A new age begins. . .

I should note prior to the changes, the Patternspider PbP portion ran non-exalted games as well as exalted games.
Haku said:
I should note prior to the changes, the Patternspider PbP portion ran non-exalted games as well as exalted games.
It was still a brand, people did not instinctively go there for things that were not exalted, those games were run by members of the already existing PbP board, having a brand strict name does have it's limitations in the grand scheme of expanding the site and trying to get new members to register, it would also allow us to better secure our brand by grabbing the .com .net .org. There existed a patternspider.com before but now its just some ad site.
Just some suggestions, had a bit of some fun with it:

Malfeas Games

Games of Divinity

Prismatic Arrangement of Games Style

Sagatious Writing Intent
What about something like:

The Loom




Dunno, just tossing out shorter names that come to mind.
Thinking Outside of the box, I tried to find any Inn names assoicated with Exalted. From what I can tell, there aren't that many in the White Wolf publications, so I took to the Wiki and found a couple of suggestions.

Blue Lotus Inn (taken from a custom charm on the White Wolf Wiki, but it also sounds good and is available as bluelotusinn.com)

Wayfarer's Inn (actually from 1st Ed. Time of Tumult p.28 and available as wayfarersinn.com)
I got my battle axe sharpened and ready for the merger. Us Spiders are the dominant roleplayers! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]I got my battle axe sharpened and ready for the merger. Us Spiders are the dominant roleplayers! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!

:D !
whois.net isn't working for me so I can't check availability but what about SolInvictus or IgnisDivine? SecondBreath? or, if you want to keep the Loom of Fate theme: Fate.web or some variation upon. hmm, EscapeThe.Web has a tonne of symbolism for exalted, you've got the loom of fate, exalted making their own fate and the Players breaking out of the daily hum-drum and playing in fantasy worlds... Just a thought.
I like Wayward Spider. Pattern Inn would be good as well. :) Though to be fair, I'm not going to kick about a name.
*Pulls out his soapbox of infinite inspiration and initiates Social Combat*

My fellow Alpha Gamers, it is we who should be the ones to inspire those around us to join into our hobby and our games. It is we who should take up the task of encouraging those around us to joing into our community, even if we need to take up a new name to do so. We should not bicker about something as trivial as a name. Join me in being the first to make a minor concession and take up the name of the Wayward Inn in order to more easily integrate them into our mindsets, our world and our games. Let us take their relaity and mold it into our own.

To quote the bard, "What is in a name?" Would a gamer by any other name not smell as... wait, no. I don't want to go there.

Also, if we let this one slide we will easily be able to get away with our typical shenanagins later.

*Puts away the soapbox and waits for the backlash from his statements*
That would work for me as well. Just trying to help the mods by trying out new names.
There is a point about brand recognition, so keeping patternspider.net pointing to the Exalted forum and comics solves that problem.

A new name that encourages other games and new members is an excellent idea, but I think merging names is not good since it still seems to limit things to Exalted. Perhaps acquire another site like rpgchat.com?
Lochar said:
Only if we're binding them with Fiend oaths.
That's a little harsh and impractical, I'd like to be able to meet other RP gamers without an exhaustive/expensive magical ritual. I'd especially like to meet the more powerful RP gamers without said ritual performed within a very restrictive time frame... do we even have an equivalent to calibration or are we going to have to revert to the Mayan calendar?

I am also totally unopposed to taking on the Wayward Inn name, but that might just be the UMI talking.
Saelvarath said:
That's a little harsh and impractical, I'd like to be able to meet other RP gamers without an exhaustive/expensive magical ritual. I'd especially like to meet the more powerful RP gamers without said ritual performed within a very restrictive time frame... do we even have an equivalent to calibration or are we going to have to revert to the Mayan calendar?
I am also totally unopposed to taking on the Wayward Inn name, but that might just be the UMI talking.
Your post made me smile :D
Okay, I'm new around these parts so forgive me if these names don't fly that well.

Spider's Inn

Arachne's Keep

The Crossroads




Creative Play

Dancing Spiders

Arachnid's Toybox

Valley of Misfit Games

Erratic Roads

Weft and Warp

Story Weaving

I'll post more if I think of any.

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