A New State of Mind [Inactive]


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Void submitted a new role play:

A New State of Mind - On the run from dissection and being nothing but pieces.



It’s been years since the amendment passed, that bill that caused all that controversy, yet ended the wars. That allowed each person to be not entirely their own, the property of their parents, their guardians. That allowed you to be cut and sold to the highest bidder, nothing but a profit...
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Aydan’s foot tapped methodically on the floor beneath his desk, undergoing a intense stare-down with the black and red classroom clock as time dripped by like molasses. He chewed his bottom lip and tugged at his hair under his hat, unable to keep still or relax. For once, his anxiousness wasn’t to blame on boredom, rather, it was the fault of the information that he was to be cut into tiny pieces and sewn into someone else. Or, at least, not if he could help it. Right as the hand bounced over three pm, he was out of his seat and slipping towards the door, school supplies already tucked away. I swear, if my parents don’t let me off when I talk to them today, I am gone. He thought to himself with a smile, underestimating their seriousness in the matter.

On his journey down the hall, he nodded to a group of people he’d partied with last week, their eyes still boasting the faint marks of sleeplessness. They looked strange in watered down clothes to match the school dress code, more clownish in pale tones than they were in low-cut, fluorescent ones. Aydan was fairly popular, no surprise considering his parent’s money and his own lack of responsibility. It made for a fun combination, as least as far as he was concerned. The area closest to the exit was the science department; probably because the windows meant they could air whatever varying smells it produced. At one point the whole school has smelt like popcorn. No explanation on that one. Checking his phone, he mulled outside to the courtyard, looking up to make sure he didn’t run into anyone. It’d be embarrassing to trip and break his face waking in a straight line.

The world slowed until the sound of his heart, beating into overdrive, dominated his awareness. Parked in front of the school were five buses. All yellow, like the normal school issue, but the sides read “harvest”. They waited like vultures, the windows tinted and looming, at least a dozen officers standing watch at the gate. No. No, this isn’t happening. This can’t be happening, this- His phone clattered against the pavement, and without waiting to see if they were in pursuit, he ran towards the pathways circling the building, clambering over the four foot decorate walls. He left a wake of stares and confusion, probably not the best if he was to make a clean getaway. Trampling some unsuspecting flowers, he landed heavily on the sidewalk on the other side, quickly met by two heavily build offers. There weren't many options for escape, except to just pray he could outrun them. The street was packed, cars nearly at a standstill and a small crowd gathered in curiosity of the buses. A novelty. He'd been the same last year, looking down on those poor souls who were tossed away. It seemed so insensitive now. Why had he done that?

Turning, he ran.
Kit slowly took out her school books from her backpack; no use keeping the books in the bag if she wasn't going to school. Her parents had given her a long, tortuous talk about her weaknesses, pointing out that she was the lesser daughter in favor of the harvest. She had nodded and pretended to perfectly understand their rationale, but felt the simmering feeling of failure in the pit of her stomach. They had almost made her go to school today, saying that she should try to keep up a good attendance until the end. However, she persuaded them to let her stay home using the charm of guilt and sadness. They left her alone in her room, and told her sister not to bother her. Her friends at school could live without her for one day.

Silently, she piled the school books in a stack on the floor next to her and began to absentmindedly flip through them. Page after page, she felt the anger build up. She had worked so hard to prove that she had potential. Yet her little angel sister had destroyed all that potential without even trying. She flipped the spine of the book in her hands and watched it topple into a corner. It suddenly occurred to her that she was taking this harvest surprisingly well..almost too well. She hesitantly peered out the window. The harvest buses weren't here yet. She could still run if she had to, if she wanted to. The girl swallowed, overwhelmed by the thought of escaping the inevitable harvest. She knew that if she stayed, her family's financial issues could be solved and she would be the reason of their happiness. However, if she went..she would be alive and perhaps well; at least she would have a chance of her own happiness.

The whirring of engines snapped her out of her train of thought. She looked out the window once more, only to find three or four yellow buses coming and stopping in front of her house. They looked like school buses, but the 'harvest' printed on the side was unmistakable. She panicked, and in her heart she chose which path she would take. She just couldn't let herself be taken away; she was worth more than that. Mentally preparing herself, she grabbed her backpack and slipped on her leather jacket. She ran down the steps and went into the kitchen to the back door. "Kit, what are you doing?" Her mom's timid, high pitched voice delayed her. "Just out, Mom."

"But the buses have just arrived! You can't just-"

"I have to go, Mom. Let me go!" Her mom had grabbed her arm as she grabbed the door and tried to push it open. Her sister and dad ran into the kitchen, desperate to say their goodbyes and get it over with. When they saw the scene, they froze. Kit shook her mother's grip off and pushed open the door, risking one last look at their betrayed faces before running away.
Winston lit a cigarette at midnight sitting on the curb of a wait station he pulled out his note pad and pencil and began to write.

Its been a year since he ran from his home and his old life and its been hard, hes traversed most of the US and he now finds himself near Washington state where he grew up. He knew of no Safe houses here so he looked for a truck heading East maybe find one in Montana or maybe one going off to Canada or Alaska. As he waited he took inventory of the things in his bag, and wrote a letter to send to his mother that would never reach the mail and would end up burned. H loved his mother, and despised his father. She was the one who kept him alive in the house, the one who had kept him out of his fathers hateful clutches and the day the harvest was happening a year ago he ran. Maiming his father was the greatest thing to ever happen to Winston. He got his anger out, and he was able to get payback for his mother. Although he loved his mother, she would always agree with Winston's father because he beat her. But in this case she gave him up willingly. there was no sign of protest and no mark on her. So he ran.

Alone and on the road He found a few safe houses, even a few motels thatd put him over for the night, but things were getting worse, he needed to get to secluded areas maybe make his own safe house. He knew how to hunt, or rather he had taught himself how to hunt, and fish, and survive, he had slept in a library once a few years back, and had his notes on the legal pad in his bag. so it was very possible, but he was running out of energy, he needed a real meal not half cooked rabbit, or a variety of berries he'd find, he needed a real meal, and some real rest.

So he just sat there and waited, dragging at his cigarette, hoping a driver would pass and be willing to give him a good start at recuperation.

After 3 hours passed and no drivers came by, he got up lit a cigarette, patted the dirt off the seat of his pants, and started walking North. He was at a cross roads, instead of waiting he should have summoned up a demon or something, and made a deal to keep him alive and get him to a safe place. But Winston albeit very knowledgeable of stupid trivia, like where demons conduct Faustian deals, had no faith and no god, and by definition if there is no god there are no demons; Aside from those in human form on earth willing to slaughter the masses, for the rich.
Mariko was beginning to walk home, from a boring day at school and to a boring life at home. Then she saw the buses, she almost panicked, she had packed all her stuff but it was in her locker, she ran down the hallway and opened her locker. She dumped her bag and packed the stuff she had put in her locker 3 weeks ago when her parents first told her.

She ran out the back door of the school hopped the four feet walls and was about 8 meters from where a boy had jumped, she saw that he had been confronted. She walked up, "Umm, sirs why are you bugging him?" She said in the sweetest voice ever.

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