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Fantasy A Quest to Die For: Characters

Midnight Paragon

Savior of Dusk
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Here's the basic character sheet. Feel free to add to it if you'd like; the more detail the better, in my opinion. If you have any questions, please adress them to me.


RACE: (Choose any kind that you'd like to have! Just be sure it makes sense with the setting, please.)



APPEARANCE: (A photo, description, or whatever will suffice here.)


SKILLS/ABILITIES: (Not required if you don't want any.)



OTHER: (If there's something you'd like to note that doesn't seem too important, just list it here.)
What is the basic age of time for this one? Would you say medieval, industrial, or what? Just curious so I know how to build my character
Rorik Greyhand






Rorik possesses long dark hair, which he usually styles out with one small braid on the side of his head, and a small beard. His eyes are a greenish hazel color that change with the color of his clothing. Rorik has a large scar across his abdomen from a bandits sword when he was fifteen years old. He usually has a blue swirl on his right cheek, painted with war paint.

Weapon of Choice
Sword and Shield

* Careless; Rorik is rather careless with his life and his well-being. He could care less about anyone else who gets in his way as well. 
* Aggressive; Rorik is extremely aggressive due to his line of work. He won't hurt someone without reason, but if they've stepped in his way he has no problem cutting him down.
* Impatient; Rorik has absolutely no patience, which isn't the best for his mercenary work. Rorik cannot sit in wait for more than an hour or he becomes very restless and grumpy.
* Impulsive; Rorik acts on a whim, having no prior thought to what he's doing. 
* Quick-tempered; Rorik is quick to anger, it isn't hard at all to concur up the human's wrath.
* Stubborn; Rorik is as hard-headed as a mule. He won't stray from doing something his mind is set on, no matter what.

* Adventurous; Rorik has a great sense for adventure. He finds dangerous exploits and life-threatening battles, thrilling and greatly enjoyable.
* Brave; Rorik has the bravery of five men rolled into one. He will do anything and everything to protect his friends and the innocent.
* Charming; Rorik has a way with words, he's very charming and has a smile that lights up a room. His callous outer look may throw you off guard when his deep rumbling laugh echoes through a room.
* Good; Rorik knows the difference between good and evil and more often than not chooses to do good.
* Kind; Rorik is a kind man toward everyone who hasn't made him angry, or hurt one of his loved ones. 
* Loyal; Rorik is extremely loyal, and would never turn his back on his loved ones no matter what the temptation to do so may be.

+ Anything that involves fighting
+Meat, most particularly chicken.
+Shiny new swords
+Hazel eyes

-Wild wolves, if only because their a nuisance
-The color green
-Authority figures

Born to a soldier father and a farmer mother, Rorik grew up around rough and tumble people. Rorik's father, Samel, was good friends with a high ranking soldier in the town's guard. When Samel died in battle when Rorik was only ten, that soldier, who's name is Farenger, taught Rorik everything he knew about the art of sword fighting. Rorik's mother, Greta, lived until Rorik turned twenty-six when she died of natural causes. The woman was greatly respected in the town where they lived, she was a great spinster and a well-known cook. When the woman died, the town leader had her buried in the cemetery, right next to her husband. 

When Rorik finally left the town he grew up in, he was twenty-five and he immediately went to the closest town he knew of. Irvingstead, the capital. During his time in this city, Rorik became aquainted with a woman by the name of Aela Aerstad, an elven thief. Rorik came to care for Aela as if she were his sister and he abandoned his thirst for adventure to stay with her. Three years later, Aela was killed in an unfortunate brawl between several petty criminals in the streets of Irvingstead. Rorik, unable to force himself to stay in their home, left in search of something to distract him from his lost friend.

(I'm so happy I found an RP to use Rorik in. I've been looking for quite some time.)
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NAME: Captain Legault Rehimdes

RACE: Grand Elf; Grand Elves are a breed of Elf that are hardly ever seen out of the Frost. Like most Elves, they live an extremely long time, and have a natural resistance to Ice and the cold.


AGE: 260





Dagon, his curved sword.

Also knows a variety of Holy Magicks. Holy Magicks certain mostly around healing and defense, but do have an offensive element.


Frost of the Grand: An innate skill of Grand Elves. Enchants users weapons with Ice properties for three minutes. Can be used three times a day.

Elvish Charm: Has an easier time persuading others.

Grand Foresight: For a short time, can read an opponents moves extremely quick, which allows for quick blocks or counters.

PERSONALITY: Legault is a very mild mannered but straight forward man. He doesn't like beating around the Bush and prefers to get to the point of things quickly. He can be a little impatient at times, but experience has taught him to remain calm and collected.

HISTORY/BIO: Legault was born in the Frost, and was the son of two very prestigious Magi. His mother and father were known for their use in Holy magic to heal people with some of the most deadly diseases. From birth, Legault exhibited the skill to use Holy magic, and was trained from a young age to continue the family tradition. As the lad grew, however, he found himself attracted to the romantic lifestyle that was an adventurer. In secret, he trained himself in the blade, for he knew his parents would never approve. When he was around twenty, he brought up the idea of adventuring to his parents. Instantly, they shot the idea down, saying that was just a barbaric career to choose. And so, that night, Legault ran from home, hoping to make a name for himself.

Legault spent over fifty years as a sellsword until he was spotted and recruited by a member of White Peak, the Emperor's personal task force. There he continued to train and hone his skills, as well as his magic, and grew to be the man he is today. He took over the position as Captain of White Peak, and has been that for nearly a hundred years. It's his job to collect the warriors the Emperor sent for and assess their skills to see if they're fit for the task the Emperor wants done.

OTHER: Despite having run away, Legault still loves his parents, and always sends a piece of his monthly pay to them.

Rorik Greyhand





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Rorik possesses long dark hair, which he usually styles out with one small braid on the side of his head, and a small beard. His eyes are a greenish hazel color that change with the color of his clothing. Rorik has a large scar across his abdomen from a bandits sword when he was fifteen years old. He usually has a blue swirl on his right cheek, painted with war paint.

Weapon of Choice
Sword and Shield

* Careless; Rorik is rather careless with his life and his well-being. He could care less about anyone else who gets in his way as well. 
* Aggressive; Rorik is extremely aggressive due to his line of work. He won't hurt someone without reason, but if they've stepped in his way he has no problem cutting him down.
* Impatient; Rorik has absolutely no patience, which isn't the best for his mercenary work. Rorik cannot sit in wait for more than an hour or he becomes very restless and grumpy.
* Impulsive; Rorik acts on a whim, having no prior thought to what he's doing. 
* Quick-tempered; Rorik is quick to anger, it isn't hard at all to concur up the human's wrath.
* Stubborn; Rorik is as hard-headed as a mule. He won't stray from doing something his mind is set on, no matter what.

* Adventurous; Rorik has a great sense for adventure. He finds dangerous exploits and life-threatening battles, thrilling and greatly enjoyable.
* Brave; Rorik has the bravery of five men rolled into one. He will do anything and everything to protect his friends and the innocent.
* Charming; Rorik has a way with words, he's very charming and has a smile that lights up a room. His callous outer look may throw you off guard when his deep rumbling laugh echoes through a room.
* Good; Rorik knows the difference between good and evil and more often than not chooses to do good.
* Kind; Rorik is a kind man toward everyone who hasn't made him angry, or hurt one of his loved ones. 
* Loyal; Rorik is extremely loyal, and would never turn his back on his loved ones no matter what the temptation to do so may be.

+ Anything that involves fighting
+Meat, most particularly chicken.
+Shiny new swords
+Hazel eyes

-Wild wolves, if only because their a nuisance
-The color green
-Authority figures

Born to a soldier father and a farmer mother, Rorik grew up around rough and tumble people. Rorik's father, Samel, was good friends with a high ranking soldier in the town's guard. When Samel died in battle when Rorik was only ten, that soldier, who's name is Farenger, taught Rorik everything he knew about the art of sword fighting. Rorik's mother, Greta, lived until Rorik turned twenty-six when she died of natural causes. The woman was greatly respected in the town where they lived, she was a great spinster and a well-known cook. When the woman died, the town leader had her buried in the cemetery, right next to her husband. 

When Rorik finally left the town he grew up in, he was twenty-five and he immediately went to the closest town he knew of. Irvingstead, the capital. During his time in this city, Rorik became aquainted with a woman by the name of Aela Aerstad, an elven thief. Rorik came to care for Aela as if she were his sister and he abandoned his thirst for adventure to stay with her. Three years later, Aela was killed in an unfortunate brawl between several petty criminals in the streets of Irvingstead. Rorik, unable to force himself to stay in their home, left in search of something to distract him from his lost friend.

(I'm so happy I found an RP to use Rorik in. I've been looking for quite some time.)

Looks pretty good, mate. Consider yourself accepted.

Kylr Fall






Kylar 1.jpg




Weaponry/Magic item:
A punching dagger as well as a hand and a half single-edged sword named "Retribution", which was a gift from his "father". Even though the sword has seen many years of battle, it doesn't have a single nick or scratch on it. Inscribed on the blade is the word, "Mercy." Perhaps this sword has more to it than meets the eye?




Punching dagger.jpg





Lock picking






Kylr, due to growing up in the slums, learned quickly to be wary of others, trust no one, and survive. He was little and scrawny, even compared to the other gutter-shites, and constantly lived in fear for his own life and his own survival. These traits never left him, sadly, in fact they may have grown worse, as he became involved with the criminal underground in the Capital. He's cautious,  and not trusting. He also isn't afraid of taking a life. He loves the thrill of battle, especially the longer and more deadly the battle gets, though he's more suited to duels with single combatants. However, despite all these short-comings, he tries to keep his good heart as he can't stand the killing of innocents nor seeing children struggling he did. He tries to tell himself that he hates what he's become, while at the same time enjoying the fighting and the freedom that his "job" gives him. He's often times somber, if not bitter, though he does enjoy cracking the occasional joke or witticism, if only for himself.



Azoth, Kylr's birth name, was born in the capital city of Irvingstead; specifically, as an orphan in the slums. For as long as he can remember, he's been alone, fighting the elements, starvation, and the city occupants themselves just to survive. He was lucky enough to join up with one of the many child "gangs"-though calling them that was laughable. His was known as the "Black Dragons", though he would remember silently mocking them-himself included-as "Lizards". Dragons were proud and feared...Lizards were just trying to survive in their environment.


Being as scrawny and little as he was, he was an easy target for the bigger kids and adolescents within the "gang", and they took advantage of that mercilessly, beating him and humiliating him till the gang leader, a sickly seventeen year old named, Jellal, called them off. From a young age, Azoth knew pain, and he also knew the only way to survive was to be quicker than the "Bigs" who could beat him to death. He also learned quickly the skills of pick-pocketing, and then bribes of copper pennies was enough to get them to back off-well, most of them anyway. There was one of the "Bigs", a sixteen year old named Rat. Not only was he built large, but he had muscle as well from being Jellal's right hand. Rat seemed to absolutely delight in torturing Kylr, and after he found out Azoth was a rather decent thief, he made a new policy: three silver nickels or Kylr got his ribs broken. At the time, Azoth feared Rat, as not only did he know Rat would make good on that promise, but infection in the slums of the Warrens meant death. However, as the years wore on, Kylr slowly became less and less scared, and more and more driven.


For within the city's criminal underworld, there grew rumors of a new assassin joining the ranks, better than any other in the city, most would say, and word spread like wild fire after people started dying with no signs pointing to who did it. Sometimes, the person was made to only look like he had died of illness, others it was clear the victim had been murdered, but never was there a single sign of the killer himself. However, as this killer gained more and more infamy, word got out and a name was dropped: Dirge Flint. From there, the infamous assassin whose face no one, except those of the highest standing in the criminal underworld, knew was given the blame for every death that occurred, no matter how improbable. Within the span of a couple years, Flint became a name everyone feared, and Azoth knew, even at eight years old, that his only way to rise above the fear and become something great would be to become Flint's apprentice. 


It took three years of asking, bribing, and chasing ghosts until Azoth actually came face to face with the legendary killer, and even then, it was Flint who sought him out, curious as to why an eleven year old child was searching for him and eager to stamp out the little spark before it spread. However, as he listened to Kylr babble on and on about how he wanted nothing more than to be his apprentice and escape the warrens, and, if Flint refused him, would go to one of the other assassins to one day strike Flint down for rejecting him, Flint saw potential within Azoth. He gave him a simple task: kill the one person in his "gang" that terrorized him the most and bring Flint the proof. If Azoth could do that, he would become Flint's apprentice. 


Much too eager for Flint's tastes, Azoth took the simple dagger Flint handed him and got to work on a plan. He knew he wouldn't be able to defeat Rat fairly, and thus a plan was made. He called Rat out to a fight in a warehouse at the warrens. Rat, the idiot that he was, agreed to it, and when he should up to face Kylr, he was nowhere to be found. Instead, Rat stood in front of at least a dozen adolescents from one of the rival "gangs". He didn't have a chance and was soon practically torn apart. Long after the members had left, Kylr entered and removed Rat's right ear from his corpse as proof before stepping outside and right into Flint. 


It was on that day that Azoth's life as a scared Gutter Shite ended, and the hell that was his training to become an assassin worthy of Flint's name began. Eight years, Azoth trained under Flint. Eight years of hell, training with all kinds of bladed, unarmed fighting, poisons, archery, alchemy, surprise attacks in the middle of the night, having to sneak up on Flint himself, lock picking under pressure, and ultimately getting the life kicked out of him every single day, yet he was learning. He was becoming stronger, and on the day of his fourteenth birthday-the day he was taken into Flint's services anyway-he killed his first target.


At age nineteen, he was finally brought forth to the one guild that ran all organized crime within the capital-which was made possible by Dirge-the Lords of Shadow. Flint brought him forth as a professional assassin, now ready to undertake his own missions and targets and be free from Flint's services. It was then, that the head of the Lords of Shadow gave Azoth the moniker, Kylr Fall. The newly christened Kylr didn't know how to feel. his training was complete, he was now what he wanted to be, but it meant leaving the closest thing he had to a father. As they left and relocated to a new safe house within the capital, Flint and Kylr parted in a manner most unexpected from killers: a fatherly embrace. However, this didn't last long as Kylr felt a dagger pierce his back. As he stared, wide-eyed into his mentor-his father's-eyes, he found them filled with tears. Flint had stabbed him, saying that he wouldn't let the damned guild turn Kylr into something he wasn't-a murderer. Kylr felt immense betrayal, blocking out every word his father had said, and with his punching dagger always in hand, drove the point into his father's heart. As they both fell to the floor, Dirge told Kylr that his sword, Retribution, was his inheritance, should he survive. With that Dirge Flint died, and Kylr wept, knowing he had killed the only person who ever meant anything to him. After recovering from the knife wound, as it only hit his side, Kylr made to leave the Lords of Shadow and this life of killing forever, with his inheritance strapped to his back. However, as word spreads quickly that Flint had been killed by his apprentice, Kylr finds himself summoned by the Emperor himself.

(Sorry if the bio is a little long. I get too carried away with these sometimes)
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Abel Of The Ninth






standing at around 5'11" with horns that add an extra 7-8", she has a pendant that hangs between her horns. 

She has dark red skin and black, serpentine eyes as well as a bifurcated tongue. She has no eyelids, having clear eyecaps (like a snake) that give her a rather chilling stare. Despite all these flaws, she somehow manages to pull of a sort of charm. She has pointed ears, with a few gold studs pierced through the cartilage. She has a semi-prehensile tail that she keeps wrapped in leather. 

Her regular attire is a steel-reinforced bustier and dark pants, she usually wears a leather cloak-type that goes to her waist. She always has her tool belt, filled with various poisons and blades. She also keeps a spare knife or two in her boots. 



Abel's weapon of choice are her twin daggers, however she always has her bow

She keeps many poisons and a few exploding flasks on hand. 



As a tiefling, Abel is naturally resistant to fire. She has heightened night vision and can detect heat signatures thanks to her serpentine features. 

She is very agile and can slip into the shadows or scale a structure with ease.

She would also make a surprisingly good performer. 



Abel is a smart ass with a certain fondness for fire, valuables, and headbutts. She is greedy and can be bought, but whomever makes it into her inner circle are a very lucky few who have her undying loyalty. She has a hot temper and is easily excitable, always willing to make a bet. She's quite good at convincing people to do things they may not necessarily want, charming and witty despite her unfortunate appearance. She's also quite experimental.


Abel had been abandoned by her horrified parents within the first few days of her birth. An unnamed wandering monk had, on some stroke of luck, found the infant and raised her. He named her Abel, after a holy priestess, in hopes of guiding the demonic child towards a lighter path. While the monk was teaching her practical skills, a demonic hissing voice in her head whispered of her infernal heritage and dark desires. An unfortunate incident involving a few self-proclaimed "holy" warriors sent her dear father figure to the beyond. It was purely luck that the 13-year old Abel survived the encounter. Feeling unsafe in her childhood forests, she made her way to the nearby city and was shunned by many of the citizens.
With no proper guidance, she was allowed to truly explore the infernal guidance offered instead. Her nimble fingers and surprising skill with a dagger soon earned her respect in a local thieves' guild, where she changed her title to something much more fitting. Abel Of The Ninth, Rogue For Hire.


She can speak the language of the demonic voice in her head as well.
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NAME: Mordai Jander

RACE: Tiefling


AGE: 31


Mordai is a tall, red tiefling who stands at a towering 6'4, and is built with muscle to accomodate such stature. Certainly an imposing figure. His eyes glow a piercing orange, below which is a deep scar running from his nose to below his right eye. Mordai's horns, one of the signature traits of a tiefling, reach out beyond the back of his head from above his brow.






Winged Helm

Plate Armour - Red Linen

Amulet of Sunburst - Brilliant sunlight explodes in a 60ft radius, each creature (including the wearer) within that light is dealt an extraordinary amount of damage and blinded for a minute. 




Heater Shield of Divine Protection - Forces of evil/people with inherently evil intent cannot penetrate this shield


Tiefling Based Magic:

Hellish Resistance - Resistance to Fire (passive)

Thaumaturgy - Can create one of the following effects:

                      - Voice booms up to three times as loud.

                      - Cause flames to flicker, dim, burn brighter or change colour.

                      - Cause harmless tremors in the ground

                      - Create an instantaneous sound from a point of origin of your choice, such as the cry of a raven or thunder.

                      - Cause an unlocked door/window to fly open or slam shut.

                      - Alter the appearance of your eyes

Hellish Rebuke - If damaged by another creature, point at them. The creature is surrounded by fire and must quickly escape to avoid being burned.

Paladin Based Magic:

Divine Sense - Can detect any evil within 60ft

Lay on Hands - Can heal a creature's wounds by laying hands upon it

Divine Smite - When hitting a creature, deal additional radiant damage

Divine Health - An effect of the divine magic flowing through you is immunity to disease

Divine Favour - Calling upon your god to assist in battle grants the ability to strike with extra radiant damage

Shield of Faith - A creature of choosing is granted a divine shield that helps to protect them from incoming attacks

Aid - A spell that bolsters nearby allies with resolve and a hardened constitution

Searing Smite - Weapon glows white-hot with intense heat, and deals fire damage to the next creature it attacks

Crusader's Mantle - Emits a 30ft aura of holy power, all allied creatures within the radius deal extra radiant damage with their weapon attacks


Demon Hunter - Has an extensive working knowledge of the planes of hell and almost all common and uncommon hellish beasts.

Nobility/Family - Coming from an established, well respected family of the noble class has granted Mordai the financial security to fund his campaign against true evil. Just like his father before him, and his father before him. His nobility also grants him the expected skill set of appropriate protocols when dealing with royalty and other nobles. May call for aid from family members on important quests.


(i really like iskolde's method of formatting this bit so im stealing it xoxoxoxox)


Honour - Respects ths traditions of fighting with chivalry, shan't strike an unarmed man, won't use dirty tricks in fighting, etc

Goodness of Heart - Considered to be of pure good, or at least by his god's standards.

Family - Family comes first, above friends.

Courageous - Fears death as the common man does, but does what he feel must be done.

Legacy - Believes he should father a son and set an example of a heroic warrior for his son.


Family - His devotion to family could be considered a weakness, as a threat to his family would test his faith.

Fights the 'Greater Evil' - Given the choice between saving a child and pursuing a demon, he'd pursue the demon.

Stubborn - Believes his way is the right way.

Blunt - Can be considered 'blunt' when dealing with sensitive matters, speaks the hard truth when some may not want to hear it.


Mordai’s family spans back many centuries, to a time before they were inflicted with the infernal legacy. A great length of time ago, his family interbred with that of hellish origin. Demon and man lay together to produce what are modernly known as tieflings, a solid mix of man and evil. For a while, the descendants of this coupling were treated as outsiders, beasts and worse. Often attacked in broad daylight, accused of cursing village people’s children and inflicting them with sickness, the family had a hard life. Generations later, a man known only by his surname of Jander, a member of that family, rose up to defend the people that had mistreat him and drove off a wave of hellish attackers. True accounts and factual documents that describe the actual events that took place are scarce, however, it is known that from that point on, the Jander family had earned respect, and each son below their father was raised to serve their god and dispense justice to evil.

Centuries later, after many recorded events of the Jander family defeating forces of evil and their official knightings, Mordai Jander is born. The first-born son of esteemed Akmenos Jander, Mordai had a grand reputation to live up to, even from a young age. His youth consisted mainly of studying and squiring for his father, assisting in what little way he could against the horrors of oblivion. After many long, arduous years of hard work and life threatening conditions, Mordai was knighted under house Jander, and so began his own perilous journey of justice.
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NAME: Tsuka

RACE: Human


AGE: 22



Two swords

Shadow magic


Wall running (limited)

Various shadow abilities (shield, cloaking, projectiles)


Tsuka is a calm, friendly man. He helps other and often appears mysterious. Often speaks dramatically.


Tsuka is a mercenary. He is known by some to be a powerful hunter who has held his own against legendary monsters. Of course, maybe he is simply using the same name as the strong hunter and is simply an average swordsman.

OTHER: Afraid of butterflies and bugs.
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Looks okay so far, but I gotta have the form completed before I can accept it. Once it's finished, there should be no problem.

@Vasey105 @WantYourSoul

The same applies to you two as well, unfortunately. But they look very interesting already!
and it deleted all of my progress.....

This has been a big waste of time. well, here we go again.
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I haven't Forum RPed in a while, so this'll be a nice refresher. Beforehand apology for how bad my original will be.

Looks nice to me. Consider it accepted! If you'd still like to update her appearance, feel free to.

And with that, that'll be enough people for us to start it up. If you're not finished with your characters, don't feel rushed! Take your time to finish and join us soon.

@WantYourSoul @Iskolde @DarkSlayer

I'll be posting the starting post for it soon! Keep your eyes open!
NAME: Ezra


GENDER: Female

AGE: 19

APPEARANCE: (A photo, description, or whatever will suffice here.)


WEAPONS/MAGIC: Ezra was born with powerful magical traits due to her fey heritage, including:

Enchanted Allure is probably her most commonly used ability and the only one that does not require active spellcasting. Most people fall under her spell with one look upon her beauty, and those that don't will usually fall when she begins to speak to them. Still, a strong will can resist her influence. It is also more effective on males than females (or at least heterosexual males and the like).

Against more stubborn enemies, or those she really despises, Ezra can cast a variety of curses. These will drain her power depending on the target and severity of the curse: casting a simple misfortune hex on a common soldier is effortless, but transforming a dragon into a toad requires a tremendous amount of concentration, a long casting time, and will likely cause her to fall unconscious. And it probably won't last forever.

She also has minor telekinesis (limited in that she can only manipulate objects light enough that she could physically carry them), short-range teleportation, and minor healing, along with a variety of lesser cantrips. Each of these drains her power similarly to the curses.

Being a fey, Ezra can fly with her wings and is more durable and agile than most humans, although she is weak to cold iron.

SKILLS/ABILITIES:  Aside from being supernaturally beautiful and seductive, Lyriel knows a decent amount about the occult, and is relatively stealthy.

PERSONALITY:  Energetic and outgoing but selfish and vain. She is eager to explore the world with freedom and power, but thinks very highly of herself and has no trouble interacting (and especially flirting) with others, but deep down has difficulty thinking of them as her equals, especially because most everyone she meets is enthralled by her.

HISTORY/BIO:   Lyriel was raised in a small village on the outskirts of the capital city with adopted parents. Until age 15, she saw occasional hints of her powers but they weren't nearly as strong as they are now. That's when her stepbrother betrayed her by selling her off to a criminal who turned out to be the leader of a cult that was trying to sacrifice her. When exposed to their occult rituals, Lyriel's true powers were activated, and she used them to escape. Now she roams the kingdom on her own with no place to call home.

OTHER: (If there's something you'd like to note that doesn't seem too important, just list it here.)
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NAME: Sylverna Mavis

RACE: nekomimi/catlike humanoid

GENDER: female

AGE: 18




Icy Slash - ice-based magic that shoots a burst of freezing energy through the rings above

Quantum Leap - with her advanced magic she can leap through space... but not time. essentially a teleport ability

Overfrost - wherever she walks she leaves in a thin sheen of ice, if another being touches it they will freeze

Cat's Claw - hood/sleeve apparatus pictured above morphs into a direct close-combat weapon that looks like metal claws with spikes running along the outside of arms


Blades - is decent even without her magic cap, skilled in blades particularly throwing daggers and short swords

Purr - charms the heck out of whoever likes cats... and even some who don't. it also heals minor bruises and cuts

Acrobat - agile and flexible and relatively dextrous, good balance


  • playful
  • skittish at times
  • not the most reliable
  • rather secretive
  • cheerful


She is part of the Ancient Cat Clan, a particularly secretive sect within the Felidine race which uses specialized magicks. No known relations to talk about. She mostly spent her childhood in the mountains training and developing her magic, then at age 15 left on instinct to live closer to the Capital. Then she heeded the call. This is partially out of duty, and partially out of curiosity. She had an inkling that she would be elected to participate in something like this although she doesn't know what it is.  
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