a reader lives a thousand lives before she dies


(crush me)


Meagan Sidney Jackson

Nickname: some people call her Meg, and often write Meg for shorthand as they

forget how to spell her name, but she prefers Meagan above all else.

Age: 17

Gender: female

Birthday: 19/05

Sexuality: bisexual, although she leans more towards girls.


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 52kg

Eye Colour: brown

Hair Colour: brown


Vices: argumentative/opinionated; skeptical; hot-tempered; restless/impatient;

somewhat selfish; withdrawn; vengeful; secretive; stern; stubborn; risk-taking.

Virtues: accepting; ambitious; cheerful; bright; calm; bold; forgiving; dependable;

determined; studious; obedient; helpful; obliging; supportive.


Likes: books, libraries and bookshops; candy canes and soft spearmint; coffee; nights

by the fireplace; falling asleep reading a good book; slice of life video games; salted

popcorn; fresh, untouched snow; landscape/aesthetic photography; soft and fluffy

stuffed animals; the sound of keys jangling; following things through to completion.

Dislikes: sexism in general, although especially in the media; inaccuracy; pens running

out of ink in the middle of being used; dull pencils; wet socks; things that don't match;

burnt food; anything that's left incomplete; when you're a little bit short and the cashier

doesn't let you off; insects and spiders; clothes with holes in them; wasted food.


Skills: persuasion; referencing/researching; finding and hiding things, including

herself; organising things, as well as planning and scheduling; sewing; describing;

fabricating stories, lying and convincing people of things.

Hobbies: reading and writing; scrapbooking, often newspaper articles and land-

scape photos; studying, taking notes and colour coding research/papers; walking

outside, namely in forests; baking cakes and other sugary snacks; binging movies/

television shows.

Fears: failing any exams, assignments and/or courses she may take; ice water/ice

cracking beneath her feet; being murdered; failing to get into her first choice university;

being a let down, or holding people back.


Opinion on Christmas: Meagan loves Christmas, mostly because she wants to

avoid having the novelty wear off over time, and is perhaps one of those people

who gets super into the holidays although she's slightly more subdued about it

both around larger groups or when the holiday draws exceptionally close. It's

only in the early lead-up that she goes into full on Christmas mode, constantly

singing and playing songs, wearing her Christmas jumpers almost everyday and

just generally going on about the holiday.

Away from family because: her family are out of town visiting her elderly nan

while she recovers from keyhole surgery. Opting out of going following claims that

she needs to study - yes, even over Christmas - they left without her. As a result it

was either stay home and study alone or join the others and study while surrounded

by them. The only real difference for her is the change of scenery.

Ideal Christmas Gift/s: books. Literally just books to be honest. And Polaroid film.
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