A Legendary Man


Two Thousand Club
This is going to be our Ironman Rp.

@Tony the Tiger, @Skev Keensorth, @Nerdygeekflower


As the sun was high in the sky, William was soaring over the city. His new suit provided a lot of advantages and he was using some to scour the city. He was on the lookout for the two most wanted people. Stopping for a minute, William scanned the area for any out of the normal heat signatures.

"Where could these fugitives be hiding?" William spoke out to his suit.

"Not sure William. They have to be somewhere." His suit spoke back to him.

Turning his head slightly, he looked over the city and wondered about the entire situation.
Steve fully dressed in Captain America outfit minus his mask was busy running through the city, his shield firmly gripped in his hand as he rolled across the street and hid in a alleyway. Shield had given him a mission on scouting out the fugitives. Steve slightly growled at the thought, Loki had won and taken over the city he called his home. New York was nothing but an abandoned wreaked city, though most people still lived here. Either imprisoned in their homes or having their minds being taken over.

Steve leaned up against the bricks of the tall building behind him, as he glanced up at the sky. Saddened as even the sky itself looked hopeless, but than his eyes caught a glimpse of something. He covered his eyes with his hand squinting, it was something reflecting the sun. He squinted more as he realized what it was. "Stark!" He growled to himself as he ran across the street an began climbing the side of a building.

Pushing off the building as he jumped onto the roof he saw Stark fly by. He carefully pulled his arm back waiting for the right moment until...He threw his shield full strength at Stark's head watching him flip through the air as he crashed into a building. Steve smirked, as his shield returned to him and carefully jumped off the building and ran through the street looking for where Stark had crashed.
Before his sensor's could warn him off the attack, but the contents of the shield masked it until the last very second. As it hit his head, his systems went offline for a split second, but that was enough time to take him out of the air. As he flipped and fell through the air, William soon hit the side of the building before crashing into the ground.

"What the hell was that?" William spoke out as he rolled over and got back up to his feet.

Standing up, William thought that he was just attacked by what he thought was an alternate suit from Stark, but what it was like, was far too small to be that, and he just looked around the alley way that he stood in. Activating his armor's defenses, William brought his hands up and activated his repulsors. Unlike Stark's armors, William's was placed upon the wrists.
Steve continued to run until he saw Stark in an alleyway, he squinted his eyes once more as he saw Stark playing with his wrist. Knowing he probably had some defense mode, Steve quickly ran back down the street and climbed the building across from he alleyway. Stepping onto the roof, he turned around and could see Stark's defense weapons appearing. He eyed each one, and quickly formed a plan to get rid of each one. Once his defenses were lowered he could go in for an attack.

He brought his arm back once more and threw his shield at Stark, before jumping off the building and towards him. If he could rid the weapons from a close range he could also have a better chance of fighting Stark hand to hand, as he got closer he decided to attack Stark from behind. He was approaching fast now as he jumped into the air and caught his shield, he was preparing to hit Stark with his shield once more.

But before Steve could attack, he saw Stark quickly turn around pointing his wrist at him. Before he could use his shield to block the blast, he was hit by Stark's weapon. Feeling the heat of it melt his uniform as he was smashed into a nearby building. He hit the ground with a hard thud, as he lay in broken pieces of wood and glass. He quickly rolled over on his knees as he heard the footsteps of Stark approaching and scanned the area for his shield. If he could find it, he could defend himself with it.
Walking through the wall that he blasted the man through, William looked and scanned the room. He was unsure of this man and he only caught a glimpse of him. He only seen that the man was fast and agile, and he had to find a way around that.

"Who are you?" William spoke out into the dust cloud that was the room.

His scanners were a bit slow at reading the situation, but his armor was pretty tough. He knew he could take the hits, but he was unsure if he had to blast his way to get answers. Powering his repulsors up again, he pointed them into the room.

"Why did you attack me! Are you working for Loki!" William called out as he kept his distance, staying within leaping distance of the whole in the wall.
Tony advanced on Steve ignoring the shouts. "This is wrong." The helmet went up, showing unnaturally blue eyes. "Loki is right. We need to go with him. He has shown me so much." He looked at his hand. "And if you can't live by the rules that master gives, then you can't be here." Stark pointed his wrist at Steve, "And you should know what that means, Capsicle." He smirked, the laser coming up from his wrist. "Goodbye." The laser started heating, turning brighter. The mask came down, and Tony smiled behind the mask.
(( WAIT, where the heck is everyone? Is steve now fighting stark, even though i was the one that was there? Are we just randomly going to post in spots where the characters are? I figured that Steve had made the mistake of assuming William's suit was one of Stark's suits. We need to get some order since we are only like 6 posts in and it seems to be all jumbled. ))

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