A Request...


The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin
...if you will.

Spurring into the fandom dorkyness of my youth, I find myself wanting to do a bit of a different roleplay thing. I don't know if anyone remembers Code Lyoko, but I want to do something like that, in that 'verse just non canon. Same evil monsters, same code, same towers. But, I'm not really looking for a wide scale roleplay here, given that it wouldn't really work out to well, so I'd like to add just a few things I'd want if you're interested.

-Know what Code Lyoko is~

-Literate (Like, a paragraph or two a post, if not more if possible, you know?)

:3 Thankies Kindly~

*fully understands if no one understands this*

There is a world, that is virtual and different.

It can be so cold, make us stand up for what's right.

Our hope through our life, is if we reset it to the start!

Here we are, going far, to save all that we love;

If we give, all we've got, we will make it through.

Here we are, like a star, shining bright on your world;

Today, make Evil go away!

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all.

Code Lyoko, be there when you call!

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall.


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