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Fantasy A season at court

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Also you really give me a hard time with the proof ive read the rules. Discretely with that isn't that easy.

I know, but really anywhere hidden in your CS works. If you use spoilers with your pictures, you could just put the words there.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Are there only life and death mages? Or is there something else?

Yes, only life and death. But, I am open to suggestions.
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]Yes, only life and death. But, I am open to suggestions.

I wanted my character to be a elemental mage. Like controlling fire water earth and air... :) is that possible?
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Another question: is the history a must or can it be left TBR?

I do need the history. Also, since your character will be coming from a different country, I'd say an elemental mage is alright. But only one element, and it can't be fire.
[QUOTE="Scattered Ambitions]I do need the history. Also, since your character will be coming from a different country, I'd say an elemental mage is alright. But only one element, and it can't be fire.

If its water, that would mean water, gaseous water and ice, right?

Also, okay, will put a history.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]If its water, that would mean water, gaseous water and ice, right?
Also, okay, will put a history.

Yep, all forms of water.
Ami the breadling] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15783-scattered-ambitions/ said:
@Scattered Ambitions[/URL] tell me if something is wrong
No no, all is good. I forgot to tell everyone, a like means accepted.
Alexander9223 said:
There seems to be a quiet a bit of confusion about the Prince and Princess as people keep mistaking it as 2 princesses or 2 princes. One is a bastard born Prince, meaning he has no true claim to the throne, well the other is a Princess in what seems to be in an Agnatic succession nation (Only males inherit) Even though I'm not the RP host/thread creator I wanted to clear this up for people who didn't understand.
The thing is not that only males inherit, but the inheriting child must be the opposite of there parent. For example, if the king was a life mage and his eldest daughter was a death mage, she could inherit the throne.
@Scattered Ambitions Alright I understand, I guess I myself got a bit confused as well >~<. Quick question mind tagging us all the day of the RP, just so we know when you've finally set things up.
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I think we need more people before we start.

Oh which brings me to my next question can we make two characters?
animegirl20 said:
I think we need more people before we start.
Oh which brings me to my next question can we make two characters?
We need some more characters to start, and you can make as many as you want, provided you can manage them all.

One thing guys, if we had enough characters we might have even started today, but I'm flying home and therefore won't be able to start us off. Also, we need more characters. And yes, I will tag everyone when we start.

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