explanation of what all his jobs are.
The regent can't be younger than four years younger than the king, but he can be the same age or older. They (yes, they can be male or female) basically work as a substitute for the king while he is gone, or unable to properly run the kingdom. If the king dies before an heir can be decided, he will work as the king. Here is a longer explanation, because there is more to it than that.

Regent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@Ami the breadling @SoraSama14 @Alexander9223 @Andie @Mikailgirl @Aio

Alright everyone, we are starting. I can wait on the Regent. During the first couple of posts, everyone will gather in the ballroom, and talk to each other. There will then be a masque, which is much like a play. It won't be preformed by any of you, and it shouldn't take long to get through that part. From there on,we will see what happens. There will be some events that must happen, such as the last ball of season. During this, each girl has a rose, and gives it to the person who they wish to stay in a relationship with. They do not however have to give it to anyone. Now, let us begin!

One thing, @Andie, you will come in with everyone else, whereas @Aio, you will come from with in the castle.
Hey everyone! I'm sorry for being gone, but I've had a bit of a family emergency. It's actually still happening, and so I won't be back for another few days, but after that, if anyone is still interested, I would love to continue this. But, I would also completely understand if you don't want to. Please just tell me.

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