A long fight home. (Sukakun & Ezra-san)


Junior Member
Name: Chron Liu


Age: Mid-Late 20s.

Rank: Corperal

Weapon of Choice: Broadsword

The Prykar were evil beasts indeed. Nobody knew where they came from. Or why. Or how. They almost seemed.. mutant, with their pale skin, dagger teeth, malicious-looking eyes, and those cruel spikes that curved around their bodies that dared anyone to get in close to them.

Chron was leading a team, sweeping out the Prykar that had been coming around and hitting some of the surrounding villages. Though normally aggressive, these Prykar gave his team a bit of a chase, his archers never able to get a clear shot at the roving bands of beasts. And Chron.. was overconfident. While the Prykar didn't seem to know they were there.. he kept chasing them, quietly. Before they knew it, they were a long, long way from home. And by the time his archers finally had a good position.. another Prykar band flanked them. Decimated them. Only a couple were left. Himself, and one other. He hisses as he tears off a band of cloth to complete a bandage to his arm. He wasn't hurt too badly. The hunt was over.. but can they make it home?
Name: Ezra Lee

Age: 19

Rank: Lance Corporal

Weapon of Choice: Bow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/madoka_magica_62.jpg.2023d0af0be205e889c2eb2ae6c26ee3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1092" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/madoka_magica_62.jpg.2023d0af0be205e889c2eb2ae6c26ee3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Chron slowly tucks in the loose end of the bandage, fishing off the field dressing - the best he could do, given the circumstances. He pushes himself off the rock he was sitting on. There were bodies of the party all around them. And guilt burned deep within his chest. But he could deal with that when he gets Ezra back to a safe place. Guilt was only for the living, and they could still very well already be dead, just not knowing it.

He approaches her and he gently claps her on the shoulder, looking at her. "Hey. You alright?"
Ezra looks around her, a pained look in her eyes as she sees the dead bodies strewn across the battlefield.

Her own best friend, another of the archers, was laying mangled aside a tree.

Taking a deep breath, she clears the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. As she feels Chron's hand upon her should, she jumps, turning and quickly raising her bow to his chest. Realizing it was only her corporal, she breathes a sigh of relief, lowering her bow. She leans her head back, her eyes closing. "I mean, aside from watching my best friend be mangled, and the rest of my brothers in arms lay lifeless in front of me? Yes, I'm great actually." She drops her gaze back upon him, her red eyes giving him a cold look.
Chron arches his eyebrow when she takes startled aim at him. He looks down at the arrow tip and then back up into Ezra's eyes. "I didn't mean you emotional state, ma'am. I meant physical." He slowly looks around and he shakes his head. "We're a long way from home." He brushes his fingers through his hair and he frowns. "And trust me, I know. I have friends who died here too. And I trusted everyone here with my life. But we need to get ourselves together so we don't join them in the grave. Do we.. do we even have time and the leisure to give our friends a proper burial?"
Taking a quick glance at him, she turns away, pulling her bow back over her shoulder. She takes a quick sweep over the disaster, letting a soft sigh pass her lips. "I hate to say it, but no, I don't believe we do." She frowns, looking to the ground. "But.. I say we do it anyway." She lowers her bow back to the ground, as she pushes the sleeves up on her arm, turning to look at him. She nods at him, waiting for his response, scooping out the area, ensuring that they had no trouble as they gave their passed on friends a proper burial.
"Yes ma'am." He tightens his jaw somewhat. She was a Lance Corporal. She was outranking him, so while this was still considered a military sortie, he had to pay heed to what she had to say. So he moves ahead of her. A shovel was a part of basic tools that were carried in the party, so he pulled one out from the wreckage, and he began to dig. "Do you think we'll make it home?" He glances at her. "I don't know much about you, either. You got anyone waiting for you?"
She sighs softly, walking over to pull the mangled body of her best friend out from beneath another. She bites her lip roughly. holding back a sob. She stands tall, wiping the sweat from her face as she turns to look at Chron. She gives him a hard look, observing him. "Do I think we will make it home?" She puts emphasis on the word 'we'. "Well, I don't know of you, but I will make it home. So I advise you keep up, and watch your back at all times. It isn't safe out here." She leans down, picking another shovel up, joining him to help dig faster. "As for anyone back home, no. The only one I had, " She looks over to the cold, lifeless body of her friend, then quickly busies herself once more. "Is gone."
He nods slowly. One shallow grave was prepared. He pulled one of the mangled bodies over and placed it into the hole before he started to fill in. This was going to take a long time. Did they really have the time to be doing this, before the Prykar came around again and finished the job? He shrugs a shoulder and he bites gently on his lower lip, taking one big sidestep and starting on the next hole. "I'm sorry to hear that. The military doesn't allow for much of a personal life, does it.."
She looks over at him, eyeing the shallow grave, an annoyed sigh leaving her mouth.

"No, we don't have time to dig individuals. I hate to say it, but we have to bury them in multiples, it's the only way we'll be able to get out of here quick enough." She looks down, a small frown on her features. "at least we are able to bury them, even if it doesn't end so pretty." She turns, slamming her shovel into the ground, her muscles tensing as she throws a large pile of dirt to the side. After a few moments, she has a decent sized hole dug, she climbs out reaching out to pull one of the mangled bodies into it. She grunts as it falls into the hole with a dull 'thud'. Turning, she reaches out to drag another over, this time of soft sob escaping her mouth, tears slipping down her face as she continues to place her fallen friend into the hole.
Chron nods slowly. "The only other option is a mass grave. I suppose this will have to be an.. acceptable median." He works alongside Ezra, helping her put bodies into their unmarked graves. And if she could look into his eyes, she could see that they've.. died, to a degree. He has a glassy look to them, but not a lot of emotion on them unlike her nearly-sobbing self. It's alike he's somehow detached himself from all this. Like this was some awful nightmare he's walking through, and he just has to make it to dawn to come back to his senses.

Hours pass and somehow, they haven't been attacked by a roving band of Prykar. The ground has been cleared of their allies' bodies. Areas that werne't turned over for making graves were still stained with blood though, and carrion birds still squacked and circled high overhead. He looks toward the Lance Corporal and he nods toward her. "Let's.. go home.."
After what felt like forever, she turns back to him, her face now blank, eyes hallow.

With a simple nod, she walks over to her bow, setting it over her shoulder. As she walks around, She collects spare arrows, placing them in her makeshift quiver that she'd been carrying since the battle.

After she's done, she walks over to him, standing beside him.

"Yes, let's go." She glances back at the grave for a moment, a cloudy look in her eyes. "Not as though we have much to return to."

Glancing up at him, she observes his face, looking for signs of emotion or reaction. With a small frown, she notices nothing, feeling upset that she couldn't read him. She looks down after a moment, her soft pink hair falling into her eyes, covering the look of contemplation on her face.
It was really a military reaction. Something he's learned when he started having to take lives, was to disconnect. It came in use again, now, it allowed him to remain upright and not crumple down in despair. He draws himself up and he strides forward. "There's home to return to. We don't have friends. But I'd rather stare the future in the eyes than to look behind us." He glances behind him, watching her look down. "If we're going to lose hope. We might as well stay here and wait for them to overcome us again."

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