A New Year Starts Soon [Open]


Creator of Eclectic Mayhem

     Elizabeth was sorting through a pretty tall stack of manila folders with various intricate color labeling systems in the Student Council Room. The new year was going to be starting soon and there was a lot to do still. The student body as a whole had started calling her a candid nickname, "Untouchable Queen." It was clearly a means to demoralize her for her lack of empathy for her fellow students on an individual level. Elizabeth didn't really care. It apparently was also some manner of warning to new students not to approach her romantically which was fine by her. She can play the role of an Ice Queen atop a pillar. The key thing was that she stood on top.

    Elizabeth smacks the metal desk she sat at and the surface whined a shrill sound as it dented inwards. The indentation was smoking light fumes from the impact and Elizabeth snarled her teeth. "Damn her.... beating me at last years tournament. She brought my rating down and now I have vulnerabilities exposed."

    She sighed and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose standing and filing away the latest stack of folders. "I'll just have to tare her apart this year." with that completed she turned to leave the Room and head to the Cafeteria. Student's would be arriving over the course of the next week and this was likely the most peaceful the cafeteria will ever be. She walked through the hand carved double doors and looked around to see if anyone was there.


     Elizabeth was sorting through a pretty tall stack of manila folders with various intricate color labeling systems in the Student Council Room. The new year was going to be starting soon and there was a lot to do still. The student body as a whole had started calling her a candid nickname, "Untouchable Queen." It was clearly a means to demoralize her for her lack of empathy for her fellow students on an individual level. Elizabeth didn't really care. It apparently was also some manner of warning to new students not to approach her romantically which was fine by her. She can play the role of an Ice Queen atop a pillar. The key thing was that she stood on top.

    Elizabeth smacks the metal desk she sat at and the surface whined a shrill sound as it dented inwards. The indentation was smoking light fumes from the impact and Elizabeth snarled her teeth. "Damn her.... beating me at last years tournament. She brought my rating down and now I have vulnerabilities exposed."

    She sighed and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose standing and filing away the latest stack of folders. "I'll just have to tare her apart this year." with that completed she turned to leave the Room and head to the Cafeteria. Student's would be arriving over the course of the next week and this was likely the most peaceful the cafeteria will ever be. She walked through the hand carved double doors and looked around to see if anyone was there.


- Sakura Ishimori, INTJ Leader -

  All right, how did this happen? the blonde thought to herself as she looked, dumbfounded, at the piece of paper that had voted her INTJ leader, therefore a member of the Inner Deviant Society. Her. A second-year. A few seconds passed, then, amused, Sakura put the paper down. "Not bad," she mumbled to herself. Her mother would be proud. 

  Then again, Kathryn Ishimori, better known as Thomas, or the Little Ray of Sunshine and Explosives, in her day, had conquered the INTJ faction like a good girl of her type. That is, she fought her way up to the top and by her fourth and final year, she was top dog. Her mother had then moved on to become a famous chemist, specializing in weapons that made loud "BOOM" noises. And now nobody knew where she was. 

  Sakura frowned slightly at the thought, but shook her head, folding her arms across her chest. Some first-year ESFJ was monkeying around again. Sighing, she glared at him. The boy looked back; his movements faltered. 

  "No weapons in the cafeteria," was all the tiny blonde said before returning to her scrambled eggs and toast. "School rule number 62. Read the pamphlet. You'll learn something." The boy looked at her for a couple of minutes, then nodded numbly, slowly walking away from Sakura with a weirded-out expression. 

    Elizabeth gracefully walked into the cafeteria. Her heeled shoes clacking on the well polished floor. A young first-year was leaving as she came in. From the insignia on his lapel he was an ESFJ. The young man stopped in his tracks eyeing Elizabeth and she simply walked on by. She wasn't ignoring him or spurning him; but, rather he wasn't even worth knowing in her mind. The young boy was soon approached by another ESFJ, a second year from the looks of it.

      "Dude who is the blonde girl that just came in?" the youngest inquired.

      "You don't know? That's the Untouchable Queen. Don't even bother talking to her she is a regular witch of a woman. She is a straight up monster and broken more guys... and girls hearts then anyone can count. I heard they took out her Empathy in some science experiment to make the perfect soldier."

      "Man, for real... geez, what a wasted hottie too." the second year quickly covered the first years mouth "Shusssh, Dude, she'll hear you."

     Elizabeth went to the service counter and ordered a multi national government funded 5 star India Curry Platter and made her way through the Cafeteria. She paused a moment and looked to a up and coming second year. She was an underclassman; but, she was formidable. A scientific mind that rivaled her peers and upperclassman. Elizabeth was one of the few who voted her for the INTJ Leadership position after her predecessor graduate. Though they have never spoken.

      "Excuse me, Ms. Ishimori. I see you have some open seats at your table do you mind if I join you?" patiently waited as a courtesy before sitting of her own accord.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball
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    Elizabeth gracefully walked into the cafeteria. Her heeled shoes clacking on the well polished floor. A young first-year was leaving as she came in. From the insignia on his lapel he was an ESFJ. The young man stopped in his tracks eyeing Elizabeth and she simply walked on by. She wasn't ignoring him or spurning him; but, rather he wasn't even worth knowing in her mind. The young boy was soon approached by another ESFJ, a second year from the looks of it.

      "Dude who is the blonde girl that just came in?" the youngest inquired.

      "You don't know? That's the Untouchable Queen. Don't even bother talking to her she is a regular witch of a woman. She is a straight up monster and broken more guys... and girls hearts then anyone can count. I heard they took out her Empathy in some science experiment to make the perfect soldier."

      "Man, for real... geez, what a wasted hottie too." the second year quickly covered the first years mouth "Shusssh, Dude, she'll hear you."

     Elizabeth went to the service counter and ordered a multi national government funded 5 star India Curry Platter and made her way through the Cafeteria. She paused a moment and looked to a up and coming second year. She was an underclassman; but, she was formidable. A scientific mind that rivaled her peers and upperclassman. Elizabeth was one of the few who voted her for the INTJ Leadership position after her predecessor graduate. Though they have never spoken.

      "Excuse me, Ms. Ishimori. I see you have some open seats at your table do you mind if I join you?" patiently waited as a courtesy before sitting of her own accord.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball

  Sakura looked up from her reading of the school booklet (which she had already highlighted the important parts, being somewhat OCD), to see that the Untouchable Queen (that's what she heard she was called) asking to sit with her. Honestly, she was a bit uncomfortable with the fact that people were actually asking her if they could sit with her. Her! And Sakura wasn't anything special; her older sister, an ENTJ, had gotten more attention than her. That's when she noticed the ENTJ insignia on the Untouchable Queen's clothing. 

  "Sure," Sakura said stiffly, bending over the booklet once more before giving up on it. Besides, her aunt Anita was texting her again about her mom. Of course. 

  Sakura, any updates on your mom? Pls tell me, cuz I'm really worried about her. 

  Sakura hesitated, then typed out None, sorry, before putting her phone away and looking at the other blonde curiously. "You're the one who won 23, right?" she asked, attempting to initiate conversation. Of course, her tone came out a little on the sharp side, probably because she was annoyed with her Aunt, who just wouldn't leave her alone for a day. 

    Nodded in appreciation and moved to a seat. She retrieved a table napkin and laid it meticulously across her lap. She put her Curry plate in order and spoke in Japanese for a brief moment. "Itadakimasu." at this point the underclassman that sat at the table with her was staring with some disdain at her phone. It was clear whatever was the... I see. Elizabth's powers kicked in randomly as they usually did Kathryn Ishimori... renowned chemist, former INTJ student, made technical advancement in tactical grade level 5 explosives to counteract rising Fallen levels and then vanished. International cooperative foundations consider this a great loss and have no current leads.

     "Hmm.. ." That is likely what her text is annoying her about. At least... it would certainly annoy me being the daughter of a well received prodigy. Soon Sakura spoke to her and Elizabeth used a napkin to clean her lip in refined manner before speaking. "Yes Ms. Ishimori, I have a rating of 23/24 in the ITBM student tournament." 

     Elizabeth hated she couldn't say 24/24; but, to most a rating like hers was impossible. Most students are lucky to have 2 or 4 matches let alone taking on all 12 matches in two tournament years. "Congratulations on your promotion to INTJ Leader. I look forward to seeing you in the meetings. I'm sure your skill set will be an invaluable resource."

@Fem the Huffling Riceball

    Nodded in appreciation and moved to a seat. She retrieved a table napkin and laid it meticulously across her lap. She put her Curry plate in order and spoke in Japanese for a brief moment. "Itadakimasu." at this point the underclassman that sat at the table with her was staring with some disdain at her phone. It was clear whatever was the... I see. Elizabth's powers kicked in randomly as they usually did Kathryn Ishimori... renowned chemist, former INTJ student, made technical advancement in tactical grade level 5 explosives to counteract rising Fallen levels and then vanished. International cooperative foundations consider this a great loss and have no current leads.

     "Hmm.. ." That is likely what her text is annoying her about. At least... it would certainly annoy me being the daughter of a well received prodigy. Soon Sakura spoke to her and Elizabeth used a napkin to clean her lip in refined manner before speaking. "Yes Ms. Ishimori, I have a rating of 23/24 in the ITBM student tournament." 

     Elizabeth hated she couldn't say 24/24; but, to most a rating like hers was impossible. Most students are lucky to have 2 or 4 matches let alone taking on all 12 matches in two tournament years. "Congratulations on your promotion to INTJ Leader. I look forward to seeing you in the meetings. I'm sure your skill set will be an invaluable resource."

@Fem the Huffling Riceball

  Sakura's jaw dropped. 23/24. She wondered how the girl—Elizabeth—could say it so casually, like it was no big deal. Then Elizabeth moved on to compliment Sakura, assuring her that she would make a good INTJ leader. Well, she wasn't sure if she would be Kathryn Ishimori/Thomas level, but she would try. 

  "....Thanks," she said numbly, silent for a minute before continuing. "My mother was actually INTJ leader for her fourth year. Apparently she's gotten quite famous, alongside my aunt. Her sister. She's an idol, and an ENFP. I'm honestly not surprised by her occupation choice, but damn, have I got to work hard. That's the downside of being born dead last; they expect a lot from you. I know I'll be able to exceed their expectations if I try. Honestly, I'm going for the gold; in other words, surpassing my mother. That's what she would want." And with that, Sakura drooped a bit, thinking about her mom. How could somebody so....perfect just disappear? It didn't make any sense at all. 

    Looked to Sakura her expression a bit vague and hard to read as always. The girl did come off as quite the drone at times only making the rumors about her being a robot seem more plausible. "By your own assessment you are all ready surpassing your Mother. She achieved what you have two years after you have. Here at ITBM there is roughly a 125% increase in overall skills from one year to the next. True your mothers abilities are quite grandiose; but, having achieved this much so early and almost guaranteeing  a total of 150% increase to ability making you 250% better then your current self I see no reason you can't exceed your own expectations... long as your not a slacker."

     Goes back to eatting her overly spicy curry as if it had no heat to it at all. The only sign of any heat was a light pink hue to her cheeks making her seem a bit more human. Truth of it was Elizabeth couldn't taste well unless it was very spicy. One of the many flaws in the design of her Tulus Tech. "I would stop focusing so much on your peers and more on yourself. The only people I bother comparing myself to are the ones my current self has no idea how to excel in similar or better fashion."

    "We are all different even between our Myer Typings. Your older sister for instance is of my type but, we are wholly different people."

@Fem the Huffling Riceball

    Looked to Sakura her expression a bit vague and hard to read as always. The girl did come off as quite the drone at times only making the rumors about her being a robot seem more plausible. "By your own assessment you are all ready surpassing your Mother. She achieved what you have two years after you have. Here at ITBM there is roughly a 125% increase in overall skills from one year to the next. True your mothers abilities are quite grandiose; but, having achieved this much so early and almost guaranteeing  a total of 150% increase to ability making you 250% better then your current self I see no reason you can't exceed your own expectations... long as your not a slacker."

     Goes back to eatting her overly spicy curry as if it had no heat to it at all. The only sign of any heat was a light pink hue to her cheeks making her seem a bit more human. Truth of it was Elizabeth couldn't taste well unless it was very spicy. One of the many flaws in the design of her Tulus Tech. "I would stop focusing so much on your peers and more on yourself. The only people I bother comparing myself to are the ones my current self has no idea how to excel in similar or better fashion."

    "We are all different even between our Myer Typings. Your older sister for instance is of my type but, we are wholly different people."

@Fem the Huffling Riceball

  Sakura looked curiously at Elizabeth when she mentioned how she had already surpassed her mother. Then the upperclassman went on to explain how every year, students' abilities increased by 150%. On the outside, she didn't seem to be affected, but internally, Sakura was in a state of shock. On top of it, Elizabeth mentioned her older sister, Opal, who had made the decision to follow her own destiny and become....a bartender. It was somewhat of a disappointment; she had so much potential, yet she had chosen not to use any of it. 

  "I...suppose you're right," Sakura answered, looking confusedly at the curry that Elizabeth was eating. Didn't that burn her mouth? She cocked an eyebrow, opening her mouth to say something, but then decided against it. To each his own, she supposed. Sakura hummed in thought, then exhaled a sigh. "Well...I'm probably going on a mission sometime. Extra credit points," she added as her own way of explaining why she would be doing such a thing. "Do you want to come along?"

    Elizabeth raised a brow and seemed to be a bit more curious now. "Generally mission assignments arn't delegated out till the school year starts. Of course that doesn't always apply to the IDS. Enlighten me, what is the mission specs... perimeters, team, advising mission Procter?" looked to Sakura clearly transitioning to a more tactical agent mode. It was clear she didn't take anything for granted and why she was the IDS Leader of the ENTJ.

    she would push her curry to the side and drink some water from a glass holding her nose as she did. As to why or what purpose it was very unclear and certainly a strange quirk coming from such a studious and refined looking young woman.

@Fem the Huffling Riceball

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