Other A Lone Buddha/ Martial Artist's path

The Golden Lion

Athena's Loyal Saint
Again I stand before all you a Lone Buddha seeking the universal four truths of awakening,as well my path is always paved with loss,despair,isolation,and always solicitude.  The fact is i've studied since I was ten in swordsmanship my first steps towards becoming submerged in the warrior culture life style. As I'm only someone who reached the seventh sense being devout to Kensho & Satori.  As Kensho is the essensce & nature of awakening to the partial truths of Bodi. That said now Satori is comprehension & understanding these help anyone awaking to the simple truths now,as this partal awakening not the true path.  That is something one most know as they're eight senses five physical & three mental senses.  As the eight is the path or awakening to enlightenment. Now we're going into swordsmanship studies of mental states of Zanshin & Moving Zen,along with obtaining emptiness. That first is a state all should know as this prepares you to counter begining-mid-end of strokes. Next is the Moving Zen a mental state of mastery in Iaido drawing your blade from it's slumber to strike with Judgement cuts.  Lastly is the void or emptiness,as we're non existence/but exist if we understand this simple truth we can become greater warriors/me/women/leaders.  The last truth i'll leave with you is my mental clarity as honed blade. Movements fluid/graceful as water,Striking with ferocity & dynamism of fire,next the foundation & balance of earth in your posture/ Dense & sturdy like metal,and lastyly ever expanding like wood. Now if wanting to know more i'm all simple clearing somethings up is alll

Three warriors

@The Mechanist


@Seth D Inuzuma

As they would know the simple truths behind my statement,being the last of great youtube battle era's/wars. I'm carrying on my brothers of blades/leaders/teachers/and friends legacy. It's a path steeped in chaos as I'm naturally chaotic/cold. Meaning isolation is always there for my mediation is daily,as I'll get back to the universal mantra chant each day along with Kensho & Satori.  

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