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Fantasy A Journey Across The 7 Nations Sign-Up Sheet



Cant hold a relationship for longer then 2 months
Ad Astra Abyssoque! Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild!
We need you to fill out this registration form before you continue with your journey!
Nicknames/Titles: (Ex. Jean with The Dandelion Knight or Venti with Tone-Deaf Bard)
Affiliation: (Occupation/Organization. Ex. Tartaglia, Fatui. Amber, Knights of Favonius. Certain Affiliations are exclusive to certain nations so keep that in mind! If none, simply put their Nation)
Nation: (Monstadt (Germany), Liyue (China), Inazuma (Japan), Sumeru (India), Snezhnaya (Russia), Natlan (Pre-Columbian America), Fontaine (France) )
Vision: (Pyro (Fire), Hydro (Water), Electro (Lightning), Dendro (Nature), Geo (Earth), Cryo (Ice) )
Weapon: (Sword, Claymore, Bow, Catalyst (Magical Book or Apparatus), Polearm (Spear) )

Expedition Talent: (A talent not related to the rest of your skillset. Ex. The ability to see native resources to your nation, a chance to make extra dishes, or making certain actions consume less stamina (for the sake of not having 1000 deaths we'll say stamina talents just make those actions faster) )
Alternate Sprint: (Optional. When running, you can gain a special effect. Ex. Temporarily becoming invunerable, or be able to run across water.)
Elemental Skill: (A skill you can use whenever you wish, as long as its not on cooldown. This can be anything that can cause some form of buff or elemental damage. Ex. Jean's Gale Blade or Chongyun's Ice Circle.)
Elemental Skill Cooldown: (NOT Optional. The more powerful/useful the skill is, the longer the cooldown.)
Elemental Burst: (Basically an ultimate. This requires 40 energy to use. It can either be supportive or offensive (or both if your feeling spicy). Keep in mind all Elemental Bursts will have the same 11 second cooldown.)

1. No Archons. The Archons idenities (for the most part) have already been established.
2. Characters are allowed to communicate threw letters if they are from different regions, under no circumstances will texting/calling be used. This is fantasy times, not the modern era.
3. 3 character limit. We don't want like 4 people and like 200 million characters.)
4. No being related to canon characters.
5. Please make the names match up with the regions. I don't want someone in Liyue to be named Chaz
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