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Realistic or Modern π˜’ 𝘭π˜ͺ𝘡𝘡𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘩π˜ͺ𝘭𝘦 β€” t&&d

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"...I'll stay. for a little while." Eric's eyes slowly closed to a slit as he leaned in closer to Heather's face. "I love you Julia..." He could feel the petite woman's breath blanket his lips. Heather whispered back, keeping her voice light and airy. "Antonio... I-I love you too." Heather closed the gap even more, her eyes focusing in on Eric's full lips. Moments before they touched, the raspy voice of an obvious daily smoker cut through the air like a rusty knife. "Okay okay okay! CUT! Cut cut cut!" Eric and Heather recoiled from each other, very clearly frustrated. The raspy voice breached the air again, "What the hell was that?!" The short, bearded man the raspy voice belonged to jumped down from his chair and approached the couple quickly. "Seriously? What the hell guys? This is a film for adults, fucking act like adults! This isn't some sappy teen drama." He focused in on Eric. "And you. Why do I STILL hear your accent coming through? I thought we talked about this? You were doing fine in the scenes earlier. What the hell happened? You can't maintain an American accent for every scene we shoot?! What the fuck am I even paying you for if you can't manage a proper accent for this movie?! You might think you're some kind of hot shot, but I'm not buying it. You got a pretty face, but you're a pretty shit actor you know that? This is why I hate working with you celebrity actors. You never went to school for this shit like I did. You're a fake!" The man finally takes a noticeable breath and Eric looks away in angst. He continued his rant. "Okay, you know what. Take a break. Everyone take a break! I don't know, come back in a hour, maybe pretty boy here will be able to nail down his accent by then." He turns without Eric getting a word in and headed back to the screen crew. "Someone bring me coffee before I rip this man's head off." A nervous intern rushes up to the director, coffee in hand. She mumbles incoherently upon handing it to him. He snatches it up quickly and attempts to take a sip, recoiling and instantly letting out a small yell. "What the fuck?! Are TRYING to kill me? This shit is boiling!" The intern attempts to say she told him it was hot, but the director cuts her off. "You know what, you're done. Get off my set. Someone who knows not to give me lava in a cup, get me some damn coffee. Why are you still standing there?! Get out I said!" The teen girl runs out of the warehouse, face in her hands and crying hysterically.

Walking towards the refreshments table, Heather close behind in tow, Eric stops to grab a water. Heather reaches out and grabs his arm from behind.

"Eric, hey." Eric stops and turns to face Heather, silently raging. Heather continues, "What's up babe? Are you okay?" Her blue eyes searched his face for some sign she could latch onto.

Eric wiped his mouth after chugging just about half of the water in the bottle in one go. "Are you fucking kidding me Heather?"

The blonde girl's arms crossed lazily, one eyebrow raising in confusion. "What?"

"What do you mean 'What?' you heard me. Why are you jumping on my case now too?" Eric screwed the cap back on the water bottle.

"Dude why are you mad at me for asking if you're okay? I just wanted to check on you!" Her brow furrowed and opened her crossed arms, palms facing up. "Why are you being such an ass?! I get it. No one like getting chewed on by Hollywood back alley Gimli over there, but that doesn't give you the right to get mad at me too."

Eric's eyes rolled to the back of his head quickly. "First of all, you don't get to tell me how I can feel. Got it? Second, you can fuck right off with this guilt tripping shit Heather. I told you a long time ago not to try that shit with me. I'm fine. Just back off alright?"

Heather lets out a short chuckle in bewilderment. "Guilt tripping you? Dude you are so high on your ego right now. We are in a relationship, I'm supposed to ask if you're okay when I'm worried about you?!"

"Why are you worried about me? I'm fucking fine. I've been acting basically my entire adult life. I'm allowed to be in a bad mood after a bad scene. And we are hardly in a relationship anyway. Here you go trying to make me feel bad again." Eric turns and begins to walk towards his trailer. "You want to help me? Just give me some space for a while..."

Heather begins to follow him as he leaves. "Do you hear yourself right now? Hardly in a relationship? Did I just imagine the last 8 months?"

Eric laughs. "You know just as well as I do that this relationship is more for the publicity than anything else real."

Heather grabs Eric's arm to stop him from walking again. "Anything real?!" Tears start to swell in the corners of her eyes. "So when I told you I loved you. What was that? That was just fake, huh?"

Eric pushes air out of his mouth as he groans and begins walking again.

"You know. I was okay that you never said it back to me. I love you, I was okay with waiting on you to be ready to say it back. But God damn it. You need to grow up, okay?! You're literally acting like a child right now and it's seriously making me upset." She sighs, shaking her head. "I can't believe you just said this wasn't real..."

Eric stops and walks a couple steps back to her. "Just... just give me some space. I think we need some time apart." Eric's gaze drifts to the side. "I can mange to work with you, don't worry about that. But we, us, this is giving me way more stress than I need right now. So I think we need to step back for a while. Let's just give it a couple days. See how we feel after that..."

Heather rigidly nods, tears dropping from her face. A small laugh escaped her mouth in disbelief. "Whatever." On her heel, Heather turned and headed off to her own trailer. Wiping her face carefully to not mess up her make-up any worse than it was.

After finally reaching his trailer, Eric slumped into his chair and groaned loudly. A small knock was immediately heard at his door. Eric yelled out, "What do you want?!" No one answered. Only another small knock. "Holy fuckkkk. Can I even get a minute to myself?" He stood reluctantly and upon reaching the door, opened it roughly. "What?!" He exclaimed, making eye contact with an intern he's seen running around set before. The young man spoke sheepishly, "Th-they told me to tell you that you have 30 minutes. So sorry for bothering you." Quickly, the man turns from the door and walks briskly back into the set warehouse. Eric shook his head, his eyes widened. He bit down on the tip of his tongue in frustration. "You gotta be kidding me..." Turning back to his trailer, Eric slammed the door and laid on his bed face down. A muffled yell tried it's best to escape his mattress. To no avail.

"I feel like I'm going fucking crazy..."

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mood; annoyed. | location; trailer. | outfit; here.

It was funny: how the universe always found a way to toy with her, one way or another. A fizzled out romance coming back to haunt her once again. That is, if she could consider it just that -- a fizzled out romance. While she thought she’d simply forgotten about it, it was clear that the image of her young love was still embedded into the folds of her memory. Surely, she was happy to see a childhood friend thriving, doing what they loved, improving their craft with every new deal they made. But she couldn’t help but feel… envious? Not of his successes, but purely by the fact that life was going on so well without her.

Life wasn't as forgiving with her, so she popped the occasional pill to forget about it, but they could only do so much. Alcohol and cigarettes were better company, anyways. Violence always found its way around her, whether she liked it or not. And getting involved in Triad activity was the bitter icing on the cake.

Granted, she got out; not as quickly as she liked, but it still happened. All of those nights, wandering in though, questioning why she'd even gotten herself in such a position in the first place, ate at her existence. Just as she thought life was getting worse, he departure from the triad made things easier. She could be normal, but had to occasionally look over her shoulder in paranoia. Would rival triads come for her? Would the 14K, her very own, make an attempt on her life, just for leaving? So many questions rushed around in her head, with little answer.

She was lucky she got her shit together when she could. And even luckier someone was even willing to pick her up -- the power of having solid contacts in a dog eat dog world. For a while, even after celebrating her break from the triad, she felt lost. Did she really belong anywhere? Or was leaving the triad a mistake? No, no. It wasn't a mistake. It couldn't have been. She got out unscathed, so maybe the universe decided to give her a gift. A comfortable job as a bodyguard at a company that actually gave a shit. The pay was good, as were the benefits, which wasn't something to overlook. And while it didn't seem like much, it felt right.

Being able to do what she did best, enforce and protect, right? Keep people out of harm's way, specifically pesky paparazzi.

Unfortunately for her, the stars she came across weren't always friendly. Most were stuck up snobs who looked down on her, pushing her buttons whenever they could. She could only do so much without blowing up, and luckily, nobody was able to come across that wrath. Not yet, anyways.

Thick smoke filled her lungs, each breath drawing another cloud; the unsavory scent of tobacco attacked her sense of smell, and yet, she continued on with her habit. Her calloused fingers reached for the cigarette, lips lightly wrapped around them as she drew in another breath. It hit her throat, but she didn't cough. She summoned as much power not to. "Hey! Zhang, 'ya ready? Heard this one's gonna be a big one," a colleague of hers nudged her enthusiastically, taking a comfortable spot next to her. Clad in their issued uniforms, the two sat there, both now with smokes. Was it against policy? Maybe, but it didn't matter.

"What'cha thinkin' about, eh? Excited to meet the big stars? I know I am," he snorted once again, letting out struggled coughs after taking a draw from his cigarette. It was comical, seeing a big man like that struggle to keep in the smoke, in contrast to her smaller body.

Right. Big stars.

Eric Alders, hometown wonder boy. The talk of the town. Just when she thought she escaped that memory's grasp, it had to pop up again. There was no way the universe was forgiving her for the shit she did, not with something like this. "Right, yeah. Sure," Suvi made an attempt at a joyful tone, which only fell flat. He could tell, she could tell, almost everyone there could tell. "Y'know, I don't get the big deal. They're just some actors, nothin' special," she tried to play it off, something she was successful with.

"What? Just some actor? You gotta be kiddin' me! He's Eric-fuckin-Alders! She's Heather-fuckin-Taes! Young legends, I'm serious. They're big," the man hopped from his position, sounding almost offended by Suvi's comment. Was he really that passionate about two celebrities he's never met before? Talk about fanaticism. He must've taken the job just to work with famous people, no doubt about it. "And I mean big! Seriously, these people are top tier," quickly, his cigarette leapt from his lips, meeting the ground. His left foot stomped on it, putting the stick out immediately, with Suvi doing the same. It was time to go in, maybe introduce themselves. Who knew, but Suvi wasn't looking forward to it.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get goin'," her head shook at him before quickly entering the warehouse.

Just as they'd began to settle into the place, which was unbearably cold, the door flew open. A distraught looking Eric. He didn't look too happy, something must've happened. Or maybe it was the constant pressure of being on set. Either way, it wasn't like she was going to pry. Her coworker was about to approach, but before he could, Eric turned away. He left, looking like he was about to throw the biggest tantrum. "And there he goes, gone with the wind," she let out a sharp chuckle before shaking her head. The slamming of the door didn't help, in fact, it made everything worse.

She scanned the faces of the employees on set. Some looked pale, others looked confused, most looked annoyed. But that was part of the business, dealing with people that weren't easy to deal with. He'd help them rake in the money, and they'd get paid big bucks. Attitude didn't matter much. "Someone go get him! He's causin' a scene!" A woman's voice rang through the warehouse, ordering for someone to collect the actor before their time was wasted.

"Wonder what that was about. Like, once he saw us, just... BAM! Gone," the coworker shook her head, leaning an elbow on Suvi's shoulder for support; he had to bend slightly, given their differences in height, but he still did it. "I'll tell 'ya, these actors..." his voice trailed off as a man approached them. Clearing his throat, his stood back up again, straightening himself before giving a soft nod.

The man that approached looked... angry. His beard was raggedy, and the lines under his eyes were an indicator of little sleep. Like everyone else in the warehouse, he was frustrated beyond belief.

Please don't make us get him. Please.

"You two! You're body guards, yeah? Bring your bodies, and get him back out here!"

His voice was commanding, annoying; breath reeking in... god what was that? "Yes sir!" Suvi's coworker responded, dragging her with him. His pace was quick, which took her a while to catch up with it, but she eventually did. What else did they want them to do? Get 'em coffees? This wasn't in the job description. She wasn't some lackey they could boss around, they had assistants and interns for that shit. She was a body guard, for fuck's sake. "Y'know? This might be our chance to talk to a real star. Look alive, Zhang, look alive!" Once again, his enthusiastic tone rang in her ears.

Approaching Eric's trailer wasn't easy. Maybe it was the nerves or the fact that there was the tiny inkling that she didn't want to see him, but she walked at a slower pace then before. Only then did her coworker drag her again. He questioned her movements, but the curiosity quickly vanished once he knocked on the trailer door. "Heya, Mr. Alders? Big boss -- he said to bring 'ya back. We're with Victas Security, y'know... bodyguards n' all," it was like he was drawing out his statement, wanting every bit of it to linger. Maybe he stood there a bit too long. Suvi could feel the tension building up, enough to drive her crazy. But, like usual, she kept it in. And unfortunately for her, she'd keep bottling it.

"How 'bout you try it, eh, Zhang? He might be nicer, you're a lil' lady," he teased her, but most of it was serious. The look on his face was filled with worry, and she didn't blame him.

"Right. A lil' lady, eh? You owe me, Solozano," another sharp huff left her lips as she, unapologetically, opened the door. Holding it open, she leaned against it, arms crossed against her chest. "Alright, alright. C'mon. 'Ya better get back out there, them's the boss' orders."
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Eric awoke from the short nap he had drifted into. It was an abrupt awakening only to be greeted by a woman covered in tattoos demanding he head back to set. Groaning, he rolled onto his back and sat up. Immediately making bloodshot eye contact with the Asian leaning in his doorway. The beaming sunlight essentially blinded him and he squinted, swatting aggressively at her. "Who the hell are you?" He stood and stretched. "You know what, never mind, it's not important." Eric moved to his mini sink and ran some warm water, splashing it onto his face. Staring in the mirror at himself wasn't the best idea, he decided. Also, splashing water was a dumb thing to do. Now he'd have to get chewed out by make-up and have to get it fixed up for the scene. He completely forgot he was mid scene. Feeling unfocused and disoriented after his nap, he walked past the woman at his door. Something about her was familiar, but he wasn't sure what. Eric assumed she had just worked on set for one of his previous movies or something. Eric made a short hop out of his trailer to the pavement and glanced back at the woman. "You know, I can't quite put my finger on it, but you seem familiar to me. You must've worked on one of my sets before. I bet you're tired of dealing with my shit, eh?"

After making it back to set, Eric and Heather didn't speak much outside of what they needed to for the scene. He was able to get his American accent back on focus and preformed the scene as expected. It was no Oscar worthy performance, but then again, it's not like this film was going to be nominated for any Oscars anyway. He was mainly here for the onscreen synergy between him and Heather. Though their offscreen synergy was in jeopardy, they were professionals in their craft and were able to make it work for the camera.

Once his scenes were done for the day, Eric wasn't really sure what he wanted to do with himself. Normally Heather would make plans for them to go somewhere and be seen, but since they weren't particularly on speaking terms that wasn't going to happen. Heading back out to his car in the parking deck, Eric heard noise coming from someone else nearby. He planned to ignore it and walk by like he usually does, but he heard a lighter and saw a small puff of smoke come from behind one of the concrete pillars. Curious, Eric went a bit out of his way in the path to his car. As he got closer, he was able to pick up a hint of weed in the air. His eyebrow raised and turned his head as he passed the pillar. His gait slowing once he recognized the woman from his trailer earlier. He stopped, taking a couple steps closer out of curiosity. "Yo, your company let's you lot smoke skunk? Don't tell me I have to report you to your superior..." He teased. "Unless... I guess I could keep my mouth shut if you shared a bit."

Eric admitted to himself the woman was intriguing. There was something about the air around her. Her presence was without a doubt, alluring. Heather in the back of his mind, he sought out to find why she was so attractive to him.

mood; annoyed. | location; trailer. | outfit; here.
The air felt thick with exhaustion and, unfortunately, annoyance from both parties. His response was bratty, something that she couldn't stand; star in a few films and suddenly, he thinks he's hot shit. However, the woman had somewhat expected it β€” actors weren't the most pleasant of people, but she held on. It was her job, something she had to deal with for as long as she could, even if it killed her on the inside. With a raised brow, her eyes followed his movements: disappearing towards a sink, splashing himself awake. Her patience was wearing thin, watching as the man stared at himself, most likely in awe of his looks which weren't particularly striking. And once again, after his longing look at himself, the man pulled himself away.

His state looked disoriented to say the least, but at least he'd gotten up, but not without questioning who she was. To her, it wasn't much of a surprise, the transformation from their younger years to now was drastic; a once lively, bare-skinned, radiant young woman turned tired and cold, with the additional tattoos that adorned her skin. What was once raven-black hair was now lightly colored, thanks to the power of bleach and ammonia-filled products that, surprisingly, hadn't left her hair screaming for moisture.

"You know, I can't quite put my finger on it, but you seem familiar to me. You must've worked on one of my sets before. I bet you're tired of dealing with my shit, eh?"

That surely solidified the idea.

"Me? Nah. Never even heard of you before," Suvi responded with a quick shake of the head, denying his statement. Of course, it pained her to see he didn't recognize her, but again, with the shift in appearance, it wasn't a surprise. She wanted to yell at him, but it wouldn't do much, would it? So, she opted for a different approach. Act like she didn't know him, didn't know of him; the woman was only there for cash and livelihood, not to make friends. Or reconnect. Her coworker looked at her in bewilderment, astonished by the fact that the words had even left her lips, but he couldn't say anything with the actor around β€” no matter how much he wanted to. Addressing it would've stirred something up, which was never a good idea.

Their bodies made it back to the cold set, dark brown orbs following Eric. For someone that was working with his significant other, he didn't seem quite thrilled. She could feel the tension, how strained the air was, and she was sure that everyone else in the building could feel it, too. "Zhang, you serious? That was β€” why'd you lie? I mean, you've heard of the guy before," his voice was filled with confusion β€” mostly β€” with a sprinkle of intrigue.

"Right. Had to knock him down a notch, that's all," the response was prompt and to the point. It was truthful, unlike the prior comment she'd made at the trailer. "Now shush, they're actin'."

They knew how to fake the on-screen heat, which was impressive, but it didn't take away from the fact that their performance was underwhelming to her. A few passes of scenes, each with applause ringing between each set of successful lines, made her cringe; the fact that they'd forced their chemistry made her want to recoil. Of course, viewers wouldn't have seen how obvious it was. With Suvi's front-row seat watching their interactions, it amazed her how anyone could buy it.

The couple didn't seem to talk. Rather, they made it obvious that they weren't on speaking terms. One wasn't pining after the other, which lead her to believe the state of their relationship was rocky, but who was she to do anything about it? It wasn't her business, even if it involved someone she knew, and she didn't want to get herself wound up into it. Her lips were sealed, but the actions were noted. The woman's thoughts, however, were constantly interrupted by an overly enthusiastic man who seemed far too fond of them to realize that the two were suffering.

She couldn't bear another second of seeing them like that, and luckily, it was like her prayers were answered. With no scenes left to perform, everyone was left to themselves; leaving the set, cleaning up, whatever their tasks may be. In Suvi's case, she had to keep protecting. She and Solozano snuck off, knowing that they wouldn't have been needed β€” at least, not yet. A smoke was in order and who was she to refuse.

"That was great, right?! I mean, look at 'em!" Solozano snorted, taking a drag from the blunt that nestled itself in his thick fingers. They hid from most people, behind cold concrete pillars that shrouded their bodies to an extent. "They were good, and I mean... good," he fawned over them, oblivious to what Suvi was able to perceive. But he could feel something was off; he couldn't put a finger on it, but something was there. Her presence was different, the expression on her face was indicative of her being lost in thought. Though, there wasn't much thinking other than wanting to already get out of this job.

The blunt was passed to her, to which she accepted. It was needed and she was grateful Solozano could see it.

"Sure, yeah. They wereβ€”" She was cut off, eyes widened by the sudden appearance of Eric. Her coworker seemed just as surprised, if not more, but the look on his face quickly changed to a bright smile, delighted to see the face of the man on screen. Eric's tone poked fun, but she wanted to deny having him join them. But before she could answer, Solozano had already done so for them.

He was chipper, giving Suvi a nudge, "we're always down to share with 'ya, sir."

God dammit.

"I guess, yeah. Don't snitch. Seriously," her hand reached the blunt out towards the actor, eyes barely making any contact with his, refusing to do so. It was like her body stiffened up, but not to the extent of it being obvious. "You always pop up outta nowhere like that? Is that your thing?"
Aside from being an asshole?
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