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Fandom A One Piece Adventure (yet to be named) CS

Marble shhh

A like means that your CS has been accepted. I suggest that you pitch your idea in the OOC before posting here as a way to receive positive criticism and to insure acceptance.


Age (be reasonble):



Appearance (include a description/visual of distinguishing features):


(one paragraph minimum):

Background (one paragraph minimum):

Dream/Motivation (describe in one sentence):


Alias (optional, can be obtained later within the story):

(optional, can be obtained later within the story):

(optional, can be formed as the story progresses):

Fighting Style
(keep it brief while covering the main aspects):

Position within the crew:

Main Haki:

Devil Fruit
(optional, can be obtained later within the story):


Quote (optional, something that expresses and defines your character):


"A clear conscience is usually the sign of bad memory."


Name: Jones Witt
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance: Witt, standing at the height of 170cm and weighing 65kg, is of average height but gifted with a solid, lithely muscle build, the product of intensive training in speed and stamina-building rather than power. Like most of the people from his hometown, his hair is dark, a solid black. His shaggy hair is left to hang below his shoulder in an uneven cut, tied back in a low ponytail with a simple brown leather band, steel grey eyes almost always hidden behind a curtain of long, uneven fringe. That is, if the hat he is so proud of is not seated upon his head to push hair out of his eyes. His eyes are usually narrowed in concentration and never ceasing in their darting movements, as though there is a constant need to be alert, and there is a light crease between his brows despite his relatively young age due to frowning too much. His eyebrows are low and pinched, contributing further to his serious, no-nonsense look. Since he dislikes the feeling of scruff around his mouth and chin, he keeps himself cleanly-shaved so long as he can afford to do so. His thin, pale lips, straight nose and sharp jawline are directly inherited from his mother.

His preferences in day-to-day outfits lies in long-sleeved shirts and dark slacks, no matter the season. A long, double-breasted midnight blue coat is thrown over, typically unbuttoned. Well-worn brown hide boots completes the outfit. Witt has a small burn scar on his left collarbone where he burned off the tattoo of the World Government emblem after leaving Cipher Pol 9. It is mostly hidden beneath his shirt. He also has a silver stud earring with the roman numeral "IX" in his right earlob.

Alias: "The Traitor"

Bounty: 50,000,000

Relationships: He had a mother and a younger sibling when he was taken in by CP9. That was the last time he saw either of them. Witt has no clue if they are still alive.
Despite being branded a traitor, Witt still has fond memories and lingering affection for some members of the secret Cipher Pol division. But he's pretty sure all of them currently want him dead.
He has a scattering of acquaintances in the Four Blues, most of them brokers providing him with information to evade the World Government and the higher-ranking Marines.

Fighting Style: A former member of CP9, Witt is able to utilise all six forms of Rokushiki. However, his true mastery lies in Geppo, Soru and Shigan. Utilising his speed and agility to evade, advance or retreat, he prefers assassinating his target in one hit with Shigan. If that option is out, however, he will fall back and engage in long-mid range combat with his pistol. Only if he truly needs the punch will he use Armament Haki. He keeps that as the last trump card.

Position within the crew: Blacksmith

Main Haki: Armament Haki.
He has yet to achieve Observation Haki and will never be able to unlock Conqueror's Haki.

Devil Fruit: None and probably will never eat one.


Since his early childhood, Witt was very independent and self-confident, often running away to do things on his own, at his own pace. Despite that, he is very perceptive and intuitive, which allowed him to garner the personalities of others through thorough observations. Hence, he knew how far he could push people close to him and how much they can take before they snapped, though he never did it with malicious intent. After his father's death, Witt, as the next eldest male of the family, became more restrained in his urge to do things his own way. Instead, he had to learn how to consider all options, and be able to take the best possible path even if it might be not to his liking.

From adolescence to adulthood, Witt has settled to typically portraying a relaxed and almost bored attitude, not prone to getting too worked up about anything or by anyone. However, in truth, he is a sensitive person that tries not to let his true feelings show. Most of the time he succeeds in reigning in his temper, but sometimes when it explodes, people are usually left wondering what disastrous thing occurred that was bad enough to anger him. For those that have spent a sufficient amount of time around Witt to witness both his temper and lax attitude, they firmly believe he suffers from severe mood swings.

However, being brought up into adulthood in an environment like CP9 where strength and potential means everything has ingrained in him a peculiarly skewed sense of familial bonds. He appreciates those who can stand him (and stand against him) and will eventually come to care for them as they spend more time together. Even if he may be enemies with them later on, he still regards them as friends, and will be sad if they met their end.

Although he is competitive, he is not a sore-loser and likes to play fair. Witt has a genuine respect for people who are good at their crafts, no matter if it lies in the field of physical strength or mind, for his own acquaintances possess a variety of experts in miscellaneous fields. In contrast, he dislikes lazy people or those who do things half-heartedly.


Born on Draper Island in South Blue, Jones Witt is the older of two children to Jones Wiles and Willow. His father Wiles was a Captain in the Marines, and it's no surprise that the impressionable young kid who grew up listening to tales of heroism and valour of the Marines against scummy pirates idolised his father. Wiles never went against orders and believed the World Government and his Marine superiors always had the best interest in mind. His mother Willow was a simple housewife who had never set foot outside the Island. Hence, with no other prompted paths in mind, Witt's ambition was to join the Marines as soon as he was able to. Due to his persistence on being trained by his father, Wiles eventually relented, setting Witt on a daily routine of stamina-building exercise. As he inherited his mother's frame rather than his father's, Witt was recommended to take speed and agility over power.

Seven years passed and Witt's younger sibling was born. A month later, a Commodore came to their home to inform them of Wiles' unfortunate demise at the hands of a notorious pirate. Noting that Wiles was able to ascend to the rank of Captain with only his physical prowess and rigorous training, the Commodore offered Witt a place in the Marines when he was old enough. Hungry for revenge and with the thought of being able to hunt down pirates if he joined the Marines, the kid insisted on being enlisted, citing he received training from his father at a young age. Little did he know the Commodore was the head of Cipher Pol 9.

A series of string pullings, evading legal routes and bypassing authority, the Commodore fed his mother some line about Witt having enough potential to be recruited at a young age. They reassured a still-grieving widow that her son would not be put in danger from the start, that they will train him up to be just like his father. And, of course, he will be allowed to visit home on his days off. What truly happened was at age nine, the kid was shuffled into a secret division of Cipher Pol, CP9, erased from other Marine records so he didn't really exist within the Marine Corps, and put to train with other assassin-hopefuls. Not that the younger kids knew that yet.

The first two years in CP9, Witt dedicated time to write a letter home each month. But the letters he sent to his mother and sibling never reached them, and when he received nothing in return for two years, Witt just stopped bothering, thinking that his remaining family had long forgotten him. For seven years Witt lived as an assassin for the World Government, learning the fine art of weapon-making and repairs from the CP9's resident blacksmith Leo during his spare time.

Little by little, as he killed stranger after stranger - no more than a face and a name to him - Witt became more and more disillusioned with the World Government. He didn't dislike the Marines, though. As far as he was concerned, the Marines knew nothing about the assassin division. He still believed Justice needed to be upheld, but he didn't see how killing a noble here, a mayor there, the entire council on some distant land would bring peace and security to the citizens. He enlisted to hunt scums of the earth down, not be an instrument of political upheaval! But alas, it was too late to turn back now. Besides, none of his comrades thought they were doing anything disastrous. The World Government's word is law, after all.

The breaking point came when the Head of CP9 ordered the annihilation of an entire kingdom in the West Blue. Three assassins were sent to take out the royal family and anyone who shared their blood. That day, more than two hundred were slaughtered, houses burned and many more imprisoned. Witt left with the blood of a dozen children on his hands for the first time in his career. It had sickened him to see his fellow assassin indifferently slewing an infant in its crib when Witt had hesitated, for the baby reminded him of the sibling he had left behind.

His view of the World Government thoroughly shattered, Witt decided to leave. Of course, no one truly 'left' CP9. They either died or were killed. Witt knew this, but it was a gamble he took. The chance came on his next solo mission. He packed his meagre possessions and left, not looking back. When his assassin friends came after him demanding an explanation as to why he betrayed the World Government, Witt tried persuading them to see things his way, but failed spectacularly. Luckily, his attempt at escaping their clutches was more successful, allowing him to lose them with his life intact. it was no surprise the World Government put a rather hefty bounty on his head, seeing as he possessed crucial information they may damage their reputation if in the right hands.

From then on, he made it a priority to find out what happened to his family, for his old home on Draper Island was long since abandoned. Burning off the tattoo he got the moment he became an official member of CP9 all those years back, Witt began to shed his old identity bit by bit as he traversed across the Four Blues.


Witt's dream is to expose the corruption within the World Government, and hopefully be able to witness a change for the better. His motivational force driving him is the fact that his friends in CP9 are probably brainwashed, not being able to see what they are doing is wrong.







code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo
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If anyone's gonna be king of the pirates around here it's gonna be me!... I mean queen!... Shut up!
Sunnie D. Wukong

Sunnie Dawn Wukong




Sunnie is young, naive and energetic. She loves to go in without thinking or without a plan and hope for the best. She relies on her instinct to get herself out of trouble. Many might find her reckless but she never sees any fault in her decisions. She values her crew, her friends, her allies and her art. She is easily excitable but when things get serious, she will buckle down and stand strong with those alongside her.

As a young girl, Sunnie was adopted by an elderly Inn owner named Mika. Her birth mother was presumed dead but from what Mika had told her, her father was among the Marines. In her youth, Sunnie was naturally rebellious. She found herself getting inducted into an underground street art gang known as "Banky". The group wasn't exactly criminals but their graffiti usually was seen as annoying. One day, Sunnie was instructed that if she wanted to keep being a part of the gang, she needed to do something big. Banky was like a family to her, but forcing a young girl to construct her own tagging at a young age was just calling for danger. Luckily, Sunnie was always about doing things big. She created her own plan revolving around the common marine battleships that often passed through the ports of her island. One night, she had instructed the members of Banky to meet at the cliff-side by the port at midnight. There, they witnessed Sunnie's greatest creation; the words "Vandal" written and designed on the marine's battleship. The Banky's were definitely impressed, however the Marines saw this as an act by pirates. They immediately stormed the island. Mika being the caring guardian she was instructed that she needed escape the island. The old woman helped her stowaway on an incoming barge.

She remained hidden for a few years jumping form island to island. Wherever she went, she was sure to tag her "Vandal" anywhere she saw fit. However, everyone believed that it was the works of a pirate crew doing all the tagging. Sunnie decided it would be a great idea to play into that persona. Before she knew it, she was even tagging pirates ships as well. However, after being captured by pirates and forced into imprisonment, she is forced to remain in their ship for nearly two years. While there, she carefully plotted her escape with little to no progress. By odd fate, or horrible luck, the pirates ship was raided by marines and in the middle of the chaos, she was able free herself.

Now, any well educated person would easily jump for water and find a way to land right? Of course not. Sunnie quickly stowed away again but in the marines ship. The size definitely wasn't that impressive and no where as large as a battle ship. However, there were quite a number of marines there. Within their food stock, she decided to help herself to some snacking only to have accidentally eaten the Neon-Neon fruit. She had heard of devil fruits in the past but never really thought they were real. She decided to give it a little test. After testing her power within the underside of the ship, she had come to the conclusion that she could convert her body into neon gas. She could move at quickened speeds leaving the light trail behind her. High voltage lightning escaped her fingers and she could glow like a Christmas tree. It was amazing. After a week of waiting, she decided it was time to make her move. It didn't take her long to do away with the few men remaining on the marines ship. However, out of the mercy of her heart, she decided to let a cabin boy be the only survivor of her assault. She decided to cast him away at sea leaving him stranded with these words.

"Tell the marines that Sunnie the Vandal is gonna be queen of the pirates! And when I am, he can't escape from me any longer!"


Find the One Piece | Become Queen of Pirates | Find (and possible kill) her father who is among the marines

Sunnie D. | Sunnie the Vandal | Vandal Sunnie



Fighting Style:
Hand to hand combat is where Sunnie excels the greatest. Oddly, her methods resembles a less organized style of Capoeira

Position within the crew:

Main Haki:
Haoshoku Haki

Devil Fruit
Neon Neon no Mi | Logia
Sunnie is able to convert her body into neon as well as manipulate neon gas. With her devil fruit, she is able to run at intense speeds, exert lightning from her body, and illuminate darkened areas at will.

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Age: 17 1/2

Gender: male

Sexuality; Heterosexual


Personality: Aslan is a young and energetic mink who haves a rather playful nature. Whenever he fight his foes, Aslan loves to taunt and get under the skin of his enemies. However, when the battle gets more tough , Aslan becomes serious and more Ruthless. Just like most teenagers, Aslan can be abit of a hand full. He's abit rude, Sarcastic , And hardheaded..not to mention childish. Despite his rather immature nature, the young mink will do anything to help his friends and will buckle down if he have to

Background : When Aslan was three, Zou was attacked by a fleet of human hunters who manged to find the island. Although the minks fought bravely, They where overwhelmed and outnumbered, resulting in their captured. Aslan was captured along with his parents, however, when they reached Sabaody Archipelago his parents where sold in a auction a day later. Aslan was sold a year later to a wealthy man in Alabasta where he spend five hard years as an slave. Aslan couldn't stand how this man was treating him much longer and killed one night, using his electro abilities.

A few moments after his death, a group of assassins found that Aslan had killed their target, Electric was flowing throughout his body. The leader of this group had saw nothing but sadness and hate, but potential in this young mink's eyes. He was impressed that someone his age had manged to take down an important man, so the leader decided to take Aslan in although the leader of whole group of assassins disagreed with his idea.

Aslan was trained to become a assassin, becoming extremely close to the man he called father. He trained in not only in swordplay, but in hand to hand combat ( mainly martial arts) and has even learn how to hone his electro abilities. He officially became an assassin at a young age, in fact he was one of the strongest besides the boss. After his promotion, he was given a red scarf and became an hired assassin the the rest of group. It didnt take him to get a bounty on his head

Dream/Motivation : Doesn't really have one, guess he wants to be the world's strongest blade master and assassin


Alias: "Twin fang" Aslan

Bounty: 15 million

Relationships: will edit later on

Fighting Style : Swordplay mixed with his electro abilities

Position within the crew: whenever he joins, a fighter ( swords/blade master )

Main Haki: Busoshoku Haki

Devil Fruit : "Devil fuirt is for scrubs!"


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Name: Lina

Age 21



Lina's personality is geared toward pragmatism and utilitarianism. Her decision making isn't so much weighed in moral terms based on right and wrong. Rather its weighed based on the cost to benefit ratio in her head. Much long the same lines as one would consider the pros and cons of buying a cheaper iron sword versus purchasing an expensive steel sword, she often treats human life in the same regard. Prosocial decisions are often couched in how it can benefit her directly. And when dealing with the plight of others, she can be cold and unfeeling in the pursuit of protecting herself. The only glimmer of hope others tend to see in her is in the fleeting moments when she's not on guard. Though those moments are often eclipsed by tense demeanor and bouts of paranoia.


"One might say I'm a terrible person. What good, can come from associating with a miscreant such as myself, they'd ask. They'd complain I reeked of something fierce, though few ever elaborated as to what that may be. The irony of pleasantries is they were oft more cruel than a blatant disregard for my feelings.In addition to my smell they'd complain about my selfish ways,though I s'pose that'd be pot calling the kettle black I guess. Ha ha, the world itself is founded on lies meant to control us. These norms ingrained into our very soul turn us into nothing more than naked apes. What good can come of the sperm donar who claims to be morally upstanding, yet he himself has never given back to society? Where is the good of the biological oven who incites hatred and fear into her peers, while letting others take care of the problem? How can I call pirates bad when they are merely acting in their own self interest? Just as the men in white who subjugate us do the same. Underneath....the veneer of society is a rot, one I don't turn away from. The void I've fully embraced, the monsters that I chase. Oh how interesting they are...."

Dream/Motivation: To engineer a fully functional human being.​


Alias: Will get later​

Bounty: No notoriety yet​

Relationships: None​

Fighting Style: Swordsmanship simply for self defense. Various pills which affect biological functions to unlock the body's hidden potential. Use of haki to predict how others act in battle, to a certain extent.​

Position within the crew: Doctor​

Main Haki: Kenbushokou haki​

Devil Fruit: May get later​


Quote: Fascinating, now show me how much of an abomination you can actually be, meat bag.

Name: Simon

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual




You could say Simon is a bit of a happy go lucky guy, if you don't believe in yourself he'll believe in you in your place. He is also a bit of a Narcissist, often making himself to be a perfect person though it's usually to say 'If I can do it so can you!' So it's not that bad. He enjoys good laughs and great conversations, as well as working hard. He's greatest asset though is his Charm, both in his handsome appearance and when talking to people. Though while he's a nice guy, he's also extremely stubborn, once he puts his mind to something he won't budge an inch. Doesn't matter what it is, whether it's his morals, dreams, even in physical work which is above his station.

Simon is a very social person, always trying to make somebody happy somehow.

Simon grew up in the sea like most Fishmen, well at least the ones he knew. He was told stories of his families heroic feats and his fathers adventures on the high seas. Every night before bed, Simon would always want to hear one if his dad's stories, even if he started repeating them, he was always fascinated. Though that wasn't the only thing he loves, he loved his sister Merill. She was younger than him but she was smarter. They sort of had a great relationship, she was the shy but smart younger sister who kept her brother out of trouble while he was the charming happy brother who was stubborn to a fault.

He had always dreamed to be like his father, a renowned pirate, though obviously his sister didn't like this dream. She was the only person to talk him out of it, and he did it because of how much he loved her. He was protective of her but he knew that he couldn't control her life so he never did.

Well one day their fathers past came to haunt them. A band of pirates who hated Simons father came up to their home, and snatched Simon's sister and killed their father. Simon had nothing to really use to find Merill other than his determination. So he set out to become a pirate in hopes of saving his sister!

He met his future Captain Sunnie by saving her from drowning one day. He was just casually swimming on by when he saw her just just plunge into the water and sank like a rock. Being the nice guy that he is, and being oblivious to the situation he saved her. He took her to the nearest shore as quickly as possible and tried reviving her. Once she woke up, he was smiling knowing she was alive, course that wasn't the end of the adventure. Suddenly without warning they were attacked by Marines? He wasn't well versed with surface knowledge but at the moment they were enemies and with coordinated effort, they both beat the enemy party. Afterwards she hugged him and offered him to be her traveling companion and First Mate. He accepted as this brought him closer to really being able to find his sister, besides Sunnie needed someone to help her and Simons too nice of a guy to just say no.

Simon seeks to find his sister.

Shark Boy, First Mate


Relationships: N/A

Fighting Style:

Simon fights with a trident, and quite well I might add. It is mainly used in close combat but he doesn't just thrust with it, he can do a whole bunch of moves with it. Kinda like fighting with a staff. But he isn't scare when fight hand to hand because of how strong he is.

Position within the crew:
First Mate

Main Haki: Armament Haki

Devil Fruit: N/A


"Everybody is good at something, just because you doubt yourself doesn't mean you're a failure. You may fail over again but with persistence and patience may you be victorious in the end."
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Name: Ezra Emmagold

Age: 21

Gender: Male

: Heterosexual

Appearance: View media item 32754

: Ezra's dedicated to overthrowing the World Government and the World Nobles, but he doesn't bring it up unless it's relevant. He's friendly to most people (even enemies), but has a hard time socializing outside his crew outside his music. He often has accidents with his powers when he's feeling extreme emotion (and/or rocking out), although he usually fixes them before something goes really badly. When he has free time Ezra usually reads, naps, or plays on his guitar. He's dedicated to his Captain's success and will cause any obstacle in her way to fail. When something does get him angry he shows how he earned his Epithet, bringing everything crashing down around his enemies. His belief in his Dream has given him a new will to succeed and the determination to see it through.

Background: Ezra was supposed to grow up to become a Cipher Pol Agent. He was orphaned as a baby and raised as an agent of the World Government. Except he kept asking questions. "Why do we need to go after Pirates who don't hurt anyone? Why aren't we helping people? Why do some people have it so much better than others?" He got disciplined. After finally having enough he broke into the base's library and started reading every book he could get his hand on in secret. He learned the truth of the corrupt nature of the World Government and World Nobles and decided to leave. Ont he day of his escape he made one last raid of the supply room and ended up taking a Devil Fruit along with the rest of the supplies. After taking a bite (and gagging at the foul taste) he ended up cornered by the Marines stationed at the base.
For his first use of his powers Ezra ended up breaking the base's supports and sending it sliding into the ocean. He managed to use Kami-e to get through the falling base and onto a small boat before pushing out to sea. He got pulled up by a traveling circus (working as the guitar player for their Fire Clown act) and spent a few months with them, sabotaging whatever World Government installations they ended up nearby. Realizing he'd put them in danger, Ezra told the carnies to turn him in, then escaped from the Marines he was handed over to. He reached the edge of a cliff in his run, then decided to ensure the Marine would never get their hands on him. He jumped off the cliff, intending to use his powers to create a massive explosion, when he landed on the deck of Sunnie's ship. After waking from unconsciousness he got interrogated and eventually recruited by Sunnie as her demolitions expert. He developed a crush on her as time went on and he learned of her history. Her good looks didn't hurt either. Right now he'd follow her to Hell and back again. And since her ambition is to become Queen of the Pirates this determination will be tested.

Dream: End the need for revolutionaries.


Epithet: 'Rockstar of Rebellion'

: 49,000,000

He has a crush on Captain Sunnie D. Wukong. He doesn't know how to express this and can't spit it out so he tries to get her attention through acts of sabotage.

Fighting Style
: Ezra fights unarmed, using his bare hands and whatever he can grab to use his powers in combat. He's created a form of martial arts he calls '' He's learned how to use Kami-e Rokushiki to dodge his opponents and the debris from his own attacks. When in combat he has a tendency to show off. His abilities and fighting style often make it look like he has precognition, although this is the result of him using Observation Haki, his Devil Fruit abilities, and Kami-e to dodge and attack.
He can also use his Battle Guitar as an axe and channel his Devil Fruit power through his guitar playing.

Position within the crew
: Demolitions Expert and Musician.

Main Haki
: Haki/Kenbunshoku Haki

Devil Fruit
: With his Sabotage-Sabotage Fruit Ezra can break anything he touches, or store the ability in an object he touches and then release it. This can be anything from buildings to relationships to natural laws to molecular bonds. The sabotage can be fixed if he's knocked unconscious (for ones like relationships or natural laws), undoes them, or if they're fixed the normal way.

Quote: "Sometimes you have to break something if you want to fix it.."
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Name: Winter Walter Lore

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Winter is a seemingly calm and collected man who judges the 'beauty' of all things and speaks in an elegant almost flirting manner, which adds to his already flamboyant appearance. He openly shows his distaste for things that are not beautiful and abhors everything he deems 'icky' and 'ugly', sometimes making him burst out in a comical manner. Even though he isn't above praising 'delicious food' for its beauty and taste, he will usually refrain from openly admitting it, if someone else had a moment of 'beauty'. While more inclined to hide it, seeing himself as 'less beautiful' in that state, he shows his anger when alone or when he becomes irritated by pointless and savage actions. He likes to demonstrate his strength, but at the same time dislikes to touch or challenge creatures of lesser beauty. He is very passionate about cooking and makes sure that all his meals have a certain beauty to them.

Background: Winter was born to a pirate known as Moon, however Moon wasn't your normal pirate he wasn't looking for treasures such as gold or jewels the only thing Moon was looking for were ingredients. Moons ship was called the 'Buffet Pour Tous' or the Buffet for all and that's just what the ship was, a Buffet for all and best of all for anyone hungry Moon made sure the meal was completely free. As a chef Moons cooking was of the best grade in the world, he could make a meal out of nearly anything.

Winter spent most of his childhood with his father, learning how to cook, how to fight but mostly how to survive on barely anything. With a father like Moon Winter picked up cooking rapidly and soon became the second best cook on a ship full of cooks. Sadly all good things must come to an end. Moon ended up getting an incurable disease which would soon cost him his life. Not wanting Winter to be left alone, Moon with the last of his strength set sail for Winter's mother's village.

Arriving at his mother's village somewhere Winter had no idea where it was, they were a very flamboyant looking woman waiting. Turns out that women was Winter's mother Rosa Lore. Picking up on Rosa's fashion sense and way of talking Winter ended up becoming quite the flamboyant person himself. Winter never stopped cooking mostly because his mother couldn't and after a while in his teen years set up a small restaurant. It attracted nearly everyone in the village and most people found it funny that he was Rosa's son as Rosa couldn't even make toast without burning it.

Over time the restaurant earned a little fame and attracted a group of pirates. The Pirates ended up getting hands-on with Winter's waitress, who just so happened to be a girl Winter liked. Within seconds of her saying let go Winter was out of the kitchen, not a thing that happened often. Winter asked them if they would let go of his waitress but they didn't, putting the training his father taught him into play he ended up kicking all of the pirates out. Only to learn they were part of a much bigger fleet.

He noticed the pirates left a apple and with Winter not thinking anything of it, he bit into it only to hear one of the pirates shout no. Turns out that Apple was a devil fruit one that pirates were going to give to their captain. Fleeing from the island more to protect the one girl more than anything.

Dream/Motivation: He wishes to be known as the best chef in the world and to provide food to all who need it.


Alias (optional, can be obtained later within the story):

0 Belly

Relationships :

Fighting Style
His combat style is to fake the fact that he is weak causing opponents to drop their guard when they attack, he then follows up with a counter, he only uses this tactic against 'grunts' but against stronger people, he just goes with the flow using everything he can to try and win.

Position within the crew:

Main Haki: Busoshoku Haki

Devil Fruit Kami Kami No Mi: Hair Hair fruit-Paramecia type.

The Kami Kami No Mi allows the user to instantly grow hair whatever color of length the user wants it to be. While it is just hair, its not to be underestimated as the fruit also increase the hairs durability making it harder to be cut, with Winter also taking care of his hair its durability is also increased. The hair can be freely manipulated giving this devil fruit a large number of uses from grabbing something or someone to creating a fist out of hair and punching someone. One of Winter's less use is that the hair, with enough speed and force, can impale a target. However, Winter would only use that against animals as he hates to kill fellow men.


Quote: "Food deserves to be shared, enjoyed but most importantly it must look beautiful just like I am."
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"They don't believe me until it's gone. That's when they start chasing."​

Damian Adamus

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Damian's back is covered with an array of jagged scars and the infamous symbol indicating that he was a slave to the Celestial Dragons, a constant reminder to his childhood.


An introverted individual who is both highly analytical and observational, Damian is often given the label of an outcast as despite his efforts to fit in, he can never seem to get it right. His lack of social interactions as a child remained with him as he grew older and is one of the main factors of his seclusion from others. Because of the hardships he experienced in his younger years, he is consistently skeptical of others around him and is quick to assume the worst, whether it is through observation or simply instinct. Still, he strives to form relationships, although it's often not for the sake of friendship but more for having a larger group of allies to cover his back. His analytical abilities are razor sharp during times of intensity, such as during a fight, but when confronted with social interactions, it collapses into a jumbled mess.

Background: His mother passed away when he was four. He was still in her embrace when it happened. He remembered hugging her tightly, whimpering the entire time, praying for a miracle, for anything to save her. Tears flowed down his face like rain during a storm, mixing with the pool of blood that had formed beneath them. Her body went limp as she released her final breath and, for what felt like eternity, he just sat there. A boy with no past or future, afloat in a sea of red, accompanied only by the chilling silence that hung over him.

From that day on, Damian found a new friend. Someone who would comfort him when he felt so utterly alone, someone who would keep him sane, and someone who would keep him alive: Silence. He could sit for hours on end, just lost in his own thoughts. That was his one and only escape from the pain, the torment, and the suffering.
The sole reason for Damian's depressing childhood is that he was raised as a slave. He was born into a prison and, within the first few months, was branded as a slave to the celestial dragons. No mercy was shown, not even to a child. The moment he entered this world, he was stripped of all of his innocence and introduced, first handedly, to the pain and suffering present in the world. Not only did he experience the most excruciating forms of punishment, but he also observed them being handed out to those he cared deeply about.

His situation...his entire life was one, endless hellhole, but he vowed, not only for his sake, but also for the sake of his companions, that he was going to end all of their suffering. He started small: stealing a few measly rations and such. Eventually though, as he grew older, he began to accomplish larger feats, often to the wonderment and celebration of his fellow inmates.

Everything collapsed, though, when he, during one of his heists within the prison, stumbled into a storage room. His eyes widened as his gaze fell upon the heaps and heaps of gold, food, and other treasures scattered throughout the room. What caught his attention the most though was a single, purple fruit, covered with patterns of black swirls, which sat atop a nearby pile of gold. He remembered stories the other inmates told about mysterious things called "Devil Fruits" and the fact that they granted whoever ate it untold powers. His nervous energy quickly turned into excitement as he rushed towards the fruit.

Just as he lifted the devil fruit up and towards his mouth, the clatter of footsteps from behind caused him to quickly swivel around. It wasn't another inmate or even a guard, but a celestial dragon. Without a second's hesitation, he gobbled down the Devil Fruit and watched as the celestial dragon's face turned from surprise into horror and then fury.

If it weren't for the fact that the celestial dragon wasn't carrying their blaster at that moment, Damian would be dead. Luckily for him, the celestial dragon was unarmed and he wasn't. With no real idea of the capabilities of the fruit, he simply, out of pure instinct, urged for something, for anything to happen. When the celestial dragon opened their mouth to yell for help, no sound came out. In fact, even the tinkering of the gold shifting underfoot had completely vanished. The room was completely silent.

Damian watched, with wide eyes, as pale-blue wisps of fluid seeped out from objects around him, including the Celestial Dragon themselves, and began to be absorbed into his own body. He panicked, and flung his arms out, trying to push the fluid away. As he threw his arms up, a wave of pure sound flew out from his hands and struck the nearby wall, shattering it upon impact.

The piercing light that shone through the gaping hole distracted him momentarily from what he had just done, but he was shaken back to his senses when he noticed that the celestial dragon was scrambling to get away from him. In a matter of seconds, Damian's dagger had cut cleanly through the celestial dragon's suit and through their throat. He wiped the weapon clean using the cloth of his tunic and, without another look back, fled through the hole and.

Although he was already 20 years of age, the sensation he had when the rays of the Sun struck his back and hearing the whisper of the wind gave him the feeling that he had finally been born into the world.

Dream/Motivation: To utterly eradicate the Celestial Dragons and topple the system that they've created.

Alias: None so far


None so far

Fighting Style
(keep it brief while covering the main aspects): Damian prefers to avoid direct confrontations with his enemy, usually resorting to assassinations, but in the odd times that he must fight another opponent head on he will utilize the abilities of his devil fruit along with his nimble build to overwhelm and confuse them. His main weapon of choice are his pair of daggers.

Position within the crew:
Thief and infiltrator

Main Haki: Kenboshoku Haki

Devil Fruit (optional, can be obtained later within the story):
A devil fruit that allows the user to manipulate sound as if it were a fluid substance. They can extract the sound from people and objects (e.g. cause somebody's footsteps to suddenly become silent) and infuse it into the user's own body. When it has entered the user's body, it will remain there, stored and intact, until it is required to be used once again. Storing pockets of sound in one's body for long duration of time (without release) will cause aching pains and soreness and will eventually lead to the user going unconscious, which at that point their body involuntarily releases all of the pockets of sound currently being stored.

The pockets of sound will appear as pale-bluish strands/blobs of fluid, but will only take this appearance when being extracted from where and towards the user's body. When released, there will be no visual cue other than a possible ripple through the air or physical damage caused to the surroundings. Also, the user must have a direct line of sight with their target to be able to extract the sound.

The uses of this fruit could be "robbing" a guard of their sound and silently incapacitating them without causing any noise. Another use could be imbuing their strikes/weapons with small bursts of sound to discombobulate or unsettle their opponent (similar to Conqueror's Haki).
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(Press the black part for next)
  • -
    Name: Avey D. Jones

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Catch-Phrase: "OSU!" Osu is a battle cry in the Beastmen Tribe, of which is used before a hunt out an impactfull battle.

    Motivation/Dream: Jones wants to find his father, that is for sure. He still remembers his father, and knows that his father misses him. He misses him too. He wants to make friends and comrades, grow with them, be with them. He wants to be apart of something bigger than himself.

    Sexuality: Bi-Curious

    Appearance: Jones has bright Emerald green eyes, green messy hair with black highlights and freckles around his cheeks. He's around 5 feet 11 inches, and has O- Blood. On the island he was raised on by the Beastmen, his hair was messy, his clothes were ripped and ragged, and he was well, an overall "monster". Though he's much better now, no longer wearing animal skins, it's still very . . . weird to him, having certain products, cleaning and combing his hair, conversing with "normal" society. He has a tall and muscular stature, gained through his rough lifestyle.

    Fighting Style: Before his father and his separation, he was being taught the basics of Hand to Hand Combat. But they got separated before he could get advanced or experienced in it. Though he is very advanced in the use of the Akuma Beast Fighting Style, a form of fighting used by the Beast Men of the Lost Island. While most see this fighting style as brutal and harsh, it actually involves precise movements and strikes, moving like the flowing rivers of the island, not fighting the current, but instead enhancing it. This fighting style involves insane inhumane movements, each attacking holding both speed and power. But the truth behind the Akuma Beast Fighting style, of which he has yet to really master himself, is the ability for the body to adapt to the style of movement by the other occupant. When fighting another person, the user of the Akuma Beast Fighting Style sees the opponent as the current, and them as a fish. They cannot appose the current, no, they must be able to control and utilize the current. Shift it,
    control it. This requires precise analysis of the opponent, their actions, how they fight, etc. etc. The entire Akuma Beast Fighting Style focuses on the art of Adaption.
    • Mimicry: A technique he derived from his Akuma Beast Fighting Style and the Kenbunshoku Haki, allowing him to analyze the precise movements and actions of others, and then mimic them to be almost exactly the same if not the exact same. A mirror technique if you would. He'd use this in battle to analyze his opponents fighting style, and then mirror it to do what they do. He has not been shown to use this yet.

    Haki: Though he has not been able to truly consciously *use* haki, he has been shown the ability to use it, though is not aware of himself using it, or even aware of it. This Haki, is Kenbunshoku Haki, of which allows him to sense the presence of others, regardless of what means they use to hide their presence. He has been able to use this passively, and in dire need anticipate the actions of others or other beings, and then react upon that. Though, he still needs training, and doesn't even know what it is. In fact, he think every human being has this ability. He will end up Specializing in this form of Haki, but Master Busoshoku.

    Devil Fruit:

    • Pawa Pawa No Mi: The Pawa Pawa No Mi is a Devil Fruit that gives it's occupant the ability to stockpile and release pure, raw, unadulterated power. The Pawa Pawa No Mi holds a strange ability that no other Fruit has. It gets stronger the more it goes through it's Reincarnation Process, as all the power Stockpiled and used by one Occupant, when they die and the Pawa Pawa No Mi reincarnates, all that energy and power transfers to the new Fruit. And from that, the one who eats said Fruit can "sense" and communicate with all the souls and beings who held that Fruit Before them, as the fruit takes a remnant of it's old hosts soul when Reincarnated. From this, the new person to eat the fruit can "feel" all the other people who ate the fruit. This fruit is powerful, but . . . It's not something that can be used too much. It requires training, much of it, before the user can use this ability without completely destroying their body. Through training one can use the Pawa Pawa No Mi without the damaging of their body. The power that is stored through their body is large, and without regulated use and no training in it, causes incredible amounts of pain and damage to ones body.

    Alias: (gained later on)

    Bounty: 0 (grows later on)

    Position on Crew: N/A


    • Admiral Avey D. James: Admiral James is one of the Admirals in the Marines. He lost his son many years ago out and sea, and was never able to find him again. Jones is his child.
    • Ko-Ra: His Adopted mother, a member of the Beastmen Tribe, and the first Beastman to find out about his existence.
    • Beastmen: A tribe of beasts on the Lost Island that he grew to love.
    • ???: The last members of the Pawa Pawa No Mi, of which he sometimes speaks to.

    As a child, he was very excited and ready to learn, wanting to be just like his father. Though, when they were separated, he began to grow a lot harsher and more brutal, not like what a child should be. On the Lost Island, there are beasts and animals that make other large beasts look like babies. They were viscous and monstrous, and he was unable to do anything against them, nothing but run and hide. He was very smart, having to create certain tactics and escape mechanisms that would allow his survival, though these barely worked, due to some sort of error.

    When he was raised by the Beastmen of the Island, they barely treated him as a living being, but he still respected them and kept moving. He is stubborn and loyal, going as far as saying he would die for those he cares about. Allies, Comrades, Bonds, these are things he takes very seriously, and will speak out against injustice that he deems unqualified. The Beastmen, though being a Warrior Tribe, are quite calm when not bloodthirsty, and he seems to have taken this tone of being as well. He's calm and precise, liking to resolve things with his words instead of needless fighting. But he isn't afraid to fight when he must. He's very Empathetic, able to Emphasize with other people and their problems. Overall he's actually very kind.

    Though he is kind and calm, he has certain "trigger" subjects that will activate his hot hotheadedness. Such as betrayal, as loyalty is a very important thing to him. He hates traitors, people he take someone elses trust for granted, you name it. Evil bosses, those who would turn on their crew, he loathes them. Acts of breaking his trust or abusing his loyalty, or the loyalty and trust of another, will instantly put you on a list you don't want to be on for him.

    He has been shown to have a very . . . strange sense of humor. When fighting someone he has fought before and lost against previously, or fighting someone he's seen fight before, he will beat them in a way that has an ironic twist to the way they won their fight before. He regularly seeks to exact revenge for the actions of his opponent from the last battle, for example, if fighting someone who had tortured their last opponent to win, in their battle, he will employ a similar type of punishment. An eye for an eye, as it may go, and what it normally leads to. This is stated to be one of the factors that makes him quite terrifying when he wants to be.

    Avey D. Jones is the child of Avey D. James, and his mother, of which is unknown. He was raised by his father, who is a Marine Admiral. One day however, when out at sea with his child, no Marines around, with them being deep at sea. His father was over confident, and didn't expect to meet anyone formidable. But they did, and were attacked by pirates. Though he was able to fend them off, he and his child got separated, and he had no idea where he was. Admiral James did all he could to try to find his child. But, alas, he never did. It was as if . . . he had disappeared off of the face of the earth.

    But, in truth, he landed in the Lost Island. He didn't know this at the time, only knowing he woke up on a beach, and was covered in sand. The first thing he encountered, was a large crab, larger than anything he'd ever seen. He'd barely been able to run away, hiding in a large section of trees and bushes. For the first few months of his life there, he spent his time running and hiding, having to quickly learn to survive. His memories were growing dimmer and dimmer, lower and lower, just being able to faintly remember his fathers looks, his fathers name, and his name. Avey D. Jones, he had to remember it. And then it happened, he saw a humanoid being. A human! He could talk to! He went to them, only to find they weren't truly human. They had lots of fur on their body, sharp claws, large teeth . . . As if one would cross a bear with a wolf, and put it on their hind legs. Monstrous.

    He tried to run, but he was immediately captured, and kidnapped. He was kept is custody while the woman who had taken him in, named Ko-Ra, went to the Tribe Council as to how to deal with him. The beasts of the Tribe wanted him dead, I mean after all, he was a human! Humans couldn't be trusted. But some calmer members stated that he is not a man, but a child, and that he is pure. Others argued against it, but, they couldn't fight the facts. The island was protected by a barrier that only let trusted beastmen in, or be able to acknowledge it's existence. To others, it would be as if it wasn't even there. But, that only considered those with impure hearts and tainted souls. All of mankind basically. But, this boy . . . He not only passed the barrier, but he was able to enter without anyone noticing. He was as pure as pure could get.

    Though there was much more arguing, it was decided to execute him. He may have been pure and a child, but children grew. A boy grows into a Man. And Mankind could not be trusted. But they were not without honor. On his execution day, they allowed him to plead whatever case he needed. And he did, that's when everyone stopped. When he stated his name, the D, everyone grew silent. He was a D? That changed everything. They brought him to a temple, where they explained a legend, a fable most believed to be Myth. A young boy carrying the Will of D. will fall upon that island, and when that happened, and he would change everything. Depending on how they raised him, he could be the one to keep the island alive, or, the one to destroy it. He was adopted into the Tribe then, having the woman that found him, named Ko-Ra, to be his mother and Guardian.

    From there, he was raised with the Beastmen, being trained in their ways of fighting, befriending many Beastmen, fighting in their arenas, and overall just proving his worth. He loved everyone there, the Tribe, the people he considered his family, they were the most important thing to him. But, he didn't belong there. No matter what they said, he knew that they knew, this wasn't his home. He belonged with humans, and as such needed to be around them. So, he planned his departure. Though he was warned, when he left the island, he would never be able to come back. Tinted with the Sin of Man, he would be a stranger and enemy to the Island and Beastmen. But, even so . . . He had to know other people, other humans. So he began to leave anyways.

    On the day when he was supposed to leave, his mother came into the hut and hugged him, telling him she always loved him, though had never said it before. And she had a surprise. Outside, everyone from the Tribe, even those who wanted him dead, was there. They had a goodbye, everyone giving him nods of respect as he went to the Tribe Elder, of which marked him with that war paint only given to the bravest and respected of the Tribe, and a Tribal Necklace, holding multiple small gem like rocks that are on the island. Each representing something in his life. There were 10 of them, and those 10 things were things he should always honor and keep close with him. The first five were marked already. His tribe, his heritage, His morality, his humanity, and his family. The other five? They were vacant, for him to fill up out there in the world. And if he found something to truly hold on to, something out in the world of sin that made his heart swell, it could bring back his soul purity, and let him come back, one day. And the last gift? The tribal Fruit of the Devil Beast, it's what they called it. It is said to have formed on that Island long ago, when a man had landed on the island, and died. They say the fruit held the soul of the man, and was forbidden for any Beast Man to eat. But, they could not get rid of it, as it was also considered holy to the Tribe. But, he'd proven himself, his worth, he was gifted it. He ate the fruit there, and the Elder gave him his Tribal name, Ko D. El, now he had two heritages to protect. And everyone exploded in cheers and tears, happiness and sadness, hope and misery.

    Jones hugged and loved his family, his adopted ones, his tribes, and got to the shore, where he was given a small boat the builders of the tribe made for him. As they helped him leave the island, fending off other beasts and animals, they chanted his name as he sailed off, him crying and yelling back at them. And then . . . They were gone. The island was gone. And he could no longer hear their chants. He wiped his tears away, and turned around, sailing out on to the great wide sea.
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Vella Noir
(Drawing coming eventually)

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Vella is a six foot tall, Heron Mink with blue, white, and grey feathers, as well as two long, blue feathers which stem from the back of her head and down to her knees, and a pair of long, orange legs. She wears a long, crimson military coat with gold and black epaulettes, along with black pants, an a red and black peaked hat. She also wears a belt which carries the holster for her choice of weapon; the Mameluke sword. Because she is blind, her pupils are a light grey, while her iris's are green.


Personality: Being a former officer of a pirate crew, Vella takes her duties very seriously, and will go about completing them to the best of her abilities. Calculated and organized, Vella likes to keep her belongings in order, and her activities scheduled. When she was still an officer, she would make her men abide to strict schedules which they needed to perform on a daily basis. Aside from her stern and strict nature, though, Vella also will show a humble, more gentle side of herself if in a calm or pleasant mood. Unless her captain proves to be incompetent or unable to conduct good decision making for a situation, Vella will never question her captain. Otherwise, she is more than willing to give out her own orders.

Background: All Vella has ever wanted was to live a quiet life. But due to a fate of being thrown into constant battle in this unstable world, a quiet life has always felt beyond her reach. Taken away by her family and forced into slavery at the age of eight, Vella would spend every day fearing for her life, and being the sensitive girl, the only way she knew how to cope with the pain and misery she was endorsing was to cry. But alas, her master would brutally beat her every time she cried, causing the young mink to gradually transform into the stern, cold-hearted person she is today.
It wouldn't be until the country of her master was raided by a crew of pirates that her life would go through yet another great transition. With the main palace in flames, Vella took the opportunity to escape, but was stopped by her master, who had been driven mad by the loss of all of his wealth, power, and authority by the invading pirates. After a bit of a tussle, Vella would slash her master's chest with his own sword, but would then grab a burning piece of his mansion and throw it at the mink before his life left him. The burning blank of wood would slam straight into her eyes, permanently blinding her as the palace soon crumbled down to the ground.
(will finish)

Dream/Motivation: To live a peaceful and quiet life.


Alias: "The Crane in Crimson"

Bounty: 13 million

Fighting Style: (wip)

Position within the crew: Lookout

Main Haki: Observation Haki


Quote: If it weren't for the government and that bloody One Piece, the world would be a much quieter place.


My soul has grown restless. Although I can no longer return home, I assure you I'll be dragging you to hell with me.
Koga the Restless

Koga, Restless Defender of Shandia

??? (+40)



Koga is stern and quick to the point. He can be very bitter and usually has no time to waste when it comes to taking action. He is careful and calculative in his motions. He prefers to outsmart and over power his enemies above all. He can be very ruthless when confronting opponents and can be very vengeful. Before being cast out, he was quite the family man and these traits still show among his crew member. However, he hates developing close friendships with others in fear that awful tides will be brought.


Koga was one of the many hunters of Shandia. He had quickly made a name for himself becoming one of the best fighters among the tribe. He followed authority without question and was higly respected among his peers.
(Future me, edit this)

Find someone in the new world to cure his curse and return to his family.

Koga the Restless | Shadow Man | Koga the Sinner | Restless Koga | Fallen Angel



Fighting Style:


Position within the crew:

Main Haki:

Devil Fruit


  • NAME
    Sakura Mai


  • LOVE
    Sakura is very mature, taking on the true role of her being an adult. She is true and serious, getting straight to the point and not wasting time. She's very smart, giving her lots of confidence as she believes she's better than most people. Not an opinion, to her, it's fact. She states it most of the time when she's fighting, sometimes even avoiding fights because she says it's beneath her. But this also gets her in trouble a lot, as people don't get too happy when you blatantly accuse them of being animal savages who aren't worth a dimes notice.

"I was created to create."


Name: Lin Enlai
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual

Appearance: Standing at the height of 165cm and weighing 51kg, Enlai is a slender, lightly tanned woman with a rather plain and forgettable face. Straight, dark brown, waist-length hair tied in a low ponytail with a simple hair tie, her parted fringe is held in place with three hairpins on each side, leaving two long strands to hang loose. Blank-looking onyx eyes behind black metal framed glasses set in an oval-shaped face with a sharp chin, straight nose and full lips.

Her usual wear consists of a dark coloured unbuttoned T-shirt, a thin suit jacket of similar colour and a light brown long coat. Brown hide shoes usually cover her feet, and she favours wearing black woollen fingerless gloves to cover her hands, or else her skin would be constantly marred by graphite from her pencils.


Alias: None yet

Bounty: None yet

Relationships: Enlai still has living family members in the East Blue, quite a handful, to be exact. The Lin family has been in that village for a few generations and most of the family, direct and distant, make their home there. When she decided to travel the world, she sends letters back home whenever possible.

Crew members relationship TBA

Fighting Style: Enlai doesn't engage in battle personally. By that, I mean she has yet to encounter an opponent that has forced her to do more than dodge attacks with the help of Observation Haki. In a fight, she utilises her Devil Fruit abilities to animate her drawings and throw them at her opponents while she stands back and evade (if she can) anything that comes her way.

Position within the crew: Lookout

Main Haki: Observation Haki.
She has yet to achieve Armament Haki and will never be able to unlock Conqueror's Haki.

Devil Fruit: Gako-Gako no Mi (Sketch-Sketch Fruit) - Like its name suggests, Enlai's powers lie in drawing, which is the reason she carries a small sketchbook and pencils everywhere with her, never letting it leave her person. On the rare occassion she removes them, they are most certainly still within reach. Anyway, she can animate her drawings by willing them to life. When a drawing comes to life, they will disappear from the pages of her sketchbook and will remain in the real world until it is killed. She can animate as many as she wishes, but for now, controlling more than three is pushing her limit. Summoning more would have a chance of her control slipping, and the more dangerous animations would turn on everything around them, friend or foe. Of course, this limit can be surpassed through sheer will and practise. It's just slow going for Enlai.
With her powers, she is able to animate drawings created by other people, but that would take more concentration to control as it is the work of others and not her own.


Lin Enlai is a placid and calculating woman who is always thinking one step ahead, and often have a handful of contingency plans, escape routes and alternate paths as back-up. She speaks with a polite and formal manner at all times, albeit terrifyingly so when she completely stumps her enemies. Though her intentions are sometimes questioned, she is indefinitely loyal to her chosen superior. However, she does not tolerate blatantly unjust actions, and will push the limits of what she can do if she thinks she can amend that, no matter what it costs her. No matter where she is, she stays by her family's morals, and that is "Diplomacy is the first step. Only when all fails that one resolves to war". But she doesn't gloat enemies she defeats, as "arrogance is the downfall of men."

A quiet person by nature, preferring to observe and analyse rather than be observed, Enlai does not believe in speaking unnecessarily or excessively, as running a loose tongue has more than once resulted in vital information being unwittingly leaked. She refuses to indulge in base pleasures like alcohol and whatnots for the same reasons (not because she has low tolerance, ok? Her tolerance is absymal). However, she will make her thoughts known to everyone if she thinks it will be of help, or at least assist in making a decision.

In contrary to what one will expect from a quiet woman, Enali is not apathetic, stoic, or emotionless. She keeps up a serious, no-nonsense facade, yes, but allows her emotions to shine through. Her control is all concentrated inwardly, meaning she can keep her cool when things are going to hell. She freely expresses pain, anger, happiness or sorrow and have no qualms in making her opinion on matters known. Which actually helps in training her mental control for when she animates drawings. She always remembers anyone who has done her a favour, and any debts she might owe people. If there's one indisputable fact about this woman, it is her certainty to repay her debts, no matter if said person is "good" or "bad".


Born and raised in the East Blue, on Weatherstone Valley, in the Village of Limestone, Lin Enlai is the fourth child and youngest daughter to Lin Erju and Lin Yuyun, both normal citizens. Mother ran a small restaurant while Father was the chef. From a young age, every child in the household spent their spare time helping out in the family business. As residents of the East Blue, one of the safest seas in the world due to increased Marine presence, Weatherstone Valley did not see more than the occasional bandits, and pirate raids typically occurred at coastal areas, not so far inland like they were. However, that did not mean the influence of both pirates and Marines did not extend far.

As the second youngest of the house, Enlai usually find herself escaping the babying tendencies of her family. Her favourite place was beneath the great tree up on a hill behind the house, where she can spend time in silence overlooking the houses below. Like her father, she loved drawing, having discovered her talent for it during her third birthday. Her favourite things to draw were strange and exoctic things, from a deformed stump of trunk to a two-headed garden snail. Each of her sketches were records of unique things she personally saw, and took pride in each filled page.

When Enlai turned five, her eldest brother decided he didn't want to continue living a mundane life like her parents. He disappeared one day with his most prized possessions, leaving behind only a goodbye note. Five years later, he turned up at the front doors of their house, more tanned and muscular than he was when he left. He looked whole, healthy and much more carefree than Enlai remembered. Regaling the entire family with tales of adventure and all sorts of incredible creatures and sights he came across, her brother instantly captured Enlai's mind, implanting within her the roots of exporation and discovery. While her parents were slightly horrified to know he had became a pirate, the girl didn't care a whit. Her brother was having the time of his life, and she felt happy for him.

It was that same night Enlai accidentally ate a Devil Fruit her brother found in his travels. Bleary from sleep but feeling peckish, she reached or what she thought was a strangely-shaped apple and bit into it without a second thought. The mind-boggingly horrid taste made her choke, but a small piece entered her stomach anyway. Woken by her terrified screams, her brother told her about the legendary fruits that granted power, but robbed one of the ability to swim. Having no idea what kind of Devil Fruit she ate, Enlai quickly forgot about the incident when nothing out of the ordinary happened for an entire year.

The very first time she made use of her powers was in her thirteenth year, when a boa slithered down from the branches of the great tree towards her, she panicked. The palm of her hand touching the just-finished feral cat with a bare-boned tail, her desperation to get away from the venomous striking snake caused it to come to life. A showdown later, Enlai realised her page was blank, and the cat following her home was an exact copy of her drawing, just in three-dimensions.

At the age of seventeen, she followed in her eldest brother's footsteps and left her hometown in search for adventure, bringing with her a few thousand berris, the clothes in her back and her beloved art tools. For the first few years, she hitchhiked from ship to ship, may they be Marines, pirates or others. However, to her enternal frustration, none of the captains of the ships she boarded were willing to bring a seemingly weak and inexperienced woman into more dangerous waters, rendering her unable to pursue her dream of cataloguing exotic species.

It was only until her twenty-fourth year that she came across a captain willing to let her onboard, and wasn't at all fazed when Enlai enquired about venturing into the Grand Line. Sunnie D. Wukong allowed her onboard first as a passenger (who insisted to pay for passage) and later, Enlai asked to join the crew as she became more friendly with the younger captain.


Enlai's dream is to have a bookful (or more than one) of exotic creatures sketched down and catalogued, as there are many species of flora and fauna yet unrecorded in this world.







code by Han JiHyo Han JiHyo

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