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Fantasy A Quest to Die For: Characters

Aaaaaand done, bit of scrolling up to do now but it's finished up there!

I know I have a lot of spells and am also a tanky fighter, but know that the use of magic physically and mentalls drains him (as i assume it does with all characters) so he can only do it so much per day. Of course, he is also exclusively good, and wouldn't use such magic on an innocent man (nor would his god allow it).
I got them all from D&D and are all level 1-2, maybe 3 I'm not sure. So, at least by D&D standards they aren't too powerful.

Apart from the enchanted amulet, that is, which obviously affects the wearer too.

Ta'lak D'aam





2573 in Human years


Ta'lak enjoys being in a Human form more than anything else. While in said form, he is around six feet and 10 inches tall. His build is large and well muscled. Were he to take off his armor, one would notice his peculiar skin color. It is a dark red shade, so dark that it could be mistaken for black in low light.


Ta'lak's face is something to behold. His eyes are a bluish-grey, easily the highlight of his face. He sports a strong jaw along with a sharp chin. Combined with his slim nose, Ta'lak could be considered handsome, by some. Though it is usually hidden by his helm, his hair is kept long and in a knot.(Much like our Samurai.) The color of Ta'lak's hair is interesting, to say the least. It appears to be black, and it is. However, it will turn a shade or two red depending on his anger.

As for armor, Ta'lak wears a full suit Daedramail. It consists of a metal as ancient as the gods themselves. It is known as Daeadium(day-adium). The Daedra temper it in a way that allows them to mold the metal like clay. once it has been set, the armor is set to soak in the finest oils, making it extremely hard. This cause the wearer to be near impervious to slashing attacks. Save for a blade enchanted with powerful magic. The metal is also very dense. This and the way that the armor is woven allows for strong resistance towards high impact blunt force trauma.(War-hammers, large rocks, etc.) It may still effect Ta'lak physically but he will ultimately be unhurt. The only weakness for this armor is stabbing attacks. The same woven pattern that protects against blunt force leaves openings that can easily be pierced with sharp, pointed blades. (Image below)



Demonic  underlord.jpg



A double-edged claymore smithed from the same tough metal as the Daedramail. There is nothing special about the sword, though Ta'lak has had it by his side for hundreds of years. It has become something of a good luck charm for him.

Ta'lak is quite proficient in the dark arts, knowing a multitude of powerful spells. However, when he is on a Plane other than his own, the spells carry no weight.

The name D'aam is very well-known throughout the Daedric kingdom. Stories of his ferocity in combat are told by the low ranking soldiers. As far as Underlords go, Ta'lak is one of the best trained. He brings immense strength and incredible speed to the battlefield, sparking fear in the enemy eyes. There is little doubt when it comes to Ta'lak's skill. But, if he is not in a realm of supernatural power, such as the Earthen Realm, then his abilities are severely dampened. In most respects, he is still a formidable opponent, still carrying his knowledge of battle. But, his power is limited to his physical form. Contrary to popular belief, Daedra can be killed quite easily when not in their Plane of existence, therefore, Ta'lak must rely on his skill as a warrior to keep him alive.


Ta'lak knows little of Human emotions and even less of his own. He can appear quite cold. That's because he is, Ta'lak cares only for his best interest and that lies with his kingdom. He is neither proud nor humble. If given, he will accept praise, but without enthusiasm. There is one thing of note when it comes to Ta'lak. It would seem that over the many years of his being, he has picked up a sense of humor. A dark and twisted one.

Little is known of Ta'lak D'aam. He rarely, if ever, speaks of his scarred past. Ta'lak himself can barely remember the events of his first millennia. He remembers his father and his death on the Ninth Plane. That had been long ago, near the end of the God Wars. His mother has long since faded from memory, leaving Ta'lak with nothing. He has been in the Daedric army for as long as he could remember, quite literally. Quickly rising through the ranks, it was in his early second millennia when Ta'lak became the Underlord. He had killed the previous one after learning of his corruption. The grizzled old beast had been slaughtering lesser Daedra and drinking their blood. It had driven him rather insane. As the Underlord, Ta'lak lead his people through uncountable wars over the years. He would emerge victorious, always.
The glow of Ta'lak's armor comes from his life-force, weakening as he does. Something to note, Ta'lak uses a steed whenever he is at war or questing. (Image below)



Demonic steed.jpg



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@XTrump_CardX Hmmm... I'm seeing a lot of species I don't already know! What exactly is a Daedric? And what are they known for?

Hmm....well, this looks okay to me. A rival to Vasey, it seems. Just like with him, try not to make this guy some sort of demigod, yeah? Accepted.
Name: Alecta Fabel


Race: Daitengu


Gender: Female


Age: 200 (21 in Human age)








Light Blue eyes, and tattoos that cover almost every inch of her body.  Early Anglo-Saxon regardless of social rank wore a cloak, tunic, trousers, leggings, and accessories. The short, fur-lined cloak was designed so that the skin of the animal faced outward and the fur brushed against the undergarments.  A single brooch, usually circular in shape, fastened the square or rectangular cloak. Other means of fastening the cloth together included tying, lacing, or using a clasp, often made of natural materials such as thorn, bones, wood, or horns.  For Alecta, she fastened the cloth together by a skull of a small rodent like a field mouse.


Weapons/Magic: Ha-uchiwa (Feather Fan)
attributed the power to stir up great winds


Skills/Abilities: Flying, (obviously) Daitengu appear in the human form more than their bird-like counterparts,

  • Shapeshift into birds of prey. 
  • Archery
  • Summon Hailstorms



  • Loyal,
  • Protective,
  • Patient to an Extent. 
  • Calculative, which can make Alecta cold and unyielding in her decisions
  • Curious,
  • Ambitious,
  • Overall good except when angered


History/Bio: Tengu are worshipped as beneficial kami (gods or revered spirits) in various Japanese religious cults and this was no different for Alecta.  However, Alecta grew tired of being worshipped, having learned that her pride was leading her down the road to demonism, and instead wanted to provide help to those in need. So, she faithfully served the abbot of a Zen monastery up in the mountains until the man guessed her true form.  She had requested a piece of wisdom from her master and left, but continued, unseen, to provide the monastery with miraculous aid.  She was young and prideful, but now being 200 she has gained much wisdom about life and has set aside her pride and petty demeanor after having served 10 years at the monastery, and had trained with other shape-shifters.  Alecta's duty, as a Daitengu, was to serve any royal family upon earth, either by protecting them from earthly harm or demons Alecta never failed in her duty before.  When Emperor Levak Davul was born she had appeared at the castle to bestow a gift of protection that was so powerful no demon could physically touch him.  It was a Daitengu feather, plucked from her very wing.  Daitengu's have 9 feathers that act as supernatural shields and if all was plucked she would not bw able to fly.  She had made the gift for the Emperor as a necklace and placed it around the baby Emperor's throat.  As he grew into a man Alecta would keep a silent vigil over the castle, but allowed Legault to protect the Emperor physically, while Spiritual Alecta protected the Emperor.  When the quest was called and the Emperor called upon her to take the quest, Alecta simply could not refuse, for it was her sacred duty to do what the  royal family wanted of her.


@The Lord of Sunlight  Hope that this is more acceptable. Daitengus are also protectors of royal households, if this is alright with you, Alecta would be indirectly protecting the Emperor through her feather charm and keeping vigil over the castle unseen.
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Hmm......a Daitengu? Never heard of that before. Seems to be some sort of bird shape shifter...the only problem I see with this is the mention of the 18th and 19th century. This is in a different world entirely, and is waaaaaay before that time. If you wouldn't mind, could you adjust this? I'd be happy to accept it once you did.

Yeah, seems okay now. The Emperor is, however, much older than she is currently, but you can still keep it like this. Consider it accepted.


NAME: Elias Jameson 

RACE: Human


AGE: 100 (but looks 40)


WEAPONS/MAGIC: Elemental magic, along with a sword passed down in his family. Carries knives, and an occasional smoke bomb for emergencies. His owl Fawkes.

SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Studied the art of elemental magic, was a born and trained assassin. Extremely intelligent, and expert tactian. Can speak many languages, along with a magical link to his owl.

PERSONALITY: Elias is a very broken man. Battle harden and with the slight flashback from here and there. But besides that, his serious tone helps to keep the team foucused and in check. Though he may not be the oldest member, he is still on of the most respected and smartest of the team. His sardonic attitude, along with his passion for the simple things in life make him a very down-to-earth friend.

HISTORY/BIO: Elias was raised in the mountains of El'roy, in the Lords of Shadows, the paid assassian orginaziaton. His father was a assassin the the group, and sought to teach his son the lifestyle, even though his son's passion wasn't the same. By day he would work brutally, learning the arts of stealth and combat, and by night he would read and study the art of magic. Soon incentive he reached the age of 18, he left the mountains, along with Fawkes to the royal mage acadamy. Finishing his studies in magic there, he was recruited by the military as a operative, and a advisor due to his dual talents. For 20 years he fought for the kingdom, witnessing events he dearly wishes he could forget. At age 38, he retired from the military, deciding to slowly dissapear

back to his routes, but intertwining them with his love for magic.




Fawkes ^^



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Another assassin, huh? I'm curious to see how the two of you will react...accepted.


Unfortunately, I have not made a OOC. If it is neccesary, perhaps I could make a private chat for those in the RP?
I'd really say he's more of a rouge/ wanderer. Just not a flat assassin since i figured they're be more
NAME: Jan Maris

RACE: Undead Human

GENDER: Was male.

AGE: 26 or so.


WEAPONS/MAGIC: He wields to rusty broken army standard swords. Some force keeps him tethered to this plane, even if enough damage is done to 'kill' him he comes back shortly after, however he probably won't come back if heavily damaged.

SKILLS/ABILITIES: Being undead he has no 'vitals' and his body will function no matter what organ or other body part he loses. Beind dead he is immune to many mind magics.

PERSONALITY: Surprisingly friendly. An undead is normally filled with everything of a person that couldn't go to heaven, making good people become mindless killing machines and bad people villains. But Jan is different, he is everything he was in life, which is quite hard to explain to say your local order of paladins.

HISTORY/BIO: He was hopeless in life, no goals or aspirations. He fell into depression and enlisted in the army in the hopes of throwing his life away for the greater good. As luck would have it he fell in battle an unmemorable death. However long after the battle is was over he awoke, with a sense of purpose. Something had revived him, for what purpose he had only an inkling, the idea of a 'quest to die for' of some sort that he must complete before he could go to rest.

OTHER: (If there's something you'd like to note that doesn't seem too important, just list it here.) He is incapable of wielding magics or improving in any way from when he was alive
NAME: Kary Stonechild 

RACE: Sentient Golem.

GENDER: Female.

AGE: 16


WEAPONS/MAGIC: She carries a trio of weapons made of Crucible Steel and heavily reinforced with magic. The first, and most prominent, of her weapons being her legendary chained-hammer, which is known to the people as 'Mortum Malleos'. She just calls it 'Heartbreak'. The hammer is enchanted with earth magic, granting it ludicrous durability and the kind of brute force required to break most obstacles, so long as Kary can get a proper swing in. The chain is also enchanted with earth, but in a different way. It can grow and shrink in width and length, even turn itself into a bladed chain if Kary is given enough time to focus.

The second of her weapons is a bastard sword, enchanted with water and ice, allowing her to create cutting streams of water, impale foes with icicles, and create various hazards and traps.

Her last weapon is a bit of an odd one, but is certainly her most adaptable weapon: Scrolls. Now, paper cuts hurt, but they aren't deadly or adaptable, until you find out that not only is Kary a fairly competent combatant, she can also make scrolls that, while they can only be used once, have spells infused into them. All she has to do is break the seal and open the scroll and she can blast her enemies with a variety of different spells. The reason she uses scrolls instead of just casting the spells directly? She used to be able to, but as her golem body lacks a natural connection to magic, she has to use scrolls and magical regents, such as fire crystals for a fire spell, as a medium.

SKILLS/ABILITIES: (Not required if you don't want any.)

Swordfighting: Not a master with a blade, but she still far more skilled than a soldier.




OTHER: (If there's something you'd like to note that doesn't seem too important, just list it here.)

WIP. If any clarification or other details are needed before or after I finish, let me know.

Sorry to hear it. Hope to rp with you again someday, though.


Ew. He's really gross looking.

I like it!

Consider it accepted.


A very interesting idea you have here. Since the template isn't finished yet, I can't accept it, but I'm expecting good things!
Here's my OC

NAME: Eric Cartel

RACE: Human


AGE: 26


WEAPONS/MAGIC: His weapon is a silver sword that switches its fire element and water element. Eric uses pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, and healing magic. He can control fire (examples: making fire balls, having fire breath, and make a fire shield). Eric's water spells includes: levitating water and changing it into ice. His healing magic can heal deep wounds (he didn't learn how to cure diseases yet).

SKILLS/ABILITIES: He has sword-fighting skills, better than most. Capable of accelerated speed and superhuman strength, meaning that he's above average.

PERSONALITY: Eric is a friendly yet stubborn person. He's very arrogant of his abilities, making him mock anyone who is slightly lower than him. But, he may learn from his mistakes little by little. Eric can try to be a serious, hopeful person whenever the situation calls.

HISTORY/BIO: When he was a struggling child, Eric found himself in a sorcerer's tower where he read some magic spells. When the sorcerer (who owns the tower) found him, he took care of young Eric Cartel while teaching him magic. Eric only knew how control fire, water, and heal. As Eric grew older, the more arrogant and stubborn he became. Eric soon studied sword-fighting, in which he excelled at. Years later, the sorcerer gave Eric the tower as he died of old age. After the death of his guardian, Eric ran away and roams around with a magic book and the silver sword from the tower. When he woke up at an inn, he was given a strange yet unique letter. Eric was immediately interested about this "quest to die for". Eric Cartel was ready for his first journey.

OTHER: He's a wandering knight, usually traveling around with no particular reason.

Let me know what I could remove or add to my OC.
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Hmm....I like what's here so far, but before I can accept, could you please expand upon his powers? Like, give descriptions of the spells he can use. You might want to mention in his bio as to why he was summoned by the Emperor.



Saladin Yusuf




















[] Sabre [] A beautifully crafted sword furnished with a gold hilt. It was a gift from the Sultan and a blade Saladin carries with him but rarely uses


[] Scimitar [] A slightly thinner Scimitar custom made for Saladin to promote swifter and quicker attacks


[] Throwing knives [] Several well-crafted knives that are designed to be graceful in the air

[] Holy magic [] A form of magic powered primarily by his faith and will and has an advantage over demons and unholy magic users




[] Sword proficiency [] An expert in swordfighting and is able to use dual swords and with a shield without heavy penalties and difficulties


[] Divine shield [] Casts a glowing shield that surrounds him which deflects physical and magical attacks for a short period of time


[] Heal [] Able to use his holy magic to heal light injuries




A wise and honorable man, Saladin often chooses to use words over blades. He is a devout follower of his religion and has an unshakable loyalty to his companions. He is rather patient and retains his calm demeanor in most situations. Saladin is also generous and humble and has a deep appreciation for music.




Born as a mere commoner in the central desert kingdoms, Saladin was nothing but a destined peasant whom nobody would have expected anything greater. He had a rather tough childhood where he would often get abused by his father whom was a petty criminal and heavy alcoholic. His father was eventually killed in a robbery attempt when he was 10 and his mother vanished without a trace the day after. Since then, he lived with his uncle.


His uncle, Malik, was a former soldier. He taught Saladin how to wield a blade, guided him to become a faithful and religious boy and enrolling him into a school. Fearing that Saladin may use his skills for evil deeds, Malik enlisted Saladin into the military at 18. Saladin showed promise and had great potential. He climbed the ranks quickly from a mere foot soldier to a elite battalion commander. Saladin was than mentored in the arts of strategy and successfully formed strategies that were instrumental in the Desert Wars.


While Saladin did not possess the 'talents' that wizards and sorcerers displayed at a young age, he had a will stronger than the average man. In addition with his staunch faith, he was able to quickly master holy magic with the guidance of the army's arch wizard.

After spending a decade in the military and having participated in numerous battles and campaigns, Saladin chose to retire. Initially wanting to start a private mercenary company, he chose instead to travel the world for a few years, garnering experience and learning under great tacticians in the art of strategy.




[] Likes potatoes []
[] Able to play the Lute, a small Arabian guitar which he carries around []
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