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The Bad-Title Maker





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A girl with pink hair and eyes with two different colours, pink and blue, sat in the middle of the courtyard, she wore a blank expression on her face and appeared to be reading a book, however in actuality, her eyes were fixed on the setting around, she was searching around her for a boy who she deemed the name 'Ghost' beside her were two enormous guns, it was quite an intimidating sight, yet she was calm about it. The girl's name was Makiguchi Yusarin. With her free hand, she grabbed one of her guns just in case the Ghost she was hunting, wandered by, though that would be unlikely, and if that were the case she would have caught him long ago, now that she thought about it, why were her plans always thwarted? She started gazing at an NPC not realizing it as she was lost in thought, the NPC she was staring at looked highly uncomfortable, seeing as she had a cold, sharp expression on her face, as well as that, she had two guns which were absolutely ginormous.

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Haruka Enjeruburu walked outside the student council, the meeting finally being over for the group. He quickly scanned the area around him; not taking long to see the female who normally tried to capture him. The massive guns by her sides giving her away in the center of the courtyard. The calm girl almost mismatched with the two weapons and the thirst to capture the president. However, it wasn't like it wasn't warrented under the SSS brigade or whatever the underground group had called themselves. The blue haired male attempting to sneak behind Yusarin, who thankfully seemed to have her nose in her book at the moment. He couldn't use his powers unless it was warrented under self-defense, kind of hard with his restrictions to try to use his powers. Almost like a limiter to his own power - something he couldn't figure out how he was given in the first place.
Yusarin finally snapped out her daydream, looking back at the book she could see the NPC awkwardly wave at her, however, she paid no attention to them, she could feel someone's presence behind but again ignored it as she was always deluding herself with such thoughts, she read a few words out from her book, it was one she one wrote herself even "Ghost... student council seems familiar..." she muttered as she turned around to find Haruka standing before her, she was filled with a feeling, something that resembled fear in the slightest, to think she would meet up with him now of all times, though her expression was unchanged despite all her thoughts "Ghost." how long had he been standing there? She carried on sitting on the floor, her hand reached for her gun, not that she was planning on shooting, she bit her bottom lip.

He stepped forward for a bit, freezing in place as he slowly turned to face the twin barrels of the guns at her side - thankfully not pointing at him just yet. "Are you going to shoot me yet?" , his words making him seem that he was exasperated with waiting for a bullet to be shot through his head. Although, his tone made it seem that he was actually asking the question, his blue eyes looking at the somewhat familiar face. Haruka taking the lip biting as a signal that should wouldn't fight him just yet, sighing out in relief after taking a few steps forward. His hand moving to his side as he stuffed both of them in his pockets, however, something was bothering the male. "Why do you keep shooting me?" The male sighing at as he pressed his hand to his forehead as he missed a chance to escape because of his curiosity, his light blue eyes focusing on the monotone and stoic face.
"Only if you want me to" Yusarin replied, answering his question, cautious of what she was saying, the guy seemed like a masochist, she needed to write that down, she took out a pen and started scribbling something in her book, she observed his actions carefully since she was this close to the real thing, she noted down things that she hadn't written yet, seeing if she could use any of it as a weakness, she happily writing away when he asked the question 'Why do you keep shooting at me?" she honestly didn;t have a reason, she paused for a moment, probably longer than a minute and yet she couldn;t come up with an answer, anything she could think of was illogical and could be repudiated easily, even if she could not convey emotion that well, her bottom lip was quivering like she was miserable, her spirits were sinking as she desperately tried to answer his question until at last, she looked at the ground refusing eye contact with him.

Another sigh of relief spread through him, although his question wasn't answered, in his eyes being something that she chose not to tell him. Haruka moved his feet away from the female, probably a good idea to do so with the Trigger-happy girl. Anyways, it wasn't like he wouldn't see her again today - probably sometime tonight depending on the shenanigans the SSS members had done to the school once it shut down. The male stepping into the other branch of the school, the center, so he could eat a little - not that there really was actually anything to pay for or a need to eat anyways other than not sleeping for three days straight. As he took a spoonful of spicy curry and rice, he thought back to the expressionless girl from before, "When she actually shows emotion, it is somewhat obvious..." The offhand remark rather ironic since he had completely misunderstood her despair as secrecy.

Yusarin was so lost in thought that she didn't realize it when Haruka had walked away from her, she'd finally managed to find her answer, her head cocked up to find that he was gone "Huh?" she paused before leaping up and grinding her hands into two separate fists, her body language showing her to be determined "The-the Ghost's teleported! I knew it, I wasn't sure at first but yes he truly IS a ghost!" she waved her arms about showing such enthusiasm, only her face looked bored and dull, her facial expression was out of place compared to her body language, she managed to finally calm down as she grabbed her belongings and sauntered off in the direction of the SSS's secret hideout, well it wasn't that secret, it was quite easy to spot, but Yusarin like to refer to it as secret, she slammed open the door and scanned the room, it seemed, they were all here doing their usual thing, she sat in the seat of the former president and looked at the desk wondering what to do as she tried to think of a plan in vain, she received various greetings which she replied accordingly to.

After night fell, Haruka got up from his seat walking towards the infirmary to take a rest. Again, not like he needed to in the afterlife but it helped to relax when the SSS wasn't trying to murder him or raise hell. At least, they weren't doing it right now, thank them for that much. When he laid on the slightly uncomfortable bells and shut his eyes, the first image being of Yusarin - not that he knew it of course - it was the two when they were children when they first met, the words were muted once her name came around seeming that the dream was still incomplete.The fact arising that he still couldn't remember her name, his head tilting to the side as he curled up, forcing his body to sleep lightly in case he heard gunshots from outside.

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Yusarin sat at the desk as eager eyes gazed at her for any plans soon night came and yet she had no plans "You can all go sleep," she instructed as they did as she asked "Or do whatever you want for the night" she added so her first command didn't seem too cruel, she herself started walking out the room and into the view of night sky, she took in a breath as she gazed at the stars, entranced by them, as she gazed at them, a vague memory popped into her mind for just a few seconds before disappearing, she tried clutching on the air which of course failed and she looked like a lunatic, but really she just wanted to grasp the memory, as much as she wanted to ask Haruka, she couldn't bring herself to, besides she liked the way things were now, she didn't have a reason to shoot him, to chase after him other than the reason being she had no reason or he was a ghost, in her eyes he was a ghost, maybe she was deluding herself, maybe she wasn't, she cupped her head in her hands as she rested her elbows in her lap, since sleeping was not vital for those in the afterlife, she would probably skip for today.

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Haruka eyes opened to feel the orange light of the sun, waking up at sunrise, still a couple hours until 'school' starts up again. However, it was somewhat of a rude awaking as he spotted a Student Council member at the foot of his bed. "Honestly, why do even sleep, not even the NPCs do that. Plus, Yusarin and the other SSS members could have used it to capture you." The 'ghost' shrugged nonchalantly as if that was the least of his worries, ignoring most of her scolding. It was slightly justified in terms of her fear of his capture, but it wasn't like he was going to lose to the SSS in any way, shape, or form. Thus, he took it as an opportunity to tease her, "Says the person who sleeps during class almost every day..." He turned himself to the side as he got himself up. "I still have time so I will go explore and make trouble for you guys..." He said, sticking his tongue out for a brief moment, before returning to a calm face when he walked outside to the entrance/'exit' of the school.
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Yusarin felt like eating something, Yusarin and the new SSS members used the same methods to gain tickets like the old SSS crew had, though unlike them, they collected as many tickets as they could and stored it somewhere, since she was feeling hungry she could go to that place and get something to eat, she sauntered over to the area they kept it and took a ticket for some Mapo Tofu, though she grumbled realizing that the school wasn't even open up yet, maybe to pass time formulating a plan, though thinking up something original would be difficult, anything she thought of was quickly shot down by herself and she curled up into a ball, glad that no-one was here to witness her in such a pathetic state "So bored... I wish... I had something to do" she muttered, going on a picnic was a splendid thought but she'd have to get permission from the student council, she wasn't one to break rules, however, dealing with the student council wasn't an easy thing to do and it greatly exhausted her as she'd probably be accused of trying to capture Haruka.

Haruka paused at the entrance as he found a curled up figure by the door, "E-erm... pardon me..." He said quietly, trying not to disturb her as he tried to trot past her. However, after a few moments, he frowned slightly as he walked past her, leaning over her to see her face. His mouth covering his face as he tried not to laugh, it was pathetic, yes, but that wasn't the reason that it was funny for him. It was closer to the person who has tried to kill or capture him for... how many years now, four? No three. was literally in a fetal position right in front of the entrance of the school.

After a few seconds of suppressing laughter, he crotched down to get a better look at the female just to make sure it was Yusarin. "Oi. Gun-lady." He said poking mild fun at her, although he was slightly curious and worried why she was curling up like this. Which was weird to him since she could have done far worse than making him be curled up in the corner of the school. 'Why exactly DO I care what is wrong with her?' the question to himself really only bringing back hazy memories that he could vaguely recall - not fully remembering his past even after three years.

Yusarin heard a dreaded voice, it was a familiar voice, one belonging to the Ghost, she held her face in her hands, she waited for laughter however she couldn't hear any... was he holding it in? She took a breath contemplating the decisions held in her head like 'Should I violently hit his head on the concrete and hope he forgets everything?' or a common question asked by many 'How long exactly has he been standing there?' at this moment in time, option 1 appeared the best choice, after all, it did guarantee a little revenge, though she wasn't certain about the memory loss, mmm, no now that she thought about it, beating her worries out on him probably wasn't the best idea, the student council strikes again! He spoke up and she glared at him "What is it, ghost" she muttered the last part, she'd much rather he'd laugh than stare, it was quite awkward, she then sat up and poked Haruka.... huh... it seemed as if he was solid, not at all what she thought a ghost was like, she'd expected that he would be made up of gas "Hmm? So that means you can't walk through walls? What shame." she muttered, never in her life had she heard of ghosts who were solid, not even in a fiction book and this made her extremely curious, she scuttled closer to him so that her face was only inches away from his, changing the subject "You didn't see anything but me standing gazing at the sky" she added, nobody was going to know about this incident, really, she was being careless.

Once she plainly poked him, Haruka started to burst in laughter, the SSS member actually thinking she was a ghost or at least more 'ghostly' than the other spirits at least enough for her hand to slip right through him. Although, the timing of his laughter could have been better since it could be easily understood of him no longer being able to hold back his laughter from before anymore. "Sometimes, " The solitary words being the answer to her second question, skipping over the first as he found it slightly more amusing that she was making him make a 'scenario' of her watching the sky. The Student council member holding up his hands like he was held at gunpoint, which was ironic since she didn't exactly have her two behemoths of machine guns at her sides at the moment. "So, why are you 'standing and gazing at the sky' this early in the morning Ms. Gun Lady?" The SSS member seeming to easily take down his introverted walls, maybe because she seemed vaguely familiar in his previous life and the fact that he had known her (sort of) for the past three years during her attempts to capture her. 

She was quite annoyed by his laughter, this was a very serious question, she needed to know, she was relieved to then hear that he said 'Sometimes' and being the gullible person she was, Yusarin actually believed him "S-so, it only happens sometimes, a-and it's possible only half the time?" she asked, engaged in the conversation as she brought her hands to her chest, clenching them into fists and resting her fists under her chin. She cleared her throat and proceeded to answer his question "I'm waiting, for school to start already," she muttered, folded her arms "Also, I have a name, Yusarin, I expect you to use it," Yusarin added as she scanned the area, for no reason other than to check if any student council members other than Haruka were close by, she wasn't one to take surprise attacks, that was her forte, and no-one was about to beat her at that... hopefully. 

"Alright Yu-sa-rin. I'll make sure to say 'Stop shooting me Yusarin!' at the top of my lungs at night when you guys try to 'murder' me." He said breaking his words into syllables as he teased her, "I can't go through humans and living things you know, you are a gullible one for someone who is an SSS president." He said as he sat down in front of the girl who 'definitely' wasn't in a fetal position just a few moments earlier. 

The student council member finally found the wandering Haruka, although he said that he was going to cause trouble for them, did he have to go as far as talking to the SSS president. Then again, this gave them the opportunity to disband the warriors against god. Her blade peering out from behind her student uniform, "Haruka duck!" As per her instructions, he instinctively ducked, letting her throw the blade towards Yusarin - not that he had known about the impromptu plan. 

"Do as you wish," Yusarin remarked, even if it did cause some misunderstandings, she could live with it, plus clearing up the misunderstanding shouldn't be too difficult when she heard his next statement, her posture stiffened she wasn't gullible... or so she believed. Besides, in her defense, when you end up in a limbo after death what really is there to believe? And, why would the guy who gave her this information lie to her, what reason would he gain from telling her a lie? "I-I'm not gullible, I can see through your lie! You just want me to believe that for some twisted reason!" she returned as she pointed an accusing finger at him. She then heard the shout of the student council member, however, she dismissed it as something from her imagination, she wouldn't be too surprised to find that she had turned insane as a result of her constant pursuing of  Haruka. It was only when he had ducked that she turned around and to her horror the knife had come into her view, since it was too late to duck like Haruka, she instinctively placed her hands over her face, so that she wouldn't be rendered unconscious, the knife sliced into her arm and she took it out, wary that she was throwing it in a direction away from anyone and she crouched down over her arm, biting her lip so that she wouldn't burst into tears at the sheer pain she was feeling, she stood rooted to her spot one measly knife wouldn't move her, besides, she felt irritated that someone other than her had pulled a surprise attack, nevermind that she had been stabbed with a knife, the thought that someone else had pulled an attack like that made her blood boil.

Haruka looked up slowly after uncovering his head when he ducked, his hands at his sides as he saw the wound on their arm. His hand moving straight to his nose as he was sensitive to the smell of iron no matter how little, "W-what were you thinking, isn't it our rule NOT to attack the students unless they are using violence?" His words directed to the female student council, filled with uncommon anger, "Our grounds of fighting don't extend this far!" He continued his more than mild scolding.

"What were YOU Thinking, talking to the enemy nonchalantly, haven't you forgotten that they DO use violence against you almost every other day." The Student Council Member retaliated as she looked over at the wounded figure of the SSS member. "Now is our chance to disband the SSS once for all.."

To this Haruka gave a small scoff, "How many SSS presidents have there been, I don't even know. I don't think they would stop just because of this." He commented. "She WILL go to the infirmary, till then if any more hostilities come from the SSS tell the Student Council."

He looked back at Yusarin, who crouched over her now probably bloody arm, although he was mildly terrified at the moment. By mildly terrified he means shivering in fear, the usual cool-headed president now in anger was a sight from hell indeed. "A-ah, uh,.Yusarin, would you like one of us to take you to the infirmary or do you want to wait for your SSS members?" 

@Spencarian (Sorry for the wait and the probably bad post, it is 7 in the morning >o>)
She listened as the two student council members argued, it was peculiar to her, she figured that the other female had a point, yet, Haruka was defending her and she felt a feeling of guilt wash over her, she averted her gaze to the floor, the member who had shot her said something about disbanding the SSS, as she pondered over this, she chuckled in her head, a shot in the arm wasn't enough to disband the SSS, not even a disappearance, even if they did feel distraught by the loss of a member, the loss will only drive them further to the goal and they'd use the death to honour their fellow member, and a shot in the arm wasn't nearly as critical as that, despite the situation, she could feel a small smile creeping its way onto her face, it remained on her face for a whole before it was in danger of being seen as Haruka turned his head towards her, she quickly put the look of anger on her face as she was given two options, she thought about it. If she waited for the other SSS members, she was certain a war would be started, so maybe, going along with one of them was a good idea and plus she wasn't too big of a fan for waiting, she was aa person who greatly lacked in patience, however that did not mean that  she was not going with the girl who shot her, as far as Yusarin knew she was an enemy a very bad enemy for surprise attacking her, especially since that was her forte, she was then reminded by her own mind that just a while ago that she was talking to Haruka and she was interrupted "I still want to talk to you, so, I'd like to ask you to take me to the infirmary"

"Understood," Haruka answered, acting rather formal now compared to him trying to tease the expressionless SSS leader just a few moments earlier. Although to be honest, he was surprised to know that first, she would come with him after the incident as his subordinate attacked her, and second that she wanted to talk to him more. His focus went downward from her angry gaze, looking at the arm this time, the sight of blood was just as unpleasant as usual, honestly, it is a surprise that he doesn't seem used to the sight of blood after SSS's attacks. "Can you get up by yourself or do you want me to help you up?" He asked, although he already had his arm extended to help her if she went with that route. 

The Student Council member now fully scolded had made their way back to the student council building, letting the situation take its course even if she didn't agree with the president's view on only fighting against the SSS when they strike first. 


(Honestly, this is a horrible post to have after your wait >o<)
A major personality change. 'A major personality change' were the words echoing in her head as she observed Haruka, she could understand why his personality had changed but putting that into words, would've been quite a difficult task indeed. Could she really compare this attitude to one a student council member had in a meeting? She pondered at the thought,  what did the student council really do, and what would Haruka do in his spare time? Hm, maybe to learn more about him, starting a casual conversation would be best and then she could slowly but steadily move onto the interrogation without him noticing, but she have to be very careful about not revealing too much of her plan, not that it was very devious. Her plan would probably work well due to the fact that she practically had a poker face on all the time so she couldn't reveal anything with her facial expression, maybe her body language could give it away, though. "A-ah, I'm fine, m-my leg's not injured so I can stand up just fine," despite her words she took the hand he offered and pulled herself up as she stood up she became more aware of the injury on her shoulder and sighed, it stung. "Come on, let's go then," she prompted as she started walking into the building looking around at the somewhat empty hallways.


(Honestly... really don't worry about it, I'm the one who should be sorry, I'm happy as long as you reply, I really love reading your replies!) =]

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