A School Amongst The Stars (Sign Up)


Theodore Atlas






June 22

Zodiac sign:





Theodore is a very loving and compassionate person. He is very thoughtful; thinking of others needs before his own. Theo has a a big imagination and is very creative though Theo does have his flaws. One of his flaws being, he is insecure and hypersensitive. Theodore tends to be clingy around the ones he loves and has very low confidence in himself. At times Theo can become very childish and act stubborn towards some people.

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William Fawn


Freshmen (:3 I thought a tall freshmen would be cute )



Birth date:

April 19

Zodiac sign:





William is a good friend, he always looks out for his friends and will protect them should the need arise. He also encourages them with his natural optimism but he can also be quite childish when it comes to him not getting his way. William doesn't take interest in anything for too long, he is constantly getting himself into things and then leaves them when he loses interest. William doesn't take orders from others and he enjoys getting his way, he can get childish or moody should he be given orders that he doesn't like. Sometimes he doesn't notice other peoples feelings and might hurt them but not intentionally, his kind heart will fix the problem and most times people forgive him.


I might make another Character depending on whether more people join or not.

[ Name ]

Chase Lazaro

[Grade ]


[Age ]


[birth date ]

May 27

[Zodiac sign ]


[Personality ]

Chase is used to be said to have a dual nature, mostly known as bipolar. His very much known to make noise or easily engage into a conversation with random topics or try to relate with the topics others talk about. He is most associated with giving and exchanging ideas, and trades. One of his bad traits would be likely on how he was honest, sometimes even when it's a wrong thing to say its still going to blurt out of his noisy loud mouth. He was adaptable with any types of people and easily takes interest in everything. There would be a time he'd get to close to people he newly met. He's high spirited and active all the time when you see him, there wasn't a single time where you'd see him with a frown. And by the way, he's addicted to sweets.

[Appearance ]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Yuuki.Makoto.(Persona.3).600.1636801.jpg.f2fea169237c2edd490aaabe5eea58d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Yuuki.Makoto.(Persona.3).600.1636801.jpg.f2fea169237c2edd490aaabe5eea58d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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So far everyone is accepted :) I'll have my character up in few :3

(Also it is awesome that we have a tall freshmen (!^.^)!...now we just need a short senior xD )
Name: Elijah Bonnett

Grade: Freshman

Age: 15

Birth Date: February 8

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius


Personality: Elijah is a seemingly detached,unemotional human but if you attempted to dig under that you would find a bloody organ that you might be able to call a heart. Elijah is also very stubborn and will always attempt in getting his way which usually ends in failure. He doesn't show much emotion because he tries keeping them too himself in hopes to not be a burden to others and so that he does not get put on the unrequited side of love but if you do become his friend he will attempt in making you laugh and most possibly be just a bit jealous.
(Finally got it done:))

Name: Dylan Scott

Grade: Sophmore

Age: 15

Birthdate: March 15

Sign: Pisces




Dylan is probably the easiest person to make friends with, he has friends in all sorts of different clics and social groups. He is very compassionate in everything he does and loves to help other people. Tending to be over empathetic can be a downside sometimes though. It makes him kind of naive and easily susceptible to being bullied and his willingness to trust people makes him forgive the people who hurt him. Dylan is also very creative though and likes to day dream and hates being tied down to reality. He can be a little stubborn sometimes, especially over stuff he's really passionate about.
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Name- Soran Wilkens

Grade- Senior

Age- 17

Birthdate- January 1st

Zodiac sign- Capricorn



His eyes are a very piercing blue, his hair is very silky and it almost looks black but it's just a very very dark blue. He's also very short for his age.

Personality- Soran is a very hardworking boy, he'll try his best to the end. He's also trustworthy and almost never lies. He doesn't exactly like it when he's forced to do favors, but he'll do them anyway. He's also a very loyal friend, though he doesn't make many friends. He's a real introvert and isn't very good with crowds or groups of people since he has a really hard time socializing. Soran hates standing out, he would be the type to do a lot of work on a huge project but now want to get called out for it. He gets upset when people talk about how short he is.

(I come with the short senior)
[QUOTE="~Juvenile~Orion~]He's wonderful (~*^o^)~*
Accepted and also @qemie your character is accepted as well

Yay~! Thank you uvu

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/lassitude__by_alexzappa-d5f2ajj.jpg.a1addcf5a6fef51547b1b7ba5390b9d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/lassitude__by_alexzappa-d5f2ajj.jpg.a1addcf5a6fef51547b1b7ba5390b9d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Conner McCollen.






July 24

Zodiac sign-



Conner is a quiet guy and seems to want to be alone but,he really just wants someone to be his friend.

He is sensitive but,doesn't show it externally like most people would.He waits until he is alone to let his

emotions flow.Conner loves the fact that people need him in their life's because,it makes him feel like

he is something and not just some random guy.He has a kind heart and never judges anyone even

though they might be mean to him.

The Leo...



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Character sheet:




Birthdate- aug 29

Zodiac sign-Taurus



david is a tactile lot, enjoying a tender, even sensual, touch. he adores comfort and likes being surrounded by pleasing, soothing things. Along these lines, he also favor a good meal and a fine wine. The good life in all its guises, whether it's the arts or art of his own making (yes, he is artistic as well), is heaven on Earth to the Taurus-born.

It's the Bull that serves as the Taurus's mascot, and along with that comes the expectation that he is bull-headed and stubborn. Yes, he is. Hey, this sign has a Fixed Quality attached to it after all, so expect that things will occasionally grind to a halt. That said, david doesnÕt start out with the intention of getting stuck. he simply want to get things done, and it's that steady, dogged persistence that winds up being viewed as stubbornness. Bulls are actually among the most practical and reliable members of the zodiac, and they are happy to plod along, as it were, in pursuit of their goals. The good news for Bulls is that once they get to the finish line, they'll swaddle themselves in material goods. A self-indulgent beast? Perhaps, but if you toiled as laboriously as these folks do, you'd need some goodies, too.



Colton McCollen.






October 31st

Zodiac sign-



Colton hides his true feelings about everything and rarely ever shows them

which leads to someone judging him the wrong way.He loves being in control of something

and when he isn't,he doesn't feel comfortable or safe for that matter.He has strong emotions thought

both good and bad and constantly tries to understand them all through finding a deeper purpose.He

is understanding and knows how a person is feeling just looking at them and doesn't have to know

the full story to know that something is up.He hates failing in things and often hides it because,he hates

to be a loser in anything and loves to win.(Fear of failure..)He will quickly move on and leave the

bad experience behind.He will not come up and tell anyone about his past because he believes it's a

sigh of weakness and that's a no no for him.He is very weary about trusting just anyone,a person

needs to gain his trust and let it build up before he can officially state that he does trust them.

Colton has a very penetrative mind, do not be surprised if he ask questions,he is trying to delve

deeper and figure things out and survey the situation.He always wants to know why, where

and any other possible detail he can possibly know.He is very weary of the games that other

people try to play and he is very aware of it. Colton tends to dominate and control anyone

that lets he, or anyone that he finds weak. The people that Colton respect and holds

close to him are treated with amazing kindness, loyalty and generosity.

I suggest you guys read the Dating A Scorpio Man part(The most important if you have your eyes on

him) and the rest if you want but,mainly that part of the article.

---->The Scorpio.

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Name: Tobias Gale

Grade: Junior

Age: 17

Birth date: May 26

Zodiac sign: Gemini



He has long black hair and bright icy blue eyes. He also has a tattoo of a dove on his right forearm and a raven on his left forearm, both of which are in mid flight.

Personality: He tries to put on a tough guy persona, which makes him sometimes too serious . On the inside, he is very unsure of himself and struggles with coming to terms with his feelings. There are seldom few that he lets in, but those who are come to find out he is actually very caring, lighthearted, and protected strong.

Name- Cedric Allister

Grade- Junior

Age- 17

Birthdate- April 6

Zodiac sign- Aries


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.36c208f053a53ece4550eb3e4bc4ac73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11125" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.36c208f053a53ece4550eb3e4bc4ac73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Cedric is quite reckless when he wants to be. He feels that

emotions are unnecessary and love is a pity game. Though he never actually

had the feeling of 'love' so he honestly can't judge it yet, but that doesn't mean

he had to like it. Cedric is quiet most of the time and keeps things to himself for

unknown reasons. Honestly, he pushes people away from him when they get 'too close' even when they are trying to help. He likes being secluded, and he never

experienced anything else. Though besides his attitude and thoughts about things, Cedric has a terrible temper. Normally he can control himself for at least an hour after he became angry, but lately he can only keep it in for 10-15 minutes before he practically explodes. Even if he doesn't seem to let people in, he tries desperately

to show them his problems, it just doesn't sound the way it should.

I might post another if that is ok. :3



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