• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy A Pirates Life at Sea (always accepting!)


The Lone Wolf

  • ~Rules~

    1. Be courteous of others!

    2. Dont be sexist or racist!

    3. Be respectful!

    4. Dont complain if you dont get the role you want. Its first come first serve!

    5. Rules may be updated!

    6. So far only the Forbidden Soul's crew is available. Later on in the rp we will introduce the Navy and an enemy. Pm me if your interested in either of those.

    7. Use grammar, spelling, and punctuation to the best of your ability! That includes full sentences!

    8. Dont be rude ooc, ic is fine.

    9. Try to write at least on paragraph! I get we get stuck in one liners but dont do it a ton.

    10. Dont powergame or metagame! And keep op characters at a minimum.

    11. Have fun!

    12. Pm me with questions and concerns.

    @Enmyira and @Ballerina are Co-Gms so please listen to them if they ask something or such!
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The Royal Navy


Basic Information

The Royal Navy is an organization composed of people who has vowed to keep peace on the land and waters of the realm and


The objectives of the navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of apprehending people who does not abide by the laws and disrupt peace; and embraces justice.


Fleet Admiral

1. 'Admiral' Gavreel Sol-(@Wickedkent )

Limited Spots:

Admiral(3 Spots)

1.Bernadette Contun (@CharmyPie )

Vice Admiral(5 Spots)

1.Alistar Kenway (@TheEscapist )

Unlimited Spots:


1.Oliver Mcknight (@CainMcknight )



Chief Petty Officer

1. Katherine Wilder(@MidnightStar )



Each soldier has different views on 'justice'

You can start as a navy officer or just a normal persons who is recruited to the navy.

(PM Me If You Want Anything Added)

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Wickedkent said:

The Royal Navy


Basic Information

The Royal Navy is an organization composed of people who has vowed to keep peace on the land and waters of the realm and


The objectives of the navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of apprehending people who does not abide by the laws and disrupt peace; and embraces justice.


Fleet Admiral

1. 'Admiral' Gavreel Sol-(@Wickedkent )

Limited Spots:

Admiral(3 Spots)

1.Bernadette Contun (@CharmyPie )

Vice Admiral(5 Spots)

1.Alistar Kenway (@TheEscapist )

Unlimited Spots:


1.Oliver Mcknight (@CainMcknight )



Chief Petty Officer

1. Katherine Wilder(@MidnightStar )



Each soldier has different views on 'justice'

You can start as a navy officer or just a normal persons who is recruited to the navy.

(PM Me If You Want Anything Added)

I would like Admiral please....just to reserve it...I would like to join.
Um Kent. These three ranks don't exist in the Navy, Sargent, Private and Major. Major should be replaced with commodore, Sargent should be Petty officer, and Private should be Seaman, these aren't exact fits but they are close.

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