Story A one off story


Socially awkward penguin
~~ A one off story written for a role play based of the US version of Shameless. ~~

Scene is an OC character of mine and Philip Gallagher.​
Ryker after work had still been feeling off with everything going on between him, Ian, and Mickey. His sister had expressed concern with his more clearly depressed attitude. Though he wasn't sure who he could reach out and talk to. He didn't really have any friends left since sobering up. He recalled Lip offering to talk if he ever needed to so he figured why not try and reach out. Something had to be done because he wasn't getting better by hiding out in his room. He pulled out his phone texting Lip.

Ryker: [Hey….you free to shoot some hoops?] It be easier to guise needing to talk with some kind of hangout session. He was okay at playing basketball. He felt his phone go off and saw the response.
Lip: [Uh sure I'm free. I got a ball I can bring. Where we meeting?]
Ryker: [The park near by your
place, that shady park, may not have nets on the hoops but it's close to both of us]
Lip: [Sure, see you there soon]

With that Ryker changed out of his hoodie and pants from work to some gray gym shorts and a loose black tank top. He grabbed his board glad his mom was home for the night. As he went out of his room his sister and mom were in the living room "going to the park to shoot some hoops I'll be back" he called simply as he headed out.
"Be safe! Love you!" Amber called glad to see her brother at least getting out of the house. She had been worried about him lately. He wouldn't tell her what was going on and knew drinking only triggered his depression.

The park wasn't a far trip for either of the boys. Lip was curious about the sudden request from Ryker to hang out. He wondered if had to deal with Ian. When he arrived to the park he saw Ryker had beat him mainly because the other has used his skateboard. He walked onto the courts the sun still setting but like Ian being out late in Southside didn't worry him. "Hey didn't know you play ball" Lip said.

Ryker shook his head "eh really haven't since my high-school days. But needed the time out of the house you know?" He asked. Lip bounced the ball a bit "I get that. I'm not really a big player myself but I was glad to get out of the house a bit myself. So do you actually wanna play a game?" He asked.
"We can just shoot some hoops for a bit. Maybe play a bit one on one" ryker shrugged. Lip nodded "sounds good to me" he shot the ball at the hoop missing and laughed "I'm pretty rusty."

The other grabbed the ball and bounced it a bit. Ryker then attempted a shot and made it "still got it" he chuckled getting it going to make another. The two made their shots in silence for a bit going back and forth. Ryker looked Lip "what's going on your end to make you need to get out?" He asked. Lip looked over "mickey is practically living with us. Guess he's avoiding his dad who wants him to marry some Russian hooker." Lip explained. Ryker pressed his lips together "sounds like Terry….but dont blame ya for needing to be away from that" He said and continued to shoot hoops. Eventually Lip spoke back up "so um haven't seen you around in a bit….everything cool between you and Ian?" He asked finally what had been in on his mind. Ryker took a deep breath holding the ball "yes…….honestly I have no fucking clue. I don't want to say much but um….some things happened between us. It was a mistake and just I don't know made it awkward. I just don't see how he thinks Mickey is worth his time" he admitted tossing a shot and missed it.

"Yeah fucking beats me." He said grabbing the ball "I wish I could understand and explain it but I really can't. Part of it may just be how long they've known each other but sometimes I wonder. Trust me though that night you two met he looked so genuinely happy and I never quiet seen that with him and Mickey but there is this toxic attraction I guess…." Lip took another shot making it. Ryker went for the ball grabbing it tossing it back. Hearing Lip affirm Ian had seemed genuinely happy the night they met struck a certain pain in him.

"How do you do it Lip? I mean we're similar you and I. Both helping with mentally ill siblings….and parents that aren't really doing their part. How do you handle it?" Ryker asked watching Lip take another shot making it again. "Sometimes it beats me how I do it….I mean don't have the healthiest coping skills. I've been told I had a drinking issue" he shrugged putting the ball aside so he could take a cigarette break. "I guess I just do it….I do have people I know I can go to and that has helped." Ryker followed his lead taking out one of his own he lit it and sat down for a moment "Hmm I can relate to that too, the drinking problem." He clarified. "Plus a brief struggle with pills….I just don't really have those people i can talk to." Ryker replied.

"You're talking to me aren't ya?" Lip asked with a grin lighting his cigarette sitting down. Ryker slowly blew out some smoke after taking a drag "I guess I am" he chuckled.
"So lay it on me. Don't worry I've heard it all and I won't tell Ian what you said. He doesn't even know we're hanging out" Lip assured the other. Hearing that made Ryker feel more at ease. He had no reason to not believe Lip. "Ian and I hooked up" he suddenly blurted out. "We didn't mean to….I'm pretty sure he wasn't in the right state if mind and I don't know….I just went for it and I've felt like shit since. One because I didn't realize what he was dealing with and two because it only cemented my feelings for him."

Lip looked to the other "damn…." He said taking in the information. "Okay yeah makes sense but listen you can't feel entirely bad for not realizing that. I know Ian when he's like that he's usually acting on things he wants and I know he has feelings for you. I can't be sure but the hook up was probably mutal" Lip said though suddenly the tension he saw Ian having around Mickey made a lot of sense. "The feelings part honestly I wish I knew what to tell you but Mickey is the hard part of the situation" he said taking a drag from his cigarette. "You never really told me what happened between you and mickey."

Ryker scoffed "a lot….but to condense the story. Of course it was a toxic relationship if you could even call it that because he refused to even wanting to say he was in a relationship. At the time I was still kinda out there making bad choices….had a lot going on home. A mother on pills, my sister just not handing it well....other things too and Mickey was a great distraction. He only encouraged my drinking at the time and my habit of stealing cars….one night he pushed and pushed for me to take a car that I wasn't comfortable with. I refused so he kept getting to take down drinks till I gave in. Took the car drunk….way too drunk and was taking it for a spin with him….um I don't remember much from there but what I was told I was found in the wreckage of the car….Mickey had left. So yeah ended up in juvie." He explained as he worked on the cigarette.

Lip looked to him shaking his head "damn fucked up I mean I knew he was fucked up….but still." He sighed "I can understand why you don't like him." He nodded "I wish I was good at advice man but I think if you stick to Ian's side he might see that he does deserve better. At least I'd hope so because I want better for my brother."

Ryker looked to the sky a bit "it fucking hurts just standing by. I can manage friends but I can't just sit by and hope for the best ya know?" He asked.
Lip nodded "no I get that. I do. Then just be a friend. Find some hook ups or whatever you want in the meantime. Don't torture yourself over these feelings ryker. You're a good guy and you do deserve someone good." He told him. Ryker nodded not sure how that would go but he had considered trying to move on emotionally speaking if Ian was going to stick to Mickey. He finished his cigarette needing a break from all the heavy talk. "Wanna go for a one on one game?" Lip grinned at the question and finished his own cigarette "Oh yeah sure you're on" he nodded getting up.

Ryker took the ball and the two started up a game. It was fairly back and forth. The heat of the night made Ryker pull off his shirt at one point in the game. The two continued till ultimately Ryker won. It was officially dark and the dim lights of the park were on by the time they called the game. He grinned "hell yeah!" He chuckled. Lip stood catching his breath chuckling as well "good shit. You know we can hang out whenever sometimes it's good to get out of it and grab a break from it all." He told him. Ryker nodded catching his breath feeling a reprieve from the recent bout of depression thanks to Lip. "I couldn't agree more. Thanks man" he said. Lip nodded "sure don't sweat it." He wiped at his forehead.

"My brother isn't an easy one to understand. Sometimes I think he simply enjoys the conflict with Mickey. We were raised around conflict, violence and the such so it's kinda normal if that helps understand things." Lip offered Ryker. The other man grabbed his shirt off the ground "I can understand that in a sense…." He sighed feeling a bit tired for once. While he had been depressed and spending a lot of time he hadn't been properly sleeping. "Well I probably should go, gotta watch over my sister tomorrow since it's the weekend." He said.

Lip nodded "yeah no problem….just let me know if you wanna hang again or just need to talk." Ryker offered a soft smile "yeah….same to you. I may not be great at advice either but at least we have some common ground." He moved putting on his shirt and went to grab his board. Lip gave a smile back and nodded "I will keep that offer in mind." Lip assured. Ryker got onto his board"Night Lip, I'll see you around."
"Night" Lip responded and headed off.
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