A Late Hello


The Void Prophetess
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This may be a tad belated, but better late than never, right?


You all can call me Soli or Eve, and I am in my early twenties. Typical adult who went off to school, got a degree, and is now working in retail completely unrelated to the degree. Enjoy the work, but man does it sting the pride. I have been roleplaying for about eight-nine years on and off. Took about a nine-month hiatus after a rather horrible roleplay experience. Alas, my weary soul sings for creative writing with partners and I stumbled my way onto this site.

When I am not working or writing I do have other hobbies and such. Currently making my way through the Dark Souls franchise while I wait for Animal Crossing to come onto the damn Switch already (completed One and working my way through Two). Studying Russian as I hope to visit Russia within the next year or two. Python coding has been my primary focus for studying but have yet to learn enough to do anything with it. Hope to pick up C# when I get further along in Python. Sometimes I dabble in whittling, but that's mainly the summer months.

I hope to get to know plenty of you's while I am here and hope to have the privilege to collaborate a story with you all someday. <3
Vanira Vanira
My name is deianeira deianeira , it's nice to meet you!

First of all, welcome to the site! I hope you'll find better partners and groups here; bad experiences with something you love is never a fun ordeal!

Is there any particular reason you want to visit Russia? I've never been out of the US, but certain pictures of the architecture there are gorgeous.
Nice to meet you deianeira deianeira !

Despite the current political climate with North America and Russia, I've always been in love with the culture there. The architect is beautiful, and as a lover of history would love to see Volgograd (back then called Stalingrad) to see one of the sites of a major battle during World War 2. Plus to visit a long time internet friend. ^.^

F Finalbeta thank you for the warm wishes as well!

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